Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2026185-A-Mannequin-Life
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #2026185
A man becomes a model though not how he thinks.
Have you ever wanted to be a model but just didn't have the body for it? Well I'm looking for models of every shape, size, and color. If you would like to be a model come to the address below. No prior modeling experience necessary.

I looked at the ad in the paper again. I had been searching for a job and this just seemed too good to be true. I knew that modeling paid pretty good though that was for those that had the body for modeling. I just had to wonder how much models with other body types would make. Well I guess there was only one way to find out.

Arriving at the address I gave the receptionist my name and said I was interested in being a model. After a short wait a man came out and greeted me saying, "I'm Hank Horner and I understand that you want to be a model." To me he looked like he was about 38, slightly taller than me so that would have put him at a little over 68 inches, tan skin, brown eyes, and short black hair.

"Yes I'm interested in being a model," I said with a slight smile. "Modeling always sounded interesting to me though I've always been a little shy about my body."

Hank nodded saying, "And I bet you thought that your body wasn't good enough to be a model."

"Well that's true too," I said looking down a bit. I had been pretty skinny through school though after high school I started gaining some weight for some unknown reason.

"Well I'm looking for models that aren't your typical models," Hank said putting an arm around me in a friendly gesture. "Come into the back and we can get started if you like."

As we walked to the back I said, "There's something that I need to know before we begin. I need to know how much I'll be paid."

"Oh you don't have to worry about money too much," Hank said with a little smile. "Though if you really want to know I pay $32,000 per year to start. That works out to a little over $600 per week. All my models have a two year contract with the option of re-signing for two more years after each contract expires."

I nodded thinking that $600 per week would be really good right now. A two year contract would be so great as well. I just hoped that I would like modeling as I'm sure there would be a big penalty for breaking the contract. "Well sounds good," I said looking around the back. I noticed two mannequins so I asked, "Why are there a couple mannequins here?"

"Oh that's what you'll be modeling for," Hank said leading me into an office. He sat down at his desk and pulled out some paperwork which I assumed to be the contract and said, "You will be used for the length of this contract and you will be paid on a weekly basis. I just need some info and for you to sign this then we can get started."

The info I had to provide was pretty standard stuff and it seemed they only did direct deposit so I had to have a voided check which I did bring with me. When I read the contract it mentioned that I would be a mannequin for two years and after I did have the option to sign another two year contract. I figured that it meant that the mannequin I would be modeling for would be used for those two years. Thinking that I signed the contract noting that I would have to pay a huge fine for breaking it though how I would break it I had no idea. "There," I said handing the contract back to Hank.

Hank smiled as he took the contract and said, "Now I hope you can start right away."

"I wasn't expecting to start right away but I can," I said a little stunned.

As Hank led me out of the office and past the mannequins he said, "It's a shame that I haven't found anyone willing to model for a girl mannequin." After a moments pause he turned to me and asked, "Would you consider being the model for the girl mannequin?"

This caught me off guard asI hadn't considered it but now I did. I didn't think it would really work that well but it might be interesting to see what Hank comes up with. With a shrug I said, "Sure. It would be interesting to see what the mannequin looks like in the end."

"You've just made my day," Hank said with a big smile. We headed into a little screened off area and he said, "Now this might be a bit embarrassing but I need you to take off all your clothes. I need to see your whole body in order to make the mannequin."

It was going to be a bit embarrassing but I did sign the contract so unless I wanted to pay that huge fine I would need to strip. Once I was fully stripped Hank sprayed something in my face. I wasn't prepared for it and inhaled some of it and I know some of it got into my mouth. After a little coughing fit I asked, "What was that for?"

"Well it's a lot easier to transform you into a mannequin if you're not moving around," Hank said with a little shrug.

"What do you mean?" I asked and then felt myself start to go limp.

Hank caught me and placed me on a table saying, "You're going to become a girl mannequin for two years. You've heard about some people becoming creeped out by some mannequins. Well that's because those mannequins were actually people and the people who get creeped out by them actually sense that on an unconscious level."

"Someone will notice I'm missing," I said slurring the words a bit. I didn't even think about the absurdity of his words.

"Of course someone will notice you're missing," Hank said in a reproachful voice. "I'm sure you've heard about the people that go missing every year. They end up becoming mannequins. Of course the police do investigate but there are those high up that do know what actually happen and come up with a story for the people. Now it's time to start your transformation."

I couldn't say or do anything as Hank took something that looked like electric clippers and began removing all the hair on me. It was kind of a pleasant experience with a tingling warmth and gentle pulling sensation. He even removed my eyebrows and eyelashes. When he was done with my front he flipped me over to do my backside. As soon as that was done he sprayed something onto my backside and it immediately began to feel weird. He flipped me over again and sprayed my front which began to feel just as weird as my back. I saw him smile as he brought a pair of tweezers close to my eye and then into it. As he withdrew it I lost sight in that eye but with my other I saw something that looked like a contact lens being lifted away. The process was repeated on my other eye and now I was blind. I then felt parts of my body being taken away, especially the part which had indicated I was a boy at birth. I don't know how long it was as I just laid there while he molded me into what he wanted. Eventually I felt something press into my eye and I was able to see out of it again. I saw him with another contact lens looking thing and he placed it in my other eye pushing it in. I was glad that I could see again but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing. He sprayed me again and I could feel myself harden a bit then he began posing me before moving me over to a mannequin stand and making a little hole in my leg for the calf rod. He stood me up and made a few more adjustments to my pose before taking what looked to be a scalpel and cutting into my body at certain places; my waist, just above my wrists, straight up and down cuts from armpits to top of shoulders, and an angled cut on the top of the leg that didn't have the hole in it so that area would look almost like a bikini from what I could feel. He sprayed me again and I felt myself harden some more and a curious sensation as something formed inside the cuts. He put a wig on me from behind so I couldn't see what color it was and fastened it with some sort of liquid then he put eyebrows on me and eyelashes.

Finally Hank was done and said, "You look great." He wheeled a mirror in front of me so I could see what I looked like. There was no mistaking me for anything other than a girl mannequin with the brown french braided hair that came to mid back on me and green eyes which were a bit brighter than my old eyes. after a few moments he moved me out to the other two mannequins who I'm sure had been human as well before. He took out some sort of pen and began writing on a plaque saying, "Height 51 inches, head 20 inches, shoulders 15 inches, chest 26 inches, waist 21 inches, hips 26 inches, heel one inch, shoe size girls 13, approximate age represented by mannequin 8." He smiled at me and said, "Now I just need one more to complete this order." A little buzzing came from a pocket and he took out a phone smiling when he saw the message on it. "Well looks like I'll be able to complete the order today."

Hank left and after a few minutes came back with a girl who looked to be about eighteen. I wanted to warn her but there was nothing I could do. Soon she was heading back with Hank and it seemed to take hours before he brought out another mannequin though this one was clearly a boy and from what Hank said he was approximately 12 years old.

With a satisfied look on his face Hank began to disassemble each of us putting us in shipping crates. Now all I had to l had to look forward to was finding out what store we were being sent to and how we would be dressed over the next two years.

Note: I will be adding on to this story. I had stopped here because I was unsure how much I could write and stay within the size limit.
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