Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036142-A-Monkeys-Butt
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Adult · #2036142
18++ a poem that goes nowhere quick, very offensive, but based on a true event. Enjoy? LOL

-A Monkey’s Butt-
by Keaton Foster
18+ Gross and Offensive for sure, based off true event at zoo.
*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

Crying uncle
Think about it
The gene pool
Sure shallow
Be this animal
I know mammal
Easy killer
It is just a poem
You got it
Right on
Its highbrow art
Or lowbrow farts
Its semi smart
Or really stupid
Maybe all of the
Above for mentioned
This verse
Is about eating crap
Directly from the source
So please put away
You’re scientific
Version of Wikipedia
And ponder
Which came first
The chicken
Or the egg
The monkey
Or the man
Same diff
Lame logic
Why even ask
I know right
It of course will be
Regardless indeed
All of us
Hanging from trees
Look right here
See me
I’m better
Than the last
Simian you saw
Plump in size
Can’t rape
Those so willing
It’s not a joke
More of a reference
Keep your shirts on
That wife beater tee
And that halter top
Do not count as shirts
Eating shit
From of a monkey’s ass
There I said it
Before you exit
Stage left
Let me be clear
Adding Fluidity
To this waste
Is indeed this case
But if you stick
Or should I say
Lick with it
The point to be made
Will lighten all weight
Allowing you to think
Beyond comfort
In this abyss of nonsense
My professional arena
Where even lemmings
Yes I kinda mean you
Receive special treatment
This ode came to be
Via my twisted need
I was at the local zoo
Ogling chimpanzees
Are redundancies
Comes from all life
And some death
It’s everywhere and nothing
It’s something and nothing
I said that twice on purpose
Got that
This is a circle jerk
And you my friend
Are the pivot man
In the present and past
I’ve been inspired
By drying paint
I’ve been transfixed
By watching others
Do absolutely nothing
It’s just one of my things
Here, at the zoo
Or as I like to call it
My relatives place
There was a man
Clearly one
Of very strong faith
He wore a wooden cross
If you will
He was speaking
Of God’s true word
To his nubile son
He prognosticated
That God created
All living creatures
And that all his creations
Had without question
An undeniable purpose
And there
Without a real care
Certain he was right
He opened the door
Laying down the gauntlet
For little ole me
Via such proximity
I felt that he was somehow
Daring me to add my two cents
So like a shark in a tank
Like a wolf in the dark
Ready I was to pounce
The perfect cue
Would come via his son
He replied and asked
Not only opening
The door wider
But breaking that bitch down
His son said, dear father
You say our God above
Created these monkeys
For a man of such faith
His answer seemed simple
Too simple in fact
He said my son
Our gracious God above
The master of us all
Created these monkeys
The ones right here before you
He created them
With a very specific purpose
One as clear as day
One as perfect as rain
He created them
So that humankind
Could see that he, God
Was masterful in his ideas
He wanted to make beings
Lesser then us
So that we could further
Appreciate all of his gifts
These monkeys are just a step
One of infinitely many
That leads back to him
And his immeasurable wisdom
And precise craftsmanship
Letting him know
That I heard
The conversation
I was not part of
I shouted can a brother
Get an AMEN
Then even quicker
Maybe spoiling the moment
Maybe shattering his idealism
I saw something puzzling
Hey kind sir, and blessed child
Look over there
That one monkey
Created by God above
Is eating shit directly from
The other monkey’s ass
The son screamed
The father cried out
As he covered his sons eyes
I was quick to add
That shit eating monkey
Kinda ruined it for ya
Didn’t he?

A Monkeys Butt
Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2015.

© Copyright 2015 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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