Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036675-Fartball-Queen
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2036675
Repost from DA
My name is Rebecca, or Becky for short. I'm Captain (and star) of my high school girls' rugby team. I'm also, by far and wide, the biggest girl on the team, in the school - and probably in all of Wales! I'm not talking just stocky. I'm fat. So fat that my tummy bounces high in the air and my sides jiggle everytime I lunge; my thighs are so thick with blubber, that they chafe everytime I run. And my arse is so wide and round, it's like I'm bouncing balls off my butt. Of course, my boobies are just as lethal. No obese girl sports bra can contain how boisterous they are... they're more unruly than my ginger-brown hair. You might ask how I can even play carrying 22 stones, or 310 pounds of lard on a 5'10" frame. Well, the nature of the sport helps. It lends itself to people with a lot of momentum. What helps still, is that underneath all this flab, is all the muscle that carries it. I can't run very fast, but I have a big, strong fat girl heart, and I sure can sprint and tackle. And none can tackle me - not only am I too heavy and too bouncy to tackle, as you might possibly imagine, I also get very, very sweaty. For sure, I do get out of breath and pant a lot, but god help every girl who tries to get a hold on my flabby gut, thinking it will be an easy handle; woe betide any lass who grabs my legs. They slip off my sweaty blubber every time, landing themselves face down in the mud. I'm so proud. Our team is pretty nigh unstoppable, thanks to me. Rival teams loathe and fear us - me, especially.

It's not just my unstoppable mass that they fear. If I slip and fall, I can easily put other girls out of commission for days, weeks, and even months! Once, and this was when I was a few stones lighter, I slipped in the mud and fell flat on my bum right on another girl's face! I heard the sickening crunch right underneath me as her nose broke. I got in quite a bit of trouble for that, but ultimately I got off clean. There's no official weight limit, after all, so I can eat as many pork pies as I want. This porker can play.
Then there's my smell. my sweat gets rancid, especially in summer, during a long game! My pits and crotch smell terrible, and so does my belly, especially inbetween my folds. When I get sweaty, I stink worse than the entire boys' team! My arse is by far the smelliest part of me. It smelt back when I broke that girl's nose, but it smells horrible, now. The sweat and grease alone make any girl unlucky enough to be my landing pad gag and plead me to get off; the unluckiest of all find themselves inhaling thick, greasy farts. A few girls have passed out from the ordeal. Oh, and I don't wipe. Of course this kind of embarrasses me, but I do enjoy my reputation. My team love me - to the point that they'll hug and kiss my fat, sweaty tummy whenever we score a big win! They still complain whenever I let off a nasty stink bomb in the changing rooms, of course.

How could I not fart so much, when I eat like a grown man-- and a very grown one at that! They know me well at the local carvery. I eat meat with every meal, and lots of it. I love my bangers and mash, my pies, and my sunday roast. Oh, and I'm not picky about it - I eat everything. Meat, potatoes, veg, gravy; I always go for seconds, and I'm not fussy about leftovers!


"A 300 pound Gorilla versus Becky? No contest, Becky would win!" Some girls giggle after our match. It makes me blush ever so slightly. There's Iris, Sam, and Emi. Some of the most popular - and athletic - girls on the team. Yeah, I weigh more than the three of them put together. Probably more than half my team, even! It's just as I pass them that I feel my tummy groan again. My bowels are so very full today. Jam-packed with last night's curry. Sparing the girls the putrid, wet farts I'm about to unleash, I rush into a toilet cubicle, plonking my arse - fat, sweaty, and chafing - right onto the groaning seat. It all comes out at once. I was more desperate than I thought.The explosion of gas, muck, and pee is a storm in the pan, and I feel the splash of filth all over my butt. The smell of rotten spices is gag-worthy. More than a little bit of that filth now covers the side of my arse too.

Of course, these are my own private thoughts. Even I would die of shame if anyone knew that I'm just as filthy on the inside, as I am on the outside! I really love going to the toilet, I have to admit that to myself. Maybe that's half the reason I'm such a glutton. I love the feeling pushing out a huge log that's been festering inside my gut.

Feeling relieved and rather excited, I grab my bag, still wearing my muddied rugby kit. I have a meeting with the principal. I'm a naughty delinquent, it seems. What will he have in store for me this time? And it seems I'm late. Maybe I took a bit longer in the loo than I thought. My arse feels so sweaty and filthy, good thing I'm all muddy from the match, or it'd be a right scandal.


Wow... what did that girl eat? That smells absolutely horrid. So filthy the smell will linger until tea-time. She's a fucking disgusting farm animal, I think to myself, as I catch a whiff of the mess she's made, most pungent and gut-wrenching.The product of a beached whale who just happens to be good at rugby. One day, I'll...


Even with my muscular legs, I'm not quite immune to stairs. I'm even sweatier as I huff and puff my way up to the second floor. "Maybe I should take the lift next time", I think out loud, panting, patting my gut which is the cause of my vertical struggle. I let off a silent fart. Thanks, tummy. I needed that. And just as I'm hungry. Well, here goes. I open the door, ready for my punishment... I leap into the principal's arms, making him groan loudly, "Daddy!" I say as my tremendous arms and gut squish him tight.

"Hello my princess, ahhh... buoyant as ever," he kisses my cheek and gives my butt a squeeze. A big fat squeeze.

"I love it when you do that," I reply. "Daddy, I'm dirty again. Can you give me a look? And sorry I just farted..." I blush slightly. His big hands do that. Daddy is tall enough he can reach almost all around my obese body.

"And you know I love it when you do that, Becky. You take good care of your food." Now, those same big, manly hands reach around my massive belly again, stretching to my waist. And he pulls at my pantyshorts, and my panties underneath. "Tsk tsk, they're all brown." He smirks and kisses my cheek again. "If you want me to clean you, you'll have to clean me first." He squeezes my boobs, straining my bra.

"Okay, Daddy." I obey my father like a greedy piggy, letting his cock deep within my throat. This is as my panties are around my ankles, the filth for both of us to see. And when he's satisfied, I swallow his generous, salty load whole, licking my lips clean of the frothy overflow. "Thank you Daddy... now will you clean me up?" My next, very noisy fart is no accident.

Daddy spanks my bum in retaliation. "Behave," he says firmly as he inspects my grease-stained underwear. "You're dirtier than usual, piglet." His tongue doesn't complain as he goes to lick my panties first, as an appetiser, mopping up the stains that are still wet, and the lingering aroma of my gas and sweat. And yes, my panties are so huge, a smaller girl could probably cut out the seat and use them as a vest. Not that she'd want to with all this filth! I let off another massive fart. Daddy punishes me appropriately. "You smelly hog! Can't you keep it in one second?" With my panties moist, but probably no less cleaner, he grabs the width of my arse firmly, hands squeezing at my buttcheeks. "You're even smellier here, Becky." Ever since my bum got so large I could hardly wipe, we've done this almost every evening. Ahhh. His tongue just hit my butthole. I think I'm getting wet down there. I love daddy so much.

"Not so rough! I'll fart again!" My broad arse, as you can imagine, is capable of quite potent force. That wet tongue cleaning my filthy butt-crevice, might just make me so excited, I let off more than gas. But I don't think daddy would appreciate that too much. He'll lick my ass clean, but he's not going to eat my shit. And why would he? He's keeping clean his piggy, not becoming one himself. I hope he gets all the sweat. The deeper his tongue goes, the worse it gets.

Life could not be better for a girl like me.


A few days later.....

Just as I score, the pain in my tummy, already bothering me today, feels dreadful. I have to go to the bathroom. I have to. But I'm fresh out of luck. I trip over a player on the ground, and fall onto another. Not good, not good, not good! Why did it have to be HER? I find my muddy buttocks connect with Iris' face. A horrible fart as a bubble of gas that was trapped in my gut explodes into my victim's nostrils. Then a horrendous squelch. It erupts all at once, mushing against the seat of my panties. I'm screwed.... as the, sweaty obese mass of my arse settles on the girl's pale face, another warm, soft mass presses inbetween, touching her nostrils. I can't help letting it all out. I evacuate my bowels. There are cries of disgust and amusement at once from all over the stadium. This is so embarrassing, I might die! "S-sorry!" I blurt out and run as fast as I can into the changing rooms with the filth squelching sickeningly against my bum, pee soaking the crotch of my panties - some probably dripped onto Iris too! My life is over! Iris was the one I liked the most. I saw the look of disgust and horror on her face. There's no way she'll forgive me. And there's no way Daddy will clean me now... my bum is splattered with faeces. I think some dripped down my legs.


The next day, it happens again. This time, during our swimming class. As I'm doing a breast stroke, I find I'm unusually gassy. Other girls notice the water bubbling beneath me, and laugh. Maybe they've started rumours already. There have been a lot of giggles today. Now, to my shock and horror, I feel a desperation inside my gut. My bladder is similarly restless. I need release. But I really can't go here! With the next bubble of gas, I feel my nether regions give way. I don't notice it as much in the water, but I feel the warmth inside my one-piece. The stream of yellow in the chlorinated water. The specks of brown diffusing through my swimsuit. I can't stop until I'm finished. The pool is quickly evacuated by my horrified classmates. There's a chorus of laughter and disgust. After that, the pool is closed for the day, and I'm sent home. Worst of all, I saw Iris' face. She was laughing at me. The girl I liked the most thinks I'm a disgusting freak! A couple of accidents, and my star has fallen. I'm surely going to be the butt of every playground joke from now on.


Daddy thinks I have a problem, so we go to the doctors. Apparently, my belly is so heavy, it wrecked my "pell-vick floor" or something... that's what they said. I've got obesity-induced incontinence. Now, I look at the mirror at the diaper which goes up to my lower tummy roll and around to my backbutt (my bum and back fat fused some time ago). This could be embarrassing.

"I think it looks great, Becky. No-one's going to notice with your size, sweetie." Daddy says, trying to make me feel better. I guess I have no choice, unless I lose weight. Yeah right. I couldn't do without my precious food - I'm a confirmed glutton. And I already get *enough* exercise! I pat the white, padded garment upon which I have to rely now.

Perhaps I could enjoy this. Plopping my fat ass on the sofa, I try to let go willingly. At once, I feel the gush of warm pee, trickling down my leg. It feels good, unlike the humiliating incidents before. I can let myself go. As I think that, I feel a great load release from my bowels, my stomach feeling relieved. I moan the hardest fat piggy moan I have for a while. There's a warm, icky squelch inbetween my buttcheeks as I feel a mass pressing outwards. This is good; I could get to like going to the toilet this way. Though taking it off and cleaning up will be a pain... I'll leave it, for tonight.

Still, this is all very depressing. That night, I tuck into a bag of doughnuts and just space out.


The next morning, in the morning rush I momentarily forgot all about the filled diaper covering my fat ass. Practice was a nightmare. With the humiliation of the past few days, I wasn't feeling it. I was more concerned about hiding the squelching, increasingly itchy bulge in my ass than actually playing. If I had any accidents, I didn't notice as my diaper was already heavy and wet, making it awkward to move.

I stay behind in the changing rooms so I can dispose of my diaper without anyone noticing. Too bad, Iris stays behind too. Trying to ignore her, I'm about to ask her to leave, when she comes up to me. "Come to laugh at my fall from grace?" I say with dejection.

She shakes her head with a furious determination. "N-no. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it the past few days, I just..." she pecks me on the cheek before I can say anything, "I like you, Becky. I'm really sorry I laughed at you." I return her kiss, touching her crimson red cheek as she blushes the shade of a girl in love with a girl. She's not joking, is she? That look is one of sincere affection. "I love you too," I manage to utter as I inhale deeply.

"I think you're fucking disgusting, Becky. And that makes me love you even more. And I know... what you're hiding underneath your kit." She presses down on my crotch, squishing against the heavy, soaking bulge.

I'm not sure what to say to her. I know I smell. I know I'm disgusting and smelly, but this is how daddy likes me. I never imagined a girl my age would enjoy it as much as a perverted man. I look her in her brown eyes and stroke her platinum blonde hair. "Really? Then what are you going to do to me?"

She doesn't speak, instead, pulling down my shorts, and playing with my over-filled diaper, pushing down on the squelchy mass around my nubile privates. "Ahh.... you're going to make me even filthier!" I let off a massive stink-bomb of a fart. "Careful..."

Instead of deterring her, that has her slender hands ripping at my diaper, eagerly pulling it down. "Bend over, please Becky!"

I do as she says, getting off the bench and crouching. "What are you doing?" I don't think she wants to change me.

"It's lovely... I've never seen pudding this amazing before!" Unbelievably, she dips a finger into the brown, horrid mass which stings the nose.

"Are you sure you want to touch it?" I gasp. What is she thinking?

Before I can complain, she she sticks her finger, browned with her shit, right in her mouth, licking it softly, then sucking it hard. "..Delicious... ever since I licked the toilet clean for you, I wanted a fresh taste." she says.

I don't know why, but this is exciting me too. I already feel my crotch getting all hot and bothered. My pussy, already wet with sweat and pee, is moist with lust.

"Let me eat it all! I want to clean you up!" she pleads with crazed eyes. It's almost as if this is a ritual to her.

"Do it.." I resign myself to pleasure. "Make sure you lick it all."

She did. And that day, I had the most pleasure of my life up until then. I could have died and gone to heaven.


Skip two years later, to the present - and I probably will. Sports is long past me, my body long since grown so large, my arteries so clogged I can hardly walk to the fridge without panting and sweating immensely. Now I'm living with Iris, my dear sweetheart. She licks me clean. My filth is her dessert. My shit is half her diet. She feeds me more and more treats, that make my health even worse. I'm already suffering from diabetes and heart disease, making me a couch potato stuck at home farting, defecating, and leaking into my diaper. It's so humiliating. But I will be with her for the rest of my life.

I smell even worse than before. My farts are so terrible, no friends will come around. Not even daddy can stand to stay for long, but he'll fuck Iris gladly - when she takes a shower, at least. The smell lingers on her body after we sleep together.

And that's how I went from sports pro to shit pig...
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