Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039246-The-Whispering-Emptiness
by Farooq
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #2039246
Depict the turmoil a person undergoes to find himself before having a spiritual awakening.

Running barefoot on the asphalt
Clutching my heart, a rivulet of blood bleeds.
Time is fleeting; it’s you I seek.

Feet tasting dust.
Eyes strained, searching.
The love I so intensely need.

My incompleteness drives me insane.
To fill the void my insides crave
A human connection I seek.

Were the earth flat, I would walk the end,
Fall off the edge, disappear
Never to rise again, never to breathe.

My shattered heart needs mending.
Someone embrace me, tell me I am loved.
Silence trails: deafening, consuming.

Warm breath is stifling.
I hold, hoping the hurt ends.
But desire to live is overwhelming.

Pain - demands to be felt, racking every nerve ending.
Crushing under the weight of hollowness my world is imploding.
Can search no more, have no energy trying.

I fall in a heap, depressed, breaking.
My head in a million lights exploding.
Embracing the sweet darkness enveloping.

I awaken to the sound of a canary.
Soft luminous surroundings.
Something is different, ennobling.

Colors in things ordinary are leaping
A broom, a beggar's cracked bowl, the child’s parched lips.
The rubble is perfect symmetry.

The aura is vibrant, pulsating.
Amid the honking, the shouting, a serene melody is emanating.
Bedazzled I can only stand gaping.

Sunshine is gilded velvet.
Dust is particles of light dancing.
Like a supernova, my heart is expanding.
Amidst the chaos, a mystic peace is flowing.

Everywhere around Love is floating.
I hear, I feel, I inhale, I taste.
Like a madman possessed I am laughing, crying.

To me the universe is speaking.
Taking me to the brink of insanity,
My true nature, my eternal self it is unveiling.

Thank you,  I whisper in tearful awe.
Sending gratitude to the unknown entity.
This is my spiritual awakening.

Free from the prison of my own creation.
My breath, the only assurance I am alive.
‘Now’ – the only moment worth living.

Like an entire tree sprouts from a seed, the cosmos is within.
The world is a mirror of our inner space.
The outside is just the triggering.

From the shackles of external validations I am breaking.
Boundless, pristine Love – its source is within.
To its natural vibrations I am connecting.

I am the universe.
Full of love, I am the soul.
Circle of life is thus completing.
© Copyright 2015 Farooq (heyfarooq at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039246-The-Whispering-Emptiness