: philosophicalmind  
: 08-04-15 @ 7:19pm : Someone else noticed. I was wondering whether I was the only person who thought that things at WDC were going down harder than the Lusitania.
: shadowghost  
: 11-05-15 @ 11:56pm : writing.com is a graveyard. I sent out numerous review request over the past month and no response. This site is not very active. I came here, thinking I'll get some critique, so I can improve my writing, but the place is dead.
: Shadowslay79  
: 01-24-18 @ 5:24pm : You also have to love how majority of the time you need an account to read interactives and when you log into it and go back, it says server volume too high, pay for a membership
: Owls  
: 02-03-18 @ 5:33pm : Anything to make a quick buck and force stuff on your users. Lovely
: DragoPoketoa  
: 02-13-18 @ 9:52am : It's a load of bull. I practically going to have to pay just so I can transfer the stuff I've written here.
: amanda tenoh  
: 03-04-18 @ 5:54pm : I think fanfiction.Net and fimfictio.Net are better this so writing.Com should be shut down
: Reclusive Writer  
: 03-17-18 @ 1:25am : Agree with everything said. You would think people would learn that greed is not always the answer.
: Trilby  
: 03-24-18 @ 7:18pm : This has to be noticed as a general observation. Not everyone has the necessary means to support a site that looks as if it was released the same time as MySpace was invented with it's clipart features. A free account on Ff.net or Ao3.com is the answer.
: Non-edo  
: 04-02-18 @ 11:41pm : Fuck this sight
: WanderingZK  
: 04-23-18 @ 6:32pm : ERROR: We are pretending the site is under heavy load. Please refresh 63 times in a row to view the story.
: Flying Waffle  
: 04-24-18 @ 8:04pm : A change made in the last day: interactive chapters added by users of deleted accounts are uncredited, and the "view this author's chapters" button went with it. Now to view their chapters, you must know their username (not handle) to get to their page.
: Forgotten  
: 04-28-18 @ 8:28pm : I 100% agree with you on every point, this site sucks
: MC  
: 06-30-18 @ 6:45am : No matter the time of day I cannot read any interactive stories... I do not believe that this site has that kind of traffic at that time of day, in this case any time of the day. Is the goal to make it impossible for free members to use the site?
: [K/S]  
: 07-01-18 @ 11:25am : I like how they display the amount of users active, yet pops up the resource low message. Yeah, 800 people viewing this site that displays text is bringing the servers down. If they wanted people to use this site how about not lying to their face.
: 2  
: 07-01-18 @ 10:27pm : Honestly, interactive stories(the only reason I come here) are constantly blocked off. I'll go 3 short chapters in and the site screams at me to buy a membership.
: SteelPyroMantis  
: 07-02-18 @ 8:35am : Exactly, i can't imagine a site in the year 2018 having such issues..
: Eric Balafor  
: 07-06-18 @ 12:37am : I wish the people who run this site would read this and realize that what they're doing is complete shit...
: yolo55  
: 07-17-18 @ 7:11am : Lol
: yolo55  
: 07-18-18 @ 9:44am : Lol
: blademan9999  
: 10-09-18 @ 9:11pm : They never used to have this problem, used think that nowadays with higher internet speeds they'd be more able to handle it.
: Camlio  
: 10-10-18 @ 7:55pm : They do realize that misrepresenting usage data is a crime now in like thirty states and growing in use worldwide? Thanks EA for forcing lawmakers to start unplugging their ears
: timo  
: 10-28-18 @ 12:39pm : Interactives are literally unusable and I'm fuckin sick of it. The site is dead and they killed it.
: Expansive Thinker  
: 11-20-18 @ 9:43pm : rip writing.com lmao
: FreneticFanatic  
: 12-02-18 @ 5:24pm : I remember that whe i first stumbled upon this site (early 2017 i believe) i could read any interactive in one sitting without waiting. Now i need to wait 10 minutes to read 1 chapter.
: Azure Pen  
: 12-03-18 @ 10:32pm : I swear it's gotten worse in the past month too. Even with waiting it wasn't too bad, maybe five minutes. The last couple times I've come to this site, I can't even open one chapter. I used to be able to read like 5 chapters before I was blocked off.
: SteelPyroMantis  
: 05-17-19 @ 5:16am : Given this sites current state.. i somehow have my doubts there are nearly 1K users active on here at any given time.
: A Guest Visitor
: 06-13-19 @ 4:08pm : It is literally 4 chapters into an interactive. Before the site starts lieing about servers down. And to give them money. Its the most annoying thing. Now the only reason I ever come onto this site is to read this thread and laugh.
: mistery  
: 07-16-19 @ 1:44pm : 1 thousand total users online and you can't even display text?? The entirety of Wikipedia is something like 4gb. This is a joke to force people to buy a membership. This site is dead
: Troika  
: 07-22-19 @ 12:01am : I tried to view a story that I got sent an email about it getting a update and it wouldn't let me view it and popped up that stupid message to buy their membership just so I can view A SINGLE STORY. 100% utter BS.
: ThePencil  
: 07-23-19 @ 3:07am : Aah, good ol'greed.
A shame the people responsible for this shoddy excuse of a website are too thirsty for cash and too illiterate to read the feedback here.
It's quite pathetic, really, how this place has fallen into such a state.
: Stormeagle  
: 08-03-19 @ 4:09am : Sad thing is, they are reading all these comments now, laughing their heads off. You guys are like corporate chains. Hope you are enjoying the greed wagon. You just lost another long time member.
: PigRiderr  
: 08-08-19 @ 5:01pm : I am so angry right now. I read like 6 chapters of an interactive story, I got blocked, waited 10 minutes, got unblocked, read two chapters AND I GOT BLOCKED AGAIN. WHAT. IS. THIS.
: CrazyNoisyGreatDays  
: 11-04-19 @ 7:54pm : Someone said it.
: SteelPyroMantis  
: 01-09-20 @ 12:03am : Is it just me or has this site just gotten ten times worse than ever?
: SteelPyroMantis  
: 01-09-20 @ 12:07am : The story outlines to be specific, for some reason instead of loading the list as you scroll like it used to, it tries to load all 2k+ story branches in the outline at once and lags immensely. Freezes up my phone and nearly crashes laptop trying to load.
: Brad Scott  
: 03-09-22 @ 7:15am : Ain't that the truth! Why do I need to pay money to read an interactive, especially an incomplete one. (Which are a lot of them.) Mostly stories are in the level o. stories in fanfiction.net or Archive of our own. I'm not paying money to read FanFictions.
: Troika  
: 08-04-22 @ 4:06am : Just a lil' FYI tip for anyone still using this site. If you don't want to get blocked every few chapters you read, just use a VPN service. Lets you get around the pointless blocks.
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