Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2041410-RULEBreaker-Heart-of-Gold
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by Elysia Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2041410
Mutants have grown tired of being slaugtered, it's time for an uprising.
Chapter 1
The alarm blasted in my ear, way to loud and enthusiastic for this time in the morning, I grunted heavily before smashing my hand down onto the blasted thing. Unfortunatly, it didn't switch off, so in resolution, I threw it into the wall opposite my bed. Sixteen years I had put up with that damn thing, and today, I guess I have just had enough of that damn object.
Lately, as you will later see, I have been getting into a suicidal space of mind which I think is related to the depression of waking up in this hell hole every single day. Waking up is definatly the worst part of my day, it tears me from my only freedom, my time to imagine something different, something beyond these unnaturaly white walls that im trapped behind. My dreams are my only escape routes from this dull boring excuse of a life that I own.
I groaned again as I rose myself from my rather uncomftable yet prized bed, I kicked the shell of my clock which had broken off from the rest after it had impacted against the hard cold walls of my small square bedroom, I instantly cursed as my toe throbed in pain. I truly hate every moment of every day.
I slumped over to my cheap worthless wardrobe which is on its last legs, this factor isn't helped by the way I poorly treat it. I scavanged through my tatty wardrobe for something that didn't make me look like I was spat out of a charity shop that was going out of buisness. I had eventually given up on searching through it for something, and had decided to go out and about to and ask someone who classes as a 'friend' to me, Rashida, if I could borrow some clothes. Thats when I noticed a sort of suit hanging of the door handle. How did I not notice that before?
I picked it up and noticed a yellowing piece of paper with crumpled corners fall out, has this note been here long or had the paper been reused? And what was this bizarre suit, anyway? The note had two simple words scrawled out in unfamilier hand writing. It read: Wear this.
As you may have figuered out, where I live, if you can call this living, isn't the most rich or hightec facility out there. It used to be, when I was younger, but little by little people have broken and missused things from frustration of not being able to get out. No one knows what's outside of this place... Anyway, back to the story,
I decided to do as the mysterious note had said, worried that if I didn't coopurate I would catch alight or something. And that is a real threat, I've seen it happen to someone already. The suit felt like a leathery lycra that clung to my body, It wasn't to tight that it was revealing, but tight enough. It was easier to move in this get-up, like a battle suit. It was black and felt slightly padded, like a motor cyclist jacket or something. The sleves ended like a short sleve t-shirt and the adjoining trouser part ended in three quarted lenghts. It was an all in one with a zip at the back that got hidden by an extra piece of material. The fabric must have been thermal because my non-exposed skin felt slightly warmer.
I could tell that today was going to be different, that was all I knew, maybe today was some sort of annual day and it was celebrated by giving us mutants fancy battle gear? What ever it was, I like it, which is saying a lot.
I peered into the dirty, half smashed mirror I owned, some blood still stained the wooden frame from a couple of nights ago. This isn't the place to be for peace and quite. My reflection was somewhat decent,but the only thing I detest, was the fact that my coal black skin showed all to well. The purple shimmer in my scales which only shows when light hits me, seemed more vivid than usual; To add to my misery, my sharp, arrow head tail wasn't hidden at all. I was completely exposed for people to judge and mock. After all, teleporters are usually the butts of jokes. I swiftly sorted my pale lilac hair that had the occastional black strand into a decent braid. My lavender eyes seemed more clear and innocent, instead of the havoc red they turn when I am enraged. I swiped my snake like tounge over each of my individual fang like teeth, slight transparent purple venom came off of them and dripped down onto my tongue. My tongue too seemed to be a deeper shade of purple. Everything about myself seemed to be more obvious, is it the suit? Has it got somekind of energy restoring chemical woven into the fabric which bleeds into your skin, cause I've seen that done, but with rohypnal. Or maybe a more believeable reason could be that I have never really paid much attention to my looks? Yeah,thats more possible.
I shrugged at my 5'6 twin copy in the mirror before I grasped the handle of my rotting door, cracked paint seemed to be appearing on every square inch of it. I grunted displeased with the object before opening yanking it open and revealing myself to the merciless day ahead.
I live in a place that us mutants, call the school. It is a massive white building for mutants to be imprisoned behind. I was brought here when I was a baby, I don't know what the outside world looks like; I've never been outside of here. I have no idea of it's appearance, apart from the simulations that were created when we are doing survival training. The only picture I have created of the outside world is the picture the 'teachers' have painted for us. A open space full of grass and trees with water full of dangerous creatures, all I want to do is run in the open fields and feel what it's like to be free. You could sometimes overhear the conversation the 'teachers' have with one another about their time before the school. And as you've probably guessed, there have been many escapees, I mean, attempted now dead, escapees.
In here, you go through ten lessons everyday. Some lessons can consist of the teachers throwing things (sometimes knifes) at you to see how quick your reaction time is, other times you could just be stuck behind a desk learning about languages or boring things like that (personally I know ten languages fluently, eleven if you count the secret language created by the mutants here so the teachers wouldn't know what we were saying all the time.)
We do get food breaks, but they are not long and it changes when you get them, you can have either two breakes a day, or none. It just depends on how generous the man in charge is feeling. There is one part of the day that we all loath, it is known to us mutants as the 'Death hour', in this hour of free time before we get put into lock down in our rooms, a lot of fights break out. Seriously, tons. And a lot of deaths happen, this isn't the sort of place were you throw a few punches then the fight gets broken up, no, here the fight just keeps going till someone either dies or a mutant breaks it up. Fun, huh?
Walking down the corridor, I noticed others coming out of there dorms which they shared, I remember when I shared a room, that was a long time ago, now Im considered hostile, self centered and the fact that I just don't play well with others. Well, some of that might be considered true, depending on the eye of the beholder. But I did notice that all the other mutants of my age, were to, wearing this suit, what did it mean?
"Hey! Darcy!" A rather annoying yet somewhat familier voice broke my thoughts as my most favoured person in this place I had, came darting down the corridor after me, swiftly dodging every other person as the hall's became crowded. When she reached me she flicked her strawberry blonde hair behind her back before greeting me with a hug, which I instantly pushed her away from. In this place, no one can know your weak. You show your weakness in your actions; Im not taking any chances.
She knew what I was doing when I pushed her away so her face showed no sign of her being offended. She smiled wide at me, her yellow cat like eyes, which enabled her to see clear as day no matter when or what the conditions, seemed to shine brighter and with joy, something was up. But I decided to overlook it, just for now. Rashida too was wearing the whole battle armor stuff, and it really showed her unnaturaly coal black, charcoal-y skin tone and tail, which we both shared the gift of having, and both equaly hated. Her skin was more human, while mine consists of black scales. Isn't that just so fan-frikin-tastic? Rashida too was a teleporter and butt of jokes which is probably what created our bond.
"'Sup." I retorted in my early morning chattiness. She only shook her head with a laugh, why was this girl always happy?
"Come on, cheer up Darko." She encoraged using my last name, I only glared in responce as people started to look at us. To clarify, Darko was the last name of one of the most evil, most psycopathic, most insane mutant, who killed andslaughtered hundrends and in the end was killed. The only way I know of her, or any one knows of her, is the stories we hear from the 'teachers.' But judgeing on those storys, Darko could either be still alive, or completely non existant. This is something I have feared for the longest of times.
"Do you know why this suit was left in my room?" I asked, not waiting to see if I would find out later somehow.
"Are you serious? Have you already forgotten?" She asked with the most humerous look I have ever seen her wear, was there something really obvious that I'm missing? I gave her a look that said I wasn't joking in if an explanation didn't come quick i'd punch her lights out, but in a light hearted, friendly way, of course.
"Okay! Don't look so evil all the time!" She laughed, I instantly changed my expresstion to an all-to happy face, she laughed and pushed me back. I couldn't help but crack a real smile. "Anyway, today is the day we have been training for our whole life, the day we get bought by the big compaines!" She answered way to joyful for this type of thing, and at this time of morning if I must add, again.
"No! Shut your ass!" I replied, mimicing her cheery tone, she pushed me away again, but I could tell that she found it funny.
"Shut up, and come on!" She called to me as she started to run off. I shook my head at her excitment before I relaxed my mind and concentrated on the place we had to be. I then felt a surge of power flow through my veins and then all in a burst it vanished. I had teleported. I smirked as I knew we were forbidden to use our powers unless told. But no one had seemed to notice me which meant I was free to have an untortured night. Whoopty-doo. I stood in line, ready for my turn to be tested and brought. I seriously don't see why people are happy about this, I mean, in our history lessons we learnt about the slave trades and all that, so isn't this just the equivelent to it? Being sold to people who could use us for what they want, if it be missons, security guards, or just house slaves, anything?
Rashida arived a little later, she looked out of puff from running the whole lap of the school, which on her defence, was huge. I smirked to myself as her face grew a darker shade of crimson, even with her coal like skin, when she saw me standing towards the front of the que, I didn't want to go through the whole prosess of being brought, so I simply left my spot at the front, and joined her panting body all the way at the back.
"We are now the last in line, you should have got here quicker." I said jokingly to her as she stood up straight, her exhaustion gone suddenly.
"Well, you shouldn't of used your powers, you could have put yourself at risk." She retorted like a mother scolding a child. I shook my head at her as I watched my friend try to fix her self up in the reflection in the blacked out glass.
"You know they can see you through there." I said as I swiped my snake like tounge over my fanged teeth again, it was rather a habit. She simply mimcked a growl of a dog perfectly in defencive responce.
Rashida is not only a teleporter, and not only can she see no matter what, but also, she can mimic anyone and anything, if that be another person, or mutant, animal or object, she could do it, even If she has only heard it's noise once. You should see her impression of a chair, yeah that one kept her quiet for hours. I envied this about her though and wished so badly that I could mimic to, imagine how much havoc you could cause by mimicing the voice that came out of the speackers to tell us what to do. What lesson to go to, where to be, when lunch was over. It would be properly, the most awesome thing I could imagine.
In no less then two hours of standing in line, which is suprising seeing as there is roughtly six hundred mutants having to do this, we had reached the frount of the line. The line had been split into male and female, Rashida was still behind me as we neared the front. I looked foward at the giant steel doors, preparing myself for what was awaiting me on the other side. A 'teacher' motioned me to go in, I took a deep breath as I stepped foward, hands pressed onto the stainless steel of the doors.
It was time.

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