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Rated: E · Short Story · Young Adult · #2042241
another short story from school, a little better than the first

Steve walked slowly with his horse beside him. He often wanted to get away from the noise and pollution from the auto-tin-cans. The only way he found to do this was to go horseback riding in the hills with Pedro, his only, but favorite horse.
This particular day they strayed farther than usual. Both of them were tuckered out before they reached the half-way mark. Resting Pedro, he sat in the tall grass, relaxing.
Steve had decided to visit someone from his school. His name was Price and he was training to become a ninja.
Price had a little more attitude than Steve could handle.
He didn't have to. He was well built, strong, and pretty good looking, or at least most of the girls said so. He was also very agile, as were all ninjas.
He lived in the hills, by himself, where survival was difficult but perfect for training reflexes. He trained constantly, never dated (but flirted with all the girls at school) and never went anywhere. Steve wanted to check out just how hard the training was. (He also wanted to get to know Price better. But don't tell him I said so.)
They were almost there, so he mounted Pedro and rode north.
After a few minutes, they had entered Sherwood Forest. Steve had always wondered why they named it that, but now, being in it, he could tell. It was quiet, like all hunting forests were. It was just like the one in English legends of Robin Hood. It was 20 miles long and 8 miles wide. Hunters used it once in a while, but there wasn't much game, especially now that the black panther decided to move in.
A local zoo had reported an escaped black panther last month that all attempts to capture had failed. A dozen groups had entered the forest in search of the animal, but only four groups come back alive; having not even found the animal.
Steve lived near by in Yorkshire. It was large, but smaller than most. There were two movie theaters, four grocery stores, and lots of restaurants, as well as lots of gift shops for the Sherwood Forest tourists. A couple of schools and an appliance shop or two just about rounded it off. God, its small, Steve thought.
They had been in the forest for less than five minutes who Steve could feel eyes watching him. Urging Pedro to gallup, he hurried forward.
The sensation followed him silently. He wasn't quite able to tell where it was coming from, but it was above him, in the trees.
He went on another 3/4 of a mile with the forest unnaturally quiet.
It seemed to Steve that every dark shadow held that black panther, ready to strike. He began to wish he hadn't come. He couldn't understand how Price could live by a place like this. It would drive me batty, he thought.
Pedro began to speed up by himself, noticing the uneasiness in his rider and wanting just as much to get out of there.
Steve had a hard time controlling Pedro. The horse's natural urge was to run, and he jumped at almost every sound.
Above them, there was a scream like a banshee and something knocked him to the ground. It was his turn to scream.
The panther kept him pinned on his back as he tried to keep the animal away from him. It was hard, he couldn't move his left arm. His body began to burn, or at least he thought it was. It sure felt like it, though he could tell he was scratched very badly.
Then there was another scream, though it came form neither Steve or the hideous beast trying to eat him.
The scream was a war cry, followed by a hard thud as Price landed on the panther and the panther landed on Steve's stomach (belly to belly).
Blood started to drop from the panther's nose and mouth as it eased and relaxed it's muscles and closed it's eyes. It's head slowly dropped and rested on Steve's chest. After one deep, raspy breath, the panther was dead.
With week arms, he pushed the carcass off of him and saw Price withdrawing two blood-reddened knives out of it's head and back. Steve tried to get up but the pain was too overwhelming. There were deep scratches and cuts on 90% of his body.
"You shouldn't be here. You knew this thing was here." Price said, helping him to a sitting position. "You're hurt pretty bad. We'll have to get you to my place and bandaged up."
"Does it look as bad as it feels?" Steve joked weakly, trying to maneuver to stand.
"None of the cuts look life threatening, but your bleeding like a stuck pig." Price put his knives away and hoisted Steve onto his shoulders. Even this bit of movement made Steve's eyes swim in pain. He forced himself to stay awake as he felt a dark encompassing nothingness surround him.
Price knew that Steve was hurt too badly to walk on his own, and he hurried down almost invisible paths that only he knew. Pedro, always faithful, came out of hiding in the bushes and followed his master.
"We're almost there," Price said.
"I stopped worrying about where I was going when I entered the forest." Steve muttered through clenched teeth.
A few minutes passed before Price announced, "We're here." And set him gently on a bed.
Steve looked around. He hadn't even noticed the small hut. Then he realized it was expertly camouflaged. Inside was like a small room.
Steve was on a bed in the far corner across from a large cooler and a clothes trunk. Across the back wall was a table and small desk. The door led to an enclosed path that zigzagged so you couldn't look directly into the hut.
"I thought you said you lived on the other side of the forest?" Steve said, though he didn't mind not moving. He could tell he was hurt badly and wished he could leave his body until it healed, but until doctors figured out how to do that, he was stuck.
"My parents live there. I come here just to train." Price explained, as he rummaged in the trunk for bandages. "I don't like being around people much, so I won't loose concentration when I'm training." and he spared a glance for Steve.
"I'm sorry."
"Well you're not going anywhere for a while. And I really can't leave you here." he said, pulling out a thick roll of bandage and tape and a scrap of cloth. He went to the cooler and fetched a metal tube of what looked like medicated cream, and a jug of water, and began to bandage Steve's wounds.
"You'll have to s for sure. I'll get a hold of your folks and tell them, or I could bring them here if you wish."
"No, they won't mind. I'm always staying at people's houses, whether I know them or not, sometimes." Steve had too close his eyes from the pain inflicted on his battered body. Price had to dig in a few of them to get all the dirt and moss out of some of the bigger wounds. Trying to distract himself, Steve rattled on, "My parents are on their own kinda trip, you know. Half the time they don't even remember me. And when they do, they're either hung over or trying to get me to buy more booze so they can party more. I think they're becoming alcoholics, if they aren't already."
"Is that why you spend so much time away from home?" Price asked.
"Yeah, they don't much care about me." Steve whispered. He felt so tired. He didn't want to move. He lay there quietly for a while, in thought. But even his thoughts wandered without control. He remembered when he was a kid, his parents cared. He could feel hands on his legs and arms, massaging as Price wrapped the bandages around him. Steve drifted into a dark, dreamless sleep.
Price became alarmed when he was unable to wake Steve when he had finished. Things were worse than he thought. He had to get him to a doctor, and right now. Fortunately the closest place was the local hospital only a few miles north of the forest.
Grabbing his pack from the table, Price went outside and found Pedro waiting by the door.
Easy going as ever, Pedro ignored Price as he loaded his bag into the saddle bags. Then Price retrieved Steve from the cot and awkwardly put him in the saddle.
Seating himself behind him, Price held him securely and urged Pedro forward. Moaning, Steve started to slide, but Price held him tight and led the horse out of the forest.
It took sometime for the overburdened horse to reach the city hospital. Price, never really comfortable around a lot of people, felt and unusual calm as pedestrians looking alarmingly at Steve's blood-soaked bandages.
But they finally arrived at the emergency room. An orderly came out to tell him to get the horse out of there, but one look at Steve and he hollered inside for help and a gurney. The tall man helped Steve onto the gurney, and as he was being rushed inside, the man asked if Price, too, was hurt.
"No, sir. But the horse is his. Where can I put it."
"I'll take him home." a voice said behind them. Price turned and saw Pam, a girl from school, addressing him. She had blond hair and deep blue eyes, and currently, her skin was an awful shade of white. "Will he be alright? What happened?"
"We were attacked by the panther. I killed it, but Steve's pretty bad." Price explained. "Do you know where he lives?"
"Yes, we go riding a lot. I'll take him home, but I'll be back, okay?" Price agreed and she led the horse away saying, "Come on, Pedro, I even have my trailer on the truck. And guess what? Sandy's in there. You two can visit while we go home. You know she's a real nice mare, Pedro, and I think she likes you..." her voice trailed off across the parking lot.
"We need you to fill out some paper work and answer some questions. And I'm sure that the Police will want to see you as well." the orderly led him into the hospital.
When Steve awoke, he was no longer in the hut. Everything was white. Smelling the nauseating disinfectant, he knew he was in a hospital.
Price was sitting next to the caged bed in a soft, well cushioned chair.
"So you've joined the living again. Did you have a nice 'sleep'?"
"What am I doing here?" Steve asked. Totally disoriented, he tried to sit up, and failed miserably.
"Don't worry, you won't be able to move much. They're giving you morphine." he paused. "You wouldn't believe how many people have been here to see you. Just a minute. I'll tell the nurse you're awake." and he left. Through the open door Steve could see Pam sitting in the waiting room.
"Pam," he whispered. A little louder, he said, "I wonder how long I've been out." He looked around the room. There were somewhere between 10 to 15 flower bouquets on everything with a flat surface. Price walked in with wide smile on his face.
"You've got company."
"Who?" Steve asked.
Your parents are here, and...a few friends of yours from school. It seems that they've worried about us 'Panther Killers'." Price said and grinned foolishly. "They're giving us $500 each. Can you believe it?"
"Who's giving us money?"
"The mayor. Seems he wasn't so fond of the animal either. It's a reward." He explained. "And since all the others sent out to do it disappeared, we're heroes."
They were both quiet, thinking about their encounter with that black furry beast.
"Ask Pam in for me," Steve said after a minute, then added, "And my parents." For some reason he wanted to see them.
"How'd you know Pam was here?" Price asked.
"Saw her through the door when you left. Her first; then my parents."
Price left to fetch Pam.
Pam, huh? Well, if anyone can help him, she can, Price thought. I didn't know he liked her. Well, they're not going together, that I know. I'll have to see what I can do about it. Well, Price, my dear ninja, its time to play matchmaker again. Boy, I love this work!! Price's mind was working at full speed as he walked out to the waiting room.
"Pam, he'd like to see you." he said and motioned for her to follow him. As she grabbed her purse, he noticed a class ring. Oh, great, he thought, she's already taken. Now what!
Steve had his eyes closed when they entered the room.
"Steve?" she asked.
"I'm awake." He opened his eyes, looking at her hand and smiled. "You're still wearing it. I had a feeling that you'd throw it away or something."
"Why would I throw it away?" she said. She was beside him now. He motioned with his finger to her to come closer. She started to lean closer to him, and he pulled her real close and kissed her soundly a few times before he remembered that Price was standing there. He abruptly stopped.
"I gutta be going anyway." Price said and smiled. "I have a few things I have to do before school tomorrow. See ya later, Steve." With that said, he walked out the door.
"Pam, tell me," Steve looked at her with anxious eyes. "How long have I been out?"
Her eyes slid from his as she looked away. "A week." she said simply.
His body was throbbing with tingly feelings as the deadening stuff started to wear off, and he winced.
"Steve?" Pam asked, worried.
"I'm all right. That numbing stuff is starting to wear off and my body feels tingly..." He smiled and looked her in the eyes. "You were here weren't you. Everyday. I remember, sort of." he looked at the door, which Price had just walked through.
"He's changed. You changed. Steve, when he brought you in here, he didn't want..., he didn't want you to die. He knew he wouldn't be able to help you much." she paused from her sobbing to explain what happened in the past week. "He rode in on your horse, carrying you. I was here because Stacy broke her wrist in Cheerleading practice and they put a cast on it. When we were leaving, he came in carrying you. You were all...you were all cut and bleeding. He was crying, Steve, he was crying because you were hurt so bad. It was the first time he has shown any feelings or emotions for anyone. He was afraid you would die and that it would be all his fault. You broke his shield of protection, I guess its called, and he never had a friend here. No one had ever cared about him before or came to see him. He considers you his friend. He hasn't left this hospital since he brought you in. I brought his homework here everyday."
"Score one for me." he said smiling. "Come here. Price has left. And we're quite..." he looked at the other empty bed, "alone."
She leaned close to him and he pulled her even closer, kissing her as passionately as ever. Her hands moved to the back of his head and neck, his to her lower back and buttocks. Both eager and expectantly willing.
"Steven Kursher!!" his mother yelled.
"Stop hurting that poor girl, son." his father said at the same moment.
Pam jumped back and Steve exclaimed in surprise and pain as he fell back on the bed and remembered the anesthetics had worn off.
"Hi, Mrs. Kursher." Pam said, smiling at Steve. "Mr. Kursher, he wasn't hurting me. He was kissing me."
"Don't get smart with me, girly." Mrs. Kursher said, glaring at her son.
"Will you please leave. I don't want you here. You don't care whether or not I live. It's no skin off your back. Just go away and leave me alone." Steve rolled over in deep thought after what he had said.
"Well, I never..." Mrs. Kursher stammered.
"Come on, dear. I can tell where we're not appreciated. After everything we've done f..." Mr. Kursher's voice carried on down the hall as they left.
Steve closed his eyes and leaned back on the bed.
"Steve, I'm sorry. Maybe I should leave. I..."
"No, I want you here with me. Come here." He pulled her close and kissed her.
"Hey, you too, this is a hospital. None of that here." A nurse walked in with what Steve thought was a foot long needle in her hand.
"You ain't sticking that thing in me. So forget it." Steve declared, not taking his eyes off the needle.
"We'll see." Price said as he walked in the door. "Listen. If you don't get this shot, you'll go into another coma." He stood over by Pam. "And there won't be anyone to watch your girlfriend here."
"Actually, it'll just numb you up again." the replied.
"No matter, it ain't going in me." then to Price, "Pam'll be fine. But how about you? Are you all right?"
"Ill be alright as soon as you receive stuff into your system. So if you're a good boy she might even give you a lollipop. I saw your parents leave. Made me laugh. 'Of all the ungrateful...'" he imitated Steve's mother so perfectly that even the nurse laughed.
"Well that's the way she iiieay!!!"
Taking the advantage of distraction, the nurse used her needle.
"You're mean!" Steve said, holding his arm tightly against his body. The nurse laughed and left the room.
"Now that that's taken care of, I'll be gettin' back."
"Price...?" that one word spoke the question.
"I'm alright...really. See ya tomorrow." he turned to leave, but paused and looked over his shoulder. "When did you two start going together?"
Steve laughed and Pam looked away shyly. Steve spoke. "Believe it or not, for 3 years."
"Three?!" Price exclaimed incredulously. "And you were worried that she'd break up with you, just because you were hurt?!"
"I'm that way, I guess. I found the answer to my question in the short, what 3 minutes I was there. It is harder to survive there. But I'll stay here all the same. Any time you need to talk... you know where to find me." Steve said now serious.
"I'll keep that in mind." Price turned and walked to the door.
"Price? Why are you a ninja? You don't act like I'd think you would if you were a ninja." Pam asked.
"It's relaxing. I don't practice because it's a dangerous thing. I practice because it gives me time to myself."
"Too much time, I say." Pam answered, "Listen, Steve, I'd better go now, too. See ya later. I'll be back tonight." She kissed him one final time and took Price by the arm and started out the door. "Now listen. I have a friend named Kari that I'd like you to meet." Her voice trailed off as they went down the hallway.
Even in this short time that he was awake, he was totally worn out. But he had to smile. Price was in for it now. Kari talks almost as much as Pam does.
His thoughts much improved, he drifted off to sleep.
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