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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2047175
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Chapter 2
Pheobe groaned and she slowly woke from her place on her worn couch. Her neck was killing her, so was her head. SHe gingerly got up and went to her room and gathered todays cloths. She went into her bathroom and turned on the shower, undressing as it warmed, then climbing in.
Pheobe watched the blood and grime circle down the drain, with her forehead against the tiled wall. Hopefully last night will be the only time she'll be cornered like that. After about an hour she got out and dressed. Picking up her purse Pheobe left for work. She ended up having to wait or her bus longer than usual after it was caught bhind a car accident.
"sorry I'm Late" she told her boss, Jim, who had started her work in the kennels. "superised you showed up at all after last night." He said. "Huh?" Pheobe asked him as she began to drag the bin with the dirty dog blankets to the laundry, ignoring her body's protests.
"Seriously? It's all over the news. You got caught in a shoot out and You saved a superhero." He explained. 'That explained the staring on the bus. and every where else' Pheobe thought. "Oh." "Oh, she says." Her boss says shaking his head.
"Maybe it'll increase adoptions." Her boss said, running his hand through his short hair. "That'd be awesome." Pheobe stated sincerly as she picked up the dustpan and paint scraper used to get dog poop off the floor. "I'll leave you to work." Her boss told her and left.
About two hours later Pheobe just got done with the kennels and was preparing her supplies for the cats in the sick bay. She was bent over in the process of filling a plastic pitcher with catfood when she was inturrupted.
"That's flattering." Pheobe looked over at the speaker and smiled. "I thought so." Pheobe retorted, flipping her green hair over her shoulder. "Hey Lynn." She greeted the dark-skinned woman. Lynn went over to Litter boxes and counted out what she needed.Then went where the kitty litter was stored and began to scoop the clay stones into the plastic boxes.
"SO," Lynn began while Pheobe put the pitcher in her allready filled litter pans. "What's the Captian like?" Pheobe shrugged as she counted out food and water bowls. "Didn't really have time to talk to him. We were both focused on the whole not dieing thing." Pheobe explained to her friend. "He's a lot hotter up close, though the mind reading thing can get pretty annoying after awhile, I'm sure."
"How about Enki? When he took the armor off, damn." Lynn said, using the litter scoop as a fan. "Ain't that the truth. I take the whole thing was caught on film?" Pheobe asked. "Yep." Came the answer while Pheobe lifted her supplies. "Greaaaat." She said as she left the kitchen.
Sometime later, Pheobe had finally finshed her work and signed out. She climbed tiredly onto the bus and plopped into a seat. As she put on her earbuds she could hear whispers and could see people pointing at her. She ignored them and got to her music.
She got off the bus at the stop near her building and walked to her apartment. She was almost there when one of the children in the building stopped her
"Pheobe!" He called. "Are you famous now?"
Pheobe shook her head. "Why would I be famous Ty?" She asked him.
"You were on tv! I saw! I didn't know you knew the heroes!" Ty said falling into step next to her.
"I don't." She told him.
"Than why are the at your apartment?"
Sure enough there was crown in front of her door, and about a head taller than the tallest nieghbor was one of the heroes. He was leaning against her door, waiting for her. .Judging by his dark skin and gold accented uniform, It was "Golden Arrow". The groups sharp shooter manditory bad boy.
"Hey! What are you doing!" She yelled over the bustle.
The crowed made room for her as she came forward to stand in front of the impaitent looking man. "
"Can I help you?" Pheobe asked as she placed a calming hand on the bouncing Ty.
"Enki wants to talk to you." He answered her, earning an oooo from some of the women.
"Can I shower and change first?" Pheobe asked.
"Please." He answered.
Pheobe ignored the rudeness and unlocked the door. She let the man in and pushed out some of the onlookers who tryed to follow.
"I'll be about thirty minutes." She told him. "Make yourself comfortable."

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