Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2051512-Sanctimonious
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Adult · #2051512
18+ I am a religious man, but clearly I am no fan of organized religion.

by Keaton Foster
*Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5* *Vignette5*

That cross
What a crock
You’re a fool
A total tool
You’ll confess
To anyone
Who’ll listen
You’ll tell them
Spilling your guts
All in the name
Of your religion
Or as I often say
Lack thereof
What you yourself
Think is faith
What you understand
As God’s holiest word
Is nothing but horseshit
Nonsensical nonsense
Squeezed together
Into a sellable product
Marketed to the masses
Sheepish people
Born gullible
Standing in traffic
With their hand out
Certain that they
Will not be hit
Run down and killed
Like a dog in the street
Such pompous diarrhea
Is coming out of
The mouths of men
Who feel as if they
Alone have the right
To brainwash people
Into believing
Their version of a lie
Probably the greatest lie
Continually told by a
Handful of sanctimonious
Numb nuts
Clearly with an axe to grind
They want your soul
They need your redemption
The processing fee for you
And certainly not any of them
Is ten percent of everything
Which trust me when I say
That’s a whole lot of something
God’s mission on earth
At least as they see it
Is to go forth and propagate
To spread the gospel
Like some kind of a disease
Like a plague upon our souls
Leaving us his to control
And theirs to further mold
They will never stop
Until you question nothing
And assume that everything
That happens
Good, bad, or indifferent
Is part of God’s plan
God has no time for this
He can’t, nor won’t
Micro or macro manage us
He gave us freewill
For just such a reason
He wants us to live
And if so be
Die by the seat of our pants
He wants us to sin
And then suffer for those sins
He wishes his creation the best
But as always he stops short
Of assuring that it will happen
I myself, not that you asked
Do not hate God
How could I ever do that
I believe he is there
A being far greater than
Any single one of us
But I am well aware
More than I wish at times
That he just does not care
He wants nothing to do with us
He wants us to do everything
For ourselves and each other
He wants no one man
Or group of beings
To hold any power or prominence
Over any other
In my slanted view
Organized religion is
Simply put
Pompous douchebaggery
Clearly at it’s finest
It is man’s creation
And other peoples
Leading crux for existing
Is it such a bad idea
To think that God above
Has nothing, and wants
Absolutely zero to do with
Any single one of us
I’m sure I sound
But let me assure you
That is what I am least of all
I’m just here pushing a point
A way of thinking for myself
Saying to all of you
I have my well defined faith
But let me assure you
It is organized least of all
I don’t think that God
In any form, method, or idea
Gives a flying fuck about us
And for me personally
I don’t, nor will I ever
Expect him to…

Written by Keaton Foster Copyright © 2015.

© Copyright 2015 Keaton Foster: Know My Hell! (keatonfoster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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