Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2055577-Pipseat-A-facesitting-chair-story
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2055577
Story of a man turned into a facesitting chair slave

"678...679...680..", Pip kept counting in his head as the blades of the fan slowly rotated above him. He wished he could look at something else but closing his eyes was the only other option. And Pip didn't want to close them. His vision was the only thing that still kept him sane. But then again, he wished for a lot of things. He wished he could move, go outside, eat some food, drink some water..

Suddenly the door to the room opened and filled it with light. Pip's weak heart started beating a little less slower than it was. He felt what could be described as an adrenaline rush but only so much lesser in magnitude. He had closed his eyes against the sudden light and before he could see if it was the mom or the daughter, a butt descended on his face. He hadn't had time to prepare himself. His head was a little off from the correct orientation and he had opened his eyes just as the butt had crashed on to his face. His nose was smashed flat because of the wrong facesit, and his eyes were touching the butt and taking a lot of the weight directly. But Pip didn't complain. He couldn't.

From the weight he decided that it was the daughter, having her morning coffee on him. She seemed to have noticed that she was sitting wrong, but decided to not worry about it at the moment. Despite the horrible pain that enveloped all his senses every time he was used as a seat, Pip had realized long ago that these moments were what he looked forward to every minute of everyday, even though he never liked being used as a seat. In fact he hated it quite a bit. But the time in between, the hours that passed by when he could do nothing but stare at the ceiling was so unbearable that being used as a seat had actually become the lesser of the two evils. All day of doing nothing but staring up at the ceiling, and on unlucky days, they might forget to switch fan off, which would drive him crazy as he literally could not stop looking at it. He could not tilt his head away, could not get up and walk away to someplace else. His owner (the mother) knew that every chair slave grew to hate the time in between facesits more than the facesit itself. She got turned on by the idea that her seat was looking forward to her ass and dreading the idea of it at the same time. For the same reason, she sometimes liked to put him on a drug that would prevent him from sleeping for a couple of days. The chemical had been incorporated into the seat design originally as a substitute for a defibrillator, but most owners figured out that at a small dosage it can be a sleep deprivant.

Another reason why Pip would look forward to a facesit was that those were the only time he could spend in contact with another human, no matter how inhumane the contact was. He was left alone for most of the time and nobody ever talked to him or listened to him (Pip had stopped trying to talk after the first two months) and although it was a heavy butt painfully crashing on his face, it was still human contact and Pip had started to welcome it.

This had been the third day he had gone without sleep and the counting had been the only activity going on in his brain before the daughter had come and sat down. Being on the drug prevented his body from going to sleep, but the mind wanted to go to sleep one way or the other and couldn't. The result was a semi-awake state where he was aware of everything that happened around him, but didn't have the energy required to think about anything. In the beginning Pip used to worry that he was suffering brain damage when this happened, but these days he knew it for sure and it hardly fazed him. Pip suddenly became aware that he couldn't breathe. Two years of being immobile had lessened his oxygen requirements greatly. He could go ten minutes without even noticing that he couldn't breathe. She was sitting wrong and blocking him from breathing. And he literally couldn't even move his head to let her know. But Pip didn't panic. He did not have the ability to panic anymore, and moreover the women always knew when he couldn't breathe. None of it was unintentional. And besides, Pip could go another twenty minutes without breathing and he was willing to bet that she would finish her coffee before then. As if she had been listening to his thoughts, the girl reached over to his neck and pressed the button that activated his respiratory bypass. Pip breathed in a silent breath through it. Pip knew that this meant she was going to be sitting for a while.

He somehow got comforted by the thought that she was going to be on him for a while. She wasn't wearing anything too hard that it made her butt hard or abrasive. She slightly lifted her butt up and sat back down in what Pip referred to as the 'ideal sit'. Her warm butt covered his entire face. If any facesit could be called 'comfortable' for him, this would be it. As he slowly breathed in through his bypass, he suddenly felt a memory come back to him. A memory was the only thing that could ever bring joy to Pip anymore. Two years of being.. this, had robbed Pip not only of his 'idle thoughts' but also of most of his memories. He was fast losing sight of who he was. And so it was with considerable happiness that Pip decided to relive this bitter recollection.

__________________________________________________ ____________________

Pip thought back to how life was before. He could never have guessed that there was a life worse than what he had grown up with, at the Wall. Pip had never been good at anything the Wall wanted him to be good at. He was not strong physically, or fast or have the instincts required to be a fighter. He was never good at hunting either. All in all, he was not worth much. And that was exactly what had happened when he became of age and they sold him off at the auction for the highest bidder. He stood there on the platform while the representatives from the Wall explained what his qualities were. It was a painfully short explanation, as Pip was only good at learning and applying information. But sadly, that was a quality not valued by itself, in a slave. At 5'3", Pip was not only short, but also not strong physically. He was weak and light. Even his head was small. At the auction, nobody had even wanted to pay the starting bid and Pip didn't know what that meant. Would he bet set free if no one wanted to buy him? But he never got to find out, as suddenly a woman raised her hand and offered to buy him at half the starting price.

Pip had been brought to this house in the backseat of her car. The representatives from the Wall had dressed him in a cheap suit and handed him over to her, gift-wrapped. The woman didn't speak much to him, but confirmed with him on the ride back about his skills. They reached her home, and she had some food put out for him and let him sleep in the guest room of the house. It was big luxurious house, and even the guest room was much more elegant than any place he had ever seen before. He realized that somebody really rich had bought him. But he didn't know why. He was called back for dinner in the night. The dining table had already been set by servants. He saw his new owner and a younger woman talking as they sat around the table. The large chair at the head of the table was unoccupied. His owner motioned at him to sit across from them.
"This is the new slave?" the younger woman asked his owner with a skeptical look on her face. There was a faint taste of disgust in her tone. "Yeah... I know he doesn't look like much, and he isn't, but i got him really cheap", his owner responded. "But what use is he? I mean look at him. Is he really good for orals or something?" the younger woman asked. "No not really... but i was thinking we could put him into Will's old chair. He's about the same size", the older woman responded. "But mom, Will had a big head and a flat face. That's like the minimum requirement for a chair slave! In the long run, comfort is all that matters. I mean no offense, but your butt is like three times wider than his face!"

Pip had watched in disbelief as the two women kept debating what to do with him. He tried to speak in the middle but he was shushed by both of them together. Finally the mother convinced the daughter to use him as a chair slave. She suddenly turned to him and said "Hey, go sit in front of the sofa and put your head on the seat. I want to prove to my daughter here that you're a good seat". Pip gulped his mouthful of food down and without a word, obeyed. He knew what life awaited a chair slave, and was in shock. He hated being facesat. It hurt like hell and he was always worried he'd be permanently damaged from it. But the only way out was to escape, and in the atmosphere outside, he wouldn't survive more than a minute. He had come too far north.

Pip stared up at the ceiling and waited for what was coming. He had been facesat pretty much all his life, but he still felt the fear when a woman was about to do it to him. He noticed that there was a fan above and found it oddly irritating, His view was cut off when suddenly his owner came and stood in front of him. From his vulnerable position, Pip surveyed his new owner. She was a tall woman, and well proportioned for her height. he noticed that in any other situation, she would look not only beautiful, but also handsome. She had a flood of dark black hair flowing down up to her shoulders. Her beautiful face had come alive with a small smile that danced on her full, red lips and her twinkling deep blue eyes. Her outfit, a pair of tight fitting jeans and a loose t shirt, did a poor job of hiding her perfect grooming style and elegant body language. Pip was sure that there was more to this woman than what met the eye. She turned around very slowly, as if to make the statement that there was nothing he would do to try and stop her.

Her butt slowly came into view. Her daughter was right, as Pip could see that her ass, while still proportionate for her height, was still much wider than his small head. She lowered herself slowly towards his face. She seemed to revel in his fear which had become plainly visible. And then before he knew it, his vision went blank. Her ass crushed down on his face. She hadn't cared to ease him into it. His nose immediately got flattened and almost broke. The pain was not just on his face, but everywhere. He felt like the sides of his head would burst open from the pressure and spill his brains everywhere. His face did not even exist anymore. All the features on his face had completely disappeared, crushed into a flat surface by her jean clad ass. It was just too much to take on a physical level. It was a miracle that his nose wasn't bleeding out already. He wished he had had his nose bone removed at the Wall like a lot of others had.

Pip realized that he couldn't breathe at all, as her ass covered his entire face and more, which meant that he couldn't even breathe when he opened his mouth. His head had sunken too much into the cushion for him to tilt his head for a quick breath. As his need to breathe became more and more urgent, he started thrashing around, but he was careful not to touch her in any way. Growing up at the Wall had taught him obedience at the very least. And while he was struggling he could vaguely make out that she was talking to her daughter while sitting on him. He couldn't hear the words because his head had gone too deep into the sofa. After what seemed like an eternity of his struggling and being ignored, she finally stood up.

Pip groaned in pain and fell sideways on the ground, weeping loudly. The pain when she got up was just too much for him to handle. The blood flowing back into his head had activated all his pain sensors. He had at once became aware of his flattened and bent nose, his eyes which he now had trouble opening and the overall ache that he was feeling on his head. But all his sobbing had fallen on deaf ears.

"...I'm telling you, he is more comfortable to sit on than you might think. Why dont you try him yourself?" The daughter agreed she should at least give him a shot and went over to him, roughly lifted him back to a sitting position and bent his head back on the seat forcefully. Pip was still weeping and didn't resist her. Although she was not as big and tall like her mother, she was still bigger and stronger than Pip. She was still wearing the jeans she had been wearing all day and a tight shirt that accentuated her perky boobs. She had black hair like her mom, although a little longer and her cute face had an exasperated look, as if to say "whatever". Before Pip could even make the next thought, she crashed down onto his face and kind of bounced around slightly to adjust herself. She wasn't nearly as her heavy as her mother, and her butt was almost half the size, but still Pip groaned in pain because she was bouncing on his nose which had only moments ago been brought to its breaking point. She settled down when she decided she was comfortable and remained sitting for about a minute, Pip still sobbing inaudibly under her.

"Ok you're right its not uncomfortable. The guy is such a coward though. Look at him weeping like a little girl!" the daughter giggled. "And if we get too bored of him, we can always trade him for a flat faced one later." the mom said, and joined her daughter's laughter when she could hear that Pip was still sobbing under her daughter's ass.
__________________________________________________ __________________

A week later, two workers had come over to the house to install Pip onto "Will's old chair". Both of them had looks of sympathy while they quietly went about their job. Pip could see that they were doing the job only for the money. They started off my shaving him of any bodily hair he had, until he looked like a large scrawny baby. They attached his respiratory bypass (this was conventional for any chair slave, as comfort was the only long run goal of a chair slave and getting up every few minutes was not really comfortable) and the mother insisted that they add one with the option to block the bypass in case she was felt like smothering. The men winced when they saw the gleam in her eyes when she said this. They attached his artificial vein afterwards, through which a variety of drugs and chemicals were constantly administered. This vein could also be used to inject the defibrillator-substitute drug or a sleeping drug or a variety of others, all at the press of a button. They then coated his body with a special film that would take care of a lot of bodily functions such as supplying energy almost directly to him, giving him the vitamins and moisture that the skin needed to not degrade, and also prevented the growth of new body hair. His food and water demands were now met by ingesting a watery liquid that would automatically be fed to him through a pipe. The waste produced was only in the form of water which was not smelly and could easily be transferred directly from his penis to the drainage system.

His owner considered removing his tongue but she then changed her mind, not because of Pip's cries for mercy, but because the daughter put in a word saying that she wouldn't mind the occasional ass-licking. And so Pip was ready to be put into the chair. They put him facing away from the back rest of the chair and opened it up. He saw that there was a small chair-like structure made out of some foamy substance under the seat of the original chair. He got inside and sat on the structure, but the position was close to kneeling than to sitting down. Although it was not a comfortable position to be in , Pip felt like he was floating weightlessly. When they closed the seat of the chair back on, his head was the only thing visible. They made him rest his head on a platform structure within the seat of the chair, and attached him firmly to it so that he couldn't tilt or move his head. The heavy sedative they had given him before the process had rendered him docile and obedient and he didn't protest as they finally finished by locking the seat from the outside. The platform on which his head was resting could be moved up and down or anywhere in the plane of the seat (provided they didn't break his neck in the attempt) and the haptic feedback when sitting on him could also be adjusted. i.e, it could be set to springy and bouncy at one extreme to hard and unmoving at the other extreme depending how sadistic the sitter felt.

The daughter wanted to try it out first. This time she didn't crash her ass onto his face carelessly (probably because the workers were watching with apprehension) but slowly descended. She sat down completely and after a few seconds of thought, smiled. "Yep this will do just fine." She set the chair to be springy and started bouncing a bit and seemed pleased that the chair didn't make any disturbing noises when she did so. She then got up and let her mom try it out as well. Thankfully this time she was wearing a formal pair of pants. She too took it gently so as to not creep out the maintenance men. When she had fully settled down, there was no evidence of Pip anymore. It just looked like a sexy woman sitting on a normal chair. She paid the two men a tip without getting up and asked the daughter to show them out.
__________________________________________________ ______

Two long years had passed since that day and some changes had come over Pip, most of them mental than physical. His whole face had become calloused from all the repeated facesitting. People who rode horses regularly get calluses on their butts, and in a similar way, the clothing material worn by the women who facesat him had scratched and eroded his face over and over again that, over time his face had hardened to reduce the damage. But sadly, now that his face was getting calloused, the women took it as a sign that he should be treated more roughly.

But it was mentally that Pip suffered his greatest loss. He was treated just as a piece of furniture. Pip had no needs and hence was completely ignored. During the initial days, Pip had tried begging and then later even screaming for mercy, but he received none. As the days passed, Pip's begging and screaming became those that demanded attention rather than mercy. He could deal with the pain and humiliation, but he just couldn't stand being ignored forever. But as the months passed and seasons changed and came around again, Pip had decided to shut up and save his energy. His will had been broken quite a while ago. But the flashback that he just had, combined with the fact that he hadn't slept for two days, somehow brought some energy into Pip's body. He knew this energy was fleeting and would go away if he didn't do something with it right now. And so, Pip decided to talk once again.

The daughter had finished her coffee a while ago and had been sitting on him while thinking of something. She slowly got up and was about to walk away, when Pip tried to talk. He found to his surprise that he couldn't. He had forgotten how to talk! But he managed to say something before she was out the door.

"Gleeba!" he said, panting at the effort. The girl had clearly heard him, as she paused for a moment. But then without looking back, she chuckled quietly and began to walk away again. "P-Please!" he said again, managing to get it right this time. This time the girl hesitated a bit more and then turned back and walked back towards the chair. For the first time since a very long time, she looked directly at him (and winced at how flattened and ugly his face had become over the years) and said, "Hey, shut up. Nobody likes a chair slave who talks. Should've let mom cut your tongue off". Pip felt like crying with happiness because this was the first time since being put into the chair that somebody actually talked to him like a person. "Th-Thank you.." He managed to gasp out. "What? What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a mixture of annoyance and disgust. Pip took a deep breath and said, "I just.. wanted you to talk to me.. even if it was to tell me to.. shut up... so lonely.. going crazy..please.. " He couldn't go on as he had run out of breath and energy as well. Tears formed in his eyes as he realized how pathetic he was and how he had ruined his opportunity. She probably wouldn't try talking to him again.

But when Pip opened his eyes, he saw that she was still there, looking at him. "You know, most chair slaves go silent and unmoving after the first six months. I kinda always assumed they went dead inside. Kinda amazing that you're still sane". Pip's eyes widened when he heard it. This girl might just sympathize with him if he tried hard enough! "Please.. just look at me or talk to me once in a while... anything... just tell me to shut up... anything... anything will do!" Pip burst out in tears again.

"Yeesh. calm down." She got a piece of cloth, wiped his eyes roughly to remove the tears and abruptly turned around and plopped down on his face. The daughter always had a habit of plopping down on his face instead of sitting down. But then she moved up a bit and lifted her knees to her chin, so that she was now sitting on the valley between his forehead and nose. She checked to see that his mouth was still free. "You know what, fine. I don't mind talking to you once in a while if i have absolutely nothing else to do. Like right now. But if my mom finds out you'll be in a lot of trouble" she giggled at the thought. Her mom had always been the sadistic one, but she did enjoy watching her mom on one of her sadistic streaks.

"Ok then let's see. Yeah, what's your name?" she giggled again when she realized that she had been sitting on him for two years without caring about what his name was. She wondered if her mom knew. "Pip.." he answered from under her, trying to hide the immense pain on his eyes and nose due to her weight. "Pip? Like Pipsqueak? Haha more like Pipseat!" she giggled at her own joke. Pip tried to laugh as well but made a funny noise instead. She realized what had happened and giggled even harder. Pip could feel her butt shaking with laughter on top of him. "You know, for someone who wanted so fucking badly to talk, you're hardly saying anything" she said and Pip could almost picture her frown. "I... literally.. can't... throat gone dry.." Pip said, struggling with the effort. His breathing increased its pace as he was having trouble gathering the energy to speak. "Ouch. See this is why nobody talks to chair slaves. They just have nothing good to say!"

"No..no.. please! please don't ignore more for another year! i can talk.. see?" he wheezed out, with even more effort. He was clearly panting now. "Yeesh. Calm down. You're making me feel like a bad person. You're kind of ruining my morning here. I mean-" She paused and listened, and continued, "it looks like my mom's on her way here. I can talk to you another time if you're so desperate. And if i feel like it. But if you know what's good for you, you should shut up until then. She's almost here."

Pip didn't open his mouth for a reply. Sure enough, the door opened again and his owner came into the room. "Hey mom. Here for the chair? Im done anyway. Wait, mom are you drunk?" she said, while slowly pulling her knees down from her chin. "Yep!" her mom responded and burst out laughing. "Listen honey, mommy needs some private time with the chair, ok?"she said. "Sure thing mom", the daughter hesitated a bit and then got up from his face, and left the room, closing the door behind her. His owner walked over to him, and without looking at him (as usual), turned around. Dread filled Pip as he saw that she was wearing jeans. But she roughly pulled them down, and continued to pull down her underwear as well. She was giggling to herself a bit still and began to slowly lower herself down onto Pip's face, but halfway through, she lost her balance and crashed on to him uncontrollably. She had landed square on his face and with considerable speed. His nose which had hardened over the years, once again threatened to break under the sudden impulse. She had some trouble getting up, as she had lost her balance. But then she managed to get up, and this time, slowly descended onto him. Before she sat down, she spread her beautiful bubble butt cheeks apart to reveal her asshole. She sat down carefully ensuring that his nose went right in there. She then tapped his jaw three times. That was the signal for him to lick.
Obediently, Pip snaked his tongue out from his mouth, slowly parted the folds of her mound with it. Pip knew her vagina better than the back of his own hand (which he hadn't felt for months). He had never seen her vagina except in the short moment before her ass descended onto his face or got up from it. But being from the Wall, he still knew oral sex better than the average man. Not good enough to be a sex slave, but still good enough. His mistress liked to start things slow and end in a violent painful storm. Pip's tongue was inside her now. He slowly worked his tongue in circles inside her, touching every inch of her inside. Once he had an idea where everything was, he went to work. Slowly at first, and then gradually increased his rhythm. But his tongue was getting tired quite fast due to all the sleep deprivation. She sensed this happening and sent some more adrenaline into his vein. Pip felt a sudden burst of energy and he suddenly stepped up his speed. He started massaging her walls firm and fast, working his way in. But his owner seemed hardly impressed by his efforts. Pip had the technique, but not the tongue size or strength. With a sigh, she got up from the chair. Pip's head tried to lift up along with her butt, as his nose had become stuck between her cheeks due to the vacuum, the sweat and the sheer pressure. But the restraints on his head held it back and popped his head out from her ass with a wet pop.
She returned shortly with a toy. Sex toys had improved in quality and innovation after the War. Without looking at him again, she lowered herself down again, but this time, so as to cover his whole face. She spread her cheeks and exposed her asshole again, and this time, hovered it above his mouth. Pip didn't need to be told twice. He guided his tongue slowly upwards, flinching mentally at the acrid smell that he would soon taste. He gingerly touched her asshole once, as if to say "Hi", and then started licking the area around it, slowly working his way to the middle. His owner was starting to get a little impatient and Pip decided to speed it up. He went straight for her asshole. He constantly kept licking it from different angles and massaged the immediate area around it, until her sphincter muscles slowly started to relax. He heard a sigh of satisfaction come from above him. But he also sensed her urgency to sit down. She pumped more adrenaline into his vein and he started going even faster, introducing gentle pokes and prods directly at her asshole, admist all the continued licking. Her muscles relaxed a bit more, opening her asshole up a little, enough for him to stick just the tip of his tongue in. His owner gasped above him when he did so. He pulled it back out and continued massaging the edges of her asshole that was now slowly opening wider, and also kept trying to get his tongue in occasionally. His owner had starting moaning just a little which meant Pip was doing fine. Finally he managed to relax her muscles enough that her asshole was open wide enough for him put his whole tongue in. The moment he stuck his tongue in there she lowered herself down, pushing his tongue even further in the process, causing her to gasp in between her moans. She sat herself completely down and Pip felt the familiar enveloping pain that came with it. But he knew he didn't have time to dwell on how painful the facesit was. Pip's tongue was now almost completely inside her asshole and she expected him to keep moving it. Licking was no longer an option as she was sitting completely covering his face. But he could still thrust his tongue in and out, although not with the same skill and freedom he could before. But she didn't seem to care about finesse at this point. She switched her toy on, lifted her legs up (and almost doubling the pressure on Pip's face) and inserted the vibrating toy all the way up into her vagina. Pip didn't stop thrusting his tongue in and out even though the pain was blinding his thoughts. And moreover he was feeling out of breath due to all the exercise. She hurriedly switched on his respiratory bypass so that she wouldn't have to move.

But being able to breath did not solve his problems as the pain was just too blinding. But Pip knew he had to ride it out until she rode him out. He kept mindlessly thrusting in and out to get her off faster. Her moans were getting a bit louder as the toy and Pip's tongue competed over which could bring their owner to orgasm first. And after what seemed like forever (Pip lost the ability to accurately keep time) she began to reach the point of no return. Her moans got even louder and she started thrusting her toy in and out and bouncing on him at the same time. Even during the bounces, Pip kept thrusting his tongue in and out. As she reached closer to her orgasm, she started bouncing not only faster, but also harder. Some animalistic instinct in her had managed to associate the orgasm to how hard she was hurting him. She responded to this instinct and started bouncing intentionally to hurt him. The chair started creaking every time she bounced. Pip's world had become a dense cloud of pain intermittently stricken by thunder when her ass would crash back on his face. He still kept his tongue out in the hope that it might go into her asshole directly at least a few times, and jump start her orgasm.

When it came, her orgasm took hold of her completely. She had given in completely to her wild primitive instincts, rocking and grinding on Pip's face mercilessly as her orgasm reached its peak. She came all over Pip's face and her juices started flowing down the side of his face down into the insides of the chair. She went on grinding on his face, humming with pleasure. Her moaning and gasps finally started slowing down as her orgasm began its decline. Pip's face was entirely covered with her juices, making it dangerous to try and breath. He was very thankful for his bypass. And then finally, she was done. She gave a long sigh and slowly sank back onto him, and lit a cigarette. Pip's face had become sealed off completely by the fluid that surrounded it. By the time she finished her cigarette, she realized how wet she and the chair was, and got up with a loud wet squelch sound as Pip's face had become stuck in her ass again, even more so this time, due to all the liquids.

It looked like Pip might just be done for the morning. Maybe she would even let him sleep now. But as Pip watched in horror, she came back after cleaning herself, wiped off the seat and Pip's face roughly with a cloth (without paying attention to him). She pulled her jeans back on, and turned around to sit on him again. She laughed to herself when she thought of something. She slowly descended her butt on to his face. There was no 'right way' to do it when it was her doing the sitting and while wearing jeans. No matter how she sat, his face would just cease to exist and become one flat surface shaped exactly like her butt was when she was sitting down. With a sigh she sank all her weight down on him, switched the TV on, and lit another cigarette. And then, laughing to herself again, she reached over and closed his respiratory bypass! She was going to do a post-orgasmic smother session. Now usually Pip could hold his breath for very long and smothering meant that she would get up every half an hour to let him breathe, or turn his bypass on for a few seconds every half an hour. But the long and arduous orgasm he had to endure, combined with the adrenaline had greatly reduced his breath holding capabilities temporarily. But his owner either didn't seem to know or care.

Five minutes passed and Pip found to his horror that he was already out of breath. He started panicking, but with all her weight on her, he couldn't even move any part of his face. Whenever she sat on him for long wearing jeans, it would temporarily paralyze his facial muscles, which meant that he would even have trouble trying to open his eyes. There was no way he could signal to her that he really needed to breath. He tried opening his mouth, but it only resulted in his lips getting scratched under the heavy abrasive weight of her jeans. Her butt was too large to let him breath even with an open jaw. But thankfully she seemed to have noticed his attempt and chuckled to herself as she opened his bypass for a couple of seconds. She wouldn't want to throw her investment away after all.

This went on for an hour or so, and Pip knew this was probably how her whole afternoon would be spent. Pip noticed that although it was past the ten minute mark she still wasnt letting him breath. Pip urgently needed to breath two minutes ago and he started to lose it. He tried moving around as much as he could to let her know that he couldn't breathe. But his whole body was strapped down properly inside the chair. His head was fixed in place and nothing he did seem to cause a response from his sitter. Pip started to panic, but tried to assure himself that his owner was just being extra cruel to him and that she was probably doing a 'final sit' where she would smother him for an extraordinary long time just before she would stop using the chair.

But minutes passed and Pip still didn't receive the life giving breath that he so desired. His brain was slowly shutting down as Pip thought of nothing but breathing. As time passed Pip didn't even know what he was struggling so hard for, but he kept on struggling, opening and closing his mouth, in an attempt to get any amount of air in. But the contact of her hard jeans to his face was slightly wet due to remnants of her juices and Pip couldn't even get a sip of air in. If he was sane anymore, Pip would have concluded that this was probably his mistress knocking him out, and would revive him later. But the primitive need to breath that had become Pip, knew that he was going to die. Pip's consciousness had left him, but his body still struggled, driven by his urgent need of air. But soon even this thoughtless instinct began to run out of fuel. Pip's body was slowly shutting down as his mind went blank. Pip fell into darkness and for some unexplainable reason which he couldn't concentrate on, he felt.. happy.

Pip's unconscious body still spasmed at parts, small twitches in his fingers, violent shakes in his legs, all of which went unseen and unnoticed by his mistress, who had fallen asleep, with her cigarette still burning in her hand. Pip was no longer present in his body, but a quick press of the defibrillator substitute, along with a few mouthfuls of air could have brought him back, but on the contrary, the sleeping mistress' butt was not even letting his unconscious body breath, slowly killing him, as his organs started to shut down slowly. She half-woke up when the cigarette's burning end reached too close to her fingers. She smiled to herself without opening her eyes when she realized she had fallen asleep on the chair. "Was his bypass on or not..." she vaguely wondered, but decided he can probably handle himself. He wasn't even struggling yet. She smiled and went back to sleep.

© Copyright 2015 Azrael7 (azrael7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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