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Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2057957
I'm a writer, nurse and conservative just going about my day.
This is day one of my blog.

I've always wanted to write. As a kid I loved to read comic books and a lot of my writing was about super-heroes. My problem then and now was that I never finished anything.

I take that back. I did write a book this year during one of the monthly write-a-book in a month. It was about a Confederate superhero. It was set in the future after China attacked the US taking Alaska and the west coast. The US was hurting for money and Texas had plenty of it. Texas bought it's way out of the union and started purchasing the other southern states. In the process Texas had invented nanites that could be controlled by a few people. Controlling nanites was not easy. The easy part was injecting them into a person's bloodstream. After that it was all down hill. Nanites are very intelligent and will not simply do as they are told. You have to convince them to do what you want. Most died in the attempt but a few people survived and they became supermen. One of these supermen was able to use the nanites to create the ability to travel back in time. Controlling time travel was easy as long as it was no more than a few days into the past.

One day a super powered villain showed up and the time traveling superman accidentally traveled too far into the past due to a massive explosion. He found himself at the start of the American Civil War.

I wrote it in pantzer mode of course and so the book was horrible although I still like the idea. I would like to go back someday and fix that book but at the same time I want to move forward.

A goal that I have for myself for 2016 is to write a book-a-month for twelve months. I think I can do that because if I'm not doing that I'm just playing video games or watching TV.

At the moment I'm working on a book about an American liberal that accidentally travels 100 years into the future. It should be heaven for him because the liberals have had free reign for most of that time and conservative thought and actions are actually illegal. Would a liberal from 2015 be happy with American liberalism in 2115? I'm doing just 1,000 words a day on that one and I plan to finish it by the end of October.

For the November I plan to participate in the Nanowrimo. I'm planning on using the October Nanowrimo Prep Challenge to get me ready for that.

Other than that I plan to visit this site every day and blog here and do whatever I can to motivate myself to write more and more. I'm looking forward to participating in the contests. Hope I win one...someday.
October 4, 2015 at 1:06pm
October 4, 2015 at 1:06pm
I'm actually surprised how much writing that I've gotten done. I've even posted my work over at Wattpad. I have one book that is finished called, "Sam and I". It's a first draft so it's not 100% finished, but it's my first book. I have "Fast Forward" with 10k words in. I'm not sure if I'll continue that one or not but we'll see. I'm currently working on "Alien Phobic". Alien Phobic should be done just before or after Christmas this year with about 90k words. If I keep this up I might actually get published one day. :)
September 28, 2015 at 6:31pm
September 28, 2015 at 6:31pm
I'm working on something to start a new book on Oct 1st. The plan is to have 27 chapters with 90k words.
September 24, 2015 at 8:02am
September 24, 2015 at 8:02am
Well, yesterday sucked. Overall it wasn't a bad day. At least not until the end of the day. My plan was to come home and put in my 1k word count for the day but then my wife said she wanted snacks. Now we usually have something to snack on at home but what she always means is that she wants us to go out and get new snacks. Okay, no problem. I can do that and my word count. Now there was something else to add to the tension here. That night was the night that Survivor was starting with episode one of the season and after that Big Brother was ending. I'm a fan of both and I knew that I'd get no writing done once those shows started.

But I had plenty of time. Right? No. I couldn't find my wallet. Once I started looking for my wallet I realized what I had done with it. As a nurse, I never walk around with my wallet because I give medications to old folks and we like to be eye-to-eye with them when we are with them. So I'm usually on my knees and having a wallet in your pocket is uncomfortable if you are in that position many times a day. So I lock my wallet in my locker. So I knew it was in my locker at work.

Now, usually I just take the wallet out of my locker along with all my other stuff. But this time, there were some women looking at the work schedule what happened to be near my locker and I had to reach behind them to grab my stuff...and I couldn't see into the locker and I didn't notice that I left behind my wallet.

So, now I, and you, see my problem. I would not have enough time to go back to work, get my wallet, get my wife's snacks, do my word count and watch my shows. I was screwed.

The end result was that I was able to get my wallet and the snacks, didn't have time for my word count and fell asleep around 8pm (the normal time I go to bed because I have to get up at 4am for work), and I didn't get to watch Big Brother.

So this morning I watched Big Brother and the end of Survivor on their websites and now I'm working on my word count.

Damn. The writing life is not easy.
September 22, 2015 at 6:55pm
September 22, 2015 at 6:55pm
Nice! I just hit 10K words on my new book, "Fast Forward"! Woot! I'm just plugging away at 1k a day and 2k on my days off. But like I said before, I want to bump that up to 3k on my days off so I can do 1k on my work days. I think even on my worst days at work I could still pump out 1k.
September 22, 2015 at 5:37am
September 22, 2015 at 5:37am
Well, I actually slept almost 8 hours last night. I guess I needed it. But I got no writing done this morning. It's okay. 1,000k is easy to do when I get home.
September 21, 2015 at 6:27pm
September 21, 2015 at 6:27pm
I just realized something. I've found that it's very easy for me to do 1,000 words a day. What if I did that when I write a book-a-month, every month? I would write 1,000 words a day on my work days and then on my days off I could make up the difference. Let's say I shoot for 50k this month. I work 20 days this month and have 10 days off. So I'd have 20k from my work days and then on my days off I would have to write 3k each day off.

I'll try writing 3k days on my days off from here to November to see if that's a pace I can maintain.
September 21, 2015 at 5:49am
September 21, 2015 at 5:49am
Woot! I got in half my word count today! I'll finish when I get home. My word count at the moment is 1,000. I'm hoping to get into the habit of doing about 600 words in the morning and then 1,000 at night for Nanowrimo. If that works then I can just write a book every month and then try to fit in time to do revisions on previous books.
September 20, 2015 at 4:38am
September 20, 2015 at 4:38am
I start work everyday at 6am and so I usually set my alarm for 4am. However, I usually wake up earlier than that. Today I got up at 2am and I got some writing done. Woot! I think that when I move my word count from 1,000 a day to over 1,600 a day that I'll do half before work and half after work. I would write during lunch but I only have 1/2 hour lunch and I'd be luck to get anything done...but maybe I'll try.
September 19, 2015 at 7:18pm
September 19, 2015 at 7:18pm
Today was an easy day at work, sorta. I had two new people to care for and one of them was missing several medications. That meant for each one I had to record on the back of the MAR (Medication Administration Record) the reason why I wasn't giving that person those drugs. Plus I also had to record that one a end of day report as well as a communication log. Took me about twenty minutes to get that person's med's ready when usually it only takes me about five minutes or less. Oh well, the family is bring the missing otc (over the counter) meds today. So tomorrow should be a little easier.

I didn't do any writing this morning but I did meet my word count when I got off work. Sweet. My plan for 2016 is to write a book a month every single month. I may be wrong but I think that if I get into that habit that writing fast will be easier for me and I may even have some time to do some re-writes of other books that I write as I go. We shall see.
September 18, 2015 at 6:40pm
September 18, 2015 at 6:40pm
Today was a good day. I did my blog now twice today and I did two reviews and added another two thousand words to my novel, "Flash Forward". I'm really pushing myself to make writing such a habit that I'll do it without even thinking about it. I can easily pump out 1,000 words in about an hour or less and it's nice to see what happens next in my story. I may even do another 1,000 words tonight before I go to bed.

It's a little harder on work days. I'm going to try to do a few hundred words before work in the morning and that'll be a nice boost for when I get home. We shall see.
September 18, 2015 at 7:37am
September 18, 2015 at 7:37am
At the moment I'm watching a movie called, "The Suicide Theory". It's about a guy that wants to kill himself but he can't because he just comes back to life each time. So he hires a hit man and the hit man has killed him a few times already but he's still alive. Good movie. I'd recommend it if you are into that kinda thing.

At the same time I'm working on my character sheets for the novel I'm working on at the moment. I call it, "Fast Forward". Lousy name but I needed a working title. I'm doing 1,000 words a day for 50 days and I find 1,000 words is really easy to do. I usually hit my mark in about an hour. I'm a lousy writer and so it's not very good, but the important thing is to shut down my internal critic and I'm able to do that just fine. One of these days I'm going to have to sit down and learn how to re-write and edit my work.

Anyways, I just wanted to stop by and blog a bit while I watch this movie. I'll leave for now while I watch it and work on my character sheets for "Fast Forward".

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