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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2060347
Contest Round 1: Protagonist Background Story
Write a story about your protagonist that takes place outside of your novel. Make your readers relate to him or her in such a way that we would be devastated if he or she were to experience conflict (which, ultimately, sometime in November, he/she will.) The object of the contest is to make your judges root for your protagonist! Simply put: the character we like best wins.

Where the hell is he?

"Samantha Balfour."

A few claps sounded after the calling of my name, and I heard the tell-tale whoop of my father's proud cheers. Hiding a grimace caused by the heels my mother insisted I wear, I shot my family a happy smile as I stood. Facing forward once more, I walked dutifully up to the auditorium stage where my diploma--and with it, my future--awaited.

I smiled in the appropriate manner at the alums, staff, and benefactors as each shook my hand.

"Congratulations," each one murmured, generally looking uninterested as they passed me along to the next important person. As I reached for the already extended hand of Principal Adkins, my eyes were focused on the leather cover nestled in her arm more so than her face.

"Congratulations, Samantha." The warmth in her voice made me raise my eyes. Despite only being apart of school faculty for the last year, Principal Adkins had no problem making friends with us now departing seniors of Bear Valley High. She had a calm, mother-like quality about her that set all of the students at ease, a nice change after three years under Principal Wallace's tyrannical thumb. I found a smile tugging at my lips as I opened my mouth to give the obligatory 'Thank you.'

Before I could speak, a ruckus sounded from the back of the auditorium, making countless sets of eyes pull away from the busy stage. I knew who would be the cause of it before I saw the ruffled mop of black hair under his lopsided graduation cap.

"Yo, Sam! Told you I wouldn't miss it!" Kameron called towards the stage, ignoring the pointed glares that the staff were giving him. He glanced slightly to my right at Principal Adkins and gave her a 100-watt grin. "Sup, Principal A!"

"Ay, bro! Took ya long enough!" Edward shouted from his spot with the rest Kameron's family in the stadium-style bleachers.

"You know it, bro!" Kameron called back, giving his chest one hard pound at he signaled back to his older brother in the audience.

The principal gave a good-natured chuckle, grabbing the mic that stood not to far from us. "So nice of you to join us, Mr. Sage. Please, take your seat," she said motioning with her free hand at the cluster of fold-out chairs. She shot me a knowing look that was filled with mirth. It was completely like Kameron to crash his own graduation, and she knew it. I fought to hide the very genuine grin that threatened to take over my face. It would just encourage him.

"Got it, Prince," Kameron replied, shooing away a disgruntled math teacher that was trying and failing to mutter angrily in his ear. I heard Kameron's quiet, "Yeah, yeah," dismissal of the teacher's chastising from across the auditorium floor, despite the buzz of conversation that began in the stands with his arrival. He sauntered right up to the front row of chairs, knowing full well that alphabetical seating would have him sitting further back, and sat right in my chair. He glanced up at me with mischievous smirk, as if daring me to say something about it.

I shook my head and muttered a nearly inaudible, "Bastard."

"I heard that, Miss Balfour!" Kameron called entirely too loudly.

I didn't bother to hide my grin. "Shhhh. You're being a disturbance," I whisper-shouted at him, which only made his smile grow. I turned that to Principal Adkins. "Thank you, and I'm so sorry about Kameron," I said in a flurry. "My first course of action as a responsible adult is to get him help."

The principal chuckled again, shaking her head at my apology. "It's not a problem, I assure you. Graduations need a little spice from time to time." She held out the leather folder. "I'm gonna miss you guys. Take care of him."

As I finally grabbed hold of my diploma, I glanced backwards a Kameron, who wiggled his fingers at me in a very cutesy wave. "He's lucky if I don't kill him," I replied, shooting him a sickly sweet smile in return.

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