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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2063759
Jason is instructed to transport 10,000 euros, but someone is waiting to catch him.

Unspecified location – 29th October 2015

The execution was swift, one life over, another began.

Jason woke up in a dark room and after allowing himself ample time to panic, realised he was in some sort of pod. He couldn’t move his arms, nor could he move his legs and whenever he tried he seemed to hit a cold metallic wall.

“Let’s try that one more time shall we Jason?”

“No! No!”

A blinding light, and then darkness once more, followed by a stream of light shining down the end of what appeared to be a moist cave.

“Congratulations, you’ve given birth to a healthy baby boy.” Came an unfamiliar voice.

Thirteen years later – 29th October 2008

“Happy thirteenth birthday!” Screamed Jason’s parents as they burst into his bedroom. They wore party hats with elastic under their chins and their hands were laden with gift wrapped boxes. “Whose birthday is it, that’s right it’s our newly turned teenagers birthday!”

Jason, with his new found hatred of mornings, climbed out of bed reluctantly, but soon found plenty of spirit when his eyes focused on all the boxes with his name on them.

Downstairs in the living room Jason hungrily tore away at the wrapping paper, revealing a game console, a toy robot you could build from scratch along with board games and other things that Jason really appreciated.

“Oh, this came for you too Jason. It’s from your great Aunt Theresa in Australia.” She handed Jason a backpack with a combination lock keeping it shut. Inside a pocket on the backpack was a note.

Not to be opened until the morning falling on the 29th of October 2015

29th October 2015 – Morning

“Come on man! Get up! Let’s get smashed!”

“Go away guys…”

“Awh come on Jase, at least show a little enthusiasm!”

“Where are we even?”

“You seriously don’t remember? We’re in Amsterdam you nut head. Remember? 18th birthday celebrations?”

Jason vaguely remembered fleeting conversations about going to Amsterdam for his 18th birthday, but they felt like nothing more than dreams. He rolled over in bed, his eyes fixing on the backpack that he had forgotten about, the backpack that he had been gifted on his 13th birthday. He didn’t have the combination to open it though, so unless he were to tear it open it wasn’t going to be opened today. He did have one idea of what it could be though. Jason pushed himself up from bed and rubbed his tired eyes and stalked over to the backpack leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. Bending down, he held the combi-lock in his hand and flipped the dials to read 2910, the 29th of the 10th month and tried to pull the lock open to no avail. Trying one last thought, he flipped the final digit to 5 so that the combi-lock read 2915, the 29th of the month of the year 2015. The lock clicked open. Jason’s heart beat against his chest, he was not expecting that to work. He pulled the bag open and peered inside where he found an envelope sat on top of a plastic bag. He pulled the envelope out and tore it open.

Good morning Jason. If you’ve done as you were told then the date will be the 29th of October 2015. Inside this backpack is a carrier bag containing the sum of 10,000 euros, you are to transport this bag across Amsterdam to Isolatorweg, how you get the money there is at your own discretion. Be on your guard.

29th October 2015 – Afternoon

Jason boarded the metro train on line 50 destined for Isolatorweg much to the protest of his friends, but Jason assured them that he’ll be back soon, the journey was a two hour round trip so he’ll be back with plenty of time to go out later with them. On the train he noted the unusual vacuity of the train, surely it should be bustling with commuters at this hour, but he was the only person on the train. He took a seat near the door and the train started to move.

“Excuse me sir?” Said a tall man in a black and white suit with a face that Jason couldn’t quite focus on.

“Yeah?” Jason replied.

“Is your name Jason Hollister?”

“What’s it to you?”

“Quite a lot, actually. 10,000 euros I hear.” The man stood over Jason like a tree standing over a snail, no matter what Jason did he couldn’t escape this man.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The man pulled a pistol out of his inside jacket pocket and pressed it against Jasons head, the cold metal stinging his skin. “The money, now, and I will spare your life.”

Jason slided down the chair and the man fired into the headrest that Jason’s head was resting on just moment ago, with one swift movement Jason rolled underneath the gentlemans legs, spun around on his heel and pulled out a pistol on the man, aiming squarely at his head.

“You don’t want to do this.” Said Jason plainly.

“You’ll find that you’re outgunned.” Said the man.

“You’ll find that so are you.”

All at once, 18 versions of Jason sprung up from behind seats and locked doors, all with pistols, all aiming at the mans head. “I’ve lived this moment many times, strategically placing myself around the train so that at the right time I can beat you.”

There was a mighty explosion as every pistol in the carriage fired at once, including the gentleman aiming the gun at Jason. Jason fell to the ground, bleeding out of a hole in his head, the gentleman fell also. The other versions of Jason evaporated into thin air in a cloud of mist.

“Simulation failure. Reset imminent.”

The bodies of Jason and the Gentleman evaporated.

“Reset failure, unable to exit program.”

The bag containing the 10,000 euros remained on the train seat, the combination lock open, waiting to be discovered.

© Copyright 2015 Steve Baker (sbaker1994 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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