Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2066187-Even-more-sexy-stuff
by Nega
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · LGBTQ+ · #2066187
a bunch more is coming!
Amai (Mewvee/M): purred and nuzzled against his hand a bit, glancing away in slight embarrassment before looking back as his nose was booped, smiling happily. "Boop yourself." 18:26
Amai (Mewvee/M); Giggled a little bit nuzzling him a little bit looking a little confused give him another firm tight hug "don’t be embarrassed we are all alone here *Heart*" Giving him aother sweet kiss on his lips giving his tights a soft sqeeuze. rubbing along his soft hips 18:40
Amai (Mewvee/M): Want me to resend? 18:39
Amai (Mewvee/M): blushed a little and kissed back, sighing happily at the rubbing and squeezing, looking around. "I suppose we are..." 18:40
Amai (Mewvee/M); nah just resend the log afther we done 18:44
Amai (Mewvee/M); Would just let a happy murr as he gotten kiss back Giving him a soft snuggle as he teased his little pucker with his fingers "Hmmmh wanna have some fun while were alone here *Heart* · " 18:45
Amai (Mewvee/M): Alright, but I might have lost some 18:44
Amai (Mewvee/M); aww.. 18:46
Amai (Mewvee/M): Yeah I think I lost the part up to where you booped my nose 18:47
Amai (Mewvee/M); X3 dawww thats cute 18:49
Amai (Mewvee/M): Heh... ^-^’ 18:49
Amai (Mewvee/M); Continue? 18:51
Amai (Mewvee/M): Yeah, did you get my post 18:52
Amai (Mewvee/M); nope 18:57
Amai (Mewvee/M): purred gently and bit his lip as his hole was prodded by flare, blushing deeply but smiling. "That sounds good to me." He stated, purring a little louder. 18:58
Amai (Mewvee/M); Softly prodded his naughty hole a little deeper with his finger as he own shaft peeking out his trousers blushing a little bit Because he considered it be too painfull it sticked too his fingers inside sliding it in and out "H-hmm oooh n-naugthy mew arent you *Heart* you not getting anything for chirstmas that way hohoho · " 19:01
Amai (Mewvee/M): gasped and tensed up a bit, moaning softly as his breathing got heavier. "I think this’ll be enough..." He smiled a little, as his own length began to start showing, making him blush deeply. 19:03
Amai (Mewvee/M); Would just smile giving it a little attention with his other hand soflty stroking over you shaft placing his shaft in between those plum cheeks murring a little bit "ooh you quite tight arent you *Heart* I can fix that for you *Heart*" 19:07
Amai (Mewvee/M): moaned gently and looked back at the warmth between his cheeks, smiling a little and purring happily. "Please do..." He stated, raising his rear a bit. 19:09
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid): "That was amazing" *She said panting * 19:13
Amai (Mewvee/M); Blushed a little at his soft woard moaning as he softly prods it aigast his awaiting hole murring "you sure*Heart*? i am afraid it would hurt you *Heart* · " 19:15
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid); "your amazing aswell sylph *Heart*" 19:16
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid): "When did you learn to do this" 19:16
Amai (Mewvee/M): nodded at him. "I may be small but I can handle it... Trust me... Please." He smiled a bit rubbing Flares member a bit with his rear. 19:18
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid); "jsut now... · " 19:22
Amai (Mewvee/M); Blushed a little bit nibbling on his soft ear nodding gulping "dont say i didnt warn you *Heart*" Grinning a little bit As he kinda want him too regret those words softly probing his warm shaft inside pucker while licking and kissing over his other cheeks 19:24
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid): "You just learned to transform " 19:24
Amai (Mewvee/M): gasped and closed his eyes, moaning out as his shaft began to throb. "Ah..." He groaned, smiling a bit from the feel. 19:25
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid); "i know all along sweetie *Heart* it have it sincce birth · " 19:30
Amai (Mewvee/M); Muttered out something but only too come out as just moaning Sqeeuzing that needy shaft moaning louder and louder "uff sooo tight *Heart*3 · " 19:31
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid): "Oh well I hope your not tired cause I ain’t finished yet" 19:32
Amai (Mewvee/M): moaned out and lowered his head a bit. "S-So big..." He groaned, feeling his length throbbing faster, shifting around a bit. 19:32
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid); "oooh you need even more? wowo... · " 19:35
Amai (Mewvee/M); Grasped his shaft harder stroking it off faster and faster plunging inside him harder and faster "oooh f-f-fuuck..." Cumming a little bit off precum inside you warm inside "Nnggh... · " 19:36
Amai (Mewvee/M): moaned out and closed his eyes, panting quickly. "Ah...!" he groaned, feeling the warmth inside of him. "Mm..." 19:37
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid): "Give me all you got" 19:37
Amai (Mewvee/M); Moans louder and louder Squeezing his shaft harder moaning a little more "F-f-fuck s-s-so close" As you can feel flarein hard shaft throbbing with in you *Heart* "A-amai.....*Heart* haaaa..ahh.. · " 19:39
Amai (Mewvee/M): gasps and pants as he feels it throbbing, groaning as his length throbbed as well before moaning out loud as he began to cum. "Ah...!" 19:40
Amai (Mewvee/M); Thrust one last time going a little rougher not letting him any breaks or pause and Came inside his tight hole Filling his small belly a little bit up "Ff--ffuuu T-take it little mewy *Heart*" he muttered out panting and wheezing. 19:46
Amai (Mewvee/M): panted and moaned out as he was filled, blushing at the warmth of it, tightening the best he could to milk Flare’s length, groaning a bit. "I feel so full..." 19:47
Amai (Mewvee/M); Murred a little bit rubbing over his ears Cumming the last off his hot load inside pulling out too gave his gaping hole a soft lick cleaning up is fur "we dont want too get your pink fur dirty dont we *Heart* · " 19:51
Sylph (Drakeon/F/Maid/Hybrid); So-soryy i been a bit busy here o3o little distracted i though you were gone x3 19:51
Amai (Mewvee/M): purred a bit at the rubbing and sighed, squirting a little more cum at the lick. "Heh... Thank you Flarein..." He smiled a bit, blushing deeply as he caught his breath 19:53
Amai (Mewvee/M); Would just pick him up in a sort off cradling postion rubbing over your head "hmmh take some sleep then cutey *Heart* i will carry you back home *Heart*" giggling a little bit poking your gaping hole "its .. a little bit wide open now `theeheh~ · " 19:56
Amai (Mewvee/M): blushed a little at the poke. "Mm... Yeah... And full now as well..." He snuggled against Flare and sighed happily. "Thanks..." 19:57
Amai (Mewvee/M); Softly carried the fully mewvee back too his den Knowing where he lift takes too his psychic nature *Heart* leaving him too sleep in his soft bed Lighting up the small fireplace/campfire too keep him warn during the night Snuggling him up. "Hmmh.. we should do this more often *Heart* · " 20:00
Amai (Mewvee/M): opened his eyes and snuggled back against Flarein. "Mm... I’d like that..." He smiled a little and nuzzled him. "I’d like that very much..." 20:01
Amai (Mewvee/M); Would just blush snuggling next too him blushing a little bit "r-room for one more in there" letting out a tired yawn nuzzling him kissing on his sweet nose *Heart* 20:04
Amai (Mewvee/M): smiled a bit at the kiss and gave a light kiss back. "There’ll always be room for you." He blushed faintly and cuddled up to Flare, nuzzling him and slowly closing his eyes.

?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Sorry, I just don’t know, I’m always the maid, I’ve never been in this position before >?-< 20:22
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; How about you be the maid then *Heart* 20:26
Zack (M Shiny Zoroark); what does it read? 20:26
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Sure, I’ve been told I can follow orders quite well. 20:26
Zack (M Shiny Zoroark): "Good things are coming to you in due course of time" 20:28
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; hmmmm i would love too girly boy 20:47
Zack (M Shiny Zoroark); oooh sounds like a good one 20:48
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Heh, well then I’ll happily be your maid 20:48
Zack (M Shiny Zoroark): Mhm 20:50
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Hhmmh how about they are both maids o3o? 20:51
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: That could work, and be very fun 20:52
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; I know how they sneak in the broom closet at work for some fun~*Heart* 20:59
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Heh, that · does sound like fun *Heart* 20:59
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Sound i start then? 21:02
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Sure 21:02
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; (have about a hour untill sleep) 21:04
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: (Alright then, we could continue this another time if one of us saved the log) 21:04
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; At first day starting off as a maid, All maid were being directed too the hall All off them standing in a in a tidy line, With you standing directly next too Flarein! Flarein briefly look at you before standing up straight trying too look properly for his new job {Hello Amai} Using telephaty too talk along with Amai. 21:07
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: He stood straight and smiled a bit, using his own psychic power to respond {Hi Flarein} He rearranged his suit a little as he got ready, always finding a bit tricky being a bit smaller then everyone else to clean up without help from his powers. 21:09
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Would just smile picking Amai up in his shoulder too help see the instructor better, After a short brief explanation on what to-do all maids were off set too go. Flarein blushed a little bit {Y-y-yeah.. I-i-i need some money so ... i took this job.. 21:15
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Smiled as he rested on Flarein’s shoulder, thankful for his help. {Oh? I just do this from time to time if I want some money, I like the outfits.} He blushed faintly but smiled. {It isn’t that bad, don’t worry} 21:16
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushed a little bit snuggling with him back Squeezing him into warm hug {Outfits? arent they uniforms?} Blushing as Amai just looks about adorable in that maid outfit {Its.. new too wear something else then Matt’s uniform} 21:24
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: hugged back and nuzzled against him. {I guess they’re uniforms here, but I’ve used them as outfits enough times. And you look great, don’t worry} He stated, smiling up at him 21:25
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushing a little bit letting out a soft murr as you nuzzled him back.Still a lightly embarrassed wearing this. Even more flustered too hear you like it {W-w-welll you just look about adorable} Walking along pretending too clean if someone happen too pass by {Quite sexy too~ · } 21:28
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Blushed a bit as well but smiled happily. {Hehe... Thanks. Maybe we can have some fun like this some time.} He said, nuzzling him more. 21:30
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Counter his nuzzles by kissing on his soft cheeks.Squeezing him inside a warm hug *Heart* {W-well we can use that tiny room i saw early!} pointing toward the wall seemingly there is no doorway in {You see. we need too close off the room Due too its poor state But use psychic maids cleaned it up So we can just teleport inside *Heart*} 21:34
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH2SesjT... relevent 21:35
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Looked over and smiled, lifting his head up and looking around, no one was around {Sounds good to me, I’ll see you inside then...} He smiled and gave Flare a kiss before teleporting into the room. 21:36
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Teleport inside as the was a simple bed inside blushing a little bit Shivering a little bit "S-see we can umm do.. sneaky stuff here o///o" Kissing him back on his cute little snout *Heart* 21:38
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: blushed and giggled a bit at the kiss. "Yeah, this is a perfect spot to do it." He smiled at the Gardevoir, climbing up onto the bed. 21:40
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushed a little more softly pulling on his uniform. sitting on the side off the bed Blushing a little red,More so then usual "W-w-well.. umm Would you like room service~ · " 21:41
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: smiled at Flare and gave him a small nuzzle. "I think I would like room service, thank you." He stated, blushing a little as well. 21:42
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Was pinching a little tent Since he was wearing a skirt rather then trousers The skirt gotten a little pulled up "Hhmm how about some Cream too drink~" 21:44
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: licked his lips at the thought, looking at the small bulge and giving it a small rub. "I’d enjoy that very much..." 21:44
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Eeps but smirked a little bit letting him give that bulge a rub with those cute frisky paws "oh arent you naughty~ feel free too ~ · " 21:46
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: Smiled and kept rubbing it a little with a blush nodding. "Maybe a little naughty..." He said, putting his head under the skirt and looking at Flares length, giving it a few licks. 21:47
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushed a little bit letting out a suprised "Nyaaah~" from the sudden licks As you would be underneath his white robes aswell *Heart*. It feels quite smooth and warm *Heart* "C-c-careful don’t tear that away" 21:51
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: smiled and shook his head. "I won’t..." He kept licking at it before slowly taking it in his mouth and suckling the tip gently. 21:53
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushing gasping more and more Rubbing over your head as you starting softly taking the tip inside "O-ohh y-you have this done before dont you naughty boy~ · " 21:56
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: blushed deeply and nodded {Yeah...} he said telepathically as he took some more, moaning softly and sucking harder 21:57
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Blushed put his hands be-hide those Pink fluffy ears Softly pushing him more down that juicy 12 inch shaft Moaning as the tip leaks a little off his warm precum inside *Heart* Tasting sweet and a little hot from flarein odd Temperature *Heart* 21:59
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: moaned from the taste of pre, licking a bit as he kept sucking, feeling himself pushed down it more and more. 22:01
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Pinching his soft little ears,Moaning more and more "Hmmm g-g-good you Nyaaaah *Heart* *Heart*" Panting starting too Murr more often gasping for air Feeling you warm maw *Heart* "S-so fudging goood *Heart* · " 22:04
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: sighed happily and looked down the length, gulping a bit before taking a few more inches, moaning out happily. 22:04
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; Flarein in return looks happily back .Enjoying his sexy maid *Heart* "Y-y-you don’t need too get it all if you c-c-cant get it all in *Heart*" Stroking over his cheeks. Teasing his lil shaft down there ((would amai have a barbed one?) 22:08
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: (I’m not sure really, hes part canine and part feline.) He moaned a bit, glad at where he was an went back to sucking and licking over it. 22:09
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; (is either a knot or a barbed one) Moaning louder and louder softly thrusting inside gripping on Amai shaft a bit "F-f-fuccck s-s-sooo close *Heart* · " 22:13
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??: moaned out as his own barbed shaft was gripped, sucking a little harder and giving it a few quick licks. 22:15
?? Amai (Mewvee/M) ??; gtg
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2066187-Even-more-sexy-stuff