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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #2070637
"the ember children" short stories series.
"Monte.. Monte !! what are you looking at ?" one of his classmates pestered him tapping the cheap wooden desk in front of him. Monte was day dreaming again "mhm" Monte made little effort to reply the classmate looking a little upset at been ignored tapped the cheap desk again. "come on tell me! ass!" exhaling a bothersome sigh Monte directed his attention to the classmate he reach out his right hand clutching the students fringe bringing his face into the desk with a loud crash before falling onto the floor rendered unconscious. outside the large Victorian gates of the school stood a girl her cheeks flourished red, arms draped tightly around herself shaking timidly "m-mo Monte saw me"

back in the classroom the students had calmed down returning to the educational books handed out earlier. the dim classroom cold and bland colours matching the old furniture and study materials scattered around the room a crooked chalkboard its backboard structural integrity almost diminished, the warm colours through the one way glass where the students only heaven from such a dark place watching the average citizen walk by living their ordinary lives such envy did Monte have for a life like that.

Monte sat with his head resting in his palm enjoying the sudden peaceful sanctuary finding it quickly interrupted by a gentle tap on the shoulder a friendly voice whispering into his ear "what cha up to this time?" the voice questioned, after a small pause Monte tilted his head seeing a muscular male wearing an white kitsune mask decorated in red tribal markings "ugh jaws what are you wearing today, its so loud" jaws laughed scratching the back of his head "hey I'm just a snappy dresser" Monte furiously reached out intending on grapping the mask, jaws dodging the vain attempt of an attack allowing Monte to plummet into his desk "isn't it a little early to be playing tag" jaws teased his aura becoming vivid purple, his skin molecules turning silver in colour hardening, the floor under him creaking and shattering jaws mass becoming that of a large tank. the old classroom floor suddenly collapsing "gahhahah" followed by loud screams of petrified girls and gunshots jaws stumbling around in the classroom underneath panicking at the onslaught.

the classroom door slid open the class fell into silence the regular short in stature approached the podium at the front in front of them a strange girl wearing a identical uniform to that of the schools a few steps behind her, flame red hair draped over her left shoulder hiding her dark eyes under a long fringe. the teacher sat his books onto of the podium neatly positioning them in the centre, "class! class! today this young lady joins our class please make her welcome" gesturing to the new student the teacher smiled and nodded silently handing the introduction to her. "I-I I'm Yvette" the girl stepped forwards her eyes timidly dropping to the floor "you're government is interested in buying my loyalty " Yvette paused lifting her gaze to Monte, who happened to be paying no attention happily day dreaming rocking his chair watching the street cars wiz by the school gates. Yvette raised her voice a shouting in a upset tone "m-Monte your so heartless!" the class turned to look at Monte in sheer shock utterly stunned how anybody could become close to such a person. "now you've done it asshole" "what did you do this time!" "wow" the class threw insults. Monte only noticed the commotion as a large text book hit him in the head before he had a chance to fix the situation Yvette was already gone.

The next day Monte and Jaws sat in the school courtyard during lunch break it was only a small area in the centre of the school block decorated with a single bench and vegetation mixed with fragrant flowers roses and sunflowers climbed up the mesh wire hammered into the building covering the bottom floor windows. "those sixteen year olds really did a number on you huh" the pair paused "yeah I don't know why girls seem so vicious" jaws chuckled watching his friend curious look "so the new girl ?" Monte looked glanced down at jaws sat on concrete. "I-I don't know" jaws gave Monte a unsatisfied expression "everyone thinks you did something to her" jaws let out a long sigh "we might be considered monsters to ordinary humans" Monte interrupted I know I know we need to try and live a normal life while were here" jaws smirked standing up from the floor leaning into his friend "good so you are learning" Monte rolled his eyes "stop lecturing me already, I'm older then you" jaws sighed again resting his hands in his coat pocket and began strolling off into the school building "talk to her mkay"

"ugh I don't even know what I've done" Monte shook his fist in the air. with a loud slam Yvette slammed through the doorway oblivious to what had unfolded moments before. the pairs eyes met both cheeks flourishing a dark pink instantly looking away."uuurrrm Yvette" Yvette gasped stepping back till against the steel doors "I-I'm sorry" Monte stood alert slowly walking towards her "can I ask you how you know me ?" Yvette's eyes darted about her surrounding looking for an escape yet her feet betray her finding herself frozen to the spot. "you don't remember?" whispered to herself overcome with a deep rage her fists subconsciously formed fists, a sensation of darkness consuming her from the inside. she threw her fists in Monte's direction all Monte could mutter as he felt the impact was "seriously!" plummeting to the floor with a thud. Yvette towered over him a vacant eyes complimented with a sinister smile "you insensitive jerk you don't remember huh" Yvette raised her left foot then stomped it down again on Monte's crotch, digging her heel into the sensitive area, "ugh please" Monte pleaded biting his bottom lip red liquid streaming down his chin. "no no you deserve this" Yvette clutched Monte's upper right arm twisting it, his humerus under intense pressure. the assault worsened Yvette's foot raised again only to come down back down with tremendous force "i understand if.." interrupted as he coughed fletching up blood onto the concrete. "let m-e me take responsibility"

tears rained down Yvette's check her eyeliner smudged, such words weighed heavily on Yvette falling onto Monte's torso "you mean it ?" suffering in silence, Monte could taste the salty tears as they pitter patter against his porcelain tone cheeks "yes I clearly upset you "Monte paused for a moment reflecting on his next choice of words "it might take time but I will remember everything" Yvette shifted in closer "t-that's good enough for now" Yvette leaned in close fingers faintly brushed his cheek a look of content in Yvette's eyes only inches away form Monte's thin red lips, feeling each breath tingle against her skin. monte made the first move craning his head kissing Yvette nervously at first opening his mouth slightly extending his tongue Yvette followed suit entwining their tongues moans pleasure escaped from the pair between breaths. Monte noted the taste of honey on Yvette's lips second's before they stopped she nuzzled him nose to nose closing her eyes to engrave this moment forever within her mind. "well well monte I didn't know you had a girlfriend" jaws exclaimed from the nearby roof, the pair glanced over for a second resuming there precious moment "hey now public space you two!"

weeks passed by the newly formed couple spent breaks and afternoons together on the dorm buildings roof under the shade of a parasol Yvette cradled into Monte's arms sitting in silence enjoying the scenery as the sky mixed into hazed purple shades, trees colour with red and brown leafs swaying in the calm wind. Monte fidgeted picking his coat nearby draping it over Yvette's shoulders who quickly shifted clinging to the fabric "nnaah Monte be gentle." Monte's eyes abruptly open looking at Yvette shocked wondering what Inconceivable type dreams where unfolding in Yvette's head. "tomorrow.. its the our survivability exam " Monte craned his head down kissing Yvette's forehead whispering faintly as to not wake Yvette from her slumber "we'll survive t-then ... then " Monte's eyes began to well with tears "I'll take us away from this" almost subconsciously Yvette's free hand slapped Monte's cheek, his expression clearly not amused by such an act.

the next day. it was a sunny morning the class had settled in reading or idly chatting with there friends in nearby seats, the stubby teacher walked into the room walked to the podium in front of the class only just managing to see, clearing his throat "uh hem" pulling the papers close to his face. "attention class, today is your survivability exam. all other students have been evacuated, damage is acceptable so please do your best to live to ensure your countries success " the stubby teacher clicked his fingers seconds later both entrances to the room slammed open, heavily armed soldiers complete with tactical mask and a large AUG 3 assault rifle. quickly assembling around the walls of the classroom radio's of the soldiers sounding off gargled transmissions.

the teacher piped up shouting over the noise to the students "the school premises is now surrounded with sensors and heavy snipers, now today you will be engaging in combat " Monte gazed over to Yvette expecting to see a concerned look instead he was greeted with eyes full of bloodlust and a wicked smile, taken back such a sight he paid attention to the teacher again "soldiers trained to hunt your kind, remember the nations leaders are watching you closely." Yvette raised her hand standing from her seat "sir when can we start" she said glaring around the room looking each soldier in the eyes. the teacher swallowed the lump in his throat nervously adjusting his collar. "well dear in one minute you will all be dismissed and can exit the room anyway you wish then 60 seconds later the troops will be ordered to engage you." Yvette smirked sitting back down gazing in Monte's direction discreetly noting his oddly distant expression.

"first Yvette ash !" the teacher exclaimed Yvette acted on instinct running across the room towards the windows leaping into the air only a short distance from slamming into the glass, shattering into pieces not a single cut inflicted on her person, sprinting through the school yard. the teacher continued to call out the names of the teens on the register exiting in various ways some leaving casually others following suit of Yvette. Monte sat and watched everyone sitting patiently till he was called out maintaining his composure. "Monte xantou " the teacher called walking casually through the row of desks arms folder over his chest. "Monte, Monte , Monte " he chucked "we have something special for you courtesy of the east Asian empire"

a faint noise of machinery lifted the thick tension of the two attempting to stare down the other "slam!" the door was nothing more then chunks of wood littering the floor a humanoid figure displayed through the thick smoke its right forearm looked disfigured loose wires and pointed tips extending from the elbow metal twisting and convulsing polluting the cries and gun shots of Monte's classmates around the school grounds now fighting for existence. without thinking Monte quickly charged towards the machine releasing a hearty roar fist raised his basic animalistic nature come to the surface, a blazing purple flame enveloping his right hand.

foolishly Monte attacked finding himself countered by the contraption, slowly beginning to crush his fist, with the machine threw itself along with Monte into the courtyard. though clouds of dust and traveling meters into the unwashed pavement he came to an end back against the concrete wall "okay that hurt.." raising his head he noticed the shadow of the machine peering down, its claw like foot hovering over him vision beginning to blur

the fierce roar of the wind filled Monte's numbed ears as his tough thick black hair blew past his vision. as he walked through the snow. it was cold an the wind was sharp. the tall mountains that surrounded the field allowed the wind to circulate the area due to the mountains acting as a natural shield for the near by town. the night sky was ink black no consolation could be seen. " tsk, how the heck am I suppose to know where I am".

the young male stood idle looking up with a confused expression upon his face, arms tucked tightly to his torso not bothering to pack suitable clothing wearing a summer hoodie and baggy pants closed over his slender frame offering little protection from the harsh weather around him. though Monte was used to this weather being from a typically climate. his baggy pants becoming damp up to his shins as he ventured deeper into the area. noting a metallic object in the snow peeked his curiosity. "Yvette ! "

falling to his knees quickly digging into the snow hoping to find Yvette. "..." raising a fist into the air Monte plummeted his fist back into the snow with a loud crunch. finding only a empty bullet casing, the intensity of the situation now finally hitting his emotions ".....I don't want to fight anymore." looking over his shoulder in time to see a flash of a barrel, rolling forward Monte made for the tree line only just avoiding the bullet hearing the projectile wiz past his ear. suddenly feeling a large amount of pressure to the back of his cranium collapsing forward into the snow...

darkness began to take its toll. Monte eyes gazed upon Yvette as she slowly approached his body, the dark lips stick carefully applied as if for a special occasion and the scent of expressive perfume, hair neatly tied back her ears "Monte... I-I'm sorry" a paralyzing look of regret showing her true colours for such a situation Monte forced himself to smile taking Yvette's hands in his. Monte's hands beginning to grow warm Yvette quickly tugged her hand back but to no avail.

Monte's body temperature now reaching unimaginable heat, thick smoke emitting from the conjoined hands Yvette let out a loud scream forcing a kick to Monte's chin knocking him backwards into the snow fighting for air. "so that's the gift you have huh" Yvette barked quickly fleeing from the area into the thick of the growing storm.

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