Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2072498-Fire-Emblem-Transformations
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · #2072498
Characters from the Fire Emblem franchise undergo some forms of changes

Characters from the Fire Emblem franchise undergo some forms of changes

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Yet another transformation story I had on my mind that nobody has done. This one is Fire Emblem. While not one of Nintendo's more well known franchises, I feel it's earned it's place. Here's the rules.

1. For Characters Robin and Corrin, Their default male and female designs will be used for simplicity. I know they can be customised, but let's not make things too complex.
2. No doing a simple gender bender for those two characters either. What I mean is don't just turn them from male to female(and vice versa). The reason for this is because you'd be just turning them into their variant that already exists, and that would really provide much in terms of story. Simple gender bender is alright with everyone else, but be more creative with these two.
3. No stories about a Manakete transforming into a dragon. That's cheating because it's a natural transformation for them. You'd just be writing an ordinary Fire Emblem story by doing that. That goes for any natural transformations. You could have somebody who's not a manakete get turned into one.
4. Playable Allies who start off as enemy characters go in the category of playable allies. That said, If they are only playable for one chapter in the game and later defect to fighting for the enemy (such is the case of Orson from Sacred Stones), those ones are placed in with enemy characters.
5. Awakenings DLC allies do not count for playable in Awakening. Amiibo characters do not count for playable allies for Fates. Also, any characters that are acquired as allies post game in their respective game do not go in that category either such as main enemies in Sacred Stones.
6. This should go without saying but, don't go killing off whoever the main focus of the story is. If the protagonist dies, there is no story.

Next up, We have one character who is a special case. That Character is Anna. It's established there is already more than one Anna, and she appears in many games as an NPC. She's playable in Awakening and Fates. The said, She will be in both the Playable and non Playable categories. The reason for this being differentiating the playable Annas from the non playable Annas.

That's that. We can begin whenever.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2072498-Fire-Emblem-Transformations