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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2087887
One of my buds asked if I would write a religiously themed work soon. The answer is yes.
It was love at first sight.

The Girl loved this Earth. She had, one day, descended gently from the sky, to so express her affection for the little people. She was quite large, beginning her time on this world at just over 100 feet. When at first she arrived, the most mislead of the human flock attempted negotiation. They attempted, like worms, to bring this larger being into their politics. But this girl who had descended from heaven was not fond of their pettiness, and weary scavenging. So irked was the woman from above that before the whole of humanity, across her new domain, she established her Order. This way, thought she, they would not Fight.

The weak- willed and the fearful, however, attempted to use their weapons upon her, and in so exercising their excessive force, dared at least to make her briefly kneel from their impacts. Discontented, she had no choice but to enforce her First Rule.

"If you Fight, Mother Dearest shall remove her dress."

Upon their gathered military she demonstrated herself. She reached back, unzipping her white cotton dress, letting the soft downy fabric fall around her ankles, and, as she did so, grew upwards to meet humanity's expectations. The knee - length sleeveless blessing crumpled into a pile, crushing the ring of their forces below. At her new size of 500 feet, she had stopped them from Fighting.

For a brief respite, all was good. Those who had not incurred wrath back when she first arrived by Fighting were rewarded with benevolent guidance. Their overseer, clothed now in her undergarments and heels, was kind and looked after each person's needs. She communicated with her subjects, and helped them to see her as their Angel, and themselves as Precious.

However, those who felt constricted by her rule were unfortunately prevalent. They spoke as though they felt downtrodden, and as though she did not respect their cities and monuments. They became self- centered, and committed atrocities against their fellow humans. Theft and assault began to rise in popularity, and when humans dared to use language designed only to hurt others freely, there was nothing else that could be done. Without any other options, she enforced her Second Rule.

"If you do not treat all as Precious, Mother Dearest shall cushion her feet."

To relieve the oppressed, she first removed them from her uncomfortable heels. A testament to her self - imposed limitations, she dropped these upon their most egotistical monuments. Next, gathering the sinners in her palms, she grew once more to a towering 2500 feet, and into her sky - blue stockings she poured the Unworthies. Their soft bodies, condemned to worship and cushion her aching toes, her exhausted arches, and heavy heels, and to pad out the smoothness of her legs, and to give her joy in her strides, were so placed. And so, by punishing the angry, she made everyone feel Precious.

It seemed, then, that all the ills were solved. Love poured from the humans, and now that all were treated as Precious, they could be efficient. And the angelic girl from the sky, so appearing to their tiny and underdeveloped eyes as nothing more than a giantess, as a 21 year old giant rather than her truth as much more, an object to be truly Appreciated.

However, even though they could not see all of what she was, some showed their praise, and proved themselves to her. She felt touched by their love for the care she gave them, the shelter she bestowed to save them from the elements, and the wisdom and gentle playfulness with which she so kindly ruled. She shared with those who would not take her for granted, and love her even if she could not see her in her full splendor ; she shared her basest protection, as she said she would in her Third Rule.

"If you demonstrate Appreciation, Mother Dearest shall correct her camel toe."

She called a congregation of the Devoted, and lay down upon her back, letting all of them stand upon her stomach. She pulled loose and open her panties, letting the Adyta Pantie be open for their entry. Into the front of her panties climbed the Devoted, who began their private worship all on their own. The sanctum she gifted them enclosed, and the sides and floor of their new home she pulled up tighter. Thus, she let the humans into her panties and maintained her camel toe. Getting up, she felt their efforts and grew to seven miles, standing above her crater she had made from lying down. Not content with any waste, she filled the vast crater with the juices which now dripped through the fabric as she savored the feeling of their Devotion, creating a lake. Thus, humanity and her shared their mutual Appreciation.

Her beauty was not so evenly claimed, however. The humans upon the ground at her feet, whilst they had learned never to Fight, still worked at times against one another, disregarding others as Precious, and in so doing became Unworthy, and were appropriately inserted into her sky blue stockings. So, also, did some humans below her massive feet, now cushioned with worshipers, express their affection by climbing up her, and while they did not make it far, she nonetheless rewarded their Appreciation by plucking them from the earth and dropping them into the front of her waistband with the Devoted. Human life improved drastically, meanwhile, and population surged, tripling in quantity. These new humans built new and incredible technology, which allowed them more easy communication with their goddess. And she, with motherly care, nursed the earth into heightened peace and prosperity.

But as mentioned before, she was not so evenly claimed. Some of the people who lived below her might tried to get special attention from the Angel, more than others, more than they deserved. They rampantly and rabidly tried to satiate their greed, and foolishly tried both to receive her special affections and to negate her Rules. They tried to limit her, to drag their loving ruler down to their level, and in their Indignation, angered her with their far more petty "additions" and their inclusion of their wants among their needs, which she cared for. To end their Indignance, she had no choice but to enforce her Fourth Rule.

"If you live in Indignation, Mother Dearest will tighten her bra."

Demonstrating a rare moment of fury, she knelt upon the ground before the Indignant, pushing her fingers into her cups with righteous anger, pulling the cloth down, freeing the hefty breasts from their containment. Next, upon the tiny humans' homes she pressed the enormous flesh, crushing their greed underneath the weight of her blessed nipples. She instructed them to grab on to receive their punishment, or else she would not lift herself from on top of them, and they would be squished into a pulp beneath her heft. At first, the sinners pushed back, trying bitterly to push off their goddess. Frustrated that they would dare attempt to push she, who had been so good to them, away, she grew; swelling in height as she pressed her godly boobs deeper, grinding against their futile resistance until they surrendered, and she momentarily stopped growing, pleased at their turnabout. They all grabbed on, and she lifted them up with her back to her full standing height of forty miles. She informed them that they would now receive their punishment, and pulled on top of their many, many, many bodies her already undersized bra, and she savored the sheer tightness as she entrapped all of humanity's Indignity where it could cause no harm, worshiping her titanic mammaries, delicately massaging at her titanic breasts. Legends are not specific, but some say she dripped some milk into their entrapment as an expression of satisfaction at their dedication to serving out their punishment.

She was now quite large in the lives of all humans, being far more hands-on in their personal affairs, in spite of her increased and frightening size. She took care of their needs with increased vigor, feeding them handily whereas before she barely accomplished this feat. Her milk most likely assisted in this task, and the lake she had made she refilled for their convenience. Humanity's Angel was nothing if not providing. But she was suffering under the earth's gravity. She was not yet massive enough to sustain her own mass, and keeping herself upright was hard. She loved the earth, but it seemed increasingly like it did not love her. But soon, humans began to express once again their vices. They littered, and disrespected nature with their Wastefulness. The puny jungles and forests, the seas, all of Earth struggled to maintain itself in spite of the efforts of the girl who had descended from the sky and grown fourfold. She recognized that something would have to be done. So she made more lakes for all to savor, and distilleries for her milk, and let those peons who were truly pious and helpful enjoy her more naked areas on her arms and thighs, up near her collar bone and neck and in her hair, cleaning her sweat and keeping her fragrance holy and pure. And she advised all in the specific ways to reduce their Wastefulness.

It did not work. Pollution made life gradually harder, and to put a stop to it, as she had with violence, greed, and disrespect, she knew she must pool all of her strength to stand tall and stop those who would be so unkind to their world. She throttled the city which was so guilty of wasting so much, and humped it. Her hips swayed inward, crushing buildings underneath the sheer weight and dripping thickness of her panties, while her thighs and legs were brought tightly together. She pulled her fingers across the ground, scooping all of them onto her digits. She brought them upwards, to where they could see what their chaos wrought, and dropped them back upon their foundations. She tugged her panties up tight against her crotch once more, briefly gasping at the feeling of many Devoted shooting up inside her holy vagina, but remained calm and upright as she once again brought herself to her full, proper and devout posture. She also pulled up her socks and bra, too, to a similar effect. So many were inside each, carefully serving her, and they had learned so well. She hoped these Wasteful humans could, as well.

She instructed them to clean up their mess. She let them to their work, turning around to tend to her business elsewhere. However, behind her back, the tiny people used their rubble as an excuse to recycle. They rebuilt what they had previously lost, much larger, and far scarier than before. Their work was cruel even to themselves, and when they lost control of the consequences, they had no choice but to confess what they had done to the girl whose body was law. Taking pity upon them for not learning their lesson, the giantess enforced her Fifth Rule.

"If you are Wasteful, Mother Dearest shall indulge her sweet tooth."

The goddess' body was special. It did not need energy to run, and she did not expunge, or, indeed, create, any waste. Her digestive tract was purely just for show. Knowing this, she thought the wasteful could learn much from it, and with their machines built herself a silver spoon. The tiny humans, climbing aboard it as they knew they would have to due to their lady's holy request, were perfectly proportioned for its size. She requested of them that they remove their impurities before they enter her, such that nothing would separate them from each other. The speckish humans upon the shapely metal stripped as she had so politely asked, and prepared to reach their destination. Lifting the silver spoon, she slowly drew it inside her mouth, upper lips brushing its cargo. Upon reaching its stem, she puckered around it, sealing them all in her protective jaws. She carefully withdrew the silver spoon from inside, feeling the series of buglike sinners fall softly upon her tongue, and drift along it, some brushing past her powerful but never abused teeth on their way. When all had fallen from the concave, she rolled those in her charge along her tongue, feeling them as she briefly pushed them against the roof of her mouth, before remembering herself. She carefully swallowed each and every last one of them, feeling them now inside of her stomach, where they would forever remain. Here, they would never digest, never move on to become waste, never move on from their new security inside of her, where their task would be to learn how not to be Wasteful. Thus, she, who was an Angel, removed another group of sinners from this earth.

From this brief snack, the girl gained not only a new category of worshiper, but also raised herself to a new height, on top of that. Standing at a downright idol - esque height of two hundred and sixty miles. On top of this, now along for the ride alongside her divine clothes was the silver spoon, which she kept tucked in the right strap of her bikini panties. There, snug against her hip, she could use it once again whenever she had need of it, to perfectly proportion medicine, or to perhaps scoop up a brief and scandalous snack. She had to indulge herself sometimes, after all.

Humans had populated far more under their goddess than they could possibly sustain otherwise. All were provided for, and all had an opportunity to see the truth. So, with so many humans, some finally did begin to see. At first, she did not know. But some began to draw her attention. Tales were told of great, massive wings, which spread out from her back into a beautiful cascade. Soon, too, came tales of words on the front of her panties, which contrasted to the pure white and pink stripes of her panties with sheer black cursive. They said it read "Close to Godliness" and that the rear read "Godliness". It was true now that she was their sky, and that any hope of climbing her had vanished, but at her feet, the truthful vision shared by these, blessed by genetics and training, was enough. They maintained that her face, far, far above, was the cutest thing they had ever seen, as did all of the goddess' subjects, but they also did speak that she had the face of a baby dragon. It was feminine, they said, but showed the eyes and nose, the mouth, the teeth, the sheer raw size and power of a dragon's face, with pure beauty infused into every pore. They saw her Grace.

Shocked, to be sure, the goddess did not deny being called a dragoness. She spoke to them only that she took human form, took the shape of a 21- year old with the perfect proportions, for humanity's benefit. She told them only that if they could see her in another form, that while it was not her true one, that they could see her as anything different told her that they had learned to see her innermost Grace, and to reward these special talents, she made a Rule betwixt Five and her previous Final Rule, a Sixth Rule, and now what was her Final Rule became her Seventh and Final Rule.

"If you see her Grace, Mother Dearest shall refit her panties for support."

She made use of her spoon for this task. Too large to handle humanity in her enormous hands, she let those who were so gifted climb aboard. Though now their comparatively meager numbers and the increased size of the spoon alongside her had led them to barely be visible versus its surface at all. They recognized their shear insignificance in comparison to her grandeur, yet were not scared of her. The goddess lifted their vessel to her back, and with her free hand showed them what was contained in Godliness. It wavered, and to put out her doubt, she once more ascended. This time, she grew to 2,000 miles. Pulling her panties out from her ample and massive ass, she slowly let free the humans from the silver spoon, feeling them tumble carefree downward to the only sanctum more sacred than close to her almighty pussy: her titanic, enormous, perfect, well-shaped, gorgeous, heavenly anus. Within the Adyta Pantie, those who could see her Grace were blessed with the sight of that which even those who pledged their lives to her could not attain. They made it their paradise.

Now standing taller than the Earth itself, she pondered it as a whole. She began not to judge individuals, but communities, ready now to judge the output of the world. She protected cities against her massive honey pot. She padded her soles with uncaring nations. She constricted continents against her erect nipples, trapped against her ever - tightening bra. She pulled from some of the sea boats and humans upon them on the silver spoon, and into her stomach. She even carried a rather special island into Paradise to be with those who could see and touch her ass. And those who would dare insolently to put up a Fight, she snuffed into dust betwixt her fingers for their evil. Now, she decided to judge the rest. What defied categorization, on the surface, the untouched surface of the earth.

"On the whole, is Earth...Worthy?"

She pondered this question as she gazed down upon this globe. After a while, she came to a resolution, and smiled warmly down at all the humans. Focusing all of herself, the girl became their world. She surged upward, her gravity pulling Earth more than it pulled her, as her size, her immense and crushing mass began to create its own incalculable, yet intimate gravity. Each individual meter sent waves of euphoria through her every nerve, and her shudders felt like earthquakes. Earth, pulled in toward her, scraped against her sky blue stockings with the gentlest of touches. They came barreling upward toward her center of mass. To receive them, the goddess began to make preparations.

She tugged free each of her stockings with delicate fingers, letting all of the contained inhabitants migrate to the freed realm of her open and naked feet, where they resumed their work as she continued to grow larger by the millisecond. Every dust-mote of a person kissed and massaged at her toes, pledging themselves to her. She reveled in their dedication.

She briefly grimaced at herself, and her mighty fingers grasped at her bra clasp. Feeling its sheer crushing force, she briefly steeled the resolve to let herself loose. She unclasped her wrappings, hands flying from her sides to let the nigh - planetary bra join her stockings in space. She was quite pleased to discover every one of her breast worshipers, still obeying her all this time and holding to her tightly, had not been lost when she removed her bra. Affectionately, the G cups were squished together in an affectionate embrace to all of her reformed and loving servants.

Noting the planet coming in faster by the moment, and similarly noting how she was rapidly approaching her destination size, the Angel quickly made to remove her final article of clothing. Thumbs piercing the straps of her panties, she pulled them seductively down her thighs, hiding her prizes yet from the world with a clever cross of her legs. She pinched the spoon in her fingers. She still had use of it for later. Tugging more and more anxiously her panties down her legs, they fell free, swinging off her big toe into the void of space. The giantess curled over to examine herself and make sure none of her darling tinies had been taken with her panties. Seeing that it was so, she also snuck a peek behind herself, and saw that none had been lost from her caboose, either. Content that she had everyone with her, she spread her legs, hitting her destination size at last.

The Earth, quickly ascending to meet her crotch, was tiiiny! As it throttled upward, she met it with her clit, and giggled as her magic began to take effect. The earth began to sizzle the dot of flesh away, carefully being moved into its place with assistance to the goddess' enormous pinkies. She hummed her delight as, at last, the planet finally met its final place: As a permanent fixture of her body, the entire world now serving as her new clitoris.She affected it such that it would not suffer damage in its new role, and knew it would serve her well. In her naked glory, the goddess addressed the worshipers all across and inside of her body.

"Don't stop yet, my infinitesimal darlings. Mommy wishes to explore the rest of this universe, and with you all working so hard, my journey shall be an enjoyable one."

With this, she began slowly to drift through space, feeling her all of her lovers' touches in orgasmic ecstasy. With this, she remembered the Final Rule, and giggled once more.

"If you all are Good, Mommy shall become your Heaven. Treat her right!"

It truly was love at first sight.

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