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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2090959
Fantasy story written by mwah. Energy Casting. Two Male Pro/Antagonists. Bit nerdy.
Universe: Polis Mater 31
System: Andromeda
Planet: Halcyon

Kasen walked through the metallic halls to Central Command. He had been summoned by Regent Adier for an unspecified reason, but Kasen knew with great certainty that he was receiving his first assignment. Upon reaching the main door, a small camera revealed itself from the side of the door scanning him instantaneously only to resheath itself in the wall in a heartbeat. The doors opened. Inside various lieutenants were wandering around with even more various tasks, a small chatter was heard throughout the large command room. Kasen found his way to Adier’s office being warmly greeted by his superiors.
Regent Adier, draped in crests and badges signifying his rank, addressed Kasen rather harshly.
“A small battalion was spotted approaching the Sardothan Desert. They are a part of the 81st Fleet of Terra. We’ve gathered enough intel to know they are not alone; several other battalions are also making their way towards the desert. They’ve found it again.”
“Are we to stop them or to set up a trap?”
“Confront them head on. There are an elite few among them we need to single out. You recall the Order of the Shijan, correct?”
“How many?”
“Ten or fifteen maximum; we’re sending other battalions with you so there is no need to take them all on at once.”
“If they reach Zyrtex before we can stop them won’t they-”
“They will not make it to Zyrtex. The elites may get closer than the other lowlifes, but no one will make it.”

After receiving his squadron details, Kasen left for the transfer bay. His footsteps echoed throughout Hallway 18. The hallway was approximately twenty yards wide with an extremely low ceiling, but it stretched for nearly half a mile. Kasen stopped dead in his tracks.
The hallway was empty and no sound could be heard echoing the entire length of it. He heard a quiet yet high-pitched beep further down the hallway coming from an intersection. Kasen jumped up and grabbed at the ceiling hatch. He lifted himself into the ceiling which was lowly lit with the only light leaking in from the occasional grated ceiling tile. He continued quietly down the hallway to where he heard the noise. After turning the corner, he peered through one of the grates. Below him lied at least five dead Nelderin soldiers. Further in front of him he saw a small group of ten people leaving the area. The command center had been infiltrated.
“Hallway 18-I has been cleared out.”
“Move ahead to Part 8. Get ready near Central Command, we’ll need all the help we can get.”
“Continuing to Central Command.”

Kasen quickly found another hatch to get out of the ceiling and follow them. Once they had all turned a corner, Kasen pulled out his long sword and inserted a disk onto it and was about to charge it when a low rumble shook the entire sector. Knowing the group in front of him would be a bit off balance, even if they had caused the explosion, he turned the corner and launched two missiles from his wrist into the backs of the group. One merely collapsed, while the other let out a scream letting the others know. They immediately turned and unleashed fire at Kasen. They fired in the quiet but high pitched beeps Kasen recognized from earlier; their weapons were silenced to help avoid any attention, but their firing speed was drastically reduced. Kasen merely stood still and laughed as they fired at him.

A wall of energy was separating him from the assassin squad. The disc on his sword was glowing with hot energy.
“Stop! He’s a Drogg!” someone shouted from behind them.
They all stopped firing simultaneously. Kasen noted the fear on their faces with pleasure.
The wall of energy began swirling towards the center of the disc on his sword. Kasen swung his sword in a low arc while shouting, “My turn!”
A bright green beam of energy arched out of his sword slicing down the hallway, burning through each member of the assassin group. Kasen heard an announcement on his radio, “Central Command has been compromised. Get to the transfer bay, and carry out your previous orders. This post is to be abandoned immediately.”
Kasen ran over to one of the dead soldiers and took one of their radios and left for the transfer bay yet again.
After making his way through several corridors he arrived at his platform and typed in the coordinates for Zyrtex. After a few seconds particles of energy began flowing around him as he was teleported out of the base.

Explanation of Energy

Zyrtex - a Nelderin post with little to no defenses. Inside was an ancient temple that had switched control between the Nelderins and Terra for centuries. Whoever had control over the temple had the ability to create Droggs.
Victor Soul Etchings- When all 30 are gathered, they are granted ultimate victor and can no longer declare, “Dartsana.”
Kasen - Was captured in a Nelderin raid of the Shijan; brainwashed so he could pass the mental portion of the 3 tests
Shijan - Elitist educational facility training those in physical combat and forming; a majority are trained to become Droggs; it is held by humans and is opposed to Nelderins
Nelderins- the inhabitants of Halcyon, physical resemblance to humans, organ design is entirely different
Terra - this is earth; if you notice, the words ground and earth are not interchangeable on Halcyon

Dartsana - Honor of the Universe
Author: Svletronity of Vintus
Let one utter simply, “Dartsana” and their enemy answer, “De Dartsana” and the universe will declare the victor.
Their essence shall shatter, and their soul shall scar their true form onto their enemies.
Fire shall embellish and shield the struggle until it is decided.
Once done, it cannot be undone.

Upon arriving at Zyrtex, Kasen noticed a sandstorm beginning to tear through any of the tents that had been set up. Just then the shields rose, burning away the sand and holding the sandstorm off of Zyrtex. The ancient stone temple lay in silence as Kasen surveyed his surroundings.
Kasen drew away from the teleportation pad, kicking up sand as he left it. The temple was abandoned save the equipment left behind by the Nelderin force.
“In case you were wondering, they’ve all been repositioned to Settlement 2. We’re beginning our assault on the Aerial Force of Terra.” A tall woman revealed herself, stepping out from behind a pillar.
“Daeetna.” Kasen said.
“Yes, my love?”
“This is no time to be joking around. Central Command was just taken.”
Daeetna’s smile quickly changed into a look of concern, “Did Adier make it?”
“I’m sorry; I was instructed to abandon.”
Daeetna walked over to the teleportation pad and took out her spear. She charged it with some energy and then stabbed it into the center of the pad breaking it.
“Probably why they wanted Central Command. We’d be pinned on both sides.”
Something began sparkling on the broken pad.
“Looks like somebody was already sent through.”
Kasen drew his sword, and Daeetna stepped back, both weapons pointing at the center of the pad.
An agent, clad entirely in black, materialized.
Kasen and Daeetna both stabbed forward only to be quickly deflected by two small shields on the agent’s wrists. Kasen backed off sheathing his sword to pull out his crossbow. Daeetna stabbed forward again, backing up to the full length of her spear. The agent ducked under the blade deflecting it again with the discs on his wrists.
Kasen fired multiple shots out rapidly scattered around his target. The agent summoned an orb of energy around his left side to deflect the bolts of energy. Daeetna swung low from her left at the agent’s feet and then instantly changed directions upward into his side pinning his arm at an awkward angle. Kasen tumbled to the side to get around the energy. The agent gripped at Daeetna’s spear and flipped over the side of it shoving it towards the orb; the orb detonated knocking Kasen into a wall, unconscious and disarming Daeetna of her spear.
The agent pointed his hand at Daeetna, “Dartsana,” he uttered through a voice filter.
“Fool. You have no idea where you are, do you?”
“De Dartsana.” Nothing happened. “Figured it out yet?”
The agent pulled out a gun and shot at Daeetna. She spread her arms forming a shield between them.
“Then let us duel as formers.”
The agent dropped the gun behind him. Daeetna snickered, “If you say so darling.”
Both summoned energy from the ground as shields surrounding their bodies. The agent went on the offensive this time shooting a purple tendril of energy at Daeetna’s light blue shield. Daeetna let it hit her shield and summoned energy with both arms and brought them together scissoring off the tendril, shattering the energy. Daeetna released a bombardment of slabs of energy at the agent. He tumbled to the side raising a shield behind him as he ran around their self-built arena. Daeetna stopping her bombardment launched a long spear of energy piercing his shield and charged forward. Daeetna arched an orb of energy in front of the agent as he ran and detonated it. The agent fell forward.
“Now die!” She screamed, summoning a blade of energy onto her arm.
The agent falling forward reached, upside down, and summoned a pillar of energy up from the ground knocking her to the side. Daeetna screamed out in pain as she landed on the ground.
Kasen awoke, mind aware and body recovering. He slowly got up and went over to where the scream came from to see the agent about to pierce Daeetna with a sword of energy.
Kasen launched three missiles from his arm at the agent knocking him off balance.
Recovering his balance the agent launched two spears of energy at Kasen, who in turn fired an energy dagger shattering both projectiles. The agent then stored energy in an orb and released it at Kasen. Kasen leaped to the side, but the explosion launched him further and collapsed part of the temple they were standing in. Kasen quickly turned to the agent and fired repeatedly, but he was already gone.
“What is going on at Zyrtex; we have visual on the explosion,” Kasen heard over his radio.
“Rogue agent loose in Zyrtex; situation under control. Possibly wounded officer.”
“Who is this? Where is Daeetna?”
“This is Kasen; I’m under orders of Regent Adier. Daeetna may be injured. Stay back until otherwise requested.”
The last thing Kasen needed was a group of novice soldiers with a loose agent roaming around. He ran over to Daeetna.
“I am actually fine, that landing was just a bit much.” Daeetna winced as she sat up.
“Duly noted. The only two exits on this side lead to the east corridor. If he’s already a Drogg, what business does he have heading there…”
“He doesn’t know where he is,” interrupted Daeetna. “He challenged me, twice.”
“Regardless, he bore no significant Nelderin or Terra armor. He may not have even come from Central Command, I couldn’t have been followed especially when the teleport was within such a short time.”
“There’s a chance they got our coordinates for this pad back at Central Command and are attempting to send them in from the Shijan.”
“Than he’s an elite.”
“Well, I’d hope so, or our reputations will be in shambles, especially if others hear about us being taken down by only one agent.”
“Our reputations will be fine, as long as he doesn’t get away.”
“He didn’t kill either of us; he’s on a time limit or suspected we had reinforcements coming in.”
“No… I suspect it’s more of a ‘the quicker the better’ objective,” stated Daeetna. “When are you supposed to meet up with your squadron?”
“Most have already left. The invasion of Central Command threw the schedule off so I’m to meet up with some of them... on the east corridor!”
Daeetna sprung up, and Kasen took off running down the corridor. Kasen spoke into his radio, “This is Kasen, how many are boarding the Tri-Halton Jet?”
“We have 36 counted; one more space for you sir.”
“Gather the names of all of them now.”
“Alright men, you heard him, gi-~-...”
Kasen heard yelling in the background.
The line went dead.
Kasen heard the jet warming up for takeoff in front of him.
“Kasen!” he heard echo from down the corridor.
“The jet’s already taking off. The agent is onboard and apparently capable of piloting it alone,” he said to Daeetna still running down the corridor.
“Grab another jet, and get out there. I’ll report this to Head Command.” Daeetna said changing directions. She stopped.
“Don’t be too rash out there. Oh, I’ll also find out about Adier.”
“Thank you, Daeetna.”
“Seriously? You just saved me, and we have no time to be joking around,” she mocked. “Go!” she said giving a little smile as she turned.

~End of Part Two~

Slabs of crystalline energy were being fired in every direction. As far as he could tell no one had been killed. That was about to change.
Lathane was on a mission in the Sardothan Desert. So far his team was in a lot of trouble. They had been spotted by the Nelderins, and who hadn’t been friendly in the least. The Nelderins had a very powerful force. Its major component was comprised of extremely powerful soldiers who were energy summoners, named Droggs. They could summon energy however they desired. This was not a deeply heartening fact, since they were typically bloodthirsty barbarians.
Bullets and debris were raining down like thousands of flaming meteors. At last it was time for their charge. In three... two... Now! They jumped from their cover running towards the opposing side. Some cowards stayed behind, and others fled. Then the summoners began firing their energy canons. Before long the two armies engaged each other, blades of energy were zinging left and right, and the clashings of swords blazed in heated light. Lathane was skilled; he would last longer than most of the other soldiers there. Energy daggers were being thrown in pairs, easily avoided, excluding the unfortunate soldiers. Finally, he met the first soldier. The soldier drew his sword but was not quick enough. By the time his sword was halfway out three energy daggers were sprouting from his chest. Three more men found their way to Lathane, swords already drawn. Lathane took out two daggers. The first soldier charged and slashed at an awkward angle, fumbling over his own rugged swing. He was stabbed promptly after landing on the ground. The other two soldiers were better trained. They took their stances only to be shot down from behind. A highly trained agent, by the name of Kasen raised his dagger-bow.
Memories flooded back to Lathane. He remembered training in the Shijan. He remembered waking up day after day fearing the day he would be transferred... and he remembered Kasen. The new recruit who arrived the same day the training facility was ambushed by a small group of Nelderin elites. He remembered locking eyes with Kasen as he was dragged away... only Lathane thought Kasen would have been killed. Lathane remembered Kasen straining his swollen eyes open, being beaten as he was dragged away, and the look of despair and pain in them was unbearable. This time Kasen had a different look in his eye. Lathane snapped out of his trance. He was going to ask how Kasen was still alive, but then a Nelderin came up behind Lathane.
Kasen yelled, "Stop! This is my kill."
Lathane froze for a second as the realization hit him. In a split second Kasen had reloaded his bow and aimed it towards the sky. Three missiles flew from his wrist and high into the air. Lathane began running towards him drawing both blades, but Kasen lept back keeping his distance. Then Kasen activated the missiles, and they plummeted down towards Lathane. Lathane stood his ground and watched them spiral downwards. He knocked the first missile away and dodged the second one. Then Lathane took out a small disc; a split second later the projectile was flying towards Kasen, but he knocked it away with ease.
Out of nowhere, two soldiers ran up to Lathane and drew their swords. Kasen merely laughed at Lathane’s dilemma. Lathane brandished his daggers and stabbed at the first soldier; his blade met nothing but air. The second soldier circled around Lathane till he was covered on both sides. Then they both drew their long blades and charged their pulsars. Lathane threw his dagger at the first soldier's face killing him instantly and launched himself at the second. The second, caught off guard, raised his pulsar and fired quickly missing Lathane completely, and almost hitting Kasen. Kasen, in fury at the soldier’s clumsiness, brandished his long sword and charged it with energy. Then Lathane stabbed the soldier right in the heart and turned around, only to see Kasen leap into the air, sword in hand, intent on killing him right then and there.
Lathane tumbled backwards lifting his short swords to shield the blow.
The shockwave of energy clashing against energy resounded throughout both of their bodies. Kasen was knocked backwards, Lathane pinned to the ground from the shockwave the blow emitted. Lathane could feel both of his hands were sprained from placing all of the force of that blow on them. His swords were crackling with energy they absorbed from Kasen’s blade.
Kasen smirked, “Reaper daggers? To such a normal battalion member as well…” Kasen mocked Lathane with sarcasm.
“Our presence wasn’t intended to go unnoticed.”
“Don’t worry it won’t. You’ll be next to the rest of your comrades on the deceased list.”
Lathane pointed his daggers at Kasen and fired the excess energy in a constant beam of light. Kasen summoned a shield of energy around his sword deflecting the energy sporadically around him. Kasen reached one of his hands up and all of the energy stopped shattering against his shield. Lathane stopped his assault and threw two daggers as he peeled to Kasen’s left.
Kasen, forming the energy Lathane had previously fired at him, condensed it into a concentrated orb and launched it at Lathane releasing the energy.
The energy began to rapidly expand launching heated rock fragments and sand in every direction. Kasen formed a shield of energy around him to incinerate the debris as it approached him. Several shots of energy hit the back of his shield. He turned around. Two Terra soldiers were firing into his shield. One had an energy gauntlet and the other a machine gun. Kasen shot two beams of energy channeling his shield into them and pierced the chests of both of the soldiers. He turned around after dealing with the soldiers to continue his search for Lathane.
I have to resume my search for that rogue agent; he could be anywhere on the battlefield. Well, he will be the only Drogg the Terranians have. So I have a small advantage to find him.
He felt a rumble in the ground beneath him. Lathane unburrowed from the ground behind him, shields pointing in a cone of energy. Kasen brought his arm up to fire at him, but Lathane kicked his arm away and then launched himself off of Kasen, knocking him backwards. When Lathane landed he threw three daggers at Kasen. Kasen dodged one and deflected the other two.
“Clever. More than I thought…” Kasen paused. “You know you’re using an awful lot of energy for those to shield to stay on burrowing into the ground.”
If he doesn’t run out of energy he may just be the agent I’ve been looking for… no… I remember him from the Shijan; he hasn’t had the opportunity to pass the test.
He can’t possibly recognize me… not in his brainwashed state; it would trigger too much memory flood. Ugh, I just need to keep him busy so my squadron can push forward.
“The more energy you use, the more I have.”
“Feeding off my aura, eh? You’ll regret it.”
Kasen shot a bolt of energy from his crossbow and then began charging it while peeling to his right. Lathane caught the energy bouncing it between his blades and channeled it into a beam following Kasen’s path.
Kasen watched Lathane channel the beam and stepped back as soon as the energy was about to reach him and summoned an orb of energy. The beam of light shooting from Lathane’s blades began to arch towards the orb.
“You should always ask permission before using a Drogg’s energy so freely,” mocked Kasen.
The energy began surging out of Lathane’s control and spiraling towards the orb of light in Kasen’s grasp. Lathane sheathed his swords and opened a pouch on his belt. He took out two grenades and launched them at Kasen.
“‘Twas fun to duel, but I’m on a tight schedule.”
The two grenades exploded, one in flame the other in smoke.
Kasen stopped channeling the energy as he stumbled back, the smoke beginning to fill his lungs. Kasen backed out of the smoke cloud.
“Sir Kasen!”
He heard several Nelderin soldiers call out as they approached him.
“Zyrtex is on the move again.”
“Great. We stalled them long enough,” he said coughing.
“I’m afraid that’s incorrect. They broke several through our main defense who managed to get in before it moved.”
“Have you already reported this to Head Command?”
“No, I-~-”
“Fool! Do not waste my time when there is nothing I can do given the current circumstances. Tell Head Command now, that’s an order!”
“Yes sir, sorry sir.”
~End of Part 3ish~

A select few are granted the ability to control energy after visiting the temple. The temple tested honor, sanctity, and sanity. Those who were presented and only possessed one of the key tributes died instantly. Those possessing two were allowed to live with a scar signifying that they could never try to pass the test again. Those with morality of spirit, purity of blood, and clarity of mind were granted the ability to manipulate energy through specified sources. The aura or color of the energy they use is affected by personality and how strongly each of the tests is passed. This can change with someone’s personality over time or instantaneously depending on the situation. Brightness or darkness of the energy does not affect its potency. There are several main branches of energy that correspond with the natural elements of the universe. Fire, heat, and passion. Water, cold, and balance. Earth, air, and patience. Joy, energy, and endurance. Life, death, and purity. Love, desire, and movement.
There are no ultimatums for any branch. Each one has strengths and weaknesses. No one can control or use a different branch, although, many attempt to study other branches of energy to learn how to better defend themselves in combat or to reach a spiritual balance. Branches may change if someone reaches a diverging in their personality. Having their realities altered, confused, or stolen from them can cause someone to drastically change personality-wise resulting in several different paths.

“You’ve been reassigned to clean-up duty, on behalf of your failure to keep the elite off of Zyrtex. Rest assured, I hope you can handle this, or your first mission may very well be your last.”
“Glad to see you survived the assault, Regent Adier. How many made it to Zyrtex?”
“Glad or not, forget about Zyrtex. It will be located, and I’m assigning an entire squadron under Daeetna to handle it.”

Kasen heard a voice on his radio as he cut down one more Terranean.
“Give me coordinates on him. Now.”
“Sir, it’s probably a trap, he just slaughtered three of our finest in less than ten seconds.”
“None of them were Droggs; they never stood a chance anyways.”
“I will not allow any more of us to die pointlessly. Give me the coordinates.”

“I will not allow any more of us to die pointlessly. Get to the rest of the army to Zyrtex.”
Lathane sighed as he reached his first Nelderin Drogg.
“I’ve been trying; but on it, sir.”
The soldier launched two yellow orbs of energy at Lathane. Lathane shielded it and brandished his reaper swords, pointing one at the Drogg.
The Nelderin paused his offensive.
“Your funeral. De Dartsana.”

Time stopped. The ground, air, and space were teleported out of the time field. A shockwave was emitted, tearing up the ground surrounding the field. The time field pictured two spectre beings floating in space. One in yellow, the other a bright green.
The Nelderin was shocked with disbelief as the being in front of him bore only one marking. The soldier was clad in six markings as was custom of Nelderin Droggs to have signs sacrificed to promote the armies’ strength.
A voiced echoed in the time field.
“You’ll still lose. I don’t know how you bend energy not resembling your true form, but you bear no markings.”
“What a shame the Nelderins know nothing of forming replication technology. Nor will they.”

The field twitched, and the two beings charged at each other. Lathane raised claws of energy and slashed at the soldier. The soldier dodged it and summoned a sword of energy, swinging it at Lathane’s neck. Lathane stood still and let the blade hit, only, the blade stopped at his neck.
“Goodbye,” uttered Lathane.
The soldier’s eyes widened as his essence began to shatter. His energy burning as it became one with Lathane. The symbol scarred onto him a symbol of fire. The field condensed into nothingness at the center, distorting the light around it briefly and then, balancing with the universe, vanished. Lathane fell towards the ground as the time field vanished. He landed and looked around at the Nelderin soldiers who had surrounded the field. Most stood shocked, jaws agape. Others had the guns pointed towards the center waiting in anticipation for the order to shoot. Lathane summoned a bubble of energy around him colored purple again. The soldiers began firing a split second later, bombarding the shield. The shield began shattering as Lathane summoned more energy simultaneously.
At this rate, I’ll run out of energy before I~-~
~-~Beep~-~ “Energy Depleting” ~-~Beep~-~
Lathane sighed, energy dully echoing against his shield.

Kasen arrived at the scene.
“I take it the agent won.”
“Yes, we’ve prepared an arc cannon.”
Kasen walked over to it sitting in the machinery input, his arms charging the machine and pointing the large metallic frame at the purple orb in the center of the crater.

Lathane was desperate. A beam of energy launched from somewhere on the ledge of the crater, emitting a screaming shockwave cracking the ground beneath it. The energy pierced the shield as it hammered through the other side barely glancing Lathane. Lathane recognized the color of the energy.
“Oh, great…”
Lathane brought one hand down away from the shield and drew his reaper blade catching some of the energy from the beam. He channeled the energy into the ground below him and burned away a hole.
Kasen, still channeling the beam of energy pressed a button as strain became visible on his face. An orb began forming on the side of the silver machinery drawing partially from the beam.
“Ready,” he said to a soldier standing nearby who pulled a lever.
The orb was shoved into the beam and propelled towards the bubble of purple energy. Light flashed, blinding all who were watching. Shadows stretched from the crater as the orb hit, disintegrating and burning away the rocks and sand. An echo resounded from the crater for miles.

Lathane lay buried in rock and debris. He groaned as he sat up, slowly testing his limbs for breaks.
“Okay…” he sighed with relief.
He quietly laughed to himself. The hole he had made would have to do. His suit let out a low hum.
~-~Beep~-~ “Energy Depleted” ~-~Beep~-~
Now what…
Lathane grabbed his last energy packet and plugged it into his suit.
One alone will barely last an hour or so, I’ll have to use it sparingly.
He pressed a button on his radio.
“Soldier 416 Invasion Drop-off”
“Yeah, Alpha code: 13. Lathane here, I’ve sent my coordinates; I’m cornered by Nelderins and require assistance. Send a skystrike two units west of my location.”
“Yes, sir. I’m required to issue a warning, you are within the blast radius.”
“Fully aware.”
“Incoming, we’re sending out the Hawk. Latest ten minutes; you really went all out drawing their attention, huh?” the soldier laughed.
“Oh be quiet. All for the empire of Terra, right?”
“All hail,” the soldier said, jokingly.

Kasen looked down at the now enlarged crater.
“Find his body. I doubt he’ll go down easily, so be prepared for a fight.”
“Yes, sir.”
Kasen began walking away.
“Sir! There’s a tunnel leading away from the crater.”
Kasen rolled his eyes.
“Follow it then. Is it truly that complicated to figure out?”
The soldier gulped, “Sorry, s--”
“Shut up, and get it done. I have the rest of an army to finish off.”
Kasen left the scene heading into an airship. The ship began kicking up sand as it took off. The soldiers began filing into the small tunnel, firing into the walls as the entered.

“T-Minus 6 minutes.”

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