Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2097971-Big-Beautiful-Black-Widow--Chapter-One
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2097971
Upon becoming super fat, Natasha was forced to retire. This is what happened afterwards...
The Big Beautiful Black Widow
Chapter One: Step Into My Parlor…

It was only the second week of June, but temperatures were already steadily climbing into the upper 80’s in the New York suburbs. Little Billy awoke just after 9 AM, hot and covered in a light sweat despite having kicked off his covers in the middle of the night. He was alone in the house, as usual; his parents had left an hour ago for the airport. His mother was a highly respected neurosurgeon, and had left to help open a clinic in Maine, while his father, a highly priced lawyer, was out of town putting together the largest class action suit of his career in Los Angeles against Hammer Industries. They likely would not be back until sometime after summer was over and young Billy was back in school.

Luckily, the young boy was used to this, and had become very independent, despite only being seven years old. However, this independence did not mean Billy was without the ability to become bored. After a quick bagel and change of clothes, the youngster headed outside with his baseball and a bat. Unfortunately for Billy, his neighborhood was mostly filled with senior citizens, a side effect of his parents wanting to live in a nice, quiet neighborhood, which also meant there were no children Billy’s own age to play with. This meant if Billy was going to play ball, he’d have to do so by himself.

He began to toss the ball in the air, missing each time, that is, until the sixth time when his bat finally collided with the ball, signaled by a loud, resounding *KA-RACKKK!!!* The ball went soaring through the air and over the wooden picket fence that surrounded his back yard. Billy’s eyes followed the ball with a hypnotized gaze until he could see it no more, for it went crashing through his neighbor’s window! *Ker-Ashhhhh!!!*
“Oh nooooo…” the youngster mouthed in a low, hushed, whispered tone as his heart began to quicken its pace.

Next door, Natasha awoke with a startle. She wasn’t used to waking up before noon in sometime, but a loud breaking of glass wasn’t about to allow her to continue her slumber.
“They found me… I don’t know how they did it, but they found me…” the rotund redhead said to herself. Clad in nothing more than tight, ill-fitting pink panties and a far too small white wife-beater tank top that went past her quite amble bosom by a mere handful of centimeters. She slowly sat up and reached under her pillow, pulling out one of her twin Glocks.

With a grunt, she laid back and slowly rolled her body to the left until her plump legs began to hang over the sides of the bed. She huffed in frustration, only halfway done. She huffed again before sitting up with a grunt; she slowly began to rock her large, luscious body forward and back until she gained enough momentum to get off of the bed and to her plump toes and feet. Her toe nails were painted red, but they looked chipped, suggesting it’d been a while since she made the effort to paint them. And like a ballerina, a call back to her old life, she went from her toes to firmly on her feet again.
“Whew! Okay…” she sighed, wiping the fresh sweat from her brow.

Natasha then began to slowly waddle down the hallway, her colossal ass cheeks bouncing wildly due to little clothing restraint, her cellulite-dimpled valley of an ass exposed. Due to lugging so much gelatinous girth with her, she was not nearly as stealthy as she once had been, sending thunderous vibrations throughout the house which was sure to tip off any nearby enemies. However, Natasha trudged on; she never was one to give up in the face of adversity, even if that adversity was her own body. Natasha approached a table in the middle of the upstairs hallway. She reached in past the wax fruit inside and pulled out the matching Glock. Both guns loaded, she approached the bedroom from where she heard the great crash. But before she could investigate, the doorbell rang.
“Shit!” she whispered to herself. “Who-- who is it?” she called out, her own heart beat quickening. She backed against the hallway right before the doorway of the room with the baseball. She knew the window was broken thanks to the crash, but not that a baseball and a young boy were the culprits, but she figured whoever was at the door could hear her through said broken window.

“M--my name’s Billy! I-- I wasin my yard, playing ball, when… when I accidentally hit my ball through your window! I-- I’m so, soooo sorry…” the young, almost frail voice called out to her.

Natasha narrowed her eyes. “Using children? I shouldn’t expect anything less from those Hydra bastards…” she thought to herself in a slight rage. “L--listen, it’s okay. I--I’ll be right down… Don’t go anywhere…” she said, casting a quick glance to the bed room and seeing the ball laying amidst the surrounding glass. It didn’t matter, though, since it could just as easily been thrown through the window. She huffed, preparing to make her way down the stairs as her ass danced more wildly than before. She was tempted to look out the window, but, with being such a… large target, that just wasn’t an option.

Billy stood on the porch and nodded, even if the groggy female voice that greeted him couldn’t see him. “O--Okay, I won’t!” he assured her. He stood there, nervously. Combined with the heat, sweat formed upon his orange shirt and blue shorts. He took his ball cap off and wiped his forehead before putting his hat back on. He could hear an odd thundering sound coming from within the house, which only frightened him further. He gulped. He just wanted to get his ball back and maybe convince his neighbor not to tell his parents whenever they got back.

Natasha finally reached the end of the stairs, booming all the way down as she did. It took quite some effort to do it, but not quite as much as it did to make it up the stairs when she was ready to go to bed at night. She tucked the Glock in her left hand into the side of her panties, which sank into the side role that was her saddlebag hip. And while they may have been panties at one point, they clearly were in the form of a thong now. She slowly slid back the locks and chain on her door.
“Door’s open, come on in…” she wheezed, winded from her “long” walk, back against the wall to the side of the door, both hands on the single Glock.

Billy slowly turned the knob, wanting so bad to back out, but tried to do the right thing, like his hero Captain America would. The door creaked, and before young Billy could get more than the tip of his right shoe in the door, a large, chubby fist grabbed him, pulling him swiftly inside and slammed the door behind him with the other chubby fist. The nails attached to said fist were painted a red that matched her toes, also meaning they, too, were chipped and done some time ago.
“Gahhhh!” the young boy cried out in pure terror, arms not even given the time to flail, same with his legs. He was stiff with fear.

“Alright, kid… Enough games! What’d Hydra send you for, hmm? And where are the others at?” she said as she waved her gun about, never once pointing it in his direction, hoping that it would be enough to get him to spill his guts to her.

“H--huh? Hydra? I-- I don’t know anything about Hydra, I just wanted to get my ball back before I got in trouble with my parents…” Billy uttered hurriedly, trying to pull away from her, but it was no use; her fat fist was like a human vise.

She looked him dead in the eyes and never saw his eyes waver from her own stare. He was telling her the truth. She released her grip on him and he stumbled, back against the door.
“Look, sorry kid, it’s… well, you can never be too careful.” She said, pulling her gun from her panties and placing both of them on a nearby table. She hoped her mention of Hydra and such was all forgotten in the moment. She turned to look at the small boy, noticing he never left his spot against the door.

“P--please, don’t hurt me…” the youngster begged, intimated by not only the gun she had been waving around, but by the simple fact that this was, by far, the largest woman, let alone human being in general, he’d ever seen in his young life. While it terrified him, it also caught his attention in a way he couldn’t quite explain. He had been unable to look away from her swinging belly or the layers of cellulite encrusted ass that shook before him while she put her guns down. His mother and father had made the casual jokes and comments on people, women in particular, of a larger size all his life, yet… why was he unable to look away?

“Oh… Oh no, no, no… I promise, I’m not going to hurt you…” she said, relieved, her breathing loud from all the excitement and turning around twice with waddling steps in between. “Listen, you can still have your ball back… Well, maybe in a little bit, I don’t feel like hefting myself back up there right now, and I don’t want you getting cut by any of the glass… Say, you’re a growing boy, up for a snack? I have cookies… And milk!”

Billy shook his head back to reality just enough for him to form and utter cognitive thoughts again. “S--sure… I only had a light breakfast…” he nodded.

“Great! Follow me…” she instructed him, rubbing her hand through his hair before slowly turning, like a planet orbiting the sun, and waddling forth towards the kitchen, which definitely kept Billy’s attention, his eyes fixated upon the sagging blubber that was her ass.
“Have a seat!” she instructed him, pulling out his chair, before making her way to the cupboard. She reached for the top shelf, her tight wife-beater tank top riding up just below her protruding nipples; her entire body gracefully jiggling in a manner still alien to this child. He had no idea person could move the way she did. Upon grabbing the cookies, she opened the fridge, bending over as her ass shifted from side to side; doing so swallowed any remnants of panties, almost making her appear to be without any save for the small sliver of pink above her ass shelf. She slowly stood up and gently kicked the door shut with her chubby foot. She waddled her way over to young Billy, placing the sweet feast before him. “Golden Oreos and milk. These should take the edge off…” she smiled, looking down at him and making her way to the seat to his right and in the middle of the long table. She pursed her lips with a low, yet audible “Hmmm…” she slowly waddled to the other side of the table in front of Billy, grabbing the other chair and bringing it back to the right middle chair’s position, placing them together. She slowly lowered her girthy bottom, her ass’s flab still overflowing the sides of both chairs. “Ahh, much better. Oh, and my name is… ‘Natalie’.” she lied to cover her true identity in case she was wrong about the young boy. “If you need anything else, just ask.”

Billy forced a smile back at her, still slightly shaken by the morning’s events, but trying to forget about the whole thing. “M--my name is Billy…” He opened the crinkling pack, eating two before looking back at his round hostess. He was smiling at him, relieved he was just a boy and not a dangerous Hydra agent.

“Uhmmm.. Don’t you want any?” Billy asked her, slightly pushing the pack of cookies towards her before beginning to pour himself a tall glass of milk from the jug Natasha had brought him. He felt funny to be the only one eating. Besides, she obviously had an appetite of her own, she, too, had to be hungry, considering he woke her from her sleep, which he assumed to be the case given how groggy she sounded when he first heard her from upstairs.

“No… Billy, I can’t… Uh, you enjoy them…” she instructed, nervously shaking her head side to side.
“Aww, c’mon, a few won’t hurt… I feel… weird, being the only one eating…” she said.
“W--welllll, maybe just a few…” she gulped, closing her eyes, before removing a cookie from its packaging prison and placing it into her open maw. Her eyes shot open, glazed over, almost like those in a trance. And she began to eat another, and another, double fisting them until the container was at its end. Billy was wide-eyed. He was surprised she’d eaten all of the cookies, despite claiming not to want any, but this didn’t last long; given her size, it wasn’t too much of a stretch. While eating, he noticed a slight sheen to her hair, perhaps suggesting she hadn’t showered in sometime, but this thought was soon cut short by a demand he was not expecting.

“More…” she demanded, crumbs and icing stuck to her mouth with no inkling to wipe them away.
“But… but you ate them all!” he said, bewildered by her strange behavior.
She slowly rocked to her feet. “More… I… said… I… need… more…!” the zombie-like redhead demanded.
Billy nodded, swiftly stepping down from his chair. “Uhhhh… okay! Here, take my milk, I’ll try and find you something else…” he said, pushing not only his glass but the entire gallon towards her. She eagerly grabbed the glass, and finished it quickly. She let the glass fall to its side on the table as she reached for the entire gallon, throwing her head back as she gurgled and gurgled ounce upon ounce down into her eagerly awaiting belly.

Billy couldn’t look away. Her upper arms, for example, were wider than his own waist, and this jiggling, oozing woman was hard to look away from. But he soon realized he need to snap out of it. The milk was like a timer. He needed to find her a meal to replace this one ASAP. He ran to the fridge and brought her what looked like a fresh cherry pie. He figured it would go perfectly with the milk. He placed the pie before her just as the last few drops of milk went down. Her legs slightly shook and clapped together from the sheer weight of holding her body up for so long without anything to lean on. He then realized he had forgotten the fork.
“H--here, just sit down and I’ll grab you a fork. He positioned himself behind her just to gently tug and lead her into her seat. He fully expected it to take her a while to sit after seeing how long it took for her to stand up; he planned to get out of her way, but not such luck. She slammed down upon him with a loud *FWAMMM!!!*
“Gahhh!” he cried out, more in a state of shock than from the weight being thrust down upon him. Well, okay, it might have hurt just a little, but luckily for him she was padded with the same thing that added to her weight, thus making it a much softer landing than it could have been.

“Natalie! Y--you’re so… so heavy! You… you gotta get up!” he told her, but it was no use. She was in heaven, digging into the pie with her greedy fat hands and fingers, allowing the cherry goop to fall and glisten on and around her mouth. The goop acted as a fly paper, catching the crumbs in places along with the earlier cookie crumbs. The pie was gone in less than two minutes.

Meanwhile, Billy noticed her shelf ass in a manner most up close and personal. He wasn’t sure how much she was aware of in this state, or even what caused it, though he did have a few suspicions. He slowly placed his tiny hands upon her big, bare ass cheeks, just in case doing so upset her. When he received no response, he allowed his tiny young hands to sink into her ass and began to tap and gently spank its soft, gooey-like nature.

With the pie now gone, Natasha began to crave again. “M--more…! I… need… more!” she said, attempting to stand. She began to rock forwards and backwards again, but found it far harder than before now that she was filled with cookies, pie and a gallon of milk. In doing this, she kept squishing up and down upon young Billy, which began to send a strange… feeling surging up and down his young body, one he never felt before. “Ooooh…!” he began to moan. “I-- I feel funny, Natalie…” he admitted, but it definitely fell on deaf ears, and he received no reply. Her ass’s sweat made not only her thong-like panties drenched, but his own shorts, which caused them to become wedged within her deep, cavernous crack. She had sat up just enough this time for her crack to pull his blue shorts and underwear up, and before sitting back down, the snapped back, but did not cover him any longer; his young manhood was exposed! Her crack swallowed his small member, and when she attempted to sit up again, he noticed he was now… throbbing, longer and harder than he had ever been before. He didn’t know it then, but she had bestowed upon him his first erection. But it wasn’t over yet.

Up and down and up and down her colossal, fat ass cheeks went, over and over again, absorbing his young cock over and over again until it reached the pinnacle of its length and thickness. His legs began to twitch.
“N--Natalie? I-- I really, really feel… weird… I mean, not bad, but… definitely different…” he tried to explain, but it, again, fell on deaf ears. His feet curled. His breathing deepened, even coming out as gasps, which caused his mouth to stay opened. Her sweat was acting as a lube which only made things worse. He instinctively reached out, gripping lovingly into her big, fat ass for some stability. He began closing his eyes more and more. He knew she wouldn’t hear him, and just as his eyes rolled back in his head, he blurted out “I-- I love you, Natalie!” just before he threw his head back, eyes rolled back in pure ecstasy, his grip tightening as he felt his member throb and release… something, into her fat, flabby ass, over and over again. He was tired, and she had done most of the work. He leaned back in his chair, moaning uncontrollably as he sprayed down her steaming hot, plump, juicy ass crack with his young, hot, salty seed.

Her squashing of the young boy slowed and soon came to an abrupt stop. Without any more food to fuel this inner zombie-like state, she slowly began to regain full consciousness, the transparent glaze disappearing from her eyes.
“Wh--what happened?” she asked, shaking her head back and forth, which shook her chins from side to side. She ran her hands though her somewhat greasy hair. “And where’s… Billy? Billy! Where are y--” and she stopped, shifting side to side and instantly realizing where he was. Oddly, she heard a wet sloshing sound when she did. She shook it off. “Oh God, Billy! Here, give me a sec, I’ll be up as soon as I can! I am SO sorry…” she assured him. And while Billy was in no rush, he was still far too in a state of bliss to properly respond. Knowing Billy was in danger of possibly asphyxiating in her ass flab or being squashed to death, she managed to get to her feet by the fourth try.

She slowly turned around, ass moving like an overfilled bowl full of gelatin. “Oh, Billy, are you… Billy! You’re… you’re pantsless! Wha--!” she said, eyes widening, mouth agape in astonishment. She thought back to the wet sound from when she shifted on him and her mouth was now agape in horror.
“Oh dear God, Billy!!! What did I… what did WE do?!”

And soon Billy told her the entire story; of how her sweaty ass crack pulled him free from his restraining clothes, everything... “I’m… I’m so sorry, Natalie…! I didn’t mean to… do that in your butt…”

“It’s… It’s no one’s fault. Well, maybe it’s both of our faults…! I dunno…” she sighed, stomping her foot in a rage only meant towards herself. “Damn what those Hydra goons did to me… What am I going to do now?!” she thought to herself.

“It-- it’s okay, really!” Billy admitted.

“No! No, it’s not okay! Oh God, Billy, I could get in so much trouble… I could go to jail or worse! We just had… we just had sex! And I am way too old for you…”
“A former SHIELD Agent’s clearance will only get you so far…” Natasha thought to herself.
“Billy, you have to promise me this will remain our little secret, okay? Please promise me…”

“N--no worries, Natalie…! I promise, I won’t tell anyone… I don’t want you to go to jail! I-- I, lo--er, like you, a lot…” he admitted, nearly confessing his newfound feelings for her. Not only was afraid of how she’d react, but how his parents would react if they found out he liked such a fat woman.

“That… that’s awful sweet of you, Billy…” she forced a smile. It was nice to get attention from another male after so long, just as it had been nice for Billy to finally get attention from someone.

“Well, you’ve been so nice to me, and… you’re so, well… pretty…” he admitted, which caused her to blush in a manner that caused her face to match her hair.

“Oh… Oh Billy…” Natasha smiled, almost forgetting the cool, wet moisture lodged in her deep, fat, jiggling ass.
© Copyright 2016 King of the Fatties (ssbbwlover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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