Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2106544-Perfect-Blows
by Sola
Rated: E · Essay · Other · #2106544
It's not a thing
There’s no such thing as perfection. The very word pisses me off to no end. Every time that one of these high strung teenagers comments on some sub-par selfie of their BFF with an upbeat “perfect” it nearly brings me to tears. I don’t mean to come off as an arrogant pessimist, I’m all for people being nice to each other, but it becomes sickening when everyone feels the need to tell someone that they are the end all be all of an eye pleasing object. The mere fact that people seem to only post photos of themselves in order to have others make them feel good about themselves shows that everything is well on its way to becoming unadulterated shit. You’ll notice that if no one comments “perf” or “perfect”, they delete the picture within the hour, but that won’t stop them from trying again in a couple days hoping for the different results.
The concept of perfection is so elusive that it’s incredibly unfair to anyone who has ever used the word. By speaking it they get the sense that it’s attainability isn’t something that has been conjured by society. Never should anyone have to feel so close to something that they can’t have, it’s cruel, so in my opinion all things that are make believe should remain far from the mind and stop corrupting our so easily corruptible youth.
Perfectionist is also a disgusting combination of letters. It’s the go to “biggest flaw” on every job application. Every person who has claimed to be a perfectionist is a liar and most likely borders a fine line between extreme narcissism and pure idiocy. They like to pretend that “perfectionist” is something that they’re burdened with, but everyone knows that their convoluted bullshit is just a half assed brag on how they think that they’re better than everyone else. But at the same time as they think that they do everything perfectly, they’re so clouded by their nonsense that they can’t see that their idea of perfect could easily double as someone’s idea of hell on Earth.
I could easily go into a rant about how society has completely destroyed all safe feelings of inadequacy. This whole new age nonsense of everyone thinking that somehow they are all worth something has given rise to a horrible attitude. If everyone thinks that they matter, they start thinking that they matter a lot more than they actually do. With their sense of superiority they start to think that everything they do is perfect when in fact nothing ever will be perfect. They’ll try to force their way of life on others simply because they were once told that they were “perfect”.
The word ruins people, and ideas, yet it’s used as a compliment and often times as an excuse. That’s what our world does-- takes a word with an abstract meaning and lets it play screws with how everyone acts and sees themselves.

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