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Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2107908
Daring Do wants to become a mother
Daring Do is on yet another one of her adventures but this one is a little different from her other quests. She's had a maternal feeling and wants to get pregnant but doesn't want to wait the whole nine months from a sperm from a sperm bank. She did some research and found a hair clip that allowed the wearer to have total control over their pregnancy from conception to birth and changed reality to make people around think she's always been pregnant. She got the location and packed for the trip. It was in a large forest in Prussia. Do caught a flight to Prussia and once there she rented a range rover and started the journey. She knew Aizohtl wasn't going to try and take the clip.
After two days of driving she was at the right forest. She drove a little ways in before parking the car and started walking. It was an hour walk from where she parked her car. She came upon a cave that was said to be holding the clip. She walked in and surprisingly there were no traps throughout the cave. Daring finally after another hour of walking in the cave she found a giant cavern and on the other students was the fertility hair clip. She walked over and picked it up and put it on. She then remembered how to use it. She wished to be overdue with one baby without boob growth or any other growth except for her belly. Also she would not have to give birth till she wanted to along with the growth happens immediately. After finishing she felt a tightening in her belly and all of a sudden she was sporting a baby bump. She had to put her hand on the small of her back and under her belly. She thought" dang their heavy" she started waddling to the entrance keeping the hair clip. But there was one trap once the hair clip was taken the caverns entrance closed and the floor opened up to reveal a lave pit. Daring couldn't waddle fast enough to escape the pit and slipped backwards on some rocks. She was miraculously caught by some vines but she was still in quite the predicament. To make matters worse she saw a tentacle heading towards her from above. To make matters worse she was only wearing a skirt with no panties on along with a tank top and boots for better movement but now it was her downfall. The vine had bulbous head on the end of it and it was heading straight for her pussy. She couldn't move at all and could only try not to wiggle win the vine entered her. It had been producing chemicals that would make darings ovaries release an egg or two and also making her cervix dialate open. The vine then entered her womb heading right for the tubes. Once in position it expanded to create a plug to the cervix. It then started pumping its cum in her. Daring already had an overdue baby in her and combined with the spunk being pumped in her started expanding her womb even more to the point she looked ready to drop quints. Once the tentacle was done it waited for the two eggs to grow to meet their other sibling. Once they reached the same stage as the original fetus. After that the vine withdrew from daring and slipped away into a crevice. Daring had passed out midway through the whole ordeal. The vines holding Daring lifted into a sort of sitting position to empty out the excess cum and released a chemical that closed the cervix. After that they lifted daring up to the cavern while the floor was starting to close. After laying her down the vines slipped back into the crevice while the cavern entrance was reopened.
It was now an hour after sunset. Daring woke up and looked at her belly and saw it was huge compared to before. She felt three sets of kicks confirming her baby count. She guessed she must have used the clip to add two more baby's in her sleep. She decided to keep triplets for a little while. She had to grab onto the cave wall to get up. She started the two hour walk back to her vehicle. After getting back to her car she chose to grab some maternity clothes she brought along and also a pair of panties. After she changed she headed back to the closest town to get a hotel and to get a plane back home the next day.
The next morning Daring found she would have to wait a week before a flight back to equestria would be available. She decided to do a little site seeing with her three unborn children. Midway through the week her children decided to have a dance party in her belly. She enjoyed the feeling she decided to add a few more baby's. So she used the hair clip and added three more baby's and made it sextuplets. She looked into the mirror in her hotel room and saw how big she was now and how popped out her naval was and all her stretch marks. She was actually getting turned on. On the last day of her stay Daring decided to go back home nonpregnant. When she went to take away the baby's two wouldn't leave. They were the ones from the vine. The clip couldn't get rid of natural pregnancies but it could keep her from giving birth. So she decided to just go back home pregnant with twins.
After getting back home she was wanting to go ahead and give birth to her current twiins. So she gave birth at her house alone. After that day she had many children in the years after.
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