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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2110218
CC from Code Geass finds a Reality Twisting app. Called Reality Twister
For C.C. life was slow and boring, for the most part. C.C. twirled her long waist deep green hair slightly in her hand as she looked at her new smart phone with her golden eyes. Laying over Lelouch’s bed she held her phone up in the air and opened an app on her green Windows Phone.

Reality Twister

Clicking the live tile she opened the program to see the main screen. Watching it she saw that it welcomed her:

Welcome, CC. The words fade out on the white background. This is Reality Twister, a program that can bend reality, twisting it. It then faded before more words appeared. Now you can do anything, from changing a targets sex, making them immortal---

Her thoughts stopped as she nearly dropped her thought. Her eyes shook for a bit as she broke her stoic expression before she regain her emotionless face. She then continued to read the rest of the text.

To giving a girl more breasts.
Once again the words disappeared and new ones appeared. “So let’s begin”, a new female voice said from her cell phones speakers. It was a female voice, synthetic and electronic spoke up. “Here you’ll find your main menu.” The screen came to life as she saw Reality Twister on the top of the menu. Underneath there was the words Profiles, Reality Twists History, and the Word Disclaimer.

She clicked on Disclaimer and saw that a new screen appeared with the typical Terms of Use Screen. “To put it simple these are the terms that you agreed to use when you downloaded me from my Creator,” The voice said. “To put it simple I am Reality Twister.” As she her that voice her eyes widened and stared at the phone. “Now bout these terms.” Reality Twister explained, “You around held responsible for any fuck ups that you bring upon yourself and others.” Right then the faded button on the bottom lift of the screen gained color to allow the Immortal Witch to click “I Accept.”

As soon as she did she was brought back to the main menu to once again. This time the Menu list changed:

Reality Shift
Reality Twists History

She then clicked on Profiles as the rest was faded out and didn’t allow her to choose them. As soon as she opened to the new pages there was a slot list for five people with one of them being her name. The Menu itself it simple, In the top row was a dark forest green background and the word “Profile” was in a white color. Below that was alternating colors of a light faded green and white. In the first row was black text that spelled out her name.

Add new Profile

Before she had a chance to click on either of the Options the built in AI spoke up once again. “Well here is the profile page or rather section of the programs.” Reality Twist stopped C.C. from pressing anything. “On this page you have the list of up to five people. Yourself included, who can be changed to your every whim excluding killing them off or bringing them back to life.” C.C. just continued to listen without a facial response. “Although if someone is about to die you could use this to save them. Anyways you can only have fiver profiles of people in this app at a time. So if there is a sixth person you want to change you’ll need to delete an old profile. This means whatever changes you made will stay till you add that person back in.

“Now that’s interesting,” C.C. quietly talked to herself.

“Next in order to add another person in you need to take a full body picture of the person in order to give me the power to twist reality for your targets.”

The green witch sighed. “Now that’s a road block.”

“So make sure that the person is around you when you use this program to take a picture. Old pictures from your phone or computer will not work. But instead of trying to mess around with someone else, you mess with yourself instead?”

C.C. followed the suggestion and pressed her name on the Profile list. This opened a brand new window on her phone. The screen that greeted her was a naked 3D model of herself in white 3D space. Above her in a black letters was her Name: C.C. Above her name was a thin yet thick red bar with three white dots centered in the middle. “Alright here you can see a model of your own body!” The cheerful AI informed the witch. “You can use all multi touch commands like zoom, rotate left and right, etc. See that top bar above your name? Well if you pull it down you can see all your stats and make changes through plenty of options in the menu. Or. You can rotation your 3D model around and click on a body part and see some options of changes through picking a part. So try clicking your body!”

C.C. state upright as she held the phone in her hands, she then used her fingers to zoom into her body as she started to focus on her breasts. ‘Well, even if it is a bit cliché.’ Sher thought, ‘I might as well start to try and see if it actually works.’ She tapped her breasts in the model a new screen appeared over the model with the Title: Options. As she read over the options her mouth dropped at what she could do.

Breast size, breast shape, lactation Options, nipple options, sensitivity, number of breasts, etc.

“Breast number?!” She repeated as she starred at the choice. ‘That’s just plain old weird! I mean; changing size makes the most sense but actually giving myself more than two breasts?!’ Curious she clicked on the option and once again her mouth dropped to her waist. She could choose how many total she has, number of rows and columns of breasts. Even move them anywhere on her body. She then backed out of the menu and went back to the previous menu. Then she clicked on the size. Option. Taking a look she noticed that there was two sizes. One for each breast. Taking a minute she clicked on the size option and started to enter her breasts new size, 1ft round. She then clicked apply and watched as the menus faded back to show her naked model.

She watched as her models breasts grow at a steady pace. Within a few minutes her model had new beach balls of breasts as each was a foot round. She closed her eyes and laughed. “Like this could actually change anything I wante--” She stopped as a burning engraved her breasts. She then clenched her teeth and quickly put her phone on the desk next to the bed. SHE watched and felt her breasts start to expand under her white prison clothes. Her nipple under the fabric started to harden as she felt her breasts hit the B cup size or at least it started to rub out against the white clothes. She closed her eyes as she continued to feel the burn which seemed to lose its heat but instead had a bit of pleasure as she felt her breasts push out against the clothes. ‘You got to be kidding me! It’s actually working?!’

She clenched her hands this time against the sheets of the bed as her breasts hit the triple D realm. At that point she managed to open and eyes as she watched and felt her breasts growing even farther. At that point the pain turned to pleasure as she watched her breasts grow even farther as she started to pant. “I---- don’t--- believe--- it.” She brokenly gasped between words as the growth pleasure filled the rest of her body. She closed one of her eyes and noticed how her breasts finally hit the six inch round and started to rip her clothes to let her skin be seen.

She gasped as her clothes finally gave into let loose her naked breasts with her full nipples. She closed her eyes once again as her breasts finally hit their target size a foot round. She opened her golden eyes to look down at her now beach ball sized breasts. “I can’t believe that actually worked,” She gasped with a red face and a single open eye. Then without warning gravity took over she fell to her back onto the bed. She tried to the push herself upwards to sit up yet the weight of her breasts kept her on back. Reaching over to the small desk to pick up her Lumia. She slowly regained her composure as she started to look around the app. “There has to be a way to let me stand up with these beauties.” After looking around she found an option in the breast options in the app and started to tweak it enough so she could stand with her heavy breasts. She smirked a grin as she went under the lactation options in the Breasts Modify Options.

After a few changes in the options she clicked apply to feel her breast flesh thin as milk poured into her breasts like water pouring into a glass. She grinned as once again placed her phone on the table next to Lelouch’s bed before she started to grope her own breasts to give herself a quick wave of pleasure. Letting go of her breasts once again looked at her windows phone to go back to look at her whole 3D model, C.C. then brought down the reed bar to see all of the options at her dispose. ‘It’s not just limited to my body!’ She noticed as she gazed over the options with eyes wide. Breasts, legs, head, hair, butt, and even DNA….. The list of options was amazing but she found the option she was looking for. She smiled with an open mouth to show off most of her white teeth. Pulling her body up she slipped off of the bed and let her naked breasts hung with all of their naked glory.

“Well now,” She continued to grin. “Reality Twister, I really like what you can do.”

“I am glad that you do,” The AI responded to C.C.

‘Well now Lelouch,’ CC thought. ‘I think I’ll enjoy my new toy.’
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