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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #2110323
After using Reality Twister. CC decides to give Kallen a gift.
C.C. stopped before she was going to walk out of the room her excitement dropped. While she didn’t care about being half naked and showing off her breasts. ‘I would stand out too much,’ she realized. Pulling her phone, she opened her profile to look over her options. “Hey Reality Twister?” She asked. “Can I warp actually reality?” CC drew her eyes back to her tits and smiled a bit. ‘This has to be an AI. It responded to me just a few seconds ago.’

“Yes I can,” Reality Twister spoke up. “But it will have to revolve around you of one of the five profiles that I have saved.” CC stopped
massaging here tits as she listened to her phones new AI. “So while I cannot transform the entire world to be where all woman are busty with beach ball sized tits. I can do it indirectly if you can find a creative solution.” The AI paused and let the immortal take in the information. “So for example if you want you can make it so that you always had your new breasts.”

‘I guess that limits what I can do but still, this is a great toy,’ CC thought. ‘I can do so much but if Marianne finds out.’ She continued to think. ‘I guess it would be better if I just don’t mention it to her I’ll be fine.’ Taking a minute, she looked over the options in options to find what she was looking for. Reality Warp. She clicked on it to see what it could do.

“Looks like you found what you needed.” Reality Twister spoke up. “At the moment, no one knows that your breasts are that big so you’ll most likely freak out.”

The green immortal read over the options and she that an option was off. Reality Shift. Opening that up she looked at what it could do. With it she could make all of her changes to herself be warped so it was normal for her to have that change. Turning on the option she clicked apply. But her eyes then noticed that there was a set option. ‘What does this do?’ She wondered. “Hey what does the Set Option do?”

“The Set Option lets you create a set of transformations together that will all happen at once. You can then apply the changes all at once instead of doing one at a time.” Reality Twister explained.

CC nodded to herself and then looked over the main menu of the options for her model. ‘Is there an option for…?’ She smiled and clicked on what she was looking for, Clothes. ‘Good perhaps I can get some clothes that can fit me.’ She thought. Her eyes widened as she looked over options or rather lack off. It was blank. “Ah where is the options? It blank.”

“Oh sorry,” Reality Twister spoke up. “Click the center and let go of your phone.” CC followed directions and to her surprise the phone flew out and floated vertically in front of her. Then she found herself in a white transparent tube that stared out around on the ground and went straight to the ceiling before it stopped. She stood there in the center of the tube that could fit her comfortably. “Just reach into the white space around you and whatever come to mind well come into your hand. Think of it as Nano Tech.”

CC blinked then shrugged before she reached out to grab something in the light. Turning her head, she gasped as she saw her hand disappear into nothing ness as it fades from view and created a ripple effect around her wrist. She then blinks as she looked down over her body. ‘Wait my… MY CLOTHES ARE GONE!’ She was bare naked. How? And Why? “Why am I naked?” She asked with annoyance.

“Your past clothes wear wreaked,”
Reality Twister spoke up with a cheery voice. She then continued. “I just removed them right now as you are collecting new clothes to wear. Think of it like a changing room except for the mall or store is only limited by your imagination.”

CC blinked and then breathed in and out, “Alright but I do have more question. Why was the screen completely black excluding the word Clothes on the top in the Clothes option?”

“Oh that simple!” The AI cheered. “Right now you are creating presets for you to wear which will be switchable in that area. You’ll see squares of all the custom presets of yours that you create. At the moment that is how my creator made it work.”

“Who’s your creator?” CC asked the AI.

“Nightmare49,” she answered.

Shrugging it off she pulled her hand out to pick out a pair of white panties. CC then quickly slipped them on with her milk filled breasts jiggling all the while. Taking another plunge into with her hands into the light she pulled out a skin tight white pants that had built white heals. She slipped on the pants for the white heels being three inches. The white shoe would have been open as it covered her toes and wrapped around the sides to have the edge going no higher than her ankles. Instead silk white material continued up over her feet as it formed around her feet skin tight and went up her legs and stopped at her waist.

Next she reached back in and picked out another skin tight white shirt. Slipping it over her upper body she slipped it on. However, of covered her breasts its collar went down her body and wrapped around her milk machines to leave them handing out completely naked for all to see. Next she used her hand to grabbed one last piece out of the faded light to grab a white and silver vest that didn’t zip shut in the front.
Putting on the white vest with silver lines she places it over her upper body. “Now this is a good start.” She said as she looked over her new look. Looking down at her pants she saw that there was loops for a belts to go through. ‘A belt?’ She blinked and then smiled. ‘That would work!’ Taking another minutes, she reached into the light and took out ma silver belt that was a smoother silver leather with a metal belt buckle that clamped over the end of the belt like a rectangular belt buckle. Slipping in over her waist she then reached into the wall and pulled out a green plastic case. Gripping her phone, she slipped over a phone case that was the same color as her hair over her Lumia. Then she picked up the white belt clip and attached the second half of the case to her belt on her left side.

“One last change,” CC told herself. Reaching into the light she pulled out a white and green head set that’d cover her ears entirely. While she loved pizza and was not a complete fan of music. The head set would complete the look she was going for. She then put the headset around her neck. At that point a green button with white text appeared that said confirm. She then pressed the button to have the tube of light around her fade out to leave her in her new clothes in the room. “This is perfect,” She grinned. ‘Now I can flaunt my wonders in front of others!’ Spinning around she slipped her phone into her silver belt where her phone case could snap to.

She plugged the head set into her phone and then stepped out of Lelouch’s bedroom to head out to the school. ’Well now Lelouch,’ she talked to herself. ‘Let’s see how you react to me now.’ She then snapped her phone into her phone case on her hips before she stepped out into the school halls. Slipping through the halls she found no one to care about her being there except for her abnormally huge breasts.
She stepped through the halls and slipped out her phone with her phone open. She then opened Reality Twister to have it start at the main model. With a click of her fingers she hit, Add new Profile. The screen then shifted white before a new camera mode was triggered. Please get a full body picture of the new profile. CC smiled as she looked up a head to see both Lelouch and a red haired girl walking down the hall to the Ball Room. Acting fast she took a picture of the two together. But what happened off guard.

Two new Profiles added

After then words appeared over the top of a white background. Then it faded out to show two new names on the profile list. Two new names appeared:

Lelouch Lanperouge
Kallen Kouzuki

‘Kallen Huh?’ CC thought. ‘I guess I can look at her later,' she thought before she clicked on Lelouch's profile while she leaned on a wall in the hallway. Like her profile it too showed a naked model of him when she first loaded it. Not caring about that she slipped down the menu to look at the options for him. The first thing she looked for was Personality and General Information.

Opening the option, she found a lot, for one she found three words that almost made her break her straight face.

Crush/lover: Kallen

'Wait he loves her?' She mentally noted. 'Well now, Lelouch.' She grinned mentally. 'I now have an even better way to prank you.' She continued to look over the other the other stats such as age, about and Geass Power… ‘Geass Power!’ CC’s eyes widened as she starred at the stat. She hesitantly tapped it to have a new pop up menu to appear with a few new set of options.

Remove Geass
Change Geass
Force Evolve
Transform into Code

‘Wait! I can transform his Geass into a code!’ She lost her stoic face as she stared at her phone. ‘I know I could turn him into an immortal. But changing and even removing a geass!’ Shaking her head she backed out of that and looked at the info section of the page she was on. Lelouch and exiled prince of Britannia lost his mothe--- ‘That’s nothing new,’ she thought but it was only a few sentences that made her entire thought process stop. – a timer traveler from the future. Lelouch acquired a way to save his lover and queen who was killed. ‘Wait a minute!’ She managed to break her frozen mind. ‘It said earlier that Kallen was his lover!’ Her golden eyes widen as she processed the new realization. ‘Well now. Looks like I picked quite the contractor.’ CC put on her white head set and then continued to think as she played some EDM.

“CC!” Lelouch hissed as he walked out of the room. “What the hell are you doing out here?!”

CC shifted her golden eyes and spoke up. “I wanted some fresh air.”

Irritated Lelouch hissed as he stopped right in front of her as he continued to question, “What if someone saw you! And why the hell do you have your breasts hanging out in the open naked?!” All the while he blushed red as he kept glancing at CC’s lovely tits.

CC shrugged and spoke up in her monotone voice, “It’s not like anyone here cares about me being here nor my naked breasts. Besides I actually like showing them off.”

‘This is not the CC I knew,’ Lelouch realized. ‘She didn’t have giant knockers like this from my past and she wasn’t an EDM lover either.’ Grasping CC’s hand he started to drag her back to his place on the school campus. “Come on.” All the while he pulled CC she slipped her phone back into its case belt clip.

“Listen I don’t care if no one at the school saw you,” Lelouch said, “What if someone from the military or related to the military saw you?” At this point Lelouch and CC was back at him and his sister’s place in the campus.

“Then they’d just get distracted by my fun bags,” CC retorted. “Time traveler.”

Lelouch flinched as he stuttered. “How did you know?!”

“I have my ways,” CC honestly said. “And by the way who is this lover that you came from the future to?” CC inwardly smirked.

Lelouch continued to process the question, “Kallen Stadtfeld.” Lelouch told her reluctivity.

“Who?” CC asked. ‘Looks like I got a new target.’

“She red headed--”

“The other one who you took to the Ball Room?” CC cut him off.

“How did you?”

“I saw you two walk in together.” The immortal told her contractor.

“Yes her,” Lelouch told CC. “She was the pilot in the Red Glasgow where I first found you.”

CC blinked, “So you feel in love with a terrorist.”

Lelouch sighed, “Regardless, I was going to tell her that it was me who lead her in the Shinjuku Ghettos. I want to have her know who I am this time to gain her trust faster.”

“I don’t think telling her that you’re a prince is a good idea.”

Lelouch sighed as he returned, “I’m not going to tell her that right now. I got something else that I can do to gain her trust.”

“Then I got a gift of my own to give her,” CC smiled.

Lelouch paled slightly, “You're not giving her a Geass.”

“No, I will offer it and if she does take it then I’ll have a better chance of my wish contract complete.” CC looked right at Lelouch. “But as a time traveler you must already know what my wish is?”

Lelouch nodded, “Fine I’ll let you give her a Geass but only after I talk to her first.”

“Right that sound good,” CC agreed.

“However I will get Milly to enroll you as a student.”

Golden eyes widen as stared at the eighteen-year-old. “Why?”

Using a hand gesture Lelouch told her, “It’ll allow you to walk around the school without being noticed as easy by the military.”

Lelouch and CC stood at the bathroom door before he knocked on the door to ask of he could come in. Getting a positive response from Kallen he slipped in. As he did CC had her phone out and looked over the first half of the gift that she’d be giving Kallen. ‘Although it’s not just a gift for Kallen.’ She thought. Inside the bath room Kallen had the knife in her pouch pulled out as she held onto Lelouch Keeping him from moving as she pressed him against the wall.

“Speak, why would a Britannian student be in the ghettos? Second why would you even want to help terrorists?” Kallen demanded.

Lelouch breathed in and out before speaking. “First I got in the ghettos because I feel into your truck by accident.” Kallen blinked but nodded at the answer. “Second my mother was killed and my sister was left crippled and blind.” At that point Kallen’s eyes widened. “My mother was a commoner at birth but she later fell in love with a nobleman. Due to the fact that she was a commoner at birth she was killed and during the murder my sister ended up blind and crippled. While we were told it was work of terrorist I know that it had to be an inside job by some other nobles.”

At that point Kallen looked away. “While my father got out fine he was poisoned. A little time after that both me and my sister faked our deaths and came here to hide. So tell me, why wouldn’t I have any reason to get back at Britannia?”

Kallen looked a way for a minute but then her she gasped and dropped the knife to the ground much to the shock of Lelouch. Luckily for the both of them it missed both of their feet and kidded a few inches away from them. Kallen stepped back as she looked down in shock as she saw her breasts start to grow. Lelouch as only stare as his face went a bit red. Kallen gasped as her D cup started to grow out wide. Slowly the skin of her breast was pushed by some building force on the inside of her breasts. She quickly fell to the ground and leaned against the wall of the bathroom. She blushed as she felt something slush and fill the insides of her tits.

‘CC is this you’re doing,’ Lelouch thought to himself. But something wasn’t right all she could do was give people shock images and nightmare not modify a person’s body.

Kallen braced herself as she looked down to watch her dd cups breach the six feet round mark and her naked nipples seems to grow and expand just enough to match her growing assists. Slowing and surely it grew out making Kallen blush and gasp slightly as she felt her own twins grow out. Eight inches round her breasts started to perk up naturally and seemed to defy gravity as they continued to grow bigger. She closed her eyes and brought a hand up to almost touch her breasts but she dropped her hand as her breasts was nearing the sizes of beach balls. Lelouch could only stare as he watched Kallen’s breasts stop growing at the 1ft mark. Recollecting herself she reached up to touch her now huge breasts making them jiggle as she gentle rubbed them. “What the hell did you do to me?” She demanded as she gleamed threaten at the ex-prince.

“I didn’t do anything.” Lelouch franticly spoke up honestly. Reaching out with one of his arms. “Need help getting up?”

Kallen blushed as she nodded before she reached up with one of her hands to let Lelouch help her up. "Damn these are heavy." She complained. "Right fine I'll believe your word about you being trustworthy but first you will not tell anyone about my bust growing before your eyes. Got it?"

Lelouch calmly nodded as he silently went along with Kallen's demand. "One last thing," Lelouch started. "Before this little event started I was going to tell you about one tool that I have. Geass."

"Geass," Kallen repeated.

"I acquired this ability from an accomplice,” Lelouch informed her. Kallen’s face took a look of disbelief but then it faded as she quickly and briefly looked down to her bust before looking right back at Lelouch’s eyes. “It's the supernatural power of the Kings.” Lelouch further explained as he spoke to Kallen who took in his words. “For me it allows me to command anyone to follow my command down to the letter.” Kallen stepped back to prevent her breasts from slamming into her new accomplice. “For what I learned it only works on a person once and it erases all memory of right before, during and after the command.”

“Anything?” Kallen asked. “And it only works on a person once?”

Lelouch nodded as he said, “I learned that by using it on you to learn about who you were.” Knowing what she was going to do Lelouch gripped Kallen’s breasts to make her gasp before his place a hand over her mouth. “Relax if you were still under my control you’d be a complete puppet to me.”

Her blue eyes widen as she nodded as he let go of both her breasts and mouth, “So who is this accomplice of yours?”

At that moment Lelouch gazed over to the door and watch it open slightly as a new figure slipped in and closed the door. “What did you do to the poor girl Lelouch?” The green haired woman asked as she closed the door. As she walked in her milk filled breasts bounced and jiggled around which made Kallen blush at the sight before she demanded.

“Why the hell do you have your breasts hanging out naked like that?” She demands as she tried to cover her naked bust with her arms.

“I did nothing, Witch.” Lelouch retorted.

CC walked over to Kallen and then rhetorically asked. “So you’re Kallen?”

Kallen nodded, “I take it she is your partner?” Kallen asked Lelouch.

Lelouch nodded, “Meet CC the Immortal Witch, the one who gave me Geass.”

“Geass,” Kallen repeated as CC stopped only a few inches away from her.

“Kallen,” CC started. “I am willing to give you a Geass of your own if you are willing to accept my contract.”
© Copyright 2017 Nightmare49 (nightmare49 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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