Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2113806-Big-Beautiful-Black-Widow--Chapter-Two
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Adult · #2113806
Natasha and her new friend Billy become even closer over a shower together...
The Big Beautiful Black Widow
Chapter Two: Washing Away One’s Sins…

This was all so wrong. Scant minutes ago, Natasha was busy making her small seven year old neighbor into a man, so to speak. Perhaps, on some level, it could be forgiven, since her Hydra brainwashing had kicked in, thus forcing her into a food craving, almost zombified state when it happened. But here she was, blushing because of a few compliments the young Billy was figuratively feeding her. She knew it was wrong, and yet… it had been so long since any male had looked at her the way he does. Perhaps she also found a connection with the boy after having had her own childhood cut short; to see such innocence and youthful zest was appealing to her, in a strange sort of way. She was hesitant, but damn it, everyone deserved love, including these two neglected neighbors. Maybe… Maybe she also saw this as her lone shot at motherhood after what her graduation from the Red Room had cost her.

Natasha blinked, once again noticing the small boy’s now cold seed from within her fat ass. She lifted her upper arm, which was a several times thicker than Billy’s waist, and began to notice how much in need of a shower she really was after a quick sniff. Her recent profuse sweating had only made matters worse. That, coupled with her somewhat greasy red hair and cum caked ass cheeks made up her mind for her.
“Billy just look at you, all sticky and naked below the belt… What say we go wash away the evidence, hmm?” she smiled sweetly at him. This was definitely not something she should even be considering, but… she was pretty past the point of no return, right? Besides, she needed a shower, why not kill two birds with one stone and share the water, instead of having to get out and make poor Billy turn the shower back on.

Billy’s eyes widened and lit up, before he agreed with a nod. “S--sounds good to me…” he smiled faintly. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He thought seeing ‘Natalie’ with what little clothes she had on now was great, but she’d just have to get naked to shower, and he’d be there with her, probably also naked. His mind raced with such thoughts, a slight smile now etching itself onto his face for the long term.

“We better get going, Billy. I get tired if I stand for too long, and if I keep this up, I’ll never make it up the stairs. So come on, scoot…” she playfully smiled, messing his hair up, paying no mind to the fact that he was still sitting there with pants down around his ankles. She slowly turned back towards the stairs, her ass wobbling like two Christmas hams stuffed into a far too small sack as they struggled for dominance. She slowly turned, giving Billy a playful wink. “Come on, move your tiny little ass, Billy…” she said before reaching her right chubby hand behind herself to give her incredibly fat ass a loud, silence shattering slap; she allowed her hand to sink into the many layers of lard before tightly gripping the right ass half and giving it a hearty jiggle, which resulted in a delightfully audible clapping of the cheeks.

Billy’s eyes followed the ass claps intensely, before meeting her gaze with that of his own. “Huh? Oh. Oh! Uh, coming, Natalie…Sorry, I was, uh, thinking…” Billy said, the latter part being only half of the truth, before slowly getting to his feet.

“And take your shorts off, kiddo! Can’t have you falling down the stairs, can I? Besides, you won’t need them where you’re going anyway…” she instructed in a tone most serious, before slowly cracking a smile. “I’m sorry, it’s just… I have such a hard time keep a straight face with you sometimes…” she laughed as he neared her position at the bottom of the stairs. “Okay, march!” she said, gesturing up the stairs with her chubby digit.

“B--but shouldn’t you go first?” Billy said in his most polite manner.
“Why, so if I trip and fall I’ll crush you like a giant boulder, Dr. Jones? Nahhh, I don’t think so. Besides, you’re crazy if you think I don’t know you just wanna watch my my fat ass struggle and shake all the way up the stairs… Ya little perv…” she narrowed her eyes with a slight grin. She gave Billy’s bare rump a slight, playful slap. “Get goin’, buddy…” she said, her eyes showing him the way with a quick roll.

Billy’s face slightly reddened. And he felt a slight tingle in his young cock again. He said nothing. He slowly made his way up the stairs.

“How do you like it? You thought I wouldn’t realize where the red sore spots on my ass came fr-- Oh… I see you did like it… A lot, actually!” she exclaimed, looking at his thickening cock as he rounded up the first step. “Little Billy likes his women to play rough, and it’s all my fault… I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” she said with a toothy grin. Billy said nothing. What could he say? Youth and inexperience will do that to you.

Meanwhile, his enlarged lady love slowly raised a thick, thunderous, fat-filled thigh before placing her fat foot firmly on the bottom step with a loud *Thud!* that would remind one of a body slipping on ice and hitting the earth with a terrible force. This was definitely not going to be the last of them. She shifted the right side of her body up the stairs and, followed again by the left, and so on and so forth. The oak stairs creaked and groaned, begging to be put out of their misery, or at the very least, replaced with an escalator.

Billy turned to witness the waddling crescendo for himself. He could see her belly sloshing and slapping against her thighs, with an occasional drop or two of sweat flying as they met and separated, only to meet again. Her big, fat, flopping tits slapped against her top belly roll, which is there the sweat formed as it slid and cascaded down her belly-hang and between it and her thighs. Her wide, saddle-bag hips crushed the wall and stair railing the entire way. She huffed and she puffed, stopping ever 2-3 steps. She made it with four steps left as Billy made it to the top step and turned around to fully appreciate the heavenly sight following him.

“Whew! This was soooo much easier when I was a twig…” she told him, sweat pouring down her face, which she tried to wipe away with her wrist fold. After a two minute intermission she forced her weight, wide loaded self to go the rest of the way, Justas she had before, only she waited til each foot was upon a step before beginning to climb another. Finally, she made it. She placed her fat fists upon her hefty hips, leaned her head back, and exhaled in a huge sigh of relief. “What a workout… C’mon, Billy boy, if I didn’t need a shower before, I sure do now…” she smiled, still breathing quite heavily, but not too heavily that she couldn’t give his ass another smack. “It’s that middle door before you each that long table with the fake fruit.”

“Oh okay, I see it…” Billy nodded, slowly making his way down to the door, but waiting for ‘Natalie’ to meet him there before going in. She quaked after him, only this time she could relax a little more without fear of falling back down the stairs.

“Good boy!” she said, slightly less winded than when she first reached the top of the stairs. She leaned down, her ample breasts landing gently and sliding down the boy’s young face before she bestowed the top of his head with a kiss. She turned her body sideways, or else she would never get through the door, and even still, her jelly belly and planetary ass still made it a tight fit. Being a human pear was rough on Natasha, to say the least.

As Billy slowly made his way in behind her, he found his face and head surrounded by ‘Natalie’s’ sweat-drenched wife-beater tank top. Startled momentarily, Billy shook it off and slowly unraveled it from his head. His eyes became wide as his brow rose and his lips pursed. The redhead was cradling her massive mammaries and beaming down at him.
“Billy, be a sweetie and help me out of these damned panties, okay? It was a lot easier when I was less, well, fat and sticky. I mean, it is your fault they’re so good and stuck in there, am I right? It’s only fitting that you help me out of them…” Natasha said, her smile curling further before her tongue darted out in a teasing manner.

“You’re right…” Billy acknowledged, not that he needed much encouragement to play with ‘Natalie’s’ ample, dimpled ass cheeks. He made his way over as Natasha leaned forward, but brought her ass up in the air so her lard-filled hills of ass flab met his small face. He began to tug and met a great deal of resistance from his now dried seed and the deepness of her rump, not to mention the rolls which had formed because of it before engulfing the panties further.

Billy wasn’t one to give up so he got himself a better grip with his right hand, and placed his left hand down Natasha’s panties, right under her left ass cheek to better try and separate the cheeks from the thin, pink fabric. It ever so slowly began to give with a slight, wet *Stludggggggeeee!* which was caused by the sweat forming from so much jostling of her ass.

With the panties now slowly peeling away from her crack, Billy placed his left hand on the opposite side and began to tug furiously with a grunt, before he grew desperate enough to use his teeth to pull. And they gave further, and like combining water droplets several rolls disappeared into her already wide lower half, making it appear all the bigger down there. Billy had been leaning into her as he pulled, but the sweat pouring down her back flab, ass and thighs caused him to slip face first in between Natasha’s meaty ass halves.

Natasha cooed. “Oooooh! Billy? Billy! What’re you doing back there?!” she asked, frustrated by being unable to really get a good luck back there.

He was in deep. His flailing arms began to push against her ass in a vain attempt to free himself. Luckily her sweaty ass allowed him the power to slip free. He flew back onto the bathroom rug, which thankfully padded his fall.

Natasha waddled around, looking down at him, fists on her hips, and tapping her foot which sent shockwaves all the way up her tubby leg and into her belly.
“Billy, just what do you think you were doing back there, hmm?!” she asked, raising her voice sternly.

“I-- I’m sorry, I slipped and…”

“If you wanted to dive in face first between this ass… you just had to ask! Fooled you, didn’t I?” she said, delighted with her own ruse.

“Y--you’re not mad?” Billy asked, blinking in disbelief.

“Mad? Why would I be mad? You just gave me some wonderful ideas to try out on you… Get these panties off and maybe you’ll find out, if you catch my drift…” she winked, bending back over again.

“Well, it was nice back there…” he said, getting back to his feet and slowly inching the outdated panties down her thighs, before resistance returned in the form of calves which were wider than support beams. He heard one side rip as they mercifully made their way to a slow drop around her thick cankle rolls. She slowly lifted one imposing leg out of them before using the chubby big toe on her other foot to toss them to the wayside.

“Ahhh, finally! Much better, if I do say so myself! Thank you, Billy, my sweet. Toss that cumbersome shirt off and join me over here, won’t you?” she requested while turning the shower waters on, testing them as the seconds ticked on to make sure they were to her specifications, which they finally were.

Billy’s shirt was gone in a flash, thrown into a pile with his other clothes, as were his socks, which Natasha had seemingly forgotten to tell him about. Thankfully, Billy had some sense in his young head.

Her shower was quite spacious; enough to double as a small room within a room, no doubt custom built to accommodate her growing girth. It was equipped with a vibranium-based pull up bar and a seat that, well, still allowed her ass to hang over the sides, but it was durable enough to take all of her weight without cracking. There was also a pink bath mat to minimize the possibility of a fall, which would undoubtedly break the tub and possibly send her flying through the floor and down to the first floor. The nozzle was built in the center of the shower instead of the side, so that if and when she was too fat to get close enough to the wall to adequately shower off, she could always enjoy the benefits of a nice, hot spray down, not unlike that of which Billy gave her not too long ago, albeit with something other than water.

Natasha began to heft her left thigh, but she hadn’t used enough force to properly lift it, thus causing her to soon drop it. She tried again, this time able to lift her bare foot into the shower stall with the usual subsequent *THUD!* that followed most of her steps. The right foot thundered right on after the left, her ass bobbing up and down rapidly like twin apples not in a water bucket, but in a tsunami.

Billy stayed silent the whole time she hoisted herself in as she waddled towards the shower head, taking in every jiggling ounce of her large, luscious, lovely body. He soon followed after her, feeling cold with the abandonment of his clothes, as well as a smidge lonely without his ‘Natalie’.

Her eyes now closed, Natasha raised her arm up, the upper half of which separated from her top roll and hanging side-boob. It was two, maybe three times the size of Billy’s own waist, which just amazed him. She raised the other arm up in a similar fashion until both of her arms’ hands were behind her head, rubbing down her neck and hair until the hair was sopping wet and able to be pulled back. She exhaled in relief before opening her eyes and directing her attention to her young, new friend.

“Billy dear, don’t stand by the edge of the shower, come closer before you catch a cold. You know you don’t have to be a stranger with me… And yet… I’ve been a stranger to you this whole time…” she mused, lips pursed and to the side as if in thought, ready to speak something she wasn’t quite sure how to put into words.

Billy slowly made his way over to the shower-engulfing fatty, feeling more and more water splashing on him the closer he got to her. “Wh--what do you mean? You’re no stranger! I know who you are… You’re my neighbor, Natalie.”

‘Natalie’ sighed, looking down at her heaving, hanging belly, as if in a vain attempt to look down at her feet. She looked back up slightly until her gaze met Billy’s again. “Listen, Billy… I-- I haven’t been completely… honest with you. My name-- my real name is Natasha. Natasha Romanoff…” she began, the warm, steamy waters cascading down every curvy nook and cranny. “Natalie Rushman is just my cover name. You see, I’ve been living in… secrecy, for years. I used to work for this… agency, and later this group of, well, I guess superheroes is the correct term.

Billy’s mind was blown. His eyes were saucers and his mouth was a wide open tunnel. “Y--you’re a… a superhero?!” he asked, unable to believe a word of it.

“I WAS a superhero, Billy. I was. But that was… quite some time ago, as you can tell…” she said, lifting and dropping her heavy, paunchy belly before dropping it against her wet thighs with a wet slap. “*Fwapp!!!* “You see, I was on a mission and… things went south. Very south. Very fast. I ended up like a queen of the sea cows when all was said and done, but thankfully, an old friend of mine, Nick, was able to help me retire into a quiet, civilian life. There was no way I was going to be able to keep up with my old lifestyle. Nick got me my cover name, this house, and even a weekly delivery of groceries and other essentials so I could keep a low profile; that way, none of my enemies could find me. Hopefully, anyway; we weren’t about to make it easy on them… But yeah… That’s why I pulled the gun on you. I was afraid you may be one of them. That’s also why I bided my time to tell you who I really was. I had to be sure you were who you said you were.”

Billy’s mind was swimming. He just couldn’t believe it. It didn’t help that she was the complete opposite shape and size one would expect a superhero to be, but the fact she was living next door to him this whole time just seemed impossible. “Wh--what was your superhero name?” Billy asked, unable to think of a better response to everything he’d just heard.

“I was… the Black Widow. Though, maybe the Black Whale would be more appropriate these days… Ha!” she said, telling her real first fat joke in regards to how she looked in, well, ever, actually. She felt a new level of comfort when it came to talking about her body in front of this young lad, a level of comfort she hadn’t known in sometime. He did seem to adore everything about her; the sweet and even rough parts to her personality, and yes, her super obese body. In his eyes, she could do no wrong. That kind of innocence and naivety, born of a childhood Natasha never got to have and enjoy, was, in a sense, admirable, and certainly even… lovable.

“Th--the Black Widow?! You mean you were…!”

“An Avenger? Yep… I was an Avenger, alright…”

“I never would have guessed that was you!”

“Well, yeah, I was toothpick back then; I wouldn’t expect you to, silly…” she joked.

“So that means… you knew Captain America?!”

“Hahaha! Yes, yes I knew Captain America…”

“What’s he like?!” Billy asked with an undiminished enthusiasm.

“He’s… he’s probably the most decent man that’s ever lived. He reminds me a lot of you… Or maybe you remind me of him? You know what I mean…” she shrugged, which sent her tits into a jiggling slap against her upper belly roll.

“Wow… That… that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me, even my mom, or my dad…” Billy said, amazed, perhaps even slightly choked up.

“Aww, Billy, are there… problems, at home with you and your parents?”

“No… Yes! Well… they’re never home. I barely ever see them. I know they have to work, but… It stinks, you know?”

“I know what it’s like to be alone, Billy…” she began, placing her chubby hand upon Billy’s small shoulder. “But listen, you don’t have to be alone anymore. You have me, and I… well, I have you… at least until your parents get home. Which is when, by the way?” Natasha inquired.

“Oh, they won’t be back ‘til sometime after summer…” he explained of their current job situations.

“Well in that case, you can spend your whoooooole summer with me. Sound good?” she asked, her smile and eyes lighting up the entire shower.

Billy nodded eagerly. “Yeah! I’d love that a whole lot…”

“How did I know?” Natasha grinned as she ran her chubby hands playfully through Billy’s light brown hair, finally fully wetting it all down. “Now, let’s do what we came for, shall we?” she asked, grabbing a nearby 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner. After taking a generous amount, she began to rinse, lather, and repeat; her hair was looking more lustrous than it had in sometime. “Man, I really needed this…” she said between rinses so as to avoid mouthfuls of soap. Billy simply looked on, taking in the sights of his jiggling lady love.

After a final rinsing, Natasha, pushed her hair back and opened her eyes to look down at the gawking youngster, smiling because she could see just how much he enjoyed the sight of her bare, beautiful body alone. She began to smile as a wonderful idea crossed her mind. “Say, uh, Billy... you’re looking awful bored. How would you like to help me shower, hmm?” she seductively asked as she cocked her wide, saddle bag hips to the left.

Billy nodded silently, unable to express just how much doing so would mean for him. He loved pleasing Natasha, loved making her happy. Being able to caress her immensely overweight body could only make this fantastic day even better.

“Such a good boy…” she smirked, grabbing a bottle of body wash and subsequently soaping up her washcloth. “I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve not had to use the loofa on a stick to wash my back…” she informed him as she gently grabbed his hand which opened immediately for her to place the quite soapy rag in. She slowly turned, her massive, mighty, meaty ass cheeks jiggling and clapping together up and down and side to side with each wobbling, waddling step, to say nothing of her colliding, rubbing thighs. She slowly turned her head to look down and instruct the lad.

“Be a dear and wash my back and ass as best you can, okay?”

Billy nodded. “O--okay! But, I can’t rea--“

“Reach my back? Here, I’ll help you…” she said, happily obliging to accommodate the boy’s diminutive height. She grabbed onto the vibranium shower grip and lowered her ass, as well as the rest of her body in the process, as she approached a crouched position, her head just six inches above him now. “Rub away, sweetie…”

Billy slowly began to trace the mounds of overhanging back flab with the soaped-up wash cloth; starting at her shoulders, he slowly slid his hand and the soapy cloth down in a tear drop shape before going down her spine, which hadn’t a prayer of showing through her many hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of fat. This sent shivers up and down said spine, causing her to shudder in a deep, sensual stupor. Had it not been for the durable bar she clung to, she would have, without a doubt, came crashing down onto her pillowy ass, possibly cracking the shower’s floor.

“Mmmm… you definitely have the Midas touch, Billy… Now, don’t be shy… I need you to get in there good and clean that big ass you seem to love so much, okay?”

Billy gulped. “A--are you going to stand up?”

“Haha!” the Wide Widow heartily laughed. “Oh no, Billy… You love me, don’t you; you love pleasing me and my big, fat ass, right? Well, it would please me to no end if you kneeled down and cleaned it for me. It’s what you do for one you wish to please, and you do want to please me, like a goddess, right?”


“Then you know what you need to do…” she said ominously.

“I-- I understand…” he said with a gulp. He lowered himself to his knees and shins; it hurt, but only slightly; it would have been many times worse had he been older. He was a little scared to rub his hand between her seemingly bottomless crack for obvious reasons. So thus he began to rub her left ass cheek in a clockwise motion, taking his time to enjoy every second of every cellulite dimple he was graciously allowed to cleanse. Natasha began to coo and moan in a very contented manner, which served to get Billy back to half mast, so to speak. After wiping the left cheek for what must have been at least 3 times and several minutes, he made his way to the right cheek, but not before remembering to get into the crevice where her cheek met her thigh. He repeated his action on the right cheek and paused, not wanting to finish the center of this great, white ass.

“Billy?” Natasha called to him, no longer making her sounds of enjoyment.

“Y--yes, Natal--er, I mean, Natasha?”

“Billy, you’re stalling… You do want to please me, right? And besides, you made that mess in there, so clean it up… or I’ll end you simply by sitting back on you, understand?” she said very matter-of-factly.

This grave threat frightened Billy, and yet… he found his young cock throbbing and hard enough to cut diamonds. He slowly began the arduous task of place his hand and the wet, sudsy cloth between her abundant ass cheeks.

“Billy, it’s honestly like you’re not even trying. But, I know you want to make me happy, so let me help you…” she said, reaching behind herself, turning back to her left, and placing her chubby hand behind Billy’s head. Billy didn’t fight, for he trusted this woman greatly, but had no idea what she was planning. She then steadied her grip on the back of his tiny head and suddenly pulled him face first into her cavernous buttocks. Billy’s arms flailed before trying to push himself out, but Natasha’s iron-like grip was too much for him. She shook her ass violently from side to side and up and down for what seemed like an eternity to the young boy, and just as his air began to thin… she released him!

He flew back onto his hands, dropping the cloth, gasping for the life-giving oxygen. And after getting his fill of the gas he had so desperately needed, all he could utter was “Whewwww…!”

“Like that, Billy. I need you to get in there good and deep, just like that…” Natasha said seriously, without a hint of caring in his voice. She knew just what Billy liked, which she’d confirmed on the walk, or waddle, up the stairs: He liked it a little rough. Her gambit paid off, for as she turned to witness the fruits of the ordeal, she saw that not only was he throbbing, but it was throbbing more furiously than either of the two had ever seen it before.

Billy slowly got back into the appropriate position, saying nothing. Cloth in hand, he went back in, only this time he pushed much, much deeper.

“Mmm, mmmmmph…. Right there, just like that; up and down and back again, make sure you get it real good, okay?” she instructed in a tone much kinder than it had been scant seconds ago.

Billy did so, making sure to take his time once he realized it wasn’t nearly as bad in there as he thought it was. Of course, most boys, even adult men, would likely have been freaking out at the mere sight of their hand disappeared from sight in a woman as large as Natasha. But once you go face first in there to pull a disappearing act, an invisible hand is nothing to you. This rubbing continued on for quite a bit until Billy was sure he had not missed a single ounce of her inner ass, making sure his past deed was now just a glorious memory.

“Good boy, Billy! You’ve made Goddess Natasha so proud of you…” she chuckled as she slowly stood up. She slowly turned. “I see you liked… exploring my ass, Billy. Let’s see how you do with the front and maybe you’ll get a reward; it’s only fitting a goddess bestows gifts upon her dedicated followers.”

She bent forward, allowing Billy to gently wipe away any old makeup from her face before he got to her upper chest. He could see every stretchmark her growing tits had caused, and loved each of them. As he rubbed her tits, he noticed her nipples hardening through the other side of the cloth.

“See, Billy? Women can get hard, too…Remember that…” she smiled devilishly, loving the foreshadowing behind it all as she made plans for later.

“I-- I guess you do!” Billy nodded with a smile.

“Now make sure you get the underboobs, too…” she began before adding “And between every roll and crevice, okay? My belly has a lot of ground to cover…”

Billy wasn’t about to pass any of this up and he began to get the underboobs posthaste upon finishing the fronts and nipples. He made his way to the top belly roll, making his way from left to right and back again many times before he draped the cloth over his right index and middle fingers; he then plunged between it, swiping it many times until he felt satisfied with his work. He then began to wiple clean her incredible belly hang, which obscured any naughty bits; she figured she’d keep the finale hidden just a while longer.

“Good boy, Billy… Don’t be afraid to lift my belly and get that under roll…” she said, purposely forgetting to mention the second set of lips waiting his gentle touch. “And my bellybutton, too!”

After finishing the bellybutton, he attempted to grip the bottom left corner of her jelly belly, only for it to slip and slap against her thighs; the soap and water made it quite a slippery devil. “It’s okay, try, try again… Don’t give up! Cap wouldn’t…” she said, knowing just how to inspire him.

Billy lowered his brow with determination and began to lift again. “Urrrrrgh… It’s so… so heavy…”

“And powerful, I know…” Natasha added for Billy. “It’s okay, I believe in you… Make Big Mama Natasha proud, okay?”

Billy pushed his whole hand under it and began to lift, straining and groaning as he went until… Success! He’d managed to lift the left half one handed before going in with the cloth. He gently lowered it, not looking as he wiped in there, as he was more worried about holding her soft, free-flowing belly up.

“Very good, my loyal, little Billy… You’re halfway there! Don’t let me down… my little hero…”

“I-- I won’t let you down!” he smiled before doing the same with the other side. He had to use his right hand this time, and her belly almost slipped but he caught it mid fall with a wet *Schlapp!*. He soon had it hoisted all the way and cleaned it just as efficiently as the other side. He breathed a sigh of relief as Natasha patted his head before gently pulling his face into her belly and patting his head with the other hand.

“My hero… I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me…” she assured him. She released him, and while he was red-faced he wasn’t as desperate for air this time.

“Such a good little boy… Looks like my legs are next…” she pointed rather daintily with her chubby left index finger.

Billy smiled and began to work his way around her as she slowly spread her tree-trunk-like thighs apart for him. There was little room between him, her ass and the shower wall, but with determination and water, he managed to slide through A-Okay. Around and around he went, up and down and side to side, greeting each cellulite dimple with the gentle loving touch he had given to her ass just a short time ago, spinning in and around each upper leg. Her knees sank in under monumental thighs and he didn’t forget them or the backs of them. Each of her calves were thicker than Billy’s head, but he made sure not to let it intimidate him and he washed over them and the ever thick cankle rolls they were attached to. Billy then made sure to wipe her chubby, fat feet and sausage-like toes, making sure to get in between each of them. Natasha held onto the shower bar again and lifted each foot so he could get to the bottom of each. He, too, knew what Natasha liked, and he kissed each foot as a sign of his dedication and worship to her. She smiled as she closed her eyes.

“B--Billy?” she asked aloud, before regaining her composure. “You missed a spot. Under my belly…” she said, trying to remain calm so as to not tip her hand.

“S--sorry, Natasha!”

“It’s okay, Billy. Wash it good for me…”

Billy nodded and stood back up to plunge his hand slowly into the soft abyss between her thighs and under her belly. Before he knew it, he founds his fingers lodged between another… crack of sorts, which sent Natasha into state of pure serenity. She moaned for quite a while before shaking it off, eyes rolled back in her head. He wiped about three times before he pulled out and wiped the outside.

“W--wait, Billy… Lose the washcloth, Billy and go back in there with your fingers, okay? Then… then I want you to feel around for a… button of sorts with your other hand, okay? Then rub it, and keep rubbing it… Can you do that for me, Billy? Please?”

“S--sure I can, Natasha! A--anything for you…”

“Good boy, I knew I could count on you…”

Billy slowly slid his hand back in, only to be met by another moan like that from a dog in heat. He proceeded to do as she instructed, and used his once free hand to search for a ‘button’, which took no time at all, much to his surprise. He began to rub slowly loving every audible gasp escaping from Natasha’s luscious lips.

“F--faster Billy, faster…” the overgrown woman demanded between moans.

And so he did, rubbing faster and faster until her legs began to quiver. She gripped the bar next to her for leverage. “Mmmm… don’t stop baby boy… Keep going…”

Billy smiled slightly and continued his lover’s instructions. Once quivering, her legs shook enough to send rippled through out them, her belly and even her ass, with an occasional slap of her tits against her soft belly flesh. Faster and faster his fingers went, as Natasha’s free hand slapped against the wall and she bit her bottom lip, gripping the shower bar tighter and tighter.

“Oh… Oh, GAAAAAAAAAAHDD, Billy! Yes, dear God, Billy, FUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!” Natasha bellowed, her chins shaking. “GAAAAAAHHHHH!” she moaned louder than ever, her own juices spraying and mixing with the oncoming waters above her. Her body shook violently until every drop of her natural juices emptied her oversized form. “Yesssssss…” she cooed in a soft tone, panting over and over until she finally opened her eyes again.

“Oh… Oh, Billy, I think you’ve more than earned that reward…” she said, grabbing his wash cloth. She lifted her over-inflated bingo-wings and washed them thoroughly; she also made sure to wash her side boobs, and armpits, all the way down her thick forearms and wrist rolls, as well as her hands. She would have loved for Billy to wash them, but she couldn’t wait any longer to reward him.

She rinsed the washcloth hung it momentarily so as to grab the same bottle she’d used to clean her own hair. She applied a squirt to his scalp and began to lather it up. “Close your eyes, Billy! Wouldn’t wanna get this in your eyes, would you?”

“N--no!” Billy smiled.

“I didn’t think so…” she said, before hurriedly rinsed his hair free of any soap before grabbing the rag and re-soaping it for him. She swiftly began to wash him down, even making time to give his tight, tiny but a gentle slap, knowing what her little man loves. She saved the best part for last.

She turned him around to face her again, smiling in anticipation with what she had planned next. She saw him still erect, which was going to make her job easier on her. She slowly gripped his young, surprisingly well-endowed cock until it became very tight, her mighty hand practically engulfing it from sight.

Billy gasped silently, closing and reopening his eyes rapidly.

“Does that feel good, my not-so-little man? Hmm?”

Billy nodded. “Y--yessss…”

“Then just you wait to see what Big Mama Natasha has in store for you…” she smiled devilishly. She moved the pink bath mat before her and knelt down, water still streaming. She dropped the washcloth to the side and out of the way before gripping his cock again. She slowly knelt down onto the bath mat, his cock still in her fat grip.

Slowly, she began to stroke him until making sure his cock was at its full length. She then released him, and pulled him closer, both hands upon his tiny butt, until his cock slipped right into her wet, open mouth’s lips. She looked up at him, eyes wide with a love she so rarely shared with another, and began slowly bobbing her head up and down his lengthy shaft as Billy instinctively ran his hands through her hair until he lovingly wrapped a portion of it within his tiny grip. She gently suckled him as she gripped the lower half of his cock with her thumb, index, and middle fingers.

Faster and faster she went, just as Billy had done with her. Billy gasped and moaned off and on, making a unique musical melody for Natasha’s ears and her ears alone. Soon, the waves or pleasure became too great for the boy and his while body began to lightly convulse. Knowing he was close, Natasha picked up her speed; this was a woman who could swallow her fair share of meat, and this was no different.

“I--I love you Natasha…” Billy shouted out in the heat of the moment.

Natasha loving smiled up at him around his cock as she mumbled her love and adoration for him, too. He may not have quite heard what she said, but the meaning was there, and he could sense it. Before he knew it, a great pressure in him that had been continually building since she first gripped his manhood finally reached its breaking point and he soon uncontrollably shot his load down Natasha’s vacuum like mouth as she kept milking him for every last precious, salty drop, while Billy moaned his little head off, eyes closed and mouth agape.

“Ahhhhh!!!” Natasha exhaled, satisfied with her abilities as she released her oral embrace from him. “Mmm, Billy, you’re soooo yummy…”

“Th-thank you… Big Mama Natasha…” he smiled, looking slightly exhausted.

Natasha’s smiled flared at the mention of her pet name she’d christened herself with and pulled the boy close in a fat, corpulent embrace, engulfing his tiny body in her fat, belly, tits and, most importantly, her upper arms.

“Such a good boy…” she said, licking her lips. “Come on, let’s go get dried off and head down stairs… You made your Big Mama verrrry hungry, young man…” she informed him, unable to fend off her hunger any longer after such a strenuous activity, knowing full well what eating would do to her.
© Copyright 2017 King of the Fatties (ssbbwlover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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