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Link has decided to make every girl in Hyrule his toilet! |
Size: 28 Additions
Created: June 22nd, 2017 at 9:31pm
Modified: June 25th, 2017 at 2:56pm
No Restrictions
The young Hero of Time has been chosen for a new destiny! At least he claims that he has, but no fairies seem to know anything about it. Or Zelda. Or anyone else for that matter. But sure enough, Link has decided to make every girl in Hyrule into his toilet! It seems a tad ambitious, but he's determined to make it happen.
Active Characters - Player (if claimed)
Link - Tails
Zelda (OoT) - Antichrist999
-All farts and stinks are legal, and I'll be torturing you with my feet, ass, armpits, and of course farts.
-Scat will definitely happen frequently, everyone will be Link's toilet at least once.
-The girls shouldn't have stink fetishes. Maybe one or two, but this is supposed to be stink torture, not pleasure.
-Link is the only male, as well as the only dom/stinker.
-Sex is allowed but it won't be the focus.
-Link will be his Majora's Mask incarnation. However girls from any game or timeline may be introduced.
-Only claim a character if you plan to use them, and if you're too inactive they'll be re-opened. Claiming is more for if you either have long term plans with a specific girl, or just really want to play them exclusively.
About addition #1:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 9:47pmSize:
738 Characters Things seemed peaceful in Hyrule, the growing threat to the kingdom had been averted, and things seemed to be getting back to normal. However after my little diversion in Termina, I had returned with a new quest in mind. It wasn't one that anyone else would particularly believe, or want, but I was very dedicated in it. There were many choices for who the first girl to serve as my toilet should be, but honestly only one seemed right. Zelda was the natural option and thankfully I didn't have to worry about sneaking past any guards this time to head into the castle and look for her. As I walked through the halls, a low rumbling came from my bowels, and I farted without hesitation, stinking up each area of the castle I went through. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #2:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:08pmSize:
462 Characters I, Princess Zelda Walk to my room for a well-deserved rest Ganon has been beaten, all is safe, for now all thanks to ...Link...*Sigh*...No we all know our love for each other if someone could call it that. But I haven't seen him for a while possible looking for Navi. He could come back but I might as wait a while...longer...*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* "What is this smell?", I asked myself not wanting to know the answer headed to my room closed to door. |
About addition #3:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:11pmSize:
547 Characters It seemed like with each fart even more gas was building up in my butt, like letting it out was making the pressure worse instead of better! Though I was quite happy with that. And the stink in the halls got worse as I arrived at Zelda's room, knocking twice before I started to open the door, the stink from which it had offered at least minimal resistance against now rushing in to fully lay claim to this room as well. But as I was holding in the current fart brewing in my rear, it wasn't quite yet clear I was the source of the noxious smell. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #4:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:22pmSize:
384 Characters *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* The smell got stronger for some reason, The smell was horrible, revolting, and yet it smelled ...familiar...? Thought instead of thinking like I normally do (A Link calls a nerd at times for it, The nerve of him I sware sometimes) The door open and I saw "LINK!", I hugged him in joy II didn't see him in a long time."Y-your back!", I smiled. |
About addition #5:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:30pmSize:
434 Characters I smiled back as she hugged me, the smell in the air becoming more powerful the closer to me she got. "I just got back." I said happily, not yet making it clear exactly why I was visiting, or particularly my greater "quest". But as she hugged me, I gave the first clue. My butt rumbling as I let a long bassy fart, the huge echoing sound and horrific smell that surrounded us making it all too clear what had happened. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #6:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:49pmSize:
526 Characters I went to a complete coughing fit and heard some echo let go of Link, See that grin on his face made it all clear I made a break for it but, My Hero already give me a big bear hug. I struggled a bit til we went straight to the to the bed and Link covered the both of us up. and I was looking at the teasing smile on his face whether he was flirting or be dominate It was hard to tell (like always) while I just frown even if he was hugging me...and I was blushing. "I'm not going to like this am I", I asked my hero. |
About addition #7:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 10:51pmSize:
539 Characters I grinned widely at the question as I held the blanket down over us, pushing my upperbody out to keep just my lowerbody under with Zelda so that she didn't have the ability to see anything but my butt now as I let go. A long low SBD blowing out in her face and trapped beneath in the blankets. "Well I know I'm going to like it." I cutely responded with a mocking ring. The stench was only getting stronger. And with the sounds coming from my stomach and butt, the sad truth was that it was obvious I needed to use the toilet soon. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #8:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:07pmSize:
348 Characters My Hero keeping ME captive, he hit me with that cute butt of his and the smell hit me again another fit of coughing escaped me I felt like the boy I love was marking me with his gas my eyes getting teary, yet this is...familiar... Like I've been thought this before. And Ii could do is ask "Link, *cough* *cough* why are you doing this?". |
About addition #9:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:10pmSize:
417 Characters My butt cheeks flexed in front of her in my tunic as I blew out another unbelievably nasty fart, keeping every bit of the gas beneath with her. "Just for fun, I need to poop soon, but I wanted to get warmed up. You don't mind right?" I asked in a playful teasing tone. From the sheer horror of the smell it was clear I wouldn't need to wait long, I probably already had a big log lined up at the ready infact! |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #10:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:15pmSize:
170 Characters Of course, fun, What else could it be, the latest fart almost made me scream. In fact, I was on the verge of falling out and my eyelids got heavy, Panting all the while. |
About addition #11:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:17pmSize:
498 Characters "I don't feel like getting up, so I'm just gonna go here." I said in a cheeky tone as I kind of bucked my hips, flipping up my tunic. The fact that I wasn't wearing underwear beneath it wasn't a huge surprise, but seeing my bare butt suddenly this way still wasn't exactly a welcoming thing. Low smelly farts blew out each time I moved my hips side to side, pushing my butt now right up against her face. As a horrible fart ripped out, I used my legs to hold her face right against my butt! |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #12:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:51pmSize:
259 Characters I saw my hero but and my face deep crimson but the gas came oh, the AWFUL gas hitting me in the face over and over then I felt Link's legs and that last fart ... made me cry a bit. and wait why do I feel wet?! but I couldn't move, or think I was Knocked out. |
About addition #13:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 22, 2017 at 11:53pmSize:
356 Characters I had been about to crap in her mouth, but as she had just passed out, I sighed a little. "Oh well, I can hold it a little longer." With a little laugh I kept her face held against my butt as I casually farted as I started to get a little sleep with her trapped in my dutch oven. The gas collecting beneath the covers continually through the night. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #14:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 12:00amSize:
200 Characters -Morning-
"mmm.", I "woke up", a dream haunting me, But I realized it was no dream as I sniffed the "air" saw My Heroes butt hit me with more gas. and I gagged. |
About addition #15:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 12:02amSize:
266 Characters "Good morning Zelda." I said with a lazy yawn as another fart erupted into her face, my bare butt cheeks shaking a bit from the noisy wet burst. "My morning gas is always the sloppiest huh?" I asked as if this was totally normal morning conversation! |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #16:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 12:20amSize:
255 Characters *Cough* *Cough* Ya think!? I grabbed him by his tunic were face to face again with me nearly going for a kiss on his lips. "Is this joke of yours over yet, My Hero?", ...Both of us blushing deeply crimson before I realized what I just called him. |
About addition #17:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 8:09amSize:
292 Characters My cheeks reddened a little bit at this, I had expected a few reactions, but being a hair's breadth from a kiss wasn't one of them. "I will be, I was about to finish but you passed out. So I had to do this until you woke up... it's kinda your fault." I muttered still blushing deeply. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #18:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 9:27amSize:
212 Characters "H-How is MY fault your gross?!" I yell as I pulled only for to blush further. "I-I'm sorry Link, Um D-do want to finish me here or somewhere else?", I asked embarrassed about all of this.
About addition #19:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 9:35amSize:
397 Characters I took a moment to consider it, not letting the first outburst get to me, though the blush after was pretty cute. "Let's get out of the bed, just incase it drips out of your mouth or something, I don't want to sleep in it after that."I laughed as I finally opened the covers, though it wasn't the biggest help; the room still smelled like my ass, she just wasn't in the dutch oven anymore. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #20:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 9:47amSize:
149 Characters "OK, I follow your lead,...My Hero.", The smell wasn't THAT bad anymore so I followed him His hand holding mine to...Wherever we were going. |
About addition #21:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 9:56amSize:
371 Characters I only took a few steps, as I still wanted to do it in her room, just not the bed. As I pulled up my tunic, bunching it up around my waist, I patted my bare butt cheeks a little, letting a long wet fart, almost like I was shaking the sleep out of my cheeks. "Okay, kneel down now. Or you can kiss my butt if you want." I said as I looked back with a cheeky smile. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #22:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 10:22amSize:
174 Characters ...I just went with this joke and I kissed his lips first after we let the blushing past I kiss one of his Butt cheeks and kneel to My Hero, the only person I ever kneel to. |
About addition #23:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 10:27amSize:
309 Characters I laugh a bit at the kiss, it's not the spot I was hoping, but it's still great to have a princess kiss my butt. As she kneels down, I spread my butt cheeks with my hands, letting her see my dirty little hole between them. The smell grows stronger as I bend over a bit, pushing my butt right back in her face. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #24:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 23, 2017 at 11:20amSize:
197 Characters "MMM!", I yelled as His butt what on my face the meaty smell enough to make me head to a bucket and hurl not as much the gas thought as it was spitting out of his rear almost mind-numbing. |
About addition #25:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 25, 2017 at 10:17amSize:
367 Characters The smell of my butt alone was nauseating, but that wasn't all she was getting. The movement of my cheeks as I pressed my butt back against Zelda's face rubbed in the smell and also forced her to hear the sound of gurgles within, and within moment a low hissing fart sprayed her, a long silent one which rekindled the horrible burning smell of the night's dutch oven. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #26:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 25, 2017 at 1:47pmSize:
348 Characters Neggg, I think I going to be sick again. the smell hasn't changed makes me wonder what he ate, My eyes watering in his cute ass. And he could be ... is he going to shit on my face or my mouth, My question quickly answer as I felt even sicker, choking on a log, hoping I get a brake from this joke and...Wait, why am I being turned on, I-I feel wet! |
About addition #27:
Tails ![View tailsfox's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 25, 2017 at 1:59pmSize:
385 Characters As another huge fart spritzed Zelda's face, I moved my hips down to confirm the answer to her question. My filthy hole pressed down right on her mouth, a clench of my cheeks making quite the powerful seal as she was immediately forced to breath in the horrible reek of my ass. Filthy brown lumps lined the hole, making it clear just what was on the way, and giving her the first taste. |
Past Member 'kard999'
About addition #28:
Antichrist999 ![View kard999's Portfolio. [Offline / Private] Author Icon](https://images.Writing.Com/imgs/
Jun 25, 2017 at 2:56pmSize:
302 Characters The "Taste" of it made me sick It's was uneditable yet it's in My mouth, I fell to the floor in disgust, Link in a worry (I think.) Trying to get the turd in there, and calm me down, but that wasn't the only issue, The real one was...We both bushing red saw the very wet spot on pussy. |
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