Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128173-Big-Beautiful-Black-Widow-Chapter-Three
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2128173
Natasha recounts for Billy a little known story from her past...
The Big Beautiful Black Widow
Chapter Three: The Web of Yesteryear

“Hmm… Perhaps I better wash off again, huh?” Natasha figured. “I’m sorry, it’s just that sometimes I let my appetite get the better of me, as you can see…” she smiled as she rubbed her heaving belly. She slowly turned on her knees until she was facing the vibranium wall bar, and began slowly pulling herself to her feet, grunting and straining as her body jiggled out of control.

“I--it’s okay, really!” Billy said, transfixed upon the wobbling ass cheeks before him.

“You’re so sweet, Billy. Always so understanding… Now, do be a dear and hand Big Mama Natasha her wash rag, please? I need to clean off the mess you made me make…” she winked. He did so swiftly, as he did love to please her and not keep her waiting.

“Thank you, sweetie…” she smiled as she reached under her pendulous paunch and cleaned away the remaining natural juices she’d created with Billy’s help. She hung up the rag and allowed the water to splash her face until she was completely satisfied and shut off the shower.

“Ahhh, well, that was nice, wasn’t it, Billy?” she beamed down at her tiny companion.

Billy nodded. “Mhmmm, it was very nice! Th--thank you…”

“And thank you, Billy!” she winked as she slid open the shower curtain. She grabbed a towel off of one of the hooks and began to dry her hair in a hurried fashion before wrapping her hair and head in the pink, fuzzy towel. She grabbed another off of the hooks and tossed it to Billy. “Here, Billy! I don’t want you catching a cold…” she said before grabbing a third towel and attempting to dry off her wide, thick body.

Billy, like most young boys his age wasn’t the best at toweling off, and in forty or so seconds was “done”, even though his back, shoulders, and calves we still covered in a multitude of water droplets. He stepped out onto the fuzzy pink bath mat and turned to marvel at his drying redheaded love.

“Oh, Billy, if you’re done, do you think you could help me get my backside? You did such a nice job washing it, I figured you’d do just as well drying it…” she said, slowly turning for him. “Please and thank you…” she smiled to herself as Billy eagerly took his towel and began drying her dripping wet form. She decided to give him a show for his good deed and began shaking and clapping her ass together up and down and side to side until he was completely done; it was a sight he was very thankful for.

“Thank you Billy, that should do.”

“Y--yes, Big Mama Natasha…” he said before placing a loving kiss on her right ass cheek.

“You are too cute, y’know that, Billy?” she smiled as she turned slowly around towards him. She slowly lifted her thunderous thigh and began to sluggishly make her way out of the large shower, with Billy soon following behind her. He went to reach for his clothes, but a fat foot soon pinned the pile to the floor with a loud thud.

“What do you think you’re doing, Billy?” Natasha asked as she raised her right brow.

“I-- I was just going to get dressed and--”

“Oh no, Billy. I never gave you permission to get dressed. No, I think we’ll just head down to lunch looking like this.” She instructed him before using her body towel to dry the spots Billy had missed on his own body.

“O--okay…” Billy nodded as she took the towel away after finishing. He knelt down and kissed her chubby feet and toes, one of which was still on his clothes. “S--sorry…”

“Good boy. Now, let’s get going, hmm?” she said as he rose to his feet again. She gave him a love tap to his rump and shut the light off before following behind him, her pink towel still adorning her head. As they reached the top of the stairs, Natasha called out to him “Better let me go first. Just in case. Can’t have my little man turned into a little stain on the stairs if I fall, now can I?”

Billy shook his head side to side.

“Good boy. Besides, I know what an ass man you are anyway; you’ll appreciate it.” She smiled as she slowly waddled down the stairs, Billy following close behind as he memorized every cellulite dimple and crevice her ass displayed. After reaching the bottom of the stairs, after what felt like an eternity (not that Billy was complaining), Natasha continued on to the kitchen, not wanting to lose the momentum she had been gaining. She finally reached the chairs from earlier. She huffed with a “Whew!” before gently plopping her ass down on them. Her ass hung over the sides and her gut separated her from the table by at least a foot. “Let’s eat, Billy! I could eat a horse, but, since I don’t have one, that pre-cooked ham in the fridge will do. It’s in tin foil. Be sure to get something for yourself, too, okay? I need my little man full of energy for his Big Mama…” she smirked.

Billy nodded and walked over to the fridge. He struggled to lift the ham, which was about half of his weight; saying “Hulk smash!” several times over and over in his head seemed to help him make it to the table. He went back to the fridge and grabbed himself a pudding cup before rejoining his red haired goddess.

Natasha tore the tin foil off with reckless abandon and began to salivate. “Mmm, it looks so good…”

“W--wait!” Billy pleaded.

“Huh? Billy what’s wrong?”

“Are… are you going to become a… a food zombie again?” he asked inquisitively.

“Well… why yes, I am, Billy. It happens every time I eat…”

“But… but why does it happen?”

“The same reason I’m so goddamned fucking fat, Billy… Hydra!”

“Hydra did this to you!?” Billy asked, wide eyed with surprise.

“Yes, yes they did…” she assured him. “It was a few years ago…”she began, her mind drifting back to a SHIELD briefing room as she related what she had to say to Billy.

The briefing room was tinted red. Director Nick Fury stood leaning over the round table emblazoned with the SHIELD logo. No one else was in the room but Natasha and Fury.

“I have reason to believe that there’s a Hydra lab hidden somewhere in the Hamptons. I need you to find it, discover what they’re up to, and shut it down.”

Natasha leaned in, elbows on the table. “Just me?”

“Just you. I can’t afford for the public to find out that there’s a possible Hydra lab doing God knows what in a tourist spot like the Hamptons. Seeing you and a bunch of SHIELD agents show up out of nowhere would induce panic, and maybe allow Hydra ample time to pack up and leave without us ever finding out what they hell they were up to, let alone where they were.”

“I understand, Director Fury.”

“One other thing, Agent Romanoff. This one’s being kept off the record. After seeing how they reacted to that little alien invasion with a freaking warhead, I decided not to ask for the World Security Council’s approval on this mission. If you get caught, you will be on your own, and it will appear as though you did this of your own volition.”

Natasha simply nodded. She knew what this meant; it wasn’t the first time she was undertaking a mission of such secrecy.

Within two hours, Natasha was strolling down a beach. She was wearing black sunglasses, a black sun hat, a white camisole dress over her black bikini, and brown flip flops while carrying a white beach bag. The breeze was causing her dress to sway and her hat’s brim to flip. She peered inside of her bag as she strode along, looking in at tracking device she was using to look for any unusually large energy output signals, which would surely be a sign that the Hydra lab was nearby. She closed her bag and walked along the shore for another twenty or so minutes until she heard the beeping grow loud enough to be heard through her bag. She reached into the bag and turned off the tracking device and began looking around. The beach was deserted; it was, after all, a lousy time of year for a swim, what with the water being too cold, and most people were still at work.

She stopped and noticed a blue crab scuttling across the sand before it stopped in front of her, claws at the ready. She looked away, continuing her search, but, unbeknownst to her, the crab’s shell flipped open, and out flew a dart straight into Natasha’s neck!

“Gahhhh! Sunnuva--!” she winced in pain before pulling the dart out. She reached into her bag, allowing it to fall to the ground, a glock now in hand. She looked frantically around as the whole beach was spinning around her. She lowered herself to her knee, holding her head, before a fist struck her from behind. She flew forward, but turned mid fall in time to shoot one of her two attackers in the shoulder.

She fired wildly until her gun was soon empty, and she passed out. “Uhhhhh…”

While the one attacker held his wounded shoulder, the other kicked Natasha’s gun away before raising his watch to his mouth and holding in one of the buttons.

“Gregory here! Turns out that facial recognition tech of yours is right on the money; it’s her, alright. Lucas and I will bring her down to the lab ASAP and get her set up for you… Gregory out.”

An hour or so had passed, and a groggy Natasha had awoken with a pounding headache. She was down to her black bikini and strapped to a cold, metal table. There was a tube that descended from the ceiling and led to a giant vat on the opposite side of the lab. Tangles of wires hung everywhere. Old wall mounted computers from the 60’s adorned the walls while more modern laptops were spread throughout on tables here and there. This was obviously an old Hydra lab redecorated with some modern technology. Natasha guessed that this lab had only reactivated within the past year or so. The two grunts that grabbed her were sitting at a small, round table playing cards, smoke pouring overhead from their lit cigarettes. A set of metal doors slid open and in strode a man in a white lab coat before the doors closed again.

“Ahh, Miss Romanoff! I’m glad to see that that little welcoming gift didn’t keep you out of commission for too long. I want you to be awake for this next part… otherwise it wouldn’t be as much of a punishment for your past crimes against Hydra, now would it?” the old, bespectacled man of science informed her.

“What’re you going to do? Die of a heart attack and leave me here to die while Frick and Frack fail to figure out how to get me off of here? I’ll admit, it’s quite original, Einstein…”

“Einstein. Ha! Now who’s being original? No, my name is Sidney Levine, former SHIELD scientist. Before your time, of course. I decided to move on to more lucrative measures that only Hydra could provide me with. And no, Miss Romanoff, your punishment is going to be far more fitting for one of your reputation.” He said as he finished putting in the final codes needed to bring his experiment online. The tube above Natasha dropped and dangled lower, about 6 inches past her head, but easily able to reach her mouth. Sidney walked over to his prisoner and looked at her, most puzzled. He traced his finger down a large scar on her stomach.

“Before you ask, gunshot.” Natasha informed him.

“I wasn’t going to ask, but it goes to show what confidence you possess. Or, in this case, pretend to possess.”

“I told myself no more bikinis, but when you’re trying to blend in… ”

“Which you failed at miserably thanks to my facial recognition technology. Not that you were that hard to recognize on a regular camera feed. You saved us the time of tracking you down and dragging you here ourselves.” he said as he grabbed the tube.

“So what’s that thing do? Suck the air out of my lungs? Unleash a deadly gas?” she asked, stalling for a miracle.

“Why no… What was it you said, no more bikinis? You have no idea how prophetic those words will be for you…” Sidney said as he fastened the tube to her mouth. “You see, you’re far too formidable in your current form. We aim to decrease your agility and stealth capabilities by a large degree. You’re our first guinea pig, and when I’m done with you, pig will be the only part of those two words that still applies to you…” Sidney said as he turned on the flow.

There was no use fighting what was coming, so Natasha simply awaited her fate in the form of a thick, vanilla-flavored liquid. It’s cool, soothing rich texture delighted her senses but something felt… wrong after several gulps. Her belly, scar and all, began to jut out over her bikini’s elastic waistband; it jiggled and sloshed about as it spread out in a similar manner to when one fills a balloon with water. Her growing belly also hid the growth of her nether regions into a fat, chubby fupa.

The worst part was that Natasha couldn’t even scream or protest what was happening to her. All she could do was allow this horrible thing to happen to her. Her life and career as she knew it were over. Natasha’s upper arms began to swell to the point where they had rolls, and they were now wider than Natasha’s waist had been before the ongoing transformation. Her forearms also grew, which led into a roll just above her now fat hands and sausage-like fingers.

While she couldn’t see it, she could feel her toes and feet swelling with fat, as well as her ankles which had quickly become cankles that led up into her widening calves, which were wider than her own head. Natasha’s knees began to disappear under layer upon layer of fat. Her thighs and ass began to exhibit tons upon tons of cellulite dimples as they filled out to the point that they and her saddlebag hips began to hang over the sides of the lab table.

Natasha’s already ample bosom began to grow further, stretch marks forming wear her breasts met her chest as they began growing out over her bikini top. It wasn’t long before her top and bottoms snapped under the strain of her growing girth. The last spots to fill up were her slight double chin and pendulously hanging side breasts.

The table began to creak and slightly bend with a sickening whine. She was not no less than a good 650 pounds by this point when the machine suddenly shut itself off.

Sidney nodded approvingly. “Yes, I think this will suit Hydra’s needs nicely, but we’re done yet. Oh no, not by a long shot!” he said as he stepped away momentarily before returning with a television which he wheeled right before Natasha. Sidney hit a switch on the side of the table to which she was strapped and began to slowly rise. If the table could talk, it surely would have asked to be put out of its misery. It rose just enough for her to see the screen which flashed rapid images of the Hydra symbol, various foods, and various words played over and over again, such as “Eat. Eat. EAT! To not eat is to hurt, to feel pain. Eat! Consume everything you can! You must have more! It will never be enough!”

This brainwashing continued for the next several weeks, as did other forms of torture too various to name, but being washed with a hose and forced to be nude, despite how chilly the lab was, were among them. Natasha couldn’t say how long exactly. She was never given less than ten meals a day, and upon eating, she’d blackout, becoming a mindless glutton until they cut off her food source until the next meal. She was also given regular does of Sidney’s fattening formula to make sure her bulk exponentially increased; he apparently felt that the food-induced calories took too long to produce visible results.

As part of her punishment, Sidney decided to have her weight gain formula endowed with the chemicals needed to strengthen everything within her body; from her bones, to her muscles (including her heart) to her resistance to bodily ailments most people experienced from such massive amounts of weight added to their bodies. He wanted to insure she could still walk and get around. Between feedings, he’d force her to waddle from one end of the lab to the other or hop on a treadmill, as well as other humiliating acts. She had to have been over 1,200lbs by this point, but she could still support her own body weight unlike most people at this size. Sidney was going to make sure her punishment lasted as long as it could. She’d either find a way to finish herself off, given how resourceful she is, or Sidney’s formula would eventually fail her, and she’d collapse in a state of immobility for the rest of her life; at this point, Sidney would most likely either dump her off somewhere for everyone to see, or pack up and leave her to starve to death. This was Natasha’s theory, anyway.

Seeing no end to this fate in sight, Natasha thought she finally found her way out of this hellish torment after weeks and weeks of careful studying and planning. It was during one of the many parades she was forced to waddle on throughout the lab that she stopped suddenly. She cried out in agonizing pain.

“M--my ankle! I-- I think I came down on it wrong… Ooooh…!” she winced, shakily standing, tears welling in her eyes.

After the initial week or two, Sidney left Natasha to his guards to look after. Gregory shook his head in the meantime and went back to playing a game on his cellphone. Lucas, however, sighed and begrudgingly came over. He knelt down and looked closely at her left ankle, his hand millimeters away from it out of fear that the slightest touch might set her off again. “Is it this one?” he asked, looking up her, disgusted by what he saw before looking back down towards her cankle.

“No… This one!” she said as she thunderously raised and stomped her opposite foot down upon Lucas’ head, cracking his skull open on the old tired floor beneath him which also happened to crack.

Gregory dropped his phone but before he knew what was happening, Natasha was already charging for him like an angry rhinoceros. He fumbled for his gun, but she slammed him into the wall behind them, pinning him with her heaving, hefty gut. Natasha gripped his small head and began to repeatedly bash it until his yelling ceased and his life escaped his body before falling to the floor in a sickening slump.

She wiped the blood from her cheeks and forehead when she heard lab doors opening behind her. She turned slowly, not that she wanted to slowly turn, but with a body this big, she couldn’t go much faster unless she built up speed as she had before. Sidney was standing there with a cattle prod, ready to shock her into submission. “Get back to your table… Now, you miserable fat cow!”

Natasha attempted to reach down for Gregory’s gun, but Sidney was far too quick for her. Since she was already halfway down towards the gun when he got close to her, Natasha took the only course of action she could and threw, or in this case, rolled forward onto him, crushing him under her immense bulk. The entire complex shook in her wake. Sidney had dropped his cattle prod mid-fall and was only able to flail his arms and legs, screaming his head off for her to get off.

“You sickening sow, get off of me Get off of me, I say!” he demanded.

“Change me back!”

“Impossible! Even if you were to get liposuction or exercise to shed the pounds, your body would soon begin to pack on the weight again in no time! Your brainwashing and the alterations I made to your genetics will never allow you to be what you once were again! You’ve lost! Now, get off of me!

“Y’know… I’m tired of listening to you…” Natasha said, narrowing her eyes before leaning all the way forth until his face, and soon his screams, were engulfed in her pale fat. His open maw had allowed for her fat to flood into it and effectively cut off his oxygen flow; in fact, only Sidney’s arms and legs could be seen. Were one to view Natasha from the front, you couldn’t even tell there was another human being under her. His writhing and mumbling soon ceased, but, knowing how tenacious some enemies could be, Natasha decided to rest a few minutes to be sure he was dead.

Ponderously, the rotund redhead got back to her feet, leaving the husk of evil that once been one of Hydra’s leading scientists in a crater on the floor/ Natasha breathed in a sigh of relief as she wiped the sweat from her brow. She removed a sheet from one of the old computers that had been used to keep dust off. She shook what dust she could off and tied it as best as she could around herself; it was, needless to say, still a tight fit. Natasha sighed in frustration as she shook her head. She made her way over to Gregory’s cellphone and after what seemed like forever, was able to bend over and pick it up. She sent a text message to Nick Fury, instructing him to bring a chopper to the beach from which she’d been kidnapped weeks ago.

Natasha leaned down and grabbed Sidney by the shirt collar, dragging him behind her waddling form. She raised his head to the retinal scanner, his eye lid pulled back, and tossed him aside like it was nothing when she no longer had any use for him. “Who lost now?” she huffed in disgust.

She began to move through the door when she found herself stuck like a certain bear of very little brain in a certain sweet-providing tree. She grunted and groaned under the straining, deciding that moving forward was her only way out of her. The door frame began to groan almost as if it was mocking her, but unlike Natasha these past few weeks, it began to crack.

“Grahhhhh!” she furiously growled as she thundered forth, the doorway and the wall collapsing in a dust-forming pile of debris. She wiped any glistening sweat from her brow and began her long trudge to the section of the beach where she’d been kidnapped. Sidney had apparently been using a seemingly normal beach house as a front for his lab and was only a mere five minutes away from her destination. Unfortunately for Natasha, a five minute walk for her became fifteen minutes of waddling. She could easily have had Nick pick her up at the lab, but she needed time to think, to be by herself. She made it to the approximate location and slowly sank her immense body to her knees, which began to reappear as she crouched. She sighed in utter defeat as a chopper landed on the sandy shore. Nick Fury quickly rushed off of the helicopter but soon stopped dead in his tracks. “Dear God, what’d they do to you, Natasha?!” he said in an almost whispered tone.

“Nick got me back to a SHIELD lab for testing. It took everything I had in me to sit there long enough for the scientists to do their work. The last place I wanted to be was a lab, but they confirmed what Sidney had already told me before I killed him. There was no cure for what that bastard had done to me. Nick offered me a desk job or even the position to train new recruits, but I declined. I couldn’t bear for others who’d known me before my failed mission to see what’d happened to me. I told Nick I just wanted to quietly retire. He helped me set up here and even blew up Sidney’s lab, faking my death just as I had also asked him to. Someone brings me all of my essentials every week, from groceries to anything else I might need. And… I’ve been here ever since, living a quiet, secluded life… y’know, until a few hours ago when SOMEONE decided to send his ball through my window…” Natasha teased as she smiled at Billy.

Billy smiled back meekly, but his face soon went back to the stunned look it had been scant seconds before. He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t believe that that was how Black Widow had really “ended”.

“I-- I’m sorry, Natasha…”

“Don’t be sorry, Billy! I haven’t had this much human contact in… I can’t tell you how long it’s been! Thank you for that, Billy. You make me happy. I-- I don’t know if I’ve ever been quite this happy. You remind me of a childhood I never got to have, of a life I never got to live; one full of innocence. My life is better for having you in it…” she said, lovingly pinching his nose.

“Now, if you don’t mind, Billy, Big Mama Natasha’s going to make this ham her bitch…” she laughed. “I think I’ll just keep this a light brunch before lunch, y’know?”

“I thought this was lunch?” he asked.

“Eh, I changed my mind. So don’t bring me anything other than maybe a big helping of orange juice, okay? It’s in the fridge…”

Billy nodded and got up, not even having started on his pudding cup yet. He came back to the table in seconds with the entire OJ jug, but Natasha was already gone, replaced by the mindless, pale, red haired goddess of gluttony he’d met earlier; chunks of ham and saliva ran down her cheeks and chins as she ravenously began to pull and tear apart the succulent, honey-maple glazed ham.

Billy put the OJ in front of her and sat at the table, eating his pudding cup as his silence was only interrupted by the tearing of ham-flesh and gnawing and gnashing of Natasha’s maw’s teeth.
© Copyright 2017 King of the Fatties (ssbbwlover at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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