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A story of a child's life growing up in a mentally ill family |
As I lay on the ground I can feel my heart racing. I know it's just a game, that's what she said we were going to be doing. She loves us and would never hurt us she is our big sister and she will protect us from all evil in the world. I know this, but my heart is still racing. I can feel the warmth of my brothers back pressed against mine slowly jerking as he start to whimper like an injured dog. I hear her outside the closet door giving us an update on how long it's taking us to come out. I wiggle and struggle to free myself from the belts and ropes that are keeping me prisoner. This is just a game I remind myself, no need to be alarmed. It's dark and the closet seems to be getting smaller. My little brother is beginning to wine louder now. The handkerchief tied around his mouth is no longer muffling the sound. I struggle harder but the belts are too tight and it's so dark that it's useless to try to escape. I feel a strange sensation slowly warming me. I come to the realization that my brother has wet his pants out of fear and I am now covered in his urine. 30 minutes have pasted and we are no closer to a solving the challenge we were given. Through the blindfold that covers my eyes I can see a ray of light enter and hear my sister's voice. As she drags us out of the closet. "You guys are little pussys. Your lucky mom and dad will be home soon or I would have left you little bitches in there". As she unties us she realizes that we are wet from urine and quickly becomes angry. She then precedes to deliver random punches in our direction. I began to cry in pain and confusion. Why is she doing this to us? What did we do so bad to make her want to hurt us? My brother and I are now both crying uncontrollably while my sister leaves the room to look at what time it is. To our horror she returns, but now she is different. She gently try's to hug us and comfort us to make us calm down. When that doesn't work she changes strategies and tells us how much trouble we will be in for wetting ourselves when we are already six and three years old. She convinces us to change our clothes and get ready for bed. I hear my parent's car pull up. I jump out of bed and try to make it out the door to reach them. My sister reaches the door before I do and asks what I am doing "I'm telling on you!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I see my sister's hand as it raises up into the air and comes down hard on the side of my face. I feel the sting of the hit as I fall to the ground and start to cry. "Hush I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that you just make me so angry sometimes" My brother starts to cry and she knows she is busted. My parents trusted her to babysit us and she will be in trouble for sure once we tell our parents what she's been up to for the last two hours. All of a sudden her composer changes and she is on all fours bouncing around on the floor. "Ribbit! Ribbit! I'm a frog" She jumps on my brother's bed and licks his face making him squeal with laughter. The mood softens and all is forgotten for the moment. She tells us that she loves us and she did not mean to hurt us. She says that if our parents find out she will get beat and our family might be ripped apart. This all seems logical to a six and three year old and we promise not to say a word about it. We get into bed and pretend to be sleeping as my parents come in to check on us. I can hear my sister telling my mother about how good of a babysitter she has been. I hear her lies and I open my eyes to see her face. She stares at me with not a single ounce of emotion in her eyes and it frightens me. I think that she must be the devil. I had no idea what my life would have in store for me at this point but I knew at that moment that there was something really wrong with my family. |