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A story about a town of evil raiders, who have a town, that is visited by a giant. |
The Giant With 10,000 Women By R F Smith Chapter One The battle had been won. And the victims vanquished. The town state of Yancup Fort, was celebrating the victory, over the town of Coveby. This was the age of the raiders from Yancup Fort. More feared than the Viking raiders of 200 years ago. More feared than the dragons, and goblins of the forests. They called themselves soldiers, but they had no mercy, or honour. And all decent soldiers held them in contempt, for the Yancup Fort soldiers had a ruthless desire, to destroy the lives of innocents. The raiders of Yancup Fort were the most macho pillaging, soldiers of fortune you could imagine. They ran, a reign of terror, by land they marched with their strong band of ruthless psychopathic gangs of warriors. The town itself stood in the mountains of Wy, in the valley of the feared one. The town covered a small valley, high on a cwm. With rolling hills surrounding it. Green vegetation, of the temperate lands, with wooden houses, a few larger stone buildings, and some brick built town halls, fighting chambers, and markets. A legion of pubs, and taverns, for entertainment, and stables for the horses. Tonight the leader of the town, was having a celebration, in a tavern party, in the largest tavern hall of the town, with warriors drinking on the night, boasting of their stories of their rapes, murders, and burnings of other towns and cities, of the bounties they had taken. They took women, gold, silver, and whisky, as bounty from their battle. And they even took the heads, of their victim’s corpses. Nevis was the King of the town. A warrior of immense strength. He was the leader who boasted as he held out his wooden cigar case. The journalist Creepy Powell, asked him what was in the cigar case. The psychopathic leader, Nevis, explained that his cigar case did not contain cigars, but instead the chopped off penises of the leader of each tribe he had vanquished, in the last year. Then Nevis, picked up two of them, they have been stuffed. He was a sick man, but Creepy Powell the journalist admired the man for his power. And looked on in awe at his hero Nevis. Nevis was a raping, pillaging, tall warrior, who commanded the city. Tall, powerful charismatic, with a fire in his eyes. You never knew, if he would shake your hand, or punch you in the face, and stab you in the chest. He was hard drinking, womanising, and forced everyone to live his way of life. He would refer to those who did not rape as gay, and would refer to women as his conquests. Then there was the bumbling village idiot, Frank Bean, also known as Frankie, who was a 52 year old, fat virgin, who would be left to look after town, while all the rest of the men would go to destroy neighbouring towns and villages. He was a fool of the highest order. He could be the idiot of any town or city. He had never read a book, and thought that beer was the only food you needed. Woop, was the Deputy King, but more middle class, but still ruthless. He was in his thirties. He sneered at Franke Bean, and bullied him, sneering at his every mistake. He warned that the town must have someone else to protect them. But every man of the town with any respect wanted to fight on the raids. Woop had a articulate ability, but he had raped more women, than any man in your town. He was a reader of books, and a writer of poetry. He saw his victims as suffering from thin skin, and greed, for being traumatised by his murders and rapes. Snae the Conqueror was a 29 year old warrior, tall swordsman, powerful looking and bearded. His gruff look hid his university education and, was well equipped for a verbal and physical fight. He had written many books boasting of his conquests, rapes and murders. The Pied Piper, was a 32 year old vindictive man, who had wandered the towns of every country in the land, and had a reputation for kidnapping children. Then there was Webber the Cunning, a 24 year old bully who had spread devious rumours about Franke Bean. He took pleasure in claiming that Frankie was gay, and a pervert. He even invented a joke about Frankie Bean, claiming, ‘Why did Frankie Bean cross the road? Because he got his penis stuck in a chicken?’ Bean hated Webber the Cunning, more than any creature in the universe, but felt powerless to stop him, and would hide his hatred behind fake adulation. Then there was West, the White haired rapist. Who was so famous for his rapes that he was postered in every town in the land as a sex predator of the most feared. He enjoyed raping women, men and children. He was though accepted as one of the lads in this perverted, and sick town of Fort Yancup. He put on an air of craziness to hide his deliberate evil intentions, behind a cloud of the village idiot act. He would order youngsters about while beating up another. The women of the land were just as sick, and supported their husbands, and boyfriends in their evil plans. The Queen, was Aire Ay, wife of Nevis. She was a tall dark haired snob, who hated Frankie Bean, and hated people talking to this social inferior. She brushed her husbands hands, when he shook hands with Frankie. Then there was Obera, the woman who wore more make up than needed. She was a superficial woman who stood for her husbands’ crimes and considered herself a loyal and faithful wife of Webber. Then there was the young nineteen year old, Claire, who would pick on Frankie calling him a creep and a weirdo. While she was loving men who raped and murdered their way through opposing cities and towns. To her, only the shy were the real weirdoes, and creeps, while in her view the bullies, murderers and rapists were in her view sexy, and manly for being evil. She was warped and twisted but did not care, for the views of the good. She would laugh at any victim who complained of her ideology as embarrassing themselves. To her the real danger, was nice guys, who should be punished for being nice, and humiliated, as men with a sense of entitlement. While her raping, bullying boyfriends, were in her view, heroes to admire. At the tavern party. Webber, Woop, Snae, and Nevis beat a woman, and man they had kidnapped from the victim town they had conquered. They were husband and wife. Snae beat the man over and over again, while the other men raped the man’s wife. The man, screamed in terror, ‘I have done nothing to you. Please save my wife. Keep her safe.' Snae sneered, ‘You are a weakling. And will die like the rest of the men of your town.’ Then Snae raised a sword in the air, and rammed it through the chest of the man, who weakened, by the fight crumbled to the floor, dead. The warriors laughed, then the men raped the man’s wife. To them this was sweet victory. And nothing in their mind could stop them. The women of Fort Yancup, laughed, at their husbands, and boyfriends crimes, sneering at their victims as worthless inferiors. To them in the law of the jungle, goodness was a weakness to hate. And the ultimate strength was evil. And despite their support of evil, they wrongly saw themselves as good, because to their warped minds, supporting evil did not make you evil. Chapter Two But the warriors, had more lands to vanquish again, and again. The warriors of the town, packed their supplies, for the warriors, to go off, and they would leave Frankie Bean in command. There were horses to carry the warriors, and mules to carry supplies. A dozen packs of dogs, was carried by horse drawn carriages to hunt down those who ran from the town, they conquered. Catapults, and siege weapons were pulled by horses. Even the dragons feared these terrifying warriors. The town they would conquer was named, Blue Oasis. It was the wealthy port city that had lived for 200 years of peace. But the warriors would destroy that peace, with destruction on a par with an atomic bomb. The mission would take 5 days. With days of travelling, there and back. The women of Fort Yancup, kissed their boyfriends and husbands goodbye. Frankie Bean was mocked by some of the warriors, as a coward, who had not tasted blood on the battlefield, and was therefore not a real man. The Queen snarled at Frankie Bean, and begged her husband to leave her in command. But to the King, men should always be in control. Women were lesser humans who should be held in their place. And he felt sorry for any man who did not hold his view. The Queen saw herself as the only woman who could run a town, or city. The women and Frankie waved their warriors off, and watched them ride over the horizon. Chapter Three Frankie tried to order the women around, once the warriors had left. But they laughed at him, as a social inferior. He was nothing to them. And he went to the town hall and placed the King’s crown on his head, and imagined ordering the King, and the other warriors around. He sat on the throne, and said, imagining an argument, with the King, ‘You dare, stand up to me. The King of Fort Yancup. You are no King. You are nothing. And your women are now mine.' Then he laughed, and took a swig of whisky. Just then the hall doors opened, and Frankie stood up throwing the crown to the floor, so no one would know what he had done. But an old woman walked in, who he had not seen before. Bosoc, was a cackling young witch, old for humans, but young for a witch. She had a pointy nose, with a hooked green faced, and hazel eyes. Frankie was confused after all, what was she doing here? Normally women of her age in the town were killed. The old woman introduced herself, ‘My name is Bosoc. I am a healer, and I hear your town has no warriors.’ Frankie and the woman, talked for an hour, as she explained that she had travelled from a far away land, with the promise of protection, and safety for the town. She told Frankie of the great dragons, trolls, and goblins she had defeated. Just then the Queen walked in, and sneered at Bosoc and Frankie, ‘What are these creepy people doing in my King’s hall? Everyone hates you Frankie. Everyone laughs at you Frankie. Everyone wants you to die.’ But the Bosoc, had a charm, that could bring the birds down from the trees, and she explained that she was a traveller who could bring a great warrior to the town. Somehow Frankie, and the Queen fell under her spell. When Frankie joked, that the town had enough protection already, the Bosoc joked, ‘If I wanted the opinion of an asshole, I would have farted.’ Chapter Four Bosoc charmed every woman of influence in the town, and soon persuaded them that she had a guard who would be very useful for the town, in supplying the town with their ultimate satisfaction. The women of the town met, and decided that it would be a great idea to have this new guard arrive. Within hours the ground began to tremble with the sound of footsteps. And over the hill came a 40 ft tall giant. He was handsome. Tall dark and handsome as the saying goes. He had jet black hair, and the women of the town swooned as he entered the town. He had a charming voice, and quickly complimented many of the women of the town with ultimate looks. He told the women of the village, that they were the most beautiful women, he had ever seen, and could not understand why any man would leave such fine looking ladies alone, with only one very lucky man to protect them. The women blushed at this compliment. Frankie Bean then said jealously, ‘We were safe with me, protecting them. We were never attacked by anyone while I was here.’ Then the giant introduced himself, ‘My name is Bean Goliath. I am 1000 years old and have fought for the tribes of many lands in protecting their fine women. I must thank my friend Bosoc for telling you of my existence. I will enjoy protecting you fine women. I see it as my duty.’ Chapter Five In the city of Blue Oasis, the warriors of Fort Yancup, arrived, and duly carried out a total destruction of the city. Lighting fire to the houses, killing men, raping the women, executing the children, and stealing all the wealth they could. They released the dogs to capture the runaways, and then in mass executions killed as many as they could. The streets ran with blood. The houses burned. The air filled with soot. They even burnt the boats in the port, boats that they would not need. And Snae goaded the men as he killed them, 'You cannot defend yourself against our mighty force. We are the master race.’ One male victim shouted back, 'You are not a master race. You are ultimate evil. You are the worst of all. You are not masters. You are scum of the earth, and always will be. For only the scum of the earth need to cause misery deliberately.’ Snae ran over and stabbed the man in the chest, killing him instantly. The city was destroyed, and the raiders felt delight in their conquest. Not one of them felt guilt, over their crimes. They boasted of how they had no regrets. Not one of them felt sorry for their victims. They felt pride, and honour in their destruction, of a city, and the conquest of the women, men and children. They were evil to the core. They did not realise they were the lowest of the low. They were not a master race, they were evil scum. But now they began their long march home to Fort Yancup. The King laughed in conquest, at the head of the march, yelling songs of victory to his fellow raiders. Webber saw himself as the greatest warrior of all. Who had killed innocent men, women and children. He saw himself as the master. Webber was shouted, at by one woman victim, ‘How can you do this? How can you feel no guilt and shame over what you have done? You are evil to the core?’ Webber exclaimed back, ‘I am not a total psychopath. I think about this every day. And feel sorry for the men.’ The women said, ‘So you do feel sorry for some of your victims?’ Webber replied, 'I feel sorry for my fellow rapists and murderers. It must be tough to be them. I feel no guilt for my victims. No, they do not matter. But you see I empathise with my fellow murderers and rapists. I suppose that makes me such a profound and deep individual.’ The woman shouted, ‘So you only empathise, with fellow psychopaths. You are terrifying, in the extreme.’ Webber laughed, then said, ‘What a strange, strange creature you are. You victims are suffering from narcissus. All you care about is yourself, and fellow victims. Why can you not be profound, and deep like me, and care only about my fellow murderers and rapists. Release yourself from the tyranny, and weakness of good. Stop just caring about yourself all the time.’ Then Webber, the evil one, picked up a ball and chain, from the side of his horse and flew the ball into the women, killing her instantly. He was grotesque in his psychopathic logic. Powell the Creep, the journalist, complimented Webber on his murder, and took pleasure in the abuses caused by these evil rapists, murderers, and thugs. And reported on their victims, as weirdoes and creeps, who deserved their suffering. Chapter Six The march back took a day or two. The warriors reached the valley, and heard the sound of deep laughing, and screaming. They did not know what the noise could be. The warriors journey back had seen them loot small villages. But they were heavy with gold and silver. With coins, stolen medals, artworks, animals, and jewels. They had no idea what the noise could be. Snae smirked, ‘Where is that noise coming from? It sounds like the laugh of a giant. But no giant would have the guts to take on the mightiest force in the universe. What witchcraft is this?’ The King replied, ‘We will return to our loyal, and faithful women, with more booty for them to see. Our art galleries will grow, our bank will be stuffed with more gold, silver and jewels, and we will be replenished with our women’s fidelity.’ Just then running toward them they saw Frankie Bean. Frankie Bean was looking worried. The King exclaimed, ‘What is this Frankie Bean? Why is he running to us?’ Frankie Bean exclaimed, ‘There is something strange going on in the town Sir.’ The King exclaimed, ‘What is it?’ Frankie Bean stated, ‘It is something too rude, and strange for me to explain.’ The King screamed, ‘Are our women safe? Tell us or you will be killed.’ Frankie Bean said, 'Well yes of course they are safe. But I just need to go to another town to do an errand.’ With that Frankie Bean ran off toward another town.’ The King exclaimed, 'What an idiot. What is he up to?’ Chapter Seven The warriors of Fort Yancup, were perplexed, by what was going on. Then the warriors marched toward the brim of a hill, from where they could see their entire town. And they were shocked by what was going on. Sitting above the town, was a tall giant, who must be 40ft tall. And he was naked, and laughing, and the sickest sight of all. Coming from where his penis, should be, came thousands of long penises that stretched into every house in the town. The warriors were confused by what was going on. Then the warriors heard the giant goading them, ‘I think you cannot look after your women while you are away. I have taken your women as my conquests.’ The thousands of soldiers each individually ran to their individual homes to find that inside their houses, their wives or girlfriends, were on the end of the many giant’s penises and were having wild sex. The warriors tried to chop through the penises, with their swords and they stood on them to try and break the penises off, but they could not. The penises were as strong as any material, and layered across the ground like strong ancient ivy. The warriors started crying in fury, as their wives slept with another man. They ran out to the streets, and cried in shame and embarrassment. Webber screamed, ‘How could my wife do this to me? She is giving herself to another man. I am the master, and she has shamed me. How dare she?’ Webber threw his sword into the ground. The King ran out of this palace, in tears, ‘No, No giant. You have shamed me, and my family. You will pay.’ He was furious with rage, and anger. And the sound of crying from the soldiers could be heard valleys away. While the giant Goliath Bean laughed his head off. Then Bosoc appeared in the town in front of the King. Bosoc shouted to the soldiers in her loud screeching voice, ‘You have bullied, you have raped, you have robbed, you have killed, and the only thing that upsets you, is when your wives sleep with another man. You have an expectation of humiliation for your victims, and sympathy for yourself.’ The King screamed through his humiliated tears, ‘You do not understand. We are the masters. Our victims are Muppets, mongs, inferiors, inferior scum not to care about. They are diseased scum, who we are better than. But only us the masters matter. We matter more than anyone. And everyone should pay homage to us.’ The giant fell on the ground crying. then screamed, ‘Kill the giant. Kill him for what he has done to me, and my warriors.’ The Giant continued to have sex with the women, and groaned as the women screamed in pleasure. The women had consented to sex with him. The giant laughed and goaded the warriors, that he had won against evil. And nothing felt better than defeating evil. Then the King and his warriors continued to cry. The King exclaimed, ‘Why would you do this to us? What have we ever done to you.’ The giant exclaimed, ‘You have done nothing to me. But you have hurt innocents so I have decided to gain revenge on you for what you have done to victims. You ask what have I ever done to you. As if I am only supposed to care about myself. Well I care about others.’ Then Bosoc walked out of a house, and up to the King. Bosoc exclaimed her words, ‘You have wronged me. You killed my children, you killed my husband. And you would have raped me if you had had the chance.’ Bosoc continued, ‘I am gaining revenge on you for myself, my family and my village that you destroyed. This my revenge. And now I will carry out the ultimate destruction.’ The witch used her magic to life up all the thousands of soldiers including the King to levitate in the air, then she brought chains round them, and smashed the soldiers to the ground. The warriors were broken, and could not move. Then Bosoc, built a bonfire. And then one by one, lifted the thousands of soldiers onto the terrifying bonfire and heard the warriors scream in anger, and terror. Bosoc, and the giant laughed as they destroyed the warriors to hell. Bosoc the Witch cackled, in revenge and victory. Bosoc joked to the giant. ‘You know what the biggest drawback to having 10,000 extra long penises is?' The Giant replied, ‘No what is it?' Bosoc replied, ‘The foreskin.’ The giant laughed some more. Bosoc prayed for her victory to be ultimate, then she left the village which the giant ran for years, with all the gold, silver and women he needed. Frankie Bean took up his role as village idiot in another town. And would tell passers by of the legend of the giant with 10,000 penises, and 10,000 women. To him this was a story that would bring him bottles of beer, and whisky. |