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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2136067
Journey of treasure seeker only he finds more than what he expect...
The wind blows gently and slightly chilly as a lone wanderer walks on. Along beaches, water splashes against jagged rocks quietly. The wanderer steps on sand again and again. It shifts every time he takes a step. No hard road in his sight, he has to endure slow journey on sandy beaches to reach his destination.
          After what seems eternity, the wanderer finally saw something beside sands. A cave. It lies at least one mile away, far from beaches. He started to change his direction to the cave and sped up his pace. Once he arrived at the entrance of cave, he stood and stares into the darkness. The sun is setting and soon it will be impossible to see anything. The Wanderer put his pack down and looks through to find what he need. After a few moments, his hand touched familiar shape and he knew it's what he needs. So he pulls it out of the pack. It was a small bag with strong smell out of it. Wanderer looks around and spots a sturdy branch from a nearby tree. He grabs it in his free hand. He put a small bag aside for a moment and rips off a piece of scarf he is wearing. Wrapping a piece of cloth around the stick. He tightens it well so it won't come loose. Picking up a bag as well as he put stick on the ground. Untying bag and grabs powder from it. He speckles powder all over stick. Then He ties up bag and put it back into the pack.
         The wander put up his hand towards stick and mutters a few words. The darkness suddenly lit up as stick is covering with fire. Satisfied, he grabs lower end of stick and stand up. He takes a few moments to collect himself and brace himself for whatever lies ahead of him into the cave.
         "So, treasure lies within this cave. I wonder if legend is true or not...Matter not, I came too far to stop here. I'm only a few steps away from finding this treasure." Muttered the wanderer.
         He started to step into the cave and continue walking deeply within the cave. His freehand lies on the handle of his sword on his left waist. As He ventures on, the rocky tunnel continues without a sign or end in the sight. The wanderer wondered if he made a right decision to come here. Maybe he was enchanted by old man's tales regarding ancient treasure contains something beyond mortal's wildest dreams. Perhaps...Perhaps not.
         Nevertheless he is here right now and so closes to find this treasure. Soon the path is starting to change into something...Wanderer noticed the tunnel wasn't actually cave at all. It was part of ruins. There were signs of ruins everywhere like broken bricks, walls, halves of pillars and cracked pots. Seem like this "tunnel" was just a long hallway of sorts. Then he experienced a change in elevation. He no longer walking straight; he's starting to go down. Perhaps it was just a stairs?
         A few moments later...Wanderer stopped at the bottom of stairs. He is in a large room. "Finally no more tunnel." He muttered. The visibility is still poor but just slightly better enough to point where he could make outline of a several shapes ahead of him. He focused on nearest shape and walked towards to it. Then brining his torch to it. The shape becomes a beastlike sculpture. It's head is covered with bronze furs except eyes and teeth. The eyes were big and rather unsettling. Teeth were pointy and open as if it is attempting to bite out of prey. It's body is also covered in furs but thin enough to see bulky muscles. Arms and legs were on fours. Claws on its paws and feet. No tail. What exactly is this? He wondered. "Perhaps former inhabitants worshipped this animal? It sure not looks too friendly to me." Wanderer whispered to himself.
         Brushing it off, Wanderer walks on. There are similar sculptures, with victims lie at its paws or feeding on them. It is getting on his nerves. Heart beats slightly fast. Sweat falls down from his brows. Breaths come in short bursts.
         "Stay calm. Stay calm." He whispered to himself. "Relax." Wanderer continues his walking only this time it's much slower. Eventually there are no more sculptures and there is an entrance of sorts. He is glad for he needs to get out of this frightening display room. Wanderer found himself in another hallway but this time with a several doorways to rooms. Taking his time, he searched every inch of rooms throughout to find any signs of treasure. However he found only bunch of ancient pots, vases, chairs, and even spoiled foods. Frustrating, he stood next to a chair with table. Wanderer decided to take a break and sit down. Exhausted and hot, he put his torch in a pot which he pulled to table. His stomach growls. Time for a snack. His right hand goes into one of pouches on his belt and pulls out a meat jerky. He immediately bites out of jerky and chews it. Salty and juicy. For some time Wanderer enjoy quietness and chewing his jerky. Wanderer finished with his snack and collected himself to prepare for another long walk into ruins. Standing up from chair and taking a torch with him. He left the room and continues walking towards an entrance at end o hallway. As he arrives at entrance he immediately noticed there were a several broken pieces of door. It seemed it was slashed and it wasn't wood...it consisted of solid metal. Whomever or whatever did it has to be awful strong. The wanderer becomes worried about unknown danger may lies ahead. It will be impossible if whoever did it will still be around since ruins were over thousands years old.
         He shoved any worries from his mind and pushes himself on. All he has to do is to find treasure and leave with it no matter what. He ventures into another long hallway for some time. Wanderer tried to think any kind of danger les before treasure from tales he heard at pub. Surveying his mind until he remember there were some details about his ruins used to worship a kind of animal. There people believed this particular animal as their deity and often they would sacrifice one of their own to it in attempts to receive its blessing and protection. Perhaps this animal could be still around? Or offspring? Or just a figment of this crazy, old man's imagination? Who knows?
         Wanderer arrive at end of hallway and enter into a room seem to be last room. He wonders if he finally reaches his destination. If so he should feel relieved or something that. Yet he doesn't have that feeling.
         The room eerily lit up with moonlight through a hole on a ceiling. The room is bare except skulls, bones, pieces of pots and vases spreading out on the floor. The floor reek rotting and foul smell to Wanderer. He is forced to put his scarf around his nose and mouth to lessen this horrible smell. The wanderer force himself to turn his eyes from this horrific sight to a setting which it supposes to be altar or worship of sorts. There is another sculpture only this time it is huge, around 9 or 10 feet tall. Everything looks originary except there is something shiny in one of paws. Looks deep crimson to Wanderer. Jewel? Or something else?
         He takes a step and his boot crushed a skull, making unpleasant noise. He cursed at himself for it. Muttering to himself, he takes his steps carefully to not step on any bones or pots or vases. Making his way to altar, avoiding bones and pieces. He arrives at the first step of small stairs. From there he has a good look at this shiny thing. It isn't a jewel at all. Rather it looks otherworldly. Perhaps it comes from a fallen star? No matter what it is, it indeed a treasure and he shall lay claim to it. Wanderer reaches out for it and scoops it up into his hand. Surprisily it is warm in his hand. It feels heavy and hard. The shape of this is mixture of triangle and square. Satisfied with it, he put it in one of empty pouches he has on his belt.
         Wanderer then look up towards it eyes. Staring for a moment then he takes backward step away from it and turn around to leave this room. As he walks on, trending carefully through bones and pieces. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind him. Wanderer turns his head towards the sculpture. There is a man coming out from behind of sculpture. It is that crazy old man from pub.
         "Another adventurer fell for this treasure trick. Fool...Fool boy!" crackled by old man. He bares his crooked teeth at wanderer. He is wearing sackcloth, with all stains over it. He looks rather filthy and hairy.
         Wanderer questioned "What are you doing here, old man? How you know about this place?"
         Old man gave aloud chuckle and growled "Remember I'm storyteller about this so called treasure? I filled all those wonderful tales in adventurers' heads so they would dare to come here! Just exactly as I want them to."
         Wanderer step backward and pull out his sword. He fixed his eyes on old man, not letting him out of his sight.
         "What are you? Are tales even true?" Wanderer inquired as he continue stepping back towards only way out.
         Old man chuckled again. "I may left out a few details such as there's no treasure, just a piece of blessed star by which you have now. That belongs to me alone." He fixed his murdering eyes on Wanderer.
         His glare sends chills to Wanderer. He then aim his sword at old man, in attempt keep him at distance.
         "All sculptures you saw especially this amazing stature mortals once worshipped this deity. This is me! They once called me Nahuel, Beast from Abyss, Lord of Abyss, and Darkclaw. I was worshipped and feasted on all those sacrifices they lay for me! They sacrificed in my name! Until one day those fools...mortals rebelled against me and claimed I was a false deity! Well I cannot let it happen to me. So as deity I made example out of them. The rest of history by what you see." He growled.
         Wanderer needs to think quick on his feet or else he will become an unwilling sacrifice to this mad man.
         Mad man stood straight up and put his arms up. "Take a look at me for you shall witness my glory! HAHAHA!" He laughed.

Suddenly he grows bigger and bigger as hair comes out of his skin. The bones crackle as it undergoes brutal changes. The oblivion claws pops out of his hands and feet. His teeth grow wide and sharp. He eyes becomes maroon and spherical. He fell down and howled in pain. Beast frantically rolls around. Then he stopped. He turns his body around and glare at Wanderer. Beast pushes himself up into semi-couch position, readying himself for a leap. Wanderer chanted words as Beast leaps towards him with claws ready to sink into his flesh. Wanderer jumps to his right side and aim his torch to Beast. The fire blows towards Beast, setting him afire.
Beast shrieked unearthly in pain and jumps around the room to douse fire. Wanderer saw that moment as cue to escape. He takes off for exit as Beast rolls on the floor, shrieking.
Panting, Wanderer sprints through hallway. When he is near to another exit, he look over his shoulder, he is struck with terror as Beast chases after him. His body is rid of furs; just charred skin and giving smoky smell away.
Beast growls loudly " You will pay for...it...with YOUR LIFE!"
Wanderer speed up his sprint past exit. He was halfway in hallway with doorways when Beast leaps on him. They fall down upon collision. Wanderer drop sword and torch down and receive slash on his left arm.
Wanderer hook punched Beast's head and it stunned him for a moment. He then drives his legs on Beast's thighs to push himself out of Beast's grasp. He rolls to his right side and stand up. Frantically searching for his sword in darkness. He spots his torch slowly fading. Acting on his instinct he jumps for it and grabs torch just in time before Beast slash him. Dodging those claws, Wanderer bring torch upwards in swing motion towards Beast's head. Beast turns his face to torch, only he collapses with torch via his right side of face. He howled in pain and covers his right side of face with both paws.
Wanderer with broken torch, trying to find his sword with a few moments left before Beast responds with wraith. He looks at floor as fast as he can. His feet bummed into his sword. "There are you!" He yelled. Picking it up and run to exit of this hallway.
Wanderer decides he will ditch torch at the middle of room and hide behind of a sculpture. He sits behind a sculpture and thinks up a plan. Beast howls again. Wanderer can hear his claws clangs with floor. Clangs. Clangs. Silence. Howls. Is he tracking me by smelling me? Wanderer worries. He looks at his wounded arm. Bleeding. He needs to think something fast. Wanderer starts to feel his pouches on belt until he found what he need. Taking a tiny bag out of belt and untying it. He throws bag all over sculpture. The wanderer brings his sword to himself then held it upright.
He can hear Beast's claws Clangs, clangs, clangs. Silence. Wanderer starts to smell Beast. It comes from up. He's on sculpture. Wanderer looks up and is meeting with Beast's devilish eyes. He roars and swings his paw to Wanderer's head. Wanderer blocks blow with sword. The moment Beast's oblivion claws clashes with steel sword, it send sparks out all over place. Several of sparks land on sculpture. It lit up. It caught Beast off guard, providing opportunity for Wanderer to land his blow on him. Beast received slash on his left side of his body. He fell down. Wanderer takes off for stairs.
He climbs up quickly. Once he reaches top of stairs, he sprints all way through tunnel. Constantly looking over his shoulder for any sign of Beast. Nothing yet. Panting, his muscles are starting to fatigue. His lungs are almost burned out. Wanderer brushes any doubts out of his mind. He must to survive. He cannot let some false deity win.
He could see dawn light creeping towards him. Wanderer then speed up for last sprint. He grunts. He jumps as soon as he steps out of tunnel. Rolling on sands, he lay at there for a moment. He inhales all fresh air as much as he can. Then he exhales. Closing his eyes for a moment. His eccentric breathing slowly coming down. Wanderer starts to feel relieved for escape from dangerous adversity. He smiled and chuckled at himself.
         Suddenly he hears growls from a cave. Wanderer snaps his eyes open and stand up rapidly. He grips his sword tightly. He can see Beast's devilish eyes from cave.
         Wanderer taunted "Back for more? Can't have enough of me? Today you shall go back to Abyss...for eternity."
         Beast roars, completely succumb to his purer instincts. He slowly crawls towards Wanderer.
         Wanderer takes his pack off and belt so he can move well. He starts to move around Beast. They stare at each other for a moment, waiting for other to make his move. Beast made first move by leaping with his claws. Wanderer counter by sidestep to his left and swing his sword from upward. Beast shrieks in pain the moment sword meets his back. Beast replied to this blow by back fist Wanderer. Wanderer barely blocks that blow only he is pushed away by such strength. He falls down. Beast leaps. Wanderer sees an opening in that moment. Bringing his sword up and grips it with both hands. Beast roars and snaps his mouth open for lethal bite. Only his bite is meeting with cold steel sword. He gurgles as sword sinking through his mouth and exits out of his head. His body winces for a moment then stops.
         Wanderer has a last look into Beast's eyes. No life inside. He pushes Beast aside with sword. He stands up. Wanderer pulls sword out of Beast and wipes blood off sword with his scarf.
         "I told you, you will go back to Abyss. I always keep my promises, Beast." He mocked
         Exhaling, he makes his way to his pack and belt. Wanderer put them on. He decided to take a last look at Beast. He searches for something. His claws. Wanderer kneels and cut three of his claws out. He shall keep them as reminder that there is always a danger in adventures. And they could fetch good prices at the market.

         Wanderer stood up and watches dawn for a while. Then he takes a crimson stone out of pouch. He put it up to dawn light to get a good look at it.
         It is radiating with deep crimson. Feels warmth in his hand. Wanderer stare at stone in attempt prying any knowledge it may hold. He starts to hear a voice. It's low yet firm. It's coming from stone.
         "Brave one, I witnessed your courage in your combat with Abyss despite odds were against you. You emerged victorious through combination of strength, wit and courage. You found favor in my sights. For that, I shall bless you with my gift."
         The stone becomes even more radiate and infuse its energy into Wanderer's body. At first he was afraid but stone calmed him down with gentle image that it only wants to reward him for his feat.
         "My gift to you will serve you well for this light comes to your aid whenever you find yourself overwhelmed with darkness. And you shall able to see well in dark. Now I ask you this." The stone whispered. "Unites me with my lost brothers and sisters for we are parted from each other. I will guide you however you must fight your way for they are held by darkness and abusing their powers."
         Wanderer thinks for a moment then gives his answer "I'll do it."
         The stone responses by glowing brightly. Wanderer looks into stone and saw crimson-ruby dragonlike creature roars and breathes fire.

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