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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Drama · #2137889
Dreams are what drive the human spirit to thrive.
Mother Past{/u}

(July 1959)

It is a warm Saturday morning in the middle class city of Katie Springs, New York. In the Lori Love neighborhood lives a family. It is headed by single mother Ingrid Goldsteen. They live in a one story gray brick house. Ingrid is away at work leaving her two children alone at home. The oldest, Jason is in the dining room having breakfast. Jason has a pale complexion with almond brown eyes. He has freckles that add to his undeniable cuteness. His chocolate brown hair is slicked back with gel. He is wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans and a pair of white tennis shoes. As he indulges himself his younger half-brother Alvin enters the dining room. Alvin has sand brown skin with sea green eyes. His blondish brown hair compliments his mixed complexion. He's wearing a red t-shirt, blue jean shorts and a pair of red tennis shoes. He sits down across from his brother and places a napkin in his lap. He then looks over at Jason smiling.

"Good morning" Alvin says acknowledging his brother who ignores him.

"Why are you talking to me?" Jason asks harshly staring his brother icily in his eyes.

"Cause I love you" Alvin says innocently.

"Well I don't love you" Jason says before getting up and leaving the table and goes outside. This confuses four year old Alvin sniffles before starting to cry. Thirty minutes later Alvin finishes his food and leaves the table and goes to the living room to look at television. As he goes to turn on the television Jason glares disgusted at Alvin before grabbing him by his hair and dragging him out the front door onto the porch. Jason and his friends begin pushing him. Jason escalates things by punching Alvin to the ground. Alvin cries while holding his bloody mouth and looking up at Jason who has a cold expression on his face.

He then kicks Alvin several times in his stomach before dragging him downstairs and into the street. He then expectorates on him before leaving him in the street to be hit by a car. Alvin lays there crying before struggling to his feet. As he gets to his feet a car is coming down the street. Alvin manages to run and jump onto the sidewalk scraping his knees in the process. Jason and his friends laugh at him as he sobs in excruciating pain. They then leave the house and walk down the sidewalk passing by Alvin hoping he bleeds to death. Alvin gets to his feet and looks at Jason and his friends angrily. He was more hurt at the fact that Jason participated in his assault. He wobbles into the house and goes to his room and cries himself back to sleep. Meanwhile Jason and his friends are walking down the sidewalk talking about Alvin's assault.

"Man we really stuck it to him this time" Jared exclaims as they cross the street. Jared was the shortest in the group standing at five feet and an inch. His curly hair was gelled down with a part in the left region of his head. His gray eyes look as if they lack any life at all. He's wearing a brown t-shirt with blue jeans and white tennis shoes.

"We really did and I can't wait until we do it again" Jason says happily agreeing with Jared.

"Knowing him he's going to tell your mother" Alexander says with his hands in his pockets. Alexander has cold black hair with beautiful hazel eyes. He's wearing tattered jeans, black and white tennis shoes and a white t-shirt. He was the same height as Jason.

"Let him tell. That's not my brother. I think my mother got him from an orphanage and adopted him because no one gave a damn about him" Jason says icily as their hang out Judy's starts coming into view.

"Forget Alvin let's enjoy our Saturday!" Jared says and Jason and Alexander look at him and smile before running towards Judy's.

Ingrid is at work going over a customer's insurance policy. Ingrid has a pale complexion with sea green eyes. Her blond hair is pulled back into a tightly kept bun which shows off her dazzling eyes. She's dressed in a beige pants suit with black button down shirt.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but you're policy is expired" Ingrid says looking at the document.

"That's impossible. I've been paying my installments on time for the past six months!" the customer says outraged.

"That's true ma'am but you didn't renew the policy therefore expiring it" Ingrid says politely explaining the situation to the customer.

"So there's nothing you can do to help me?" the customer asks starting to calm down.

"I'm sorry" Ingrid says smiling at the woman.

"Well I'll talk to your manager and see what they say about this" the customer says before getting up and leaving Ingrid's office. When the woman is gone Ingrid exhales heavily placing her index fingers on her temples. She doesn't know how much of this job she can take. It was barely paying the bills but she had two young boys to support. She sighs one more time before getting up and going to the break room to get herself a cup of water. While she's in there her supervisor Lara Givings comes in. She has long brown hair that is styled in a beehive. Her eyebrows are deeply arched. Her dark blue eyes seem unforgiving and cold. She has on a navy blue skirt suit, a white blouse, black stockings and black three inch pumps.

"Ms. Givings" Ingrid says formally looking at her supervisor.

"You are such an imbecile. You sent another customer to my office. We don't incompetence here at Givings Insurance Company" Lara says condescendingly looking down at Ingrid exhaling heavily and smiling at her.

"I didn't send her to you she said she as going to see you. All I told her was that her policy expired because she didn't renew it. I don't think I did anything wrong" Ingrid says making Lara chuckle.

"Well if you value you job here you'd do everything in your power to keep your customers out of my office. Because when they come to my office talking about policies that they let expire we lose money and you know how I feel about that" Lara says angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Yes ma'am I understand your frustration but some people that come here are elderly and they can't remember when their insurance policy expires. I sympathize with them wholeheartedly" Ingrid says firmly while keeping her tone in check.

"You sympathize with them? Give me a break bottom feeder these people give you a sob story so that way they don't have to pay their monthly premium. You of all my employees are costing my company millions by not having them renew their policy" Lara says going to make a cup of coffee.

"Another thing, customers may start off being able to pay their monthly premiums but something can happen and things take a turn for the worst, especially emotionally and financially. So yes I sympathize with the customers that come to me with their hearts in their hands" Ingrid says unapologetically with her hands on her hips.

"Keep up with that attitude and it'll be you with your heart in your hands along with your boxes" Lara says sharply as she finishes making her coffee and leaving. Ingrid closes her eyes feeling tears form. When she reopens them she pours herself another glass of water and drinks it. She then throws the cup away and leaves the break room and heads back to her office.

Meanwhile in the state Michigan lies the city of Misty Woods. It is situated in the upper peninsula of the lake surrounded entity. In the downtown section in an alley there's a transaction taking place. This transaction is between three people. A woman is leaning up against a car. She is in her late twenties. She is strung out on cocaine. Her once vibrant black hair is now unruly and wild. Her golden amber eyes hazed over with the need for a fix. She is wearing a greenish brown trench coat with a cigarette in her mouth. She is looking at her cocaine supplier Clayton Morrison with interest. Clayton is about the same age as the woman across from him. His brown hair is covered by a dark gray top hat. He is wearing a black leather trench coat with matching leather gloves.

"Gloria do you have your payment?" Clayton asks and Gloria smiles evilly at him.

"I have something even better than that" Gloria says opening rear left door. She pulls her only son Danny out of the car. Danny has pale skin with electric blue eyes. His black hair is styled in a comb over. He's wearing a tattered shirt and khaki shorts with white tennis shoes.

"Here you go" Gloria says shoving Danny in Clayton's direction.

"This is perfect" Clayton says satisfied wrapping his arms around Danny's throat.

"You can do with him as you please" Gloria says before Clayton pulls Danny by his shirt.

"Mommy please help me!" Danny screams as Clayton opens the trunk to his car. Gloria lets smoke escape her mouth before opening the door to her car.

"Mommy" Danny screams once more but falls on deaf ears. Gloria gets in her car and drives out of the alley. Danny is thrown into the trunk. Clayton gets in the car and drives out of the alley as well. During the drive Danny is in the trunk sobbing while in the fetal position.

"Mommy please come and get me" Danny sobs sadly before closing his eyes. An hour later Clayton pulls in front of his house. He opens the trunk to see Danny had stayed away the entire trip. Danny sees the two story house before him. It is guarded by a black gate. He sees chairs on the porch. Clayton closes the trunk and takes Danny's hand and leads him inside house. Upon entering the house he sees nothing men sitting in the living room drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and playing cards.

"Say hello to my newest piece of property boys, his name is Danny" Clayton says introducing the young child to his friends. One of them reaches out to touch him. Danny tries to back away but is pushed forward by Clayton.

"You are my property and if I want to share you with my friends I will. You don't have a choice of not wanting to be touched!" Clayton says authoritatively. Danny looks at him fearfully before being hoisted back over his shoulder and taken upstairs. As he goes upstairs Danny notices that the area is becoming darker by the second. Eventually Danny is brought to a room where is thrown roughly and carelessly on a king size bed. Clayton then removes his hat, coat and gloves. He then crawls onto the bed smiling at young Danny. Danny trembles with fear not knowing what to expect. Clayton reaches out and touches Danny's shirt. Danny flinches under the contact. Clayton then leans forward and kisses Danny on his lips.

"Everything is fine. I'm not going to hurt you" Clayton says softly in Danny's ear. Danny feels tears leave his eyes when Clayton's hand travels under his shirt. He hisses when Clayton pinches his nipples. Clayton then travels down to Danny's shorts. He places his hands inside his underwear and Danny freezes instantly. He knows immediately that he dislikes what Clayton is doing to him. Clayton then unzips his pants and pulls out his erect member. Danny looks at fearfully and before he knows it Clayton forces Danny's mouth and his member.

Clayton instantly begins thrusting in and out of Danny's mouth. Seeing as how Clayton is being forceful Danny continues performing fellatio on Clayton. He then shoves Danny away from his member and removes Danny's shorts and underwear. When he sees Danny's flaccid member this brings delight to Clayton's eyes. Clayton then shoves his index and middle fingers in Danny's mouth. A few moments later Clayton removes them and place them at his entrance.

He forces his fingers inside Danny's hole making him scream in excruciating pain. Clayton ignores his screaming and shoves his member inside of him. He quickly starts thrusting inside of him. Danny bites his lip to keep himself from crying out. He starts realizing that no one is coming to save him so he remains silent. Minutes later Clayton ejaculates inside Danny. Panting heavily he places sloppy kisses on Danny's lips. Danny looks at him fearfully. Clayton rubs his face before pulling out of Danny. He zips his pants and grabs his hat, coat and gloves. Danny turns over on his side and resumes the fetal position he had in the trunk. He starts crying quietly while trembling. Minutes later some of Clayton's friends come into the room and they take turns sexually assaulting him.

Ingrid clocks out of work and walks to her car. After starting the engine Ingrid takes a moment to gather her emotions. Lara had really pissed her off and she wanted to ring her neck. She calms down and buckles her seatbelt. When she puts the car in drive she thinks about her boys. She couldn't wait to smother them with kisses and hugs of love. When she gets home she parks her car along the curb and turns off the engine. She grabs her purse and exits her car. She walks through the black gate and walks upstairs. After unlocking and opening the door she sees that the living room is clean. However when she gets to the kitchen she sees it's another level. After leaving the kitchen Ingrid heads into the hallway. She sees Alvin sitting at the end of the hall. His knees are pressed against his chest and his head resting on them.

"Alvin honey is that you?" Ingrid asks curiously and Alvin gets up and run towards her. Ingrid squats down with open arms. When Alvin enters her arms he wraps his arms around her neck happily. Ingrid then lifts him into the air while smothering his face with kisses. She then spins him around.

"How is mommy's baby doing hmm? How is my little man?" Ingrid asks in a babyish voice looking at him. When she hears sobbing she stops spinning and goes into the living room and sits down on the couch. "What happened to your face? Did something happen while I was gone?" Ingrid asks seriously looking at her baby boy. Alvin wipes his eyes sniffling. Ingrid places her index finger under his chin and brings his eyes to meet hers.

"Alvin what happened?" Ingrid asks tenderly looking at her son.

"Jason did it" Alvin confesses before wrapping his arms around her neck and buries his face into her shoulder.
"Okay thank you that's all I need to know. You can go back to your room" Ingrid says removing Alvin from her lap. Alvin leaves the living room and goes to his bedroom. Ingrid goes to her bedroom to unwind. Three hours later Ingrid comes out of her bedroom dressed in a burgundy silk nightgown and curlers. She sits at the dining room table and awaits Jason. She sets a beaded belt on the table and folds her arms and crosses her legs. Alvin is sound asleep in his bed. At eight thirty the front door and opens and Jason walks in. After passing through the living room he looks in the dining room to see his mother sitting at the table. Jason just looks at her without a word and folds his arms.

"Unfold your arms boy. If there's anyone who should be folding their arms it's me" Ingrid says harshly staring Jason in his eyes.

"What is this about?" Jason asks rudely.

"You know what this conversation is about" Ingrid says sharply rising to her feet and pushing in the chair and grabs the belt.

"No I don't and I'd appreciate it if you'd enlighten me" Jason says smugly and Ingrid walks over to him and strikes him across his back with her belt.

"You will watch how you talk to me" Ingrid says chastising Jason. When their eyes meet again it's a war between anger and sadness.

"It's about Alvin. I saw the bruise on his face and I know that's not all that happened either" Ingrid says all knowingly and Jason scoffs at her deduction.

"You're right that's not all that happened. My friends and I are responsible for Alvin's bruises. My friends and I beat him up then we drug him into the street. He was almost hit by a car. Man I wish he would have been hit" Jason says begrudgingly and Ingrid starts whipping Jason.

During the ordeal Jason tries to block the belt with his hands and they are hit in the process. He then trips and falls over his skateboard and Ingrid continues whipping him. Jason's cries of pain are enough and Ingrid stops. Jason sniffles and looks at his mother.

"You are grounded for a month. No going outside and no company. Now clean up the kitchen and when your done go to bed" Ingrid bellows before leaving the living room and going in her bedroom. Jason gets up and trudges into the kitchen and separates the dishes.

The following morning Danny is awoken by the beaming sunlight. He instantly feels pain from his rectum. He looks down and sees blood on the sheets. He finds his clothes on the floor and puts them on. He walks out into the hallway and sees that the coast is clear. He walks down the hallway and when he sees the staircase and he looks through the bars and sees that the living room is empty. He walks quietly downstairs to the front door. When he opens the door he shuts it's and walks downstairs. He heads out of the gate and turns left down the sidewalk.

He sees a bus stop in the distance and attempts to run toward it. The pain from his rectum shoots through his body causing him to drop to his knees. He ignores the pain and gets to his feet and walks across the street. When he reaches the bus stop he sits down on the bench. Twenty minutes later the bus arrives at his stop. Danny gets to his feet and walks towards the bus.

When the door opens Danny gets on and sees a female bus driver. She's wearing a blue shirt with the letters MWPT on her sleeve. Her skin is fair and her face is covered in rouge and red lipstick. Her dirty blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail with a black headband in the center of it. She grins at Danny who looks at her tearfully.

"Do you know where you're going sugar?" the bus driver asks sweetly and Danny digs into his sock and pulls out a piss of paper covered in sweat. The woman looks at him worriedly and nods her head.

"Don't worry sweet pea this ride is on me" the bus driver says shutting the door and getting up to hug Danny. Danny sits close to the bus driver. An hour later Danny sees his house and the bus driver pulls in front of it. She puts the bus in park and gets out of her seat. She goes and kneels before Danny taking his hands into her own. Remembering what Clayton had done the night before Danny quickly removed his hands from hers.

She doesn't question his behavior. Instead she writes her down name and phone number and hands the paper to Danny. They exit the bus and Danny points his house to her. They walk up the pathway leading to the house. The one story white brick house is nice. The bus driver rings the doorbell. Minutes later the door opens revealing Gloria wearing an open green silk robe. She is naked and the bus driver immediately covers Danny's eyes.

"Are you his mother?" the bus driver asks trying to keep her anger and disgust in check.

"Yes I am and who are you?" Gloria asks offended by the bus driver's question.

"I'm Sally James and I work for Misty Woods Public Transportation. I saw your son sitting a few blocks away from the Carter Cape neighborhood and I brought him here" Sally says and Gloria quickly pulls Danny away from her.

"Get the hell off my property" Gloria says and Sally ignores her and smiles at Danny.

"You take care darling" Sally says before turning and walking downstairs. Once the bus pulls away Gloria slaps Danny to the floor. She then drags him inside the house and slams the door. Gloria leaves Danny and the foyer floor and goes the living room. The living room has a leather couch set with vanilla curtains covering the windows. On the table are needles, crack powder, opium, cigarette buds and beer bottles. Danny gets off the floor and walks into the living room and goes to hug his mother.

"I missed you mommy" Danny says joyously before Gloria pushes him away.

"Well I didn't miss you. You are a mistake I wish I take back" Gloria says before gathering some crack on the table. She leans down and snorts the white substance up her nostrils. Danny looks at everything that's on the table with curiosity. He then watches as Gloria ties a band around her left arm and places a needle in her arm. The sensation sends Gloria into euphoria who leans back against the couch and closes her eyes. Danny then shakes his mother awake. When she doesn't respond Danny sniffles and tries one more time. When she doesn't wake he leaves and goes to his bedroom for the remainder of the day.

On the east coast lies the small state of Rhode Island. Within this small piece of land lies a city known as Harley Beach. This intermediately populated city lies on Rhode Island's shore. It is home to medical personnel and lawyers. In the Callamere Pines neighborhood lives the Bradshaw's. They live in a one story Greek revival style house. The owner, Carol Bradshaw is a registered nurse. Carol has brown hair that is styled in victory rolls. Her eyes are golden amber which adds to her beauty of a forties femme fatale. Her slim physique is masked by her black and white apron. She's in the kitchen making breakfast when her only child Kimberly comes into the dining room. Kimberly is plump with ginger hair and golden ambers eyes like her mother. She goes and sits down at the dining room table.

"I hope you're hungry" Carol says happily bringing a plate of two small pancakes into the dining room. Kimberly claps her hands happily as Carol sets the plate before her. Kimberly grabs her fork and shoves a piece of her pancake in her mouth. As her daughter eats Carol goes and fixes herself a plate. When she returns she cuts into her pancakes and begins eating. As they're eating a knock comes on their door. Carol cleans her mouth and goes to answer it. When she opens the door she sees a man and woman standing on her porch.

The man has black hair combed over hair with gray eyes. He appears to be in his early twenties. He has on a leather jacket with a t-shirt and blue jeans. The woman next to him is also in her early twenties. She has long blonde hair that is styled in a rockabilly fashion. Her eyes are russet hazel which compliments her blond hair. Her lips are covered in blood red lipstick. She has on a black low cut top with blue jeans and a pair of black slide high heels. Carol looks in between them but more so at the man.

"What are you doing here Gregory?" Carol asks bitterly folding her arms.

"I want you to meet my new wife Christi Pollermere" Gregory says introducing Christi. "It's nice to meet you Carol. Gregory has told me all about you" Christi says sweetly extending her hand for a shake.

"That's funny, he never mentioned you" Carol says neutrally looking Christi in her eyes.

"Well we've finally met and that's all that matters" Christi says before sticking a piece of gum in her mouth.

"So you came all the way here from Lucinda May Township, Maryland to introduce me to your latest broad?" Carol asks brashly offending Christi.

"I didn't come here to get insulted" Christi chimes in earning her a glare from Carol.

"It doesn't matter what you intended to happen on your way here, I didn't want to see Gregory" Carol says staring Christi in her eyes.

"Well that's not my problem. We're here and we're not going anywhere" Christi says sharply making Carol chuckle.

"Let me explain something to you. You're on my property so you don't luxury to make demands. You and this bastard can go back to the grimy streets of Lucinda May Township that you came from" Carol says retorts making Christi inhale sharply.

"We're not leaving until I see my daughter. Whether you admit it or not Kimberly is my daughter" Gregory says and Carol averts her eyes in his direction.

"Oh so you have an affair, impregnate me, then you run off to be with the woman you cheated on me with and now you're standing on my doorstep five years later wanting to get to know her?! Get the hell off my doorstep and if I catch both of here again there will be hell to pay" Carol says before shutting the door in their faces. Carol covers her mouth while crying quietly. She then hears Kimberly's voice and she wipes her eyes with the back of her hands and goes into the dining room. Kimberly smiles at her making her smile. She then resumes eating her breakfast.

Over in the rocky mountain city of Tress, Arizona lives another family. The family's only child Deena is in the piano room sitting at the piano. Her parents had left for work earlier that morning without kissing her goodbye. Feeling a sharp sensation on the left side of her face Deena goes to the hallway bathroom. She turns on the light and goes and stands at the sink. She looks at her reflection and examines the cut along her face. The cut extends from her from the edge of her hairline to the crease of her right eye. She had gotten it a day ago from her mother for her comforter not being aligned properly. After rubbing alcohol over it Deena leaves the bathroom. As she walks back to the piano room Deena faints. When she wakes up she's in a hospital room. She feels an IV in her left arm. At her bedside are her parents but they aren't wearing smiles.

Her father Darwin Tansworth is looking at her tearfully. He has dark brown hair that is styled in a small pompadour with chocolate brown eyes. His eyes are doused with sadness. He is wearing a black suit with a white button shirt and a black tie

"Don't be sad princess. It isn't it your father" Darwin says softly looking in Deena's chocolate brown eyes.

"I'll try" Deena mumbles and Darwin takes hold of her small hand.
Deena's mother Chasity is in her office at her law firm with a client. Along the walls are degrees and certifications awarded to Chasity as well as her law establishment. Chasity is wearing a black skirt suit, stockings and three inch heels. Her long brown hair is combed back and flips out at the ends. Her dark brown eyes are cast with interest and excitement.

"So can you prosecute this case?" the man asks curiously looking Chasity in her eyes.

"I sure can. There's more than enough evidence to put the defendant behind bars" Chasity says looking over the file. A knock then comes on the door.

"Come in" Chasity says looking at the door.

"Ma'am your daughter Deena has been rushed to the hospital" the secretary says and Chasity rolls her eyes annoyed.

"I'm sorry you'll have to excuse me" Chasity says closing the file while getting up and grabbing her purse. Thirty minutes later Chasity arrives at Tress Hospital. She enters the emergency room lobby without haste in her step..

"I'm here to see Deena Tansworth. I'm her mother" Chasity says blandly identifying herself.

"Yes ma'am she's right down that hall in room one hundred" the receptionist says and Chasity walks down the hall. When she gets there she knocks on the door softly.

"Come in" Darwin says and Chasity opens the door and walks inside. When she sees Deena instantly a cold look appears on her face.

"What the hell have you done now?" Chasity asks irritably looking Deena in her watery brown eyes.

"She fainted. You do know she has a heart condition" Darwin says with a little bass in his voice.

"That I don't give a damn about" Chasity says and Darwin shakes his head at her.

"Where were you?" Darwin asks and Chasity gives him her full attention.

"I was with a client discussing a case" Chasity says sharply and Darwin nods his head looking back at Deena.
"Well could you move a little faster next time, Deena could have died" Darwin says rubbing her face softly.

"Would that be so bad?" Chasity asks and Deena finally lets her tears escape. Minutes later the nurse comes in interrupting their conversation.

"We need to run some tests on Ms. Tansworth, so if you could go to the waiting room it would be appreciated" the nurse says and Darwin and Chasity leave the room.

"What's wrong?" the nurse asks sweetly but also with concern.

"My cut stings" Deena complains and the nurse pulls out a tube of cream and spreads across the cut. The cream doesn't feel as bad as the rubbing alcohol but it still leaves a slight burning sensation. Afterwards the nurse puts the tube back in her apron and rubs Deena's face soothingly.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" the nurse asks and Deena nods her head negatively smiling.

"No thank you" Deena says and the nurse's smile deepens.

"Okay, well if you need anything don't bother to page me" the nurse says before leaving Deena's hospital room. Deena gets comfortable and looks at the window thinking about her parents. A smile then starts to grace her features. 'I can't wait to get home' Deena thinks anxiously.

Out in the hallway Darwin is looking at Chasity fiercely while she's smiling calmly.

"You have no sense of morals do you?" Darwin asks looking at his wife.

"I do. I just don't care about that mistake in there" Chasity says staunchly looking Darwin in his eyes.

"That is your daughter in there and you need to start treating her as such" Darwin says defending Deena.

"You can do that but I refuse to" Chasity says before walking down the hallway. Darwin stands there momentarily before following her.

Danny is sitting in his bedroom playing with toys when his mother comes bursting through the door. He looks at her quizzically before she snatches him up and brings him to the living room. When they get there's a man sitting on the couch. He's in his mid-thirties and appears to be an accountant. He has black hair that with a parted combed over. He's wearing an outfit that consists of a navy blue blazer, white button shirt, a black tie, brown khaki pants and a pair of black penny loafers.

"Charles I'd like for you to meet my son Danny. Danny this is my new friend Charles" Gloria says introducing Danny to Charles. Danny looks at him innocently but clings to Gloria's leg.

"I won't hurt you" Charles says suavely getting up and walking over to him. Danny quickly takes refuge behind Gloria's leg. Gloria steps aside and pushes him toward Charles. Charles smiles at Danny who has tears in his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Danny" Charles says extending his hand. Danny looks at his hand like a foreign object and runs back behind Gloria's leg. Charles scoffs as he stands to his feet.

"Well I see he's shy around strangers" Charles comments looking down at him.

"I can assure you he's not. Danny quit acting like a little bitch and shake Charles's" Gloria hisses looking down at her son. Danny trembles looking at Charles and Gloria pushes him to the floor.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a child. Come on Charles let's go and enjoy this powder" Gloria says walking over to the table and gathers her cocaine, opium and heroin. Danny knowing what she is about to do leaves the living room and goes back to his bedroom.

Gloria meanwhile straddles Charles's lap and starts kissing him. Soon her robe comes off and she is completely nude. Soon Charles's tie and shirt come off and Charles sinks his teeth into Gloria's neck. Gloria moans in elation as Charles adds his tongue to the pleasure. Getting tired of feeling his closed rub up against her bare flesh Gloria unzips his pants and removes his pants and underwear. When his penis slaps her in the face Gloria takes him into her mouth. She covers his member completely until she smells his pubic hair.

She then starts doing bobbing motions with her head. Charles throws his head back in ecstasy as Gloria swirls her tongue around his erect shaft. He soon finds his climax and ejaculates in her mouth. Gloria swallows every drop before removing her mouth from his member. She looks up at him smiling. Although Charles is spent Gloria is not finished. She gets his member erect once more and Charles puts on a condom. She quickly slides down his member and starts bouncing up and down in a rhythmic fashion.

Charles then picks her up and wraps her legs around his waist and carries her to the bedroom where he slams her down on the bed and begins thrusting inside of her. Gloria digs her nails inside. Danny meanwhile is in his bed under his cover still shaking. He was afraid of men thanks to Clayton and he didn't want to meet anymore adults. The only person he thought was nice was the bus driver Sally. Thinking of Sally he removes the cover from his head and goes into his nightstand and pulls out the piece of paper. He looks at it before pulling it close to his chest. He then sniffs the paper. It still smells of her perfume which appears to be a safe haven for young and confused Danny.

After looking at the paper for a few more moments Danny places the paper back inside his nightstand drawer. He then gets back under the covers and hopes of someone coming to save him from his mother and himself.

At the Goldsteen residence Ingrid is sound sleep when she hears someone screaming. She jumps out of bed and rushes to Alvin's bedroom. When she gets there she sees Jason with an iron in his hand. She looks down to see Alvin's right thigh burned severely. Ingrid rushes over to Alvin and picks him up. She looks at Jason venomously before slapping him to the floor.

"You are just determined to do what you want to do. Well not anymore" Ingrid says before kissing Alvin's cheek several times and leaves the room. She takes him to the kitchen and sets him on the counter. She observes his bruise and sees that it's treatable with home remedies. Alvin continues to cry and Ingrid kisses his cheek soothingly.

"I'm going to take care of this" Ingrid coos before disappearing from the kitchen. When she returns she has a tube of cream in hand. She opens the tube and squeezes some onto her index and middle finger. She then spreads it across his thigh making him scream to the top of his lungs.

"I know it hurts sweetheart but this is what has to be done" Ingrid says softly. When she finishes she puts the cap back on the ointment and goes put it back in her medical closet. When she returns she picks him up she starts singing a lullaby. Alvin soon calms down and goes to sleep. She carries him to her room and places him in the center of her bed. She feels tears roll down her cheeks remembering the bruise that's on Alvin's right thigh. She then goes back to Alvin's room to see if Jason is there. When she sees the room is empty she goes across the hall to Jason's room. She knocks on the door.

"Come in" Jason says normally and Ingrid opens the door. She goes over to Jason's bed and snatches him out of it.

"What the hell is your problem Jason? How could you burn your brother with an iron?!" Ingrid asks outraged. Jason looks her in her eyes sharply.

"Do you really want to know?" Jason asks and Ingrid's nostrils begin flaring.

"I despise him because he's mixed with nigger. I will always resent him for it and I will always loathe you for stooping so low and sleeping with one. You're not my mother. in fact you're not even a human being. You're a mongrel who deserves the worse death possible" Jason hisses before expectorating in Ingrid's face. Ingrid shoves him to the floor and grabs him by his collar and starts punching him in his face. When he is bloody she pulls him to his feet and slams him into his dresser and punches him in his stomach before punching him one final time and letting him fall to the floor.

"How dare you Jason? How dare you spit in my face?! After all I've done to make sure you had everything you need and wanted this is how you repay me?!" Ingrid asks outraged before kicking him in his abdomen. Jason mumbles and groans upon being kicked.

"You are grounded for the next six months" Ingrid hisses before leaving Jason's bedroom and going back down the hall to her own. She gets in bed and snuggles up to Alvin before kissing him on his cheek.

"I will protect you my son don't you worry" Ingrid coos before falling back asleep.

Back at Tress Hospital the doctor comes into the waiting room. Darwin gets up and rushes over to him while Chasity remains seated.

"Is my daughter going to be okay?" Darwin asks frantically looking the doctor in his eyes.

"Yes and she will be released in two days" the doctor says making Darwin smile relieved. After he leaves Darwin and Chasity leaves and goes to the parking lot. When they get home Darwin goes to the study calls his sister in law Victoria. After the second ring she picks up.

"Hey Victoria it's Darwin" Darwin says identifying himself. "Oh hey Darwin what's going on?" Victoria asks curiously.

"Everything is going just fine. I called you because I'm going to be working all day tomorrow and was wondering if you could pick up Deena from Tress Hospital?" Darwin asks and the line goes silent momentarily.

"Is everything okay with her?" Victoria asks worriedly.

"Yes she just had another fainting episode" Darwin says and Victoria sighs relieved.

"Alright I'll be there in two days" Victoria says and Darwin smiles appreciatively.

"Thank you so much. I'll pay you when you arrive" Darwin says pulling out his checkbook and writes out a check for twenty dollars.

"There's no need" Victoria says declining Darwin's money.

"No it's fine and I'm asking a lot of you" Darwin says not wanting her to decline.

"Okay I'll take it" Victoria says caving in.

"Alright goodbye" Darwin says and hangs up the telephone. He then goes to his bedroom and gets ready for bed.

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