Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2138418-Your-Dad-Married-a-Bimbo
Rated: GC · Interactive · Animal · #2138418
You're a teen furry who gets to visit his dad and his new wife for summer.

You're a teen furry who gets to visit his dad and his new wife for summer.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Viewer disgression adviced. This is a furry straight-shota story.

You are a 14 year old rabbit named Chris (if you wish for a different species or character, use the "other" option or just use your imagination). You're 4'10", thin but quite fit for your age. You have a dusty white fur, light brown hair of average lenght and blue eyes.

Your parents have divorced when you were a baby and you haven't seen your dad in ages. While he wasn't the worst father ever, he wasn't a parent of the year either. He was basically your average bum, irresposible dad who couldn't take anything serious, so at certain point your mom just threw him out. You don't really resent him or anything. To be honest you don't care enough for him to have any ill will, plus he did sent money whenever he had.

Recently there have been a change. For whatever twist of faith your bum dad, managed to win a huge load of cash and even multiply it. He now lives in a mansion in a really fancy neighbourhood and even remaried to a woman much younger than him, who by the looks of it has less brains than fabric on the swimwear that doesn't cover her ridiculusly sized assets. You know since you're that age where hormones make your body very reactive towards women. Not to mention you had internet.

This summer your mom suggested that you spend a week or two with your dad, in order to get on his good side. Perhaps you'd get more money out of it.

When on your way however you got a message that, unfortunately, your dad won't make it, because of some sort of 'business', whatever it could mean, so it'll be just you and his wife all this time. He also left you a credit card you can use to buy anything you want without limits. This just makes you roll your eyes with indifference. At least you won't have to force any bonding time with him and you can still probably make the best of it.


The main story should focus on Chris and his Stepmom. You can introduce additional females but avoid adding more males, unless in a branch/other storyline or you give a good reason.

This story is also not about getting back at your dad, so no faux-phylosophy please. It's just about a teen getting to spend time with a bimbo stepmom.

The females as the title suggests, should be depicted as bimbos or close - not very smart, naive, horny, very energetic, with loose boundries, generally always happy and really friendly. Clothes and make up I leave to the storytellers.

Shota/Age Difference
softcore fetishes

Strictly banned:
excessive violance
hyper (big is still allowed)

No unless good reason
mind control

Do not end the story, write at least 3 sentences. Do not make a character tree, just write your idea and if possible leave "other" or "readers choice". If you feel you need a short choice chapter, always follow it up. Also if you wish to change the species/age/looks of the protagonist, please use "Alternate storyline" in the first chapter.

Good and lenghty entry will be rewarded with GP apropriate to the posts quality.
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2138418-Your-Dad-Married-a-Bimbo