Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2141341-A-little-dandelion-seed-head
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #2141341
The end or the beginning?
The Dandelion lived in the garden behind the old house.

In the spring, like everybody else, he opened his flower and looked at the sun. It blinked back at him. The weather was wonderful and the Dandelion felt good.

Slowly and calmly passed he through the steps of the road of time. Each day welcomed him by a dew wash, escorted him through a daylong sunbathe, and finally kissed for night, tiptoeing to the cemetery of time. After months have died there, the Dandelion began to dry and change until he became a seed head. But he did not care, because he still enjoyed the sun.

However, one day, there was no sun in the sky and a strong wind began to blow leaves from the trees. The seed head looked at them and decided to go to sleep. Why should he care about what happens to those leaves?

Suddenly he felt a movement. He opened his eyes and saw that the earth was far away. He looked around and saw the sky above himself. That meant that the earth was down. Hmm, what did he do here, in the air?

The Dandelion seed was not surprised. He was never surprised. Maybe the sky can be surprised, or the earth, but the seed did not feel there ever was a reason to be surprised. What good can it be if you become surprised? However, he was sad, because he saw his brothers and sisters fly in other direction. They flew to the garden. And only him the wind took up and up.

If he was in the air, it meant that this was his journey day. He heard about it from his parents and saw some of his friends go to their journey. So, today was his day.

He looked once more to the earth and saw that it came toward him. Aha, he was falling down. Very slowly but falling.

He felt that he touched a chimney and the wind took him into it. If he will fall inside, he would never reborn. Nevertheless, he could do nothing. He just looked around while descending into the hole until he stopped on the floor.

The Dandelion looked around and saw some children running one after another. They laughed and jumped from joy.

Suddenly an old woman entered the room and cried at them. Children became quiet.

Dandelion did not know people's language, but he could understand that she said something sad to them. They sat on the floor, and a little girl with short hair began to whine. Another girl with longer hair hugged her but the Dandelion saw some water in her eyes.

He did not know exactly why there was water, but remembered the little girl who lived near his garden. He remembered that one day she went out with a grown up woman and put into the earth a cat. She too had water in her eyes.

The Dandelion thought that it was water for a new seed to grow. So, here he saw two girls put seeds. But where? You cannot seed in the house.

The Dandelion saw the door opened and felt a weak wind. He began to roll towards the door. And then, outside to the garden.

There a cat jumped on him and with her paw threw onto the earth.

The Dandelion felt strange, like tickling. He said good-bye to all his brothers and sisters whom he left in the garden. He knew that he would never see them. He wanted to fly again, but his legs were stuck in the earth. He lay there and looked into the sky.

Is it the end? Will he never fly again?

He felt a drop fall near him. Then another. He felt how the earth got softer and he slid inside, deeper into the earth. Then he found a little hole in it and put into it his seed part .

The Dandelion felt so sleepy. He said good-bye to the world and closed his eyes.

Of course - how could he know that it was just the beginning…
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