Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147268-GATE-8
Rated: E · Short Story · Nature · #2147268
So hard to say goodbye in so many ways.
-never in a million years i thought this would end-

- she open the car trunk and in she enter my chest-

- inside lay my shirt ties and the red christmas vest-

- leaving back friends who i knew best- were i made my nest-

-i never thought this would end in a million years-

- we buckled up and she wiped her tears-

- we took the long way to the gate- and along the way-

-stopped for a light morining snack and coffee-

- our last minute thoughts and last words we knew were coming to an end-

-the time we spend miraculousely had come to an end-

- we continued the long journey to gate 8-

- the long way- and along the way-

- saw the first place we use to play-

- so we stop and she got her brass and i got my base-

- and together we play-

- today is a wonderful day she said-

- why today i said with a sad face-

- today is the day that flowers bloom down the prairie she said with a said face-

-together we cried and we wipped our face- and headed for gate 8-

-so we continued the long way to gate 8-

-and along the way we saw the prairie-

-we stop and again she open the trunk-

- and out the blanket and the dish-

- we set on the soft quilt and ate-

-with laughs and cries we finish our plates-

-then back on way to gate 8-

-we took the long way and along the way-

-we notice it has been a day that we went this long way-

-and we concluded that we took the wrong way to gate 8-

-once we notice that we made a mistake-

- the better we felt and quickely continued the same way away from gate 8- to a different place that had a gate 8-
© Copyright 2018 Cedric A Littleton Schionzanzi (schioncalzanzi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147268-GATE-8