Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2155044-morgan-la-fey-part-1
Rated: GC · Novella · Fantasy · #2155044
a romance fantasy adult novella
The young lady keeps her same smile on her face and stepped even closer to jonathon. So close he could feel her body pressing up against his, he could feel her breath hitting his face and neck as he looked down at her and she looked up at him. She reached up with one hand and place her small warm hand to the left side of his cheek and stared right into his eyes. And said with almost a demonic tone. You will give me what I want, or I will claim that you raped me! So, what is it going to be?
Jonathon looked shocked! He did not see this coming! Sure, every guy at some point or other dreams of a hot young woman coming to them saying these vary things but this was not one of the dreams and not what he needed in his life. He had enough problems at home and did not want to add cheating to his list of problems.
Jonathon said I’m sorry mam but there are cameras here in this store and the evidence would show that you came on to me and that I pushed you way.
The lady smile grew even brighter. I know you jonathon and you are going to know me. My name is Morgan la fey and you are going to do what I say rather you like it now. Suddenly the room grew dark and Morgan eyes grew bright red and a bright dark color purple gradient from her body, wings popped out of her back and she hovered in the air. Morgan spoke again and this time her voice was still soft but demanding and both cold and happy all at the same time.
From this point on you are mine and only mine child of merlin! You will obey me, and you will like it!
The next thing jonathon knew he was being pulled out of the store flying sky high with a beautiful winged lady who could probably very easy kill him in a heartbeat. But at this moment he didn’t care. Jonathon was sorrowing threw the air! He was in complete control doing turns and flips and pretending to be superman. He didn’t care if there was a lady who might kill him in a second, he was flying truly flying all by himself! Jonathon looked at the lady she looked back and smiled at him and said with that sweet voice again, I know you may be scared and you don’t understand but I want you to be happy! I want you to want me! I want you to trust me. And with that she and jonathon landed on top of all places in front of two giant stone gates with gold bars and a giant M and J wrapped together in the middle of the gate with a dragon on the outside of the letters. As if it was there to protect the letters them self. For a second jonathon thought he may have seen the dragon move. But now that would surely be impossible. The gate started to part, and Morgan walked forward and looked over one shoulder and smiled brightly and said now come on handsome. Let’s walk and talk as we make our way to our new home together. Jonathon nodded and started walking forwarded. He had so many questions. Like who is this Morgan? What did she mean when she said child of merlin? Was he just flying, or has he lost his mind? Is this all a dream? Did that dragon move? Where the hell was he now? But most of all he had one question on his mind and that was how he was going to get home to his family, his wife and kids???!!!

Morgan paused and looked at jonathon she reached out slowly grabbing his hand and interlocking her fingers with his. She got to her tippy toes and kissed him softly on his check. The she put her mouth to his ear and bite his earlobe gently. The she whispered into his ear with that demonic tone again, it’s best to forget them. I would hate for anything to happen to them! Jonathon eyes grew wide and stepped back while pushing Morgan off him!
Are you threating me and my family?! Jonathon roared!
No. I am not. I’m simply saying that it’s best that you just let things be. You’re in a new world now. My world. I make the rules and you will obey. If you don’t like it, then I will make you like it. Morgan said cheerfully.
Jonathon could feel something coming off Morgan like a deep dark power. Something that even the boogie man would fear. It was so almost so bone chilling jonathon had almost wet himself. He reached one hand down to check just to make sure. And he thought thank goodness, at least I didn’t piss on myself. But damn who is this woman!
Morgan once again reached out and interlocked her fingers with his and smiled brightly and said let’s go honey. I’m getting tired and there’s still lot to be done before we go to bed and lot of questions to answer.
Jonathon felt bad while he walked with Morgan he was enjoying her company and her hand fit perfectly into his. Whatever evil he felt earlier was gone and now all he wanted to do was hold her hand and be with her. but why he thought? I know nothing of her he said to himself but this felts like it was meant to be. But no, I must stay true to myself and to my wife. No matter what happens I will escape this lady and make it back to my family.

Morgan looked at Jonathon with her head to the side only showing one eye and smiled.
”Come on now, honey,” she said. “You know you shouldn’t be thinking of those things. They could get you in trouble. Now back to the questions. First off, my name is Morgan la fey. And, yes, like the ones from the book. And, yes, they are real I’m am 36D, 22, 34 and I know that may sound odd but look at me! I’m incredible! Aint I?”
Jonathon was puzzled. “You do look amazing,” he said. “But I didn’t ask about your body or think even bout think it.”
“Oh, I know you didn’t I just wanted to share that information, so you would know that you would be getting this incredible body all to yourself later,” Morgan said happily. “And you should know I can’t wait for us to get alone and in bed.”
Jonathon looked at Morgan and thought to himself, If I was a single man I would love to hear what she is saying but I don’t think she’s going to take me saying no very well. I’m going to have to find a way to let her down easy.
“So, you want to know about being a child of Merlin? Hmmm well I’m not supposed to say at least not till you’re ready, but you are my husband now isn’t wont there to be no secrets between us, so I’ll tell you,” Morgan said happily grinning ear to ear.
“Wait, did you say husband?” Jonathon asked, surprised.
“Duh! What else would you be?” Morgan replied. “Now, come on, let’s keep going as I explain this.”
“Um, okay,” Jonathon replied. “But did you just say ‘duh’?”
“I did. Now, where I was? Oh! Moving on to the next question: yes, we were just flying and no you have not lost your mind, but I could arrange that if you like,” Morgan joked.”
“I’m good but thanks,” Jonathon said.
And yes, that dragon did move on the gate and his name is Marcus. Morgan said.
Wait your saying that’s a real-life dragon. And what kind of dragon name is Marcus? Jonathon asked.
Well I’ve know a lot of dragons and I have to say Marcus may not be the most original name nor my favorite name, but Marcus is quite the best dragon I have ever met. But don’t tell her I said that. Morgan said.
Wait Marcus is a girl dragon? Jonathon asked surprising.
Yes, Marcus is a girl dragon and yes, she knows it, but she just really really really loves the name Marcus. Don’t ask me why she just does. But anyways this is not a dream and we are san Diego California.
So now that I’ve answered all your questions why we don’t enjoy the rest of are walk from the gate up to the house in silence. Morgan said.
Jonathon nodded his head and at that moment just realized that jonathon never did ask any questions at least not out loud.
Jonathon continue to hold morgens hand and for the first time in walking up to the house he just now noticed his surroundings. The pathway up to the house was cold dark but smooth looking pavement. on each side of the road was towering trees that branches went high over the road almost into a perfect arch interlocking their branches with the other trees on the opposite side of the road. The tree almost seemed to move in the darkness as if they were dancing in the wind as it blew by. The moonlight shine threw just enough to give off a romantic feel to the entire way up to the house. From this distance you could see the house at the end it was much bigger than he had thought and like the light at the end of a tunnel so was this house giving off a bright glowing gold light that felt warm and welcoming and something that you wanted to rush towards.
Jonathon hadn’t notice by during his time admire his surroundings in he had one arm wrapped around Morgan with him pulling her close to him. Morgan head was resting on jonathon as they walked with her eyes closed with a huge smile, clearly loving the embrace by him.
Finally, jonathon and Morgan had made it up to the house. But it was not a house it was the biggest mansion jonathon had ever seen either in real life or on tv. Morgan open her eyes and quickly pulled jonathon by the hand to the two big azure color doors with silver patterns of dragons on the door. Morgan looked at jonathon and smiled. Go ahead my dear open the door to our new home together as husband and wife.
Jonathon thought to himself ok let’s open the door, but I seriously need to remind her that we’re not married. Jonathon reached out with one hand and as he did, so Morgan caught his with unbelievable power now floating in the air again with dark black eyes and spoke with that demonic voice again. It’s best not to say those things and to remember that you are mine! So, get with the program! Husband!
Jonathon winced from the pain Morgan was giving his wrist and said okay I understand.
You understand what husband Morgan asked?
Jonathon knew the only way to please her was to get with program as Morgan had said. And quickly he had a plan. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he did know that from now on Morgan would be known as his wife if he was here!
Jonathon ignored the pain and pulled Morgan close to him with her still hovering in the air and looked straight into her eyes. I understand that you can read my mine, but you are misunderstanding my thoughts. Until we have consummated this marriage and spent a whole night together in bed you are not fully my wife. So, listen to me babe I want you and I’m very excited about tonight but I’m sorry to say that I’m completely wiped and don’t think I’ll be able to perform like I would like to for our first night of marriage together. So, I was hoping you understand if we possibly wait till tomorrow night to consummate our marriage, so I can preform to both our desired levels.
Morgan quickly dropped to the ground and blushed bright red. And said with that beautiful sweet voice of hers, oh I’m sorry I read you all wrong. Yes, tomorrow night will be fine. I need to umm shave anyways, and it has been a long day for both of us. Morgan looked down in embarrassment.
Jonathon pulled Morgan into his chest then with one hand lifter her face up to look at him and bent down slightly and gave Morgan a small kiss on the cheek and said softly let’s go inside and relax for the rest of the night. Maybe we could watch some Netflix and chill.
Morgan looked puzzled and asked what is a net flexi and chills?
Jonathon let out a small quick laugh. Do you have a tv?
Well of course I do Morgan replied.
Then don’t worry I’ll show you what a Netflix and chill is. Trust me you’ll love it! And it will be a good way to unwind and relax for the night.
Jonathon and Morgan made their way inside, and Morgan pulled jonathon up the huge spiraling staircase and to the master bedroom this is our room in there is your closet and that one’s mine they are both walking, and each will meet in the master bath. I must go get dinner ready but please shower and get comfortable and we can eat when you get out then you can show me the chill net when were done. Morgan said happily.
Jonathon simply smiled brightly and said sounds like a plan. Morgan made her way out of the room and jonathon figured he might as well shower and get ready for the night. The shower felt amazing. It was as if every pain and ache he ever had was washed away. He never had been in a shower that had 30 points of shower heads while also having a separate steam heads that could be on at the same time and a giant rainfall shower had. It was body relieving it was as if it was magic he thought. He made his way out of the shower and dried off. Jonathon open the doors to the closet that connected to the bathroom and thought to himself this could be somebody’s apartment. He found what he thought to be his night clothes. A nice soft blue silk pajama, he looked around to see if he could find any underwear or boxers to wear but didn’t see any and wonder if that was on purpose or if he just was over looking them like he does with a lot thing. Finally, he gave up and put on the clothes and decided to make his way downstairs. He asked himself how he would ever find Morgan or the kitchen in this giant house then like a brick it hit him. A giant wave smoke coming from down the hall. The smell was hideous. He knew common sense said run away from the smoke and call 911 but something in his gut was telling him he had to find Morgan and the smoke was the way to go.
Jonathon sprinted down the hall and found the room the smoke was pouring out of. It was the kitchen. Jonathon eyes grew teary from all the smoke, but he had to search the kitchen to see if Morgan was in here. Jonathon found Morgan flying there the air and what looked like to be battling a group of fairies like those from the movie tinker bell. Jonathon could tell Morgan was clearly winning. She was apparently throwing purple fire balls from her hand with no regard for what it did to her house. She even hit a couple of the fairies. Jonathon knew he should run but didn’t care. He simply stood up right and lend one shoulder to the door way and watched.
Then he seen it, one of the burnt fairs had made their way to behind Morgan and was fluttering up with one broken wing and a giant kitchen knife in both hands. Jonathon yelled out MORGAN! LOOK OUT! But Morgan was to busy! And didn’t her him. The fairy raised the knife and brought it down with a vengeance! Jonathon cried out NOOO!!! And with one hand in front of him a dark blue light shot out from his hand engulfing the entire with a bright blue light and turning the fairy and knife to nothing but ash.
The entire kitchen battle ended at that moment. All eyes were on him. Jonathon started at his hand in disbelief. He looked up to see Morgan standing in front of him smiling brightly. She grabbed his hand with hers and said its okay my dear. Jonathon eyes were drawn to the fairest. He seen them all over the kitchen. And all were on one knee with their heads down as if they were bowing to him.
The next thing jonathon knew he found himself waking up in a giant bed. He found himself hugging someone. He gently pulled his arm away and sat up right. He had many questions, even more than before. He felt the other body moving and looked back to see Morgan rolling over to her back. The cover had come off her some from jonathon sitting up and with her now on her back he could see one of her naked breast. Jonathon tried not to focus on it, but it was hard not to. Morgan smiled brightly good morning my darling! Morgan said brightly!
Jonathon replied good morning beautiful! Jonathon hadn’t meant to say that, but it just slipped out. But she was beautiful very much so.
Morgan said I know you have more questions especially about last night, so let’s start with the biggest one. Yes, you did shoot a magic fire ball out of your hand last night into a fairy and yes you did save my life and yes, I’m very grateful. But even more so let’s answer the bigger one she said.
Jonathon thought to himself what bigger question? What could be bigger than that?
Yes, you can do it again and yes you can achieve even greater heights and learn even more. Much more Morgan said almost with an evil smile that would be possible to notice if she wasn’t having a breast out that kept jonathon eye drawing to it.
Jonathon thought about this more power. More magic. I did do that. MAGIC IS REAL!
Before you even ask yes, I will teach you, you are my husband after all but that will have to wait till tomorrow. Morgan said.
Why you ask said Morgan. Because until we have done the deed and our marriage is complete I can’t teach you anything. Honestly, I’m surprised you were able to do even that. But what else is to be expected from a child of merlin.
Wait your telling me that if we have sex you will start showing me today? Jonathon asked.
Well when you put it like that then yeah. Basically. Morgan said. But I don’t want you to think but before Morgan could finish jonathon had rolled over on top of Morgan. Starting into her eyes. He could feel her already rubbing up against him and it felt great. Jonathon slowly bent down and kissed Morgan on the neck. while putting one hand on her breast and rubbing her nipple in between his thumb and index finger. Morgan let out a soft moan. Jonathon could feel himself already start to get hard and he could feel how wet she was already becoming.
Morgan is burning with a fiery passion of desire. She could feel it take over every inch of her as jonathon communities to kiss her neck and play with her breast and nipples. Morgans nipple begins to harden as the heat within her continue to rise. Jonathon starts to make his way down kissing her from her neck down to Morgan cleavage and then to her breast finally starting to slowly move his tongue around the outside of her right nipple. He begins to lick the hard tip of her nipple right before kissing it the sucking on it.
Jonathon puts one arm down in between Morgan thighs and slides one finger into her. He could feel her warmth, her tightness and how wet she had already become. Morgan moans slightly with pleasure. She slowly opens her legs wider letting him drive his finger further into her. Jonathon starts to kiss his way down from her breast to her stomach and as he does so starts to slowly begin to pull his finger out of her till the very tip of his finger is barley left in her then quickly shoving it all the way back in and then repeating this over and over again as he continues to make his way down from her stomach to in between her thighs. Morgan was beginning to moan much louder and more often now. Her hands were gripping the bedsheets tightly as she can. the moans of Morgan were filling jonathon with a sense of pleasure wanting him to keep going he could feel a warmth inside him, a fire ready to be let lose.
Jonathon paused for a moment and thought to himself this is a fire but not one of pleasure this was a feeling of fire he had felt last night right before he had shot magic from his hand. Jonathon quickly jumps off Morgan and looks at his hands, but he seen nothing. Maybe he was just imagination in it.
Morgan sits up and looks at him like a wolf about to devour her pray. She makes her way on all fours to the edge of the bed ready to pounce at any second to grab her prey jonathon and end him. Jonathon stood petrified at the edge of the bed staring from his hand to Morgan and back and forth again not sure which one to be more worried about. Morgan stops right before jonathon at the edge of the bed and quickly grabs his man hood with one hand sliding her hand back and forth on it as she kisses right below his naval.
Jonathon could feel the fire coming back again but nothing was happening. Morgan slowly slides her hand to the base of his shaft while swallowing him whole at the same time. Jonathon let out a slow moan, one he did not even know he had until he had done it. Morgan eyes grew wide with a since of acknowledgement and joy knowing she was pleasing him in a manner he liked. She gazed right up at him and she slowly made her way with her mouth and hand to the end of his tip slowly swirling the tip of her tongue around it. Morgan quickly swallows him whole not sure if even she could take something so huge. Morgan had him completely swallowed with half of it going down her throat she looked up at him again and could see the pleasure it was giving him. She left it there and started to suck on it while using one hand to play with his balls. The pleasure was to much jonathon could feel himself about to burst. But then jonathon open his eyes as right as he was about to burst and when he opens his mouth to tell Morgan it was to late. But he had let lose but not in the way he thought this time he sent lighting from all four tips of his fingers. His eyes grew wide in disbelief.
Morgan stopped what she was doing and looked up at him. And said that is what I call elemental power. The lighting stopped and jonathon said that was amazing! How did I do that?!
The next thing he knew he was falling to the floor as his knees buckled and his body went limp. Jonathon woke up on and off. Sometimes it was light sometimes it was dark. Sometimes Morgan was there other times she wasn’t. he could remember all the times she was. Wiping his forehead. Covering him up, reading to him, even singing. But one time stuck out a man was there with Morgan. And he caught part of the conversation.
The man said. Morgan you can’t do this! You have no right!
Yes, I can! and I am. There’s nothing you can do to stop me. Morgan replied with a sweet snarky voice.
Morgan come on. Let’s be reasonable. He’s not yours to have or even you.
But before he could finish Morgan answered for him even your what? She said with that demonic voice.
The man was calm and answered back. He’s a child or merlin and your voice doesn’t scare me. He is the one to…
Morgan wings came out and a purple flame engulf her. I know who and what he is! Morgan snapped. But most of all he is mine! Now l …
But before she could finish the man told her to hush and says he awake. Morgan turns and puts her wings away and comes to the ground and smile at jonathon. The man say’s Teresa come here.
Jonathon could not see her but could hear her voice. It was as if the angles themselves were talking.
Yes, my lord Teresa replied.
Do me a favor and ease jonathon back to sleep and help him recover a little faster please it’s already been two weeks. The man said.
Yes, my lord Teresa replied again.
Jonathon thought to himself two weeks? Then he felt a warm hand on his chest and another right above his penis, but he still could not see her. but he felt a sense of peace come to him one he had never felt before. Then he heard her speak at first, he thought it was out loud but then he realized it was in his head.
Jonathon listen to me don’t trust no one. Leave here as soon as you can. you have many questions and if you stay on this path they will be answered. But trust me when I say this path will lead you to everything you ever wanted but only at the cost of everything you have ever had. In the end it won’t be worth it. Trust I should know I’ve been where you are when you decided to teach me.
Jonathon said to himself teach you? What do you mean? I don’t even know who you are.
Teresa only said three things. I’m sorry. I love you. Now sleep my love.
Then with that last word jonathon slept. It seemed like forever. But he knew was asleep and dreaming but he didn’t care. He was back with his wife and kids, playing with them and watching Netflix while making dinner and reading to them goodnight. Jonathon knew he needed to wake up. He was more than recovered but he was afraid if he did he would never seem them again. In dream or life. But it was to late. Even his body could only sleep so long no matter how hard he tired to force it to. Jonathon opened his eyes to see Morgan sitting by his side reading a book out loud to him. It sounded like a book of spells.
Morgan quickly closed the book and jumped up and said with a cheerful voice your awake my darling!
Jonathon sat up and said with a tired voice it seems that way. How long have I been out?
About three weeks Morgan said.
Three weeks? Jonathon asked surprising.

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