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Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #2155045
fantasy romance adult novella
Yes, but let’s not worry about that now. It’s already late so why don’t we get you up and dressed and put some food in you. Morgan said.
Jonathon said joking that sounds good but hopefully with no flying creatures, fire, or smoke perhaps.
Morgan smiled and said with a half laugh yes without any of that. Plus, I order out tonight the food should be here soon.
What did you order if you don’t mind me asking. Jonathon said.
The very best for you stuff crust meat lover’s pizza with white sauce and extra cheese and bacon Morgan said happily.
Jonathon smiled brightly and said that sounds amazing!
She said good. By the time we finish with our shower the food should be here then we can give each other chills with the nets. Morgan said.
Jonathon looked at Morgan like she was crazy for a second and then said I think you mean Netflix and chill and your showering with me?
Oh yes Netflix and chill I keep getting that messed up what a weird name for a sec position and of course I’m showering with you. There’s more than one shower but in a different room and I don’t feel like going to it and I’m not sending you to it. Plus, the shower in this room is magical so why would I go anywhere else Morgan said happily.
Well you are right the shower in this room is amazing. And Netflix and chill aren’t a sex position it’s something you do, something you watch. I can’t believe you don’t know that. But don’t worry I’ll show you. Jonathon said.
Okay Morgan said now let’s go shower. We need to be done before the pizza guy gets here.
Morgan and jonathon made their way to the restroom and before they even made it to the door Morgan was already naked. She looked over her shoulder as they walked and smiled at jonathon and gave him a wink then turned and open the door to the restroom and made her way to the shower.
I’ll be right there I need to use the restroom quick. Morgan said go ahead I’ll be here.
Jonathon sat down to pee not sure why he needed to sit but he did so anyways. and he thought to himself what am I doing? I need to get home. But magic? How can I pass that up? It’s really is everything I ever wanted. But I can’t take the risk of losing my kids.
Morgan popped her head out of the shower and said are you coming? with a half demonic voice and sweet voice all at the same time. As if giving jonathon a warning what he was thinking was going to get him in trouble. And are you taking a shit? Morgan asked
Jonathon looked at Morgan and laugh. No, I’m not I just sat down because three weeks of pee is a lot of pee.
Oh, Morgan said. That totally makes sense. Well try to hurry up. I’m almost done and I’m getting lonely.
I’m about done. I’ll be right there jonathon said.
Jonathon stood up washed his hands and got undressed. Jonathon stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He had changed. He now had amazing abs and his chest was in shape and his arms were three times what they were before. The next thing he knew he felt a wet hand grab his and pull him.
The next thing he knew he was in the shower with Morgan. Jonathon was sure that this was going to be one of those times he gets sex in the shower, but it wasn’t. the closest he got was when Morgan offered to wash his back for him. Even the small conversation they had was innocent. Morgan said she was done and made her way out of the shower. And said hurry up the pizza guy should be here any second. I’ll lay something out for you on the bed okay. Morgan said.
Jonathon said that sounds good to me. Thank you.
Morgan smiled and said your welcome. And made her way to her closest. Jonathon was once again finally alone and awake. And free to think of his family. But he knew Morgan was close, so he pushes the thought of them away even thought it hurt him to do so. He didn’t want to give Morgan a reason to go after them. Jonathon finished his shower got out and grabbed his clothes that Morgan had laid out for him. He got dress and made his way down the stair case to see Morgan closing the front door holding a box of pizza. She was wearing a short pink shirt that cut off right under her breast with no sleeves and showed way too much cleavage. And some black booty shorts that if were any shorter could be consider underwear. He could tell she had no bra on and from the looks no underwear either. But he had to say he didn’t mind that at all.
Morgan looked up and seen jonathon make his way down and said happily it took you forever now let’s see this Netflix and chill.
Jonathon smiled and shook his head and said almost. It’s Netflix and chill. And I must say you look amazing.
Morgan blushed slightly and said thank you. The living room is this way.
Jonathon followed Morgan to the living room and spent the next thirty minutes hooking up everything. Apparently, Morgan didn’t know anything about how to use it or at the very least set it up. Once finished Morgan looked at jonathon and said if that’s all that had to be done I could have just used magic.
Jonathon put his hands to his face and sighed and said to himself now she tells me. Don’t worry about it. It’s already done. Now lets. Eat. He went to grab a piece of pizza only to find out that there were only two slices left and Morgan just said sorry I was hungry, and you were taking too long, and I couldn’t help myself it was soon good.
Jonathon said don’t worry about it. So, what should we watch? as he turned on the tv and Netflix.
Morgan said anything so jonathon put on alter carbon and finish his second slice then sat back as Morgan snuggle close to him. They spent the rest of the night watching four episodes till finally they both fall asleep on the couch with each other wrapping themselves around the other in an embrace that surely only could be perfect for each other.
Morgan woke up to laying on the side of Jonathon on the living room couch with half her body laying on him and her head laying on his chest. She laid there for a minute enjoying the way his chest raises and fall. She didn’t know what it was, but something was different this time. Something was different in him. He was different. He made her feel different. They had barley even had any real time with each other unless she counted the times he was out could for using to magic elemental power a was recovering for three weeks or the time they spent a sleep on the couch. But already she knew he was making her happy. Was making her…. Human. Or human like. She hadn’t felt that way in a very long time. Not at least sense the time with…. Morgan pushed the thought from her head. She was happy now and she wanted to stay that way. And she wanted to make sure he felt that way to. Without realizing it she had started to play with his penis. She looked down and realized what she was doing, and it caused her to blush slightly. Morgan had slowly pulled Jonathon shorts down as he slept leaving him exposed. Morgan licked her lips and stared to lick shaft slowly starting from his base to the end of his head. Morgan was realizing that she like the way her tongue couldn’t wrap itself around his head as it could with previous partners she had, had.
Jonathon awakes to pleasure. He opens his slowly not sure if he in a dream or again or if this was reality. He could feel someone going down on him and by just opening his eyes and without moving and looking up to the ceiling he already knew he was still with Morgan and this wasn’t a dream. Plus, it wasn’t like his wife to do this kind of thing when he was asleep no matter how much he could have wished for it. He could feel Morgan starting to sit up and quickly closed his eyes. He thought that if he wasn’t awake by now she would leave him alone. He wasn’t sure what came over him the other night but that feeling was gone and he wasn’t about to give in again. He would have to tell his wife what he had done, and the part of magic and a flying woman she wouldn’t believe but the part of him cheating well any woman could believe a man about that. No matter how honest or loyal they were. But he didn’t want to add anymore to what he would have to tell his wife, so he laid there assuming by now Morgan would have called it quits.
He felt her get off him and get off the couch. He heard her make a little noise and then he heard nothing from her. but he didn’t want to open his eyes to quickly just in case she was still in the room. Then he heard her moan. He felt her get back on the couch and lower herself on to him with one hand on his penis. He could feel her warmth and tightness. She felt good he thought very good. Slowly she began to move slowly on him. Riding back and forth, letting out slow moans. Jonathon open his eyes to see Morgan on top of him she smiled and bent down still riding him. She smelled amazing. Hair had fallen over the side of both their face she kissed him. Just a small kiss. But he felt it. It was like the ultimate fourth of July going off inside of him. That kiss had awakened something in him. His body betraying him pulled her back to his lips with his arms and hands. And she kissed back. Long and meaningful. His hips thrusted up into fast and hard and he could hear her whimper through the kiss.
Jonathon broke the kiss and looked into her eyes and asked if she wanted to keep going?
Morgan smiled and said with a sweet passionate voice, I am yours jonathon do to me what you will.
Morgan could fill him driving himself deeper insider her, slamming into again as he thrust up and pulls her back down by the waist. Morgan sits back up riding jonathon as he quickly thrust himself in and out of her. Morgan could feel herself climaxing and didn’t care. She hit her apex and screamed in pure pleasure causing jonathon to go even faster. Her wetness was pouring out of her and getting everywhere. But jonathon didn’t stop and Morgan was loving it. She could feel herself already about to climax again. Jonathon sits up and wraps his arms around her. he stands up moving his hands from her back to under her ass.
Morgan looks at jonathon and says do you want to do some magic?
Jonathon thrust Morgan up and down on to him and says what could be more magical than this right here.
Morgan likes his answer but just smiles and says how about that lighting you did not too long ago.
Jonathon eyes grow wide and says sure but not till I’m done here.
Morgan smiles again and says to late, you already are doing some.
Jonathon pauses for a moment not sure what she meant. Then he realizes it. They are floating in the air. But surely this must be here doing he thought.
No sweetie this is yours she says softly as she raises and lowers herself on to him.
Jonathon didn’t know if he was about done or if the sense of him doing magic gave him such a thrill but either way he was going to burst any second.
Morgan looked at him and smiled a said it’s okay you can keep going. I have been able to get pregnant in over a thousand years.
As much as he wanted to keep going he didn’t want to risk it. And as he pulled out he finish all over her.
Morgan smiles and says wow so much, so warm.
Jonathon was to busy to her much of what she was saying as he was to busy not distracted by sex anymore and was now distracted by himself floating in the air.
Morgan grabs his hand and pulls him down to the ground. I forget sometimes how amazing the power of flying really is.
Jonathon sat down suddenly feeling very faint.
Don’t worry honey it will past and you’ll get use to it. Morgan said. Now let’s go upstairs and shower then we can go into town for a few things I need to get.
Jonathon nodded and let Morgan help him up and to the shower. Once again Morgan had fished before him from the shower, and once again she had laid clothes out for him. Jonathon got dress with the clothes Morgan laid out for him. A nice pair of black dress pants, a long sleeve black shirt, a black tie with small dark blue dots and a silver watch and tie clip. Jonathon looked at himself he thought Morgan really gets my style.
He made his way down the stairs and found Morgan waiting at the door wearing a back mini skirt a half cut blue top that showed off her perfect abs a pair of purple star earrings, some dark purple highlights threw her hair and long diamond neckless that fell right between her breast.
Jonathon made his way down to Morgan and said you look beautiful.
She smiled and said happily you don’t look to bad yourself handsome. Now let’s get going for the day.
Jonathon grabbed the door and opened for Morgan and gestured for her to go first. Morgan happily accepted and made her way out the door with jonathon following behind her. as they walked out jonathon asked so where are we going?
We my dear are going to London. Morgan replied.
Wow! Jonathon said happily. I’ve never been. It’s going to be a long flight we should have packed some bags.
I know you haven’t and there’s no need for bags it won’t take us that long. Morgan said.
And with a snap of fingers jonathon found himself standing in front of big ben with Morgan at his side.
But how? Jonathon asked confused.
With magic my dear. With magic. Morgan said.
Jonathon got a smile that went from ear to ear and without even thinking lend over a kiss Morgan on the lips long and hard. And once again he felt that rush of feeling he had got when he kissed Morgan earlier. And said I love you Morgan.
Jonathon didn’t even realize what he had said until he said it. But it was to late. He had already spoken the words a loud and it was clear that Morgan had heard them too. Morgan jumped up and wrapped both arms around his neck kissing him deeply. Morgan finally let go and said I love you too!
Jonathon thought to himself do I love her? is it possible to love someone your barley knows?
Morgan looked at him. Jonathon knew the demon voice was coming. But it never came.
My love she said, those of us with magic for whatever reason can’t say I love you or I hate you to someone without truly meaning it. So yes, my love you do love me. And you know me better than you think and for much longer than you think you have. so, let’s get going, shall we? Morgan said happily while grabbing jonathon hand and walking into the crowd.
Morgan pulled Jonathon to a small run-down book store. The book store was old and musty buy its shelves were full and even had a copy of the set Stealer, broken pieces, and faces. A couple of Jonathon favorite books on the shelves. Jonathon instantly fall in love with the book store. Behind the counter stood an old man easily in his late eighties, white average height and weight with a small beer belly a long gray beard. As Morgan made her way up to the man he looked up at her and smiled and said with a smooth British accent Morgan my dear I haven’t seen you since the dark ages! How have you been?
Surely it hasn’t been that long! Morgan replied happily. But I’m doing well thank you. And I’ve brought someone with me.
Oh, said the man. And who might that be?
This is jonathon you may know him as… but before Morgan could finish the old man slams his book close that he had been reading when they walked in. And said I know his name and you know I will not stand for this! Leave now Morgan and put him back where you got hi. And erase all this from him. Said the man angrily!
But Saba this time it’s different, he’s different. Just test him said Morgan pleading.
No said Saba! Now get out! And with a wave of his hand Morgan was sent flying. The old man gazed at Jonathon in disbelief and waved his hand towards Jonathon. But nothing was happening. Jonathon turned to walk towards Morgan but before he had the chance to make it to her she was already by his side.
As I was saying Morgan said he’s different.
The old man reached out and poke Jonathon in the chest and said with a careless tone you are right it is time. Now get out Morgan.
Jonathon wasn’t sure if that was the test or not but if it was it was the easiest one he ever took. Morgan went to the doctor man and kissed his cheek and said you know your u really have missed you Saba.
Saba continued to stare down at his book and just said yeah yeah me too while waving his hand for them too go. Morgan went out the door first and before Jonathon could step out the old man grabbed him by the shoulder. Jonathon had no idea how he moved so quickly or so quietly but bet it had something to do with magic.
She loves you Jonathon, but you should know but before Saba could finish Jonathon found himself being pulled through the door only to be standing in the middle of Paris directly under the Eiffel tower. Jonathon was starting to love this whole transportation of magic and started to wonder where he and Morgan would go next. He realized that a life with Morgan a woman he was now truly beginning to love for reason he could not understand yet why is exactly where he wanted to be all his life. Morgan kissed jonathon softly on the check and pulled away and said with a strong French accent Benzene à Paris mon amour. Quested que tu veux faire?
Jonathon looked at Morgan and said I would love it if we could get some food. All this excitement is making me hungry. How about we do that first?
Morgan said sounds good and I know the perfect spot. And started to pull jonathon holding his hand tightly. Then it hit jonathon Morgan was speaking to him in French and he understood. She said welcome to Paris my love! What would you like to do first? And he knew what she had said. Jonathon never studied a word of French is life. He knew some Spanish but that was it. And barely even that. But how did he know what she was saying.
Morgan continue to pull jonathon long with a big smile on face and looked around at the surroundings and said to jonathon my sweet you know many things that you do not realize that you even know yet, but the short answer is magic. That’s how you know.
Jonathon went to say something, but Morgan turned and faced him quickly wrapping her left hand behind his head pulling him down to kiss her. the kiss came from nowhere, but it was a kiss that jonathon did not want to end. The passion, the feeling, the magic he felt with Morgan was unlike anything he ever felt with his wife. But the love, pain, friendship, family he felt with his wife was unlike any he knew he would ever be able to feel with Morgan. Then he remembered he had to get back to his wife and kids and he would not stop until he had. As quickly as the feeling and determination came to get back to his family was as quick as they left. A wave of pleasure came over jonathon as he realized Morgan hand was down his pants rubbing her soft small hand back and forth along him. Morgan looked up at jonathon and laughed and pulled him quickly to a small dark alley and said with a soft moan, I’m wet, take me. Take me now! I want to feel you inside me again.
A wave of desire was now filling jonathon and at that moment he wanted nothing more but to give into it. But the memory came back. His wife and kids were in his mind and they would not be pushed away so easily. Then a new wave of pleasure came over jonathon as he felt Morgan take his entire penis into her mouth. The sensation was so great and so pleasurable it was as if it was magic. Morgan quickly took jonathon in and out of her mouth and with each time sending a new wave of pleasure into jonathon causing him to want it more and more. Then it was to late jonathon could no longer keep focus and could only think of one thing and that was how much he loved Morgan and how close he was to finishing.
Jonathon knew that at any moment someone was going to notice them in the alley and say something, but he didn’t care. Morgan was amazing, and he didn’t want her to stop. Plus, he thought if anyone did see them no one was saying anything. Before he had even realized he was finishing it was already happening and if Morgan cared she didn’t say anything. Jonathon was done, and Morgan knew it. She wiped her mouth as she stood up and licked her lips and said with that strong French accent you taste wonderful mon amour. Jonathon felt both slightly proud and embarrassed by her remark. Morgan help jonathon fix himself then grabbed his hand interlocking her fingers with his and said now let’s go get that food. Jonathon smiled and gestured for Morgan to lead the way and so she did.
Morgan lead jonathon to a small French café and ordered for both. They sat and ate together talking about boring random things and making small jokes that only they would get. It was as if they had been together for years and truly knew each other. They finished their meal and got ready to leave when a man came and sat down at their table and said with hello Morgan. Hello jonathon! Your looking much better from the last time I seen you. It seems Teresa fixed you well. And there stood a woman behind the man. Then he recognized who these people we’re. they were the woods in the room talking to Morgan when he was in and out of sleep.

Morgan said with a chipper tone Alexzander! What are you doing here?
I came to see jonathon and cingulate him on passing Saba test. Alexzander said.
Jonathon looked at the man and said um thank you.
Also, Morgan I came to warn you. The others know of what you have did and aren’t happy. They will be coming for you. Alexzander said.
Jonathon was curiosity and was about to pay close attention until he heard a familiar voice inside his head. It was the lady behind Alexzander. Teresa the one who helped him recover.
Hello jonathon. I hope you are doing well. Said Teresa with a soft quite voice.
I am. I hear I have you to thank for that. Jonathon replied.
It was my pleasure Teresa said happily. While they talk among each other I need to tell you do not bind your magic with hers or anyone. Many will want you but once your bound that is it. Morgan has broken many laws by taking you and she will have to pay the price.
What laws? What price? And what do you mean bind my magic? Jonathon asked questionably.
The laws of magic. The price of magic. And the bind of magic with another to increase one’s power with another. Teresa answered.
Jonathon was trying to listen to Morgan and Alexzander while he talked to Teresa but found it was hard to do. But over heard something about being a child of merlin and a promise from him of a love. But before he could listen any more Teresa was talking again inside his head. Just promise me you want to bind yourself no matter what happens.
I don’t plan on do anything except getting home. Jonathon answered.
Teresa smiled and nodded her head. Then put her hand on alexander shoulder. Alexzander looked slightly over his shoulder then nodded to Teresa. It appears it’s time for us to leave. Alexzander said. I am on your side Morgan you have my vote. Jonathon it has been both a pleasure and an honor.
Morgan and jonathon watched as they left and as they did jonathon turned to Morgan and asked so who are they exactly?
Morgan looked at jonathon and gave a warm smile and said in another life family. But in this one people we know we can count on.
I hope you know that really doesn’t tell me much. Jonathon said joking.
Morgan continued to smile and said I know. Now why don’t we get going? It’s starting to get late and I would like to do some more nexus chilling again.
Jonathon gave a small laugh and said you mean Netflix and chill but yeah that sounds nice but there is one thing I would like to do.
Oh?! Morgan said curiosity. And what is that?
I was hoping you could teach me some magic. Jonathon said innocently.
OH, Morgan said. Well I tell you what if you agree to listen to all my instructions without question then we will go home right now and start.
Jonathon smiled and eagerly agreed to morgens terms and said sounds like a plan! Let’s go!
With a snap of her fingers jonathon and Morgan were back outside their front door home. Morgan led jonathon inside and down the hall to a large open grey room. Full of mirrors, books, bottles. There was even a full kitchen and a small island in the right corner and in the left was a giant oak desk stacked full of papers, pens, and books. In the middle of the room sat a giant alter.
Morgan spread her arms wide and said welcome to our spell room. Here is where we will do all our extreme magic. Now I know your excited about learning and learning is a hard-long process it will take years for you to master anything. And there will be days that you will want to give up but push through and then there will be days that you will give up and hate magic all together. But there is a way around all that Morgan said with a sly charming smile on her face. It’s called binding. What this does is binds all both our talents, knowledge, skill together. This will let you be as strong and skilled as me in an instant. Plus, when two people bind together their powers are increased ten folds. So, what do you say? Ready to skip all the line and be a master like yours truly? Morgan said happily in her sweet soft voice.
Jonathon remembered what Teresa had worn him about and before he could answer the room started to flash with bright red and purple lights. Morgan turned and faced away from jonathon and waved her hand in the air. Bringing up a projection of the outside which appeared to have four people walking up to the outside of the house. All wearing long black robes.
Shit! Morgan said angrily. I thought we would have more time!
What’s happening? Jonathon asked nervously.
It’s now or never my sweet! All you must do is go to the alter put your hand in the hand placement and say I jonathon bind myself with Morgan. Then the rest will be done automatically. I have already done my part the day we married, I have just been waiting on you to bind with me. That’s why you have been having uncontrolled magic soon after you got here. I need to… but before Morgan could finish the doors to the room blast open wide. The four men poured into the room. The one clearly in charged yelled at the others.
You three over take the corners. The man said. He was tall easily 6’5, he was dark skin with a weird tattoo going down the side of his left cheek. Bald head and silver eyes. Jonathon noticed that the other men had similar tattoos on the same cheek with also so silver eyes. The one man from the back-left side of the room weaved his hands together making weird movements with his fingers. Then jonathon founded himself feeling bound and floating a few feet off the ground. Then another from the opposite side of the room did the same sending a fireball to Morgan. Jonathon tried to call out, but nothing came out. His voice was taken away. He assumed by the man behind him. Morgan waved her hand as if she was smacking the fire ball away and it caught the chest of the man who was keeping jonathon trapped. Jonathon felled to the floor. Morgan quickly shoved both hands directly out to her sides shoulder high sending out to massive lighting bolt. One catching the man who sent the fire bolt and the other catching one of the robed man in the last corner. All that was standing now was Morgan and the leader of the robed men. Jonathon started at Morgan she was powerful indeed and she knew it, but the leader didn’t flinch. Morgan waved her own cast and sent out what appeared to be a massive flying fire fox through the air to the leader.
The leader laughed and said come now Morgan is that really the best you got? The man blows out some air as if he was putting out a birthday candle and the fire fox was no more.
Morgan was clearly shocked her wings came out, a purple flame sounder around here like aura. She waved her hands so fast and said words in an alien lounge and then shoved both hands in front of her sending out a beam of blue and purple light. The man smiled and said with pleasure ash! There we go now Morgan. But is that really the best you got? How about I show you some of mine? The man put one hand out and caught the beam Morgan was casting out. Morgan was suppressed by this. The man did move. Instead he put out his other hand sending a black and silver beam of his own at Morgan catching her square in the chest. Morgan flew back to the wall behind her screaming in pain. Jonathon watched in horror. There was nothing he could do. He had only used magic a couple times now and had no idea how to control it. But then he remembered he could learn and in an instant. Jonathon sprinted forwarded to the alter slamming his hand down. And started to say I jonathon. The leader screamed at jonathon. No! jonathon! Don’t do it! You don’t know….
organ smiled and, suddenly, Jonathon’s mind went blank. His eyes closed, and he floated in the air. There was nothing but silence. Then, it all came to him. Everything he needed. Then, Morgan’s scream filled him. Her pain was his own. He knew her love. He knew how much she really cared about him. Now, it was his turn to show her what she meant to him and what he could do.

“As if from a distance, he heard the last words of the man who asked, “What are you doing?” He heard him say, “Jonathon, my boy, I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. I won’t let her hurt you anymore.”

But it was too late. Jonathon could only hear, feel, and understand one thing – Morgan was in pain and she loved him. And that he was going to help her. Jonathon screamed out loud, “Marcus! Now!”

A small, black dragon with metal-coloured leathery skin appeared in front of him, letting out a puff of smoke.

“Good girl, Marcus,” said Jonathon and added, “Now, it’s time for us to help Morgan.”

Jonathon heard a man laugh from the back; apparently, Morgan’s hit hadn’t ended him. Jonathon and Marcus looked at each other and smiled devilishly.”
. Jonathon extended his hand to Marcus and they became one. “Jonathan’s body and Marcus’ leathery exoskeleton merged to form became one massive dragon, filling up more than half the room. The man laughed again and when the dragon breathed fire, both the leader and the rest of the men were turned to ash.

Jonathon separated himself from Marcus, and she landed and rested on his shoulder. They made their way over to Morgan and picked her lifeless body.

Jonathon called out, “Alexzander, it’s me! Morgan needs you. Now!”

Alexzander and Teresa appeared out of thin air.

“What happened?” screamed Alexzander.

“No time for that,” said Jonathon and asked, “Can you help her?”

“Yes! Yes. Quickly, this way,” Alexzander answered.

Jonathon and Alexzander quickly made their way out of the room to help Morgan.

‘Teresa said, ever so softly, “Jonathon … I warned you not to bind with her. Why did you do this?” Teresa paused for a second and then sad with a broken voice … why? My … my love.”
© Copyright 2018 jonathon mcelhaney (jmcelhaney at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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