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In the aftermath of First Mission, Genevieve goes rogue; a pair of mysterious men close in |
EVOLVE "ahh, the noble life" TEASER FADE IN: EXT. ACADEMY HEADQUARTERS - DAY CLOSE on a SOLDIER dressed in BODY ARMOR, holding up a rifle, eye on the SCOPE. PULL BACK slowly, revealing a PATCH on his upper arm- a patch bearing the ancient rune PERTHRO. As the CAMERA continues to PULL, it PANS ACROSS, eventually revealing a total of TWENTY SOLDIERS, facing the STEEL DOOR of the Academy. CONTINUE THE MOVEMENT, the Soldiers getting further away as we move down the alley a little, until finally arriving on the MAN IN AN OVERCOAT, who is watching from the shadows, his BANDAGED RIGHT HAND wrapped around a drain pipe. He watches, motionless, as the steel door swings open, and the Soldiers flood through it, the SOUND of GUNFIRE erupting shortly after. CUT TO: EXT. MILITIA COMPOUND - DAY The CAMERA PANS across the BODIES of SEVERAL MILITIA SOLDIERS scattered all over the camp. As it PANS, the amount of fallen SOLDIERS grows. Away from the camp, Genevieve and her fellow Cadets finish wrapping their dead in blankets. Except for Brian, who sits on a bouder, poking at his bloody, lifeless arm. Once wrapped, they put them into the back of one of the MILITIA'S PICKUP TRUCKS. Zetch and Brian hop into the cab, Genevieve and Steve climb into the back with the bodies. The truck drives off. CUT TO: INT. ACADEMY HEADQUARTERS - CORRIDOR - DAY The SOLDIERS swarm through the hall, kicking in doors and FIRING their rifles. IN ONE OFFICE bullets hit the wall behind an employee, tearing the wall to shreds. The employee is unharmed. IN THE HALL Soldiers drag people out of their offices, throwing them to the floor, face down. They continue to SHOOT UP THE PLACE, but the intent seems purely to cause CHAOS. More employees are pulled into the hall, flung to the floor. IN ANOTHER OFFICE two Soldiers kick open the door, FIRING WILDLY into the room. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. ACADEMY HEADQUARTERS - BATTLE STRICKEN OFFICE - DAY The room is destroyed, the paint torn from the walls, there are pieces of the ceiling broken and dangling loosely. SPARKS from a wire hang dangerously close to a PAIR OF MAINTENANCE MEN working to repair a wall. The Director stands among the wreckage, SURVEYING the scene. Genevieve, along with Zetch, Steve and Brian, wander into the room, SHOCK on their faces. ZETCH Jesus, what the hell happened here? STEVE Did a bomb go off? DIRECTOR No, no. There was an incident, but it’s been resolved. GENEVIEVE An incident? DIRECTOR (sternly) Yes, Genevieve. An incident. There was an attack, things are under control now. GENEVIEVE Was it Fenris? DIRECTOR (dodging the query) All Cadets are relieved of their duties for the day. Genevieve rolls her eyes. GENEVIEVE What? DIRECTOR Please report tomorrow at 0600 for class as usual. GENEVIEVE You gotta be kidding me. You’re not gonna tell us what happened? The Director glares at her. DIRECTOR You all did very well on your mission today. The Academy is very proud. ZETCH Thank you, sir. Genevieve glares at the Director. GENEVIEVE Sir? DIRECTOR Dismissed, Cadet. She HOLDS her glare, he stares right back at her. GENEVIEVE Whatever. She turns and STORMS out. The boys watch her leave, then their eyes return to the Director, not sure what to expect. DIRECTOR (so they’ll leave) Gentlemen… ZETCH & STEVE Yes sir. As Zetch and Steve leave, Brian looks from person to person, severely offended. BRIAN Doesn’t anybody care about my arm? IN THE HALLWAY The boys catch up to Genevieve, who walks down the hall, irritated. STEVE Hey, Gen, wait up. She rolls her eyes, stops and turns around. GENEVIEVE Yeah? STEVE You all right? ZETCH Yeah, what was that? GENEVIEVE He’s hiding something. Something big happened here today. She sees the HEAD SCIENTIST going into the office. GENEVIEVE And I’m going to find out what. She heads back to the office. IN THE OFFICE The Head Scientist approaches the Director. DIRECTOR It was a bad day today. HEAD SCIENTIST Could have been worse. DIRECTOR Any casualties? HEAD SCIENTIST No, sir. Their goal here wasn’t a head count. DIRECTOR What did they want? HEAD SCIENTIST We’re still investigating that. They could have just been covering Dr. Silas’ escape. The Director shakes his head, not understanding. IN THE HALLWAY Genevieve is outside the door, listening. GENEVIEVE (mouths the words) Dr. Silas? She walks away, pondering the information. CUT TO: EXT. ALLEY - DAY Dr. Silas stands over a steel drum, a FIRE raging inside. He looks down into the flames, his LAB COAT in his hand. After a moment, he TOSSES the coat into the flame. He watches it BURN, his face void of expression. He removes his ACADEMY UNIFORM SHIRT and tosses it in as well. On his BACK, crudely carved into the flesh between his shoulder blades, is a nice, FRESH WOUND, still red and swollen. Is a symbol- The ancient rune PERTHRO. He GLARES into the fire. CUT TO: EXT. AN ALLEY - DAY A group of GARBAGE CANS are set up along a wall, but only for a second before Tommy crashes into them. They crumple as he falls to the ground. Kelsey is standing a couple steps away, freaks. KELSEY Tommy! TOMMY Get the hell out of here, Tink! A POLICE OFFICER reaches for her; Tommy springs forth, punches him in the gut. The police officer GRUNTS, Tommy follows with an uppercut. As the cop falls to the ground - TOMMY Go, now! She looks at her brother in a panic, doesn’t want to leave him behind, and definitely doesn’t want to go off alone. A FEW MORE COPS round the corner. TOMMY GO! Kelsey finally obeys, taking off. Tommy springs to his feet, punching the first cop he sees. TOMMY Come on, piggies. Let’s play. CUT TO: INT. LOCKER ROOM - DAY Zetch and Steve wander in. STEVE Dude, so what do you think happened? ZETCH I think we were told to drop it, so that’s what I’m doing. STEVE Yeah, yeah. You’re not even curious? ZETCH Of course I’m curious, that doesn’t mean - Genevieve cuts him off as she walks in. GENEVIEVE It was Dr. Silas. STEVE What? GENEVIEVE Dr. Silas, he did this. Zetch shakes his head, goes back to changing. STEVE What are you talking about? GENEVIEVE I’m going after him, you coming? Both boys are caught off guard. STEVE What? ZETCH You’d better relax, Cadet. GENEVIEVE Shut the hell up, Zetch. We’re not on a mission. ZETCH I still outrank you. GENEVIEVE You think you can stop me, stop me. I’m going after Dr. Silas. She leaves. The boys look at each other, not sure what to do. CUT TO: EXT. THE ACADEMY - DAY A ROOFTOP across the street, the Man in an Overcoat is looking down at all of the people below. AT GROUND LEVEL SEVERAL QUICK ZOOMS from FACE to FACE, moving quickly from person to person. BACK ON THE ROOFTOP His eyes move quickly, looking for something in the crowd. He scowls, frustrated. A BANDAGED right hand clenches into a fist. AT GROUND LEVEL almost right under his nose, Genevieve (now dressed in street clothes) walks along the crowded sidewalk, her eyes furious and determined. CUT TO: EXT. AN ALLEY - DAY Tommy is the first on the scene, running. TOMMY Come on, Tink, hurry up. He rushes off scene, his little sister several steps behind him. As she leaves the scene, SEVERAL POLICE OFFICERS enter, chasing the kids. UP AHEAD A corner leads to a staircase; Tommy hits the brakes for a moment to allow his sister to catch up, then grabs her by the wrist and yanks her along, running downstairs. CUT TO: EXT. AN ALLEY - DAY Genevieve turns into the alley, not at all frightened by the dark, eerie atmosphere, or the rats rushing from a garbage can. Her boots stride through a pile of trash, kicking a bottle that spins across the ground, bouncing off of the inside wall of an intersecting alley. She walks past the intersection, completely unaware that - Tommy COMES FROM BEHIND, wrapping his arm around her neck. TOMMY All right, nobody move! Genevieve REALIZES they are not alone. Kelsey hides behind her brother as the POLICE stop in their tracks. POLICE OFFICER Let her go, kid! TOMMY Back off or I'll break her neck! POLICE OFFICER I said let her go! Tommy squeezes, jerking her head. TOMMY I said back the hell off! ON GENEVIEVE’S TERRIFIED EYES… CUT TO BLACK. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: INT. ACADEMY HALLS - DAY The building is pretty much empty, since all Cadets were sent home. This particular hallway is empty, except for the ECHOING SOUND of FOOTSTEPS. As they get louder, we begin to HEAR a second sound, a voice - STEVE (as he comes onto scene) Crap crap crap crap crap crap… He repeats the word over and over as he hurries down the hall. CUT TO: INT. ALEC’S LAB - CONTINUOUS Alec is busily TINKERING away on one of his gizmos. Steve steps into his doorway. STEVE Ummm, doctor? Alec’s eyes perk up at being called a doctor. STEVE Can I talk to you for a second. Alec spins around on his chair, still way too amused with the fact that his chair spins. ALEC Doctor? I’m not a doctor. STEVE (nervous) Oh, sorry. Some of the other Scientists, they make us call them “doctor”. ALEC (scoffs) Dorks. (recognizes Steve) You’re Miller’s Cadet, right? STEVE Yes, sir. ALEC All right, knock it off with the formalities, kid. You’re making me feel like an old man. STEVE (down to business) You’re Genevieve’s Scientist, right? ALEC (where’s this going) Yes… STEVE Look, I think she’s about to do something stupid. Alec gives him a look that asks, "yeah, and?". CUT TO: INT. DIRECTOR’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The DIRECTOR looks like he just received somewhat amusing news. DIRECTOR Something stupid? And what might that be? Reveal he’s talking to Zetch, the smug son of a… ZETCH She’s going after Dr. Silas. DIRECTOR (no longer amused) What? ZETCH Yes sir. She seems to believe he’s responsible for today’s attack. The Director seems disturbed, but not incredibly surprised. CUT TO: INT. ALEC’S LAB - CONTINUOUS Alec seems to believe it rather easily, he knows her better than anybody else in the Academy. ALEC You sure about this? STEVE She seemed extremely determined. ALEC Great. He spins back around to his computer, and flips a switch. A small monitor flickers on, but before we see the image - CUT TO: INT. DIRECTOR’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS The Director leans in, his mind has formed a plan. DIRECTOR Here’s what we’re going to do. CUT TO: EXT. AN ALLEY - DAY Tommy still has Genevieve in hostage position, his little sister peeking out from behind his hip. TOMMY You heard me, tough guy. Get the hell out of here before I snap her pretty little neck. The cops keep their guns on him, they don’t look like are about to comply. POLICE OFFICER Don’t do anything stupid, kid. GENEVIEVE Something tells me he already has! POLICE OFFICER Miss, please. Let us handle this. Genevieve ROLLS HER EYES. GENEVIEVE No, I don't have time for that. Genevieve grabs Tommy by the wrist, TWISTS her way out of his headlock. Instead of going after Tommy - She KICKS a leg back, knocking the gun from the lead Police Officer’s hands. He’s shocked, which prevents him from stopping her foot from hitting him right in the teeth. The OTHER COPS are too slow to react, Genevieve PUNCHES one in the jaw, and drives ANOTHER’S head into a TRASH CAN. TOMMY (to Kelsey) Outta the way! Tommy SHOVES KELSEY aside, into a wall. He rushes forward and puts a FIST into a cop’s nose. After quickly dropping a couple of the cops with her quick fists, Genevieve DUCKS under the rifle swung by a third, crushing his jaw with an uppercut as she stands back up. Tommy drops another with a fist to the chops, but he doesn’t notice the cop sneaking up behind him. Just before the cop grabs on to Tommy’s shoulder - Genevieve brings the butt of a rifle down on the back of the cop’s head. Tommy turns in time to see him hit the ground. TOMMY (to the cop, angrily) Oh, yeah? He kicks the cop in the ribs, another one TACKLES him. Tommy GRUNTS as they hit the ground. Kelsey FREAKS. KELSEY Tommy! She looks around, desperately wants to help. There’s a bottle not too far away, if only she can get to it… Genevieve kicks one of the cops in the gut, followed by a fist to the side of the head. Tommy tries to fight off the cop who has him down on the ground, but can’t seem to overpower him. Luckily, a glass BOTTLE shatter’s over his head, making Tommy’s job significantly easier. The cop slumps over, lying on Tommy’s chest. TOMMY (grunts) Thanks, Tink. Tommy shoves the unconscious man off of him and stands up, brushing himself off. Kelsey is watching something off screen that widens her eyes and drops her jaw. TOMMY All right, where was I? He goes to rush back into the fray, excited. When he sees what his sister sees, disappointment rushes over his face, his tight little fist drops to his side. TOMMY Oh. EVERY POLICE OFFICER is down, but they are slowly getting back up. Genevieve rushes over to them. GENEVEIVE (takes charge) Let’s go! Move it! Now! She leads the way, Tommy JERKING HIS SISTER by the bicep, dragging her behind as the trio make a run for it. ON A FIRE ESCAPE several yards away, the Man in an Overcoat was watching. His eyes watch the kids run away, fierce determination in his eyes. CUT TO: INT. ALEC’S LAB - DAY Alec is gone, no one is in the lab. When the Director walks in, however, he does so assuming Alec will be there. DIRECTOR (as he enters) Alec, I - He stops when he sees Alec isn’t there. DIRECTOR What the hell? CUT TO: EXT. ACADEMY - DAY Alec and Steve are headed into an alley near the Academy. Alec is holding a small COMPUTER, which he is watching as they move. ALEC All right, well, her pulse is stabilizing, but she’s still on the run. STEVE So, what happened? ALEC Hard to tell. I don’t think it was Silas, though. Her heartbeat spiked, but there was no real fear or anger. STEVE You can tell all that from your thingy there? ALEC Yeah, man. My thingy rules. Pause for a beat, both men slightly uncomfortable with the way that came out. ALEC Anyway… STEVE Yeah. ALEC This way. He leads Steve down an alley. STEVE What are we going to do when we find her? ALEC Hopefully, we find her before she finds Silas. I might be able to talk her down. STEVE And if not? ALEC Look. I know this girl. If she wants to go after Silas, she’ll go after Silas. I’m not letting her do it alone. STEVE So, then we’re helping her? ALEC Help is a pretty strong word. I’m just not going to try very hard to stop her. CUT TO: EXT. ANOTHER ALLEY - DAY Genevieve, Tommy and Kelsey rush around a corner, which leads them down a long staircase, into a dark room, some sort of maintainance tunnel. Hiding in the darkness, the kids stop to catch their breath. After a moment of heavy breathing… GENEVIEVE Anybody care to explain the felonious incident that just occurred? TOMMY Yeah, sorry about that. But you couldn’t have come at a better time. GENEVIEVE Really? Cause I can think of quite a few times better than “break a bitch's neck” time. TOMMY Aww, Genny, come on. I wasn’t gonna hurt you. KELSEY Yeah, it was just a pretend hostage taking. They were gonna kill us. GENEVIEVE Why? (to Tommy specifically) What’d you do this time? TOMMY (offended) Hey, all I’m guilty of is feeding my baby sister. On Genevieve’s cold stare, he proceeds. TOMMY And a little property damage. (she’s still staring) Maybe a teeny tiny bit of assault. She rolls her eyes, WALKS ahead. TOMMY (shouts) What? (beat) Oh, like you’ve never assaulted anybody. KELSEY It’s okay, Tommy. She’ll forgive you. He glares at his little sis, annoyed. TOMMY Shut the hell up, Tink. She’s hurt, masks it poorly behind anger. Tommy shakes his head and rushes to catch up to Genevieve. CUT TO: INT. NONDESCRIPT OFFICE - DAY The MAN with the LONG, SHAGGY HAIR is on the phone this time, his BALD PARTNER sitting to his LEFT, as usual. MAN ON RIGHT (into phone) All right, doc. Chill out. (pause) No, you’ll chill out or I’m gonna smack you in your snotty little mouth. (pause) That’s better. Now listen. The retrieval unit will be there in a few. Just stay put. He hangs up the phone, exhausted from the conversation. RIGHT Sheesh! He tosses the phone onto the table. RIGHT That dude’s a pain. LEFT Why do you think I made you call him this time. RIGHT Can't we kill him yet? LEFT I suppose. We got what we needed from the raid. RIGHT (pleased) Sweet. (after a moment...) And the girl? LEFT We’re getting there. Research is going through the files as we speak, soon enough we’ll know who we’re looking for. RIGHT Good. (looks around) I’m starting to get real sick of this room. FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO |