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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2164419
Erotica. Hetero couple tests items in a sex shop
         Alex fiddled absent mindedly with the keyboard as he stared blankly into the shop. It was tidy, well lit, and sparsely stocked, but devoid of customers. He grimaced at the neat shelves of DVDs, novelties, and bottles that gave way to racks of lingerie. His five years of employment at this particular shop ended this week. The last shift was nearly over and then it was two days of scanning out and cleaning before the owners sold the building off. Sales had dropped and the new location across town opened in a week. He just had to make it through this last boring shift of clerking.

          The clock on the wall ticked, a muted metronome, as it counted down his last hour. Alex forced his attention back to the computer screen. He finished up his timesheet, printed out the inventory sheets for the next day, and began the closing procedure. He seriously doubted any customer would come in before the store closed for good. Alex manually clocked himself out for an hour from now and began to scan out the neat row of boxes the clerks had left. Each of them had labeled a box with their name and filled it with the assorted lingerie and essentials they desired. The owners planned on trashing whatever didn’t sell by tonight, and each employee was allowed whatever they desired for a tenth of cost. It would still be cheaper than moving everything. New store, new merch. He figured this would save time when they all came in tomorrow to select the rest of their desired products out of the bigger ticket items that had not sold in the last week.

         Alex was half way through the third box when the door chimed. He glanced at the clock on screen. ‘Damn, a customer ten minutes to close.’ He took a deep breath, switched on his customer service smile and turned toward the door.

“ Good Evening. Welcome to…”

He was cut off as a feminine voice replied, “ Hey Alex! Cut the spiel. It's just me, no need to be all customer-friendly and shit.”

His best night clerk, Kiera, skipped up to the counter and flipped her ID out before beaming at the cameras.

         Alex peeked at her ID, doing the obligatory check for anyone not in uniform. She was probably the furthest out of uniform he’d ever seen her actually. She’d traded her dress slacks and t-shirt for a tank top emblazoned with “You just got beat by a GIRL.”, a short black skirt, long socks, and combat boots. Her long, dark purple locks were organized chaos, and she had all her piercings in. An array of silver sparkles shimmered on her ears, nose, and collarbone, making her look like a punk princess - badass and erotic. Alex shook his head slightly as he thought, Don’t go there, man. Doesnt matter how perfectly that tank clings to her perky tits or how short that skirt is. She is still your employee.

         He sighed, and asked, “So, what can I do for you Kiera?” It was an effort to force himself to look her in the eyes rather than at her generous cleavage. The real thing definitely beat the porn playing behind her.

         Kiera pushed her hair behind her ears, but the dark strands immediately rebelled and she didn’t bother trying again. It was a practiced and nervous gesture on her part.

         “Umm… well… I need to give notice actually. I managed to land that internship I applied for. I got the call this afternoon. I thought it would be most practical to give notice for the break between our store closing and the new one opening. I mean… it’s not like you’d waste the time training me on the new system.” She set a plain white envelope on the counter. The official company name was neatly printed on the front. Very simple and professional.

         “My resignation. It’s just for one week rather than two. I didn’t think it’d really matter under the circumstances.” She shrugged.

         Alex smiled as Kiera fidgeted. She seemed a combination of nervous and excited. He could understand that. This internship was a huge deal for her, aside from the better hours and pay raise, she’d actually be doing some graphic designing.

          “Congrats! I know that internship means a lot to you! It’s all you’ve talked about for weeks. We will definitely be missing you here, but you are going on to bigger things now.” He paused a moment, before thinking out loud, “ You know, I’ll go grab the termination forms for you. We can fill them out now, and that way you won't have to go across town to get them filled out in a week.”

         “Oh, yeah. That’d be great, thanks. Here, let me lock up while you do that.” She headed to the front door, turning off the sign as she passed the switch. Alex watched her a moment, enjoying the way her ass swayed, and he wished her skirt would ride up just a bit more. Honestly, he was a little glad she had quit, maybe now he could work up the courage to ask her out. It was practically a wet dream of his. He picked up the envelope, turned, and headed to the office thinking it over. His thoughts flickered through taking her for coffee, a movie, and then straight to the sight of her naked on his bed. The thought of that sent a tingle up his spine and he shook the thought from his mind. Focus.

         The termination forms were simple enough. He filled them out quickly, stapled her letter to them, and signed the bottom of each page. Alex took a breath and decided that he should just go for it. He could totally just ask her out. No harm, no foul. If she said no, she’d probably never come back in anyways. He grabbed a pen and headed back to the front, form in hand.

         He found Kiera sitting on the tall counter with her legs crossed at the ankles, as she sifted through her box of lingerie. She absentmindedly swung her legs out and back in, causing her skirt to slide up a couple of inches. Alex felt his cock stir at the sight. No, he told himself.

         Without looking up from her lingerie, Kiera queried. “Alex, I can see you haven't scanned my box out yet. Can I pick out my other stuff and have you scan me out so I don't have to come back up here tomorrow? I’ll even help scan everyone else’s stuff tonight.”

          He set the form and pen next to her. “Well, once you sign this paper, you won't technically work here anymore, and I am still technically clocked in. I can just scan your stuff for you. Go ahead and pick out whatever you want.”

         She looked at him with a delighted grin, pushing the box aside. “You rock man!” Kiera exclaimed as she picked up the pen and scrawled her signature on the forms. She managed to give him a fantastic view down her shirt as she leaned forward to sign. Her perky, pendulous tits were unfettered as she wasn't wearing a bra. His cock twitched again. Alex forced himself to look up. He caught a glimpse of a tattoo on her shoulder, but couldn't quite make it out. It made him feel like an ass to have missed it when she walked to the door earlier. His attention was clearly on other aspects of her body.

         “Ta da!” she exclaimed once more. She held out the forms for him and poised to jump down. Then she stopped. “Wait, I don’t work here now? I gave you a week’s notice. Shouldn’t that count for something?” She asked as she re-read the forms.

         Alex shifted again, trying to accommodate his stiffening cock. “Acknowledged, but there is no store to work at. Read the form. I also put in that you still deserve the bonus for giving notice, it's just your last day is still before the new store opens.” He explained. He found himself absently fiddling with a nearby cable. She really was a good employee and did deserve the bonus.

         He decided to take a calculated risk. “Well...and..um.. to be honest, if you don't work here. I could, well I could you know. I could ask you out. I mean if you want me to...” It seemed like the words came out in a jumble. Really smooth, Alex, he thought to himself as he held his breath.

         Kiera’s full lips formed in an “O” of surprise before falling into a subdued grin. She set the forms down on the counter.

         “Oh, so it's like that? I didn’t think you were really into anyone here at the store.” She seemed to muse on that thought a moment. “Honestly, I’d love to go out sometime. It’d be nice to see you in something other than work clothes. I mean, you own jeans right?” She joked, her eyes twinkling.

         Alex chuckled in relief. “Umm. Yes, I own jeans and normal shirts that don't advertise a sex shop. Being management just means that I have to wear a proper uniform and I can’t hit on the pretty girls. So, speaking of pretty girls, would coffee when I get off work be too much to ask? This next week is gonna be a bit busy for me.”

         He found himself holding his breath and fiddling with the cable again. Kiera leaned forward a bit to still his hand. “I have a better idea,” she whispered and yanked the cable hard. It disconnected and she held it up. He was confused a moment until it occurred to him exactly what she had just done.

         “No cameras. Sex shop full of toys we get to take home or trash…” She grinned mischievously as she waited for his reaction before continuing.

         “I know that we are all immune to this stuff when we are in work mode. But you have to admit that you’ve thought of it at least once. I think it's only fair that I playtest a few items before I take them home, and I want you to help me do that. I could feel you staring at my ass and flat out caught you looking down my shirt. Why not make some of those fantasies real?” She stared him down a moment, suddenly bold and sassy. “Besides, you know you want to. I am a real life, willing woman who loves sex practically begging for it. What more could you want?”

          Alex blushed. He had spent some time fantasizing about bending Kiera across his desk, among other things. It was a bit surreal to have her offer him that fantasy though. Still he stammered. “Kiera, I am on the clock.” It was a feeble protest.

         She laughed. “Umm. No, you aren’t. You manually clocked out for closing time since you are salaried and it doesn't matter how many hours you work. I watched you do it as I walked in. Plus, I made sure I was sitting in a blind spot before I unplugged this.” She waggled the cable at him again.

         Alex groaned, closing his eyes and biting his lip. God he wanted so much to agree to it. He took a deep breath, thinking it over, and opened his eyes. Kiera had leaned back against the counter, weight on her elbows. She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Say yes?” she half pleaded as she slowly parted her knees and arched to put her tits on full display. She was teasing him and begging him all at once.

         The action revealed the milky insides of her thighs and exposed another tattoo almost on the edge of her gray panties. A black ink twenty-sided dice set to the twenty, an automatic success indeed. He could see the gray material darkening as she grew wet. This invitation was one Alex simply could not ignore. He gave in, consequences be damned.

         Alex stepped forward, pushing her knees further apart as he stepped between them. “Yes,” he said firmly before tangling his fingers into her purple hair and pulling her into a kiss. He pulled her body towards his, an arm wrapped around her waist and fist full of her hair. She was warm and pliant in his embrace, eager but patient. He felt her nipples harden against his chest as he bit her bottom lip. Admittedly, it wasn't just her nipples, his cock was rock hard, straining against his pants and pressed against the edge of the counter. He scooted her a bit closer, leaving her ass half off of the counter, to nestle his hardness against her quickly dampening crotch. Kiera gasped at the intrusion, but edged herself closer as her skirt rode up further. She wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck, pulling his lips to hers.

         The kiss ended as they both panted, each trying to catch their breath. Alex relaxed his hold on her hair and stroked her neck. Her skin was delightfully soft, and she arched a bit throwing her head back as she savored the sensation. He glanced around a bit nervously before lowering his lips to her jaw. He left a trail of hot kisses along her jawline and down her neck, pushing her back little by little until he could bury his face into her delectable cleavage. She moaned at the arousing tickling sensation. She let her arms drop, but caught his free hand in her own, guiding it to her breast. He cupped the firm flesh spilling out of his rough hand, letting his thumb flick over her hardened nipple as he moved his hot mouth to the other. Kiera shivered and then jumped as he suckled her through the thin tank. Alex gently worked his fingers and mouth to tease her pendulous aching breasts, and he felt her hips shift as she struggled to rub her soaked crotch against the bulge in his pants. Alex drew his head back from her chest, planting his hands on the counter and bracing his weight above her aroused form.

         “Kiera, are you sure this is what you want?” he asked. There was only one answer he desired but had to ask anyways. It was rather clear that if this went further then there would be no stopping. Not that he wanted it to stop, not at all.


         She took a breath and blew her hair out of her face again before she looked up at him. “Alex, I want every last bit of it. I am game for pretty much anything as long as proper precautions are taken. And besides, it's not like I don't already know your style, nor you mine.” She quirked her eyebrow at him as she finished her statement.

         Alex realized he was holding his breath and exhaled. “Anything, Kiera? If you know my style, then you know I like to be in control.” It was unabashedly true, despite his nerves around girls. It was different when he knew where he stood with a woman.

         Keira rolled her eyes. It belied his normal demeanor to see him like this but the thought of it made her clit throb. She grinned at the knowledge that she made him nervous.“Uh-huh.” Her thighs tightened around his waist. “ So, what’s next, then? Gonna make me your slave?”

         “Maybe,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth back to hers. He gently kissed her soft lips, nibbling and teasing, while he stroked her face. He let his hand meander down her neck, tickling as it went to the top of her shirt. He slid his calloused fingers underneath the thin fabric and rolled her erect nipple between thumb and forefinger. Once again Kiera arched into him and moaned into his mouth. He took the opportunity to slip his hot tongue between her lips, deepening the kiss. He removed his hand from her shirt, kneaded her aroused breast, and then stroked his fingers down her side. She giggled slightly and then gasped when his warm hand met the smooth flesh of her thigh. He dragged his fingers from the hem of her skirt to the top of her thigh hi socks, before pushing her knees further apart. Kiera willingly spread her legs for him, adjusting herself accordingly. He groaned his approval at her willingness. She caught his tongue between her teeth, sucking gently as Alex explored the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

         He settled the palm of his hand over her wet crotch and ground his hand against her wanting pussy. The heat of it excited him. Another low moan escaped her lips as she freed his tongue. Her enjoyment of the moment encouraged Alex, and he deftly parted her wet lips through the fabric. The material was soaked through, somewhat soft, but also a touch rough. He pressed his thumb to her clit and rubbed the fabric in a gentle circle over her sensitive nub. She broke the kiss, panting for air and softly begging, “More Alex, please more.”

         He smiled down at his willing partner. Her eyes glazed over with heavy arousal and her lips deeply flushed from their extended kiss. He slipped his fingers beneath her panties. His index finger resumed a circling pattern over her clit, exchanging the nap of the fabric for the feeling of his rough fingers. He held her pussy lips open, teasing her. He could feel her pulse race through her cunt and savored the hot wetness as she wept her arousal for him. She panted and moved against his fingers. Her breasts pressed against his chest as she twisted and arched her way closer to him. He could tell her orgasm was building, the thought of it was more exciting than anything he could have recalled in months. He shifted, relieving some of the pressure his fly was putting on his hard cock.

         “More Kiera?” he asked softly. She nodded frantically, so close to the edge of oblivion. At her insistence he abruptly slid two thick fingers into her wet hole. A strangled scream tore from her throat and he scraped his nails softly across her g-spot as he aggressively stroked the sensitive walls of her snug pussy. He felt her contract around him, fast and hard as her orgasms rocked her. A surge of wetness coated his fingers with hot, sticky satisfaction. Alex closed his eyes, imaging that sensation around his throbbing cock. He desperately wanted to bury himself in her, but kept his wits about him.

         She dug her fingers into his shoulders, clinging to him as she convulsed under him. Alex continued his targeted stimulation as she orgasmed once more. She panted heavily, riding the high and yet trying to come down. He slowly slid his fingers from her and eased them back in, mimicking the act of sex. He withdrew a moment and then continued his gentle fucking with a single finger. Kiera began her descent from the heights of Nirvana, gasping for air and sighing in bliss.

         Alex stared down at her sated form for a moment. “Yes, actually. I think I like the idea of you as my slave.” He couldn't wait to make her cum again and again. He wanted to fuck her hard and fast, but also wanted the night to last. “Why don't we start by putting a collar on my new slave? I want the one with the nipple clamps.” He pinched her nipples as he slid from between her legs, allowing her space to jump down when she could catch her breath. “Lose the top and skirt on your way over there,” he commanded as she shakily slid to her feet. He gave her a bemused look and pointedly stared at her heaving breasts.

         She shambled toward the admittedly small selection of BDSM gear. Her wetness gleaming on the inside of her thighs. Alex was a little amazed she could walk so quickly after an orgasm of that intensity.

         “Yes, sir,” Kiera whispered breathlessly at him. She pulled the damp, wrinkled top over her head as she ambled toward the display. It mussed her purple locks a bit further and offered him a better look at her shoulder tattoo. He chuckled in recognition. It was the controller button pattern for “Serenade of Water” from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. He should have guessed.

         This momentary reverie was broken when she turned around to face him. She held the packaged collar between her teeth as she slid her thumbs into the waistband of her rumbled skirt. Without any effort, she pushed the light fabric to the floor, her perky tits bouncing with the motion that revealed her old-school Nintendo controller panties. He admired the view of her naked torso, themed cheekies, thigh high socks, and scuffed combat boots. Kiera certainly didn’t look like a slave. She looked like a wet dream come true. Alex liked the slave/master act, but it wasn't entirely his style. He just wanted her naked and under his control. His cock added a bit more length at the flashbulb image his imagination conjured for him. Her head cocked to the side as she gazed at him, it was like she could read his thoughts.

         Alex watched Kiera sink to her knees and confidently crawl towards him, package still clamped between her straight teeth. She moved deliberately, allowing her generous bosom to jiggle, until she knelt at his feet. The view was incredibly erotic and he rather wished he could have seen it from behind and perhaps sans panties. He could just imagine the pout of her swollen pussy lips as she crawled.

         She had settled her weight back on her heels and spread her legs for him. A sweeping glance up his body lingered at his bulging crotch before her eyes locked with his, they were unwavering and somehow defiant, as she offered up her package. “Master, I have brought you the collar you desired.” She played at being his slave, but it was beyond her. There was no fear of punishment indicated in her demeanor, only the anticipation of more pleasure. This was simply sexual role playing to her.

         He watched her bemusedly, before giving into a giggle as he took the package from her. “Kiera, you make a horrible slave. You are far too sure of yourself, too expectant,” he half-lectured, taking the package from her hands and opening it. “But, you are still going to wear this and you are still going to do what I say. Although, I think Alex works better than Master. Name your limits.”

         She frowned slightly, still kneeling in her scant attire. “Beyond me?” She sighed and agreed. “ Well maybe it is. I can’t say I am very good at the whole submissive slave thing. Do you at least like the view?” She asked as she pushed her breasts forward.

         Alex nearly choked on his next breath. “Fuck yeah I like the view. Perky tits, wet panties, sexy socks, and most of all… a willing woman at face level with my cock. Now why don't you tell me limits so I can actually put this very hard and eager cock between your pretty lips?” It was as if the words could not escape him fast enough. They gave life to his current fascination. He made himself focus on freeing the collar from its package.

         Kiera appeared thoughtful for a moment. “Limits? Limits. I don’t do anything with bodily waste nor do I like being choked. Pain with pleasure is okay, I prefer not to have blood drawn either by whip, blade, or teeth. Some scratches cannot be avoided. I don't care for torture sex but most other things are okay. Simply ask. You know for the whole safe, sane, consensual, and legal things.” Her monologue was frank and matter of fact. It almost had a practiced air to it. She remained on her knees as she waited for his reply.

         Alex nodded. “Same here gorgeous. I think we can do that. Now that that's out of the way…” he trailed off as he began to fasten the collar around her neck. She held her hair to the side for him. “Tits out.” He commanded as pinched her nipples before he clipped the clamps to them. The harsh pressure of the clamps caused Kiera to gasp and Alex gentle fiddled with them to ease it for her. They were tight enough to hold her fantastic breasts at attention and any arching are her part would pull them back. He savored the view and gave each of her breasts a light slap. “Very nice Kiera. I like this much better than your work uniform,” he teased.

         She glanced down at her newly adored chest and wiggled a bit, getting a feel for the hardware. He grinned down at her and cupped her chin in one hand as he began to unbutton his pants with the other. It had been nearly torment to wait this long, and a steady ache had settled into his groin. A moment later he revealed his hard cock . She gazed at him, taking in the fair length and generous girth. She ran a finger along the underside, base to head.

         “Mmmm. Very nice Alex. You feel like satin over steel. All the girls must love you.” She remarked before leaning in to kiss the flushed head. Her tongue flicked out, lapping up the drop of precum that had appeared, before swirling around the tip. She kissed her way down the length of him before taking one ball then the other into her mouth. The gentle sucking encourage his cock to strain to even higher attention as Alex moaned his approval and buried one hand into her messy hair as the other pushed his pants lower. Kiera kissed and nibbled her way back to the head of his cock before abruptly swallowing him down. She managed the majority of his length in the first motion before she adjusted and took him to all the way to the base. He gasped and then moaned again as she hummed a note before sliding back and swallowing him down again. Alex leaned back on the counter slightly, took a handful of her hair in each hand, and took to fucking her willing, wet mouth. His initial movements were frantic but he found a pace quickly enough. Slow but deep thrusts into her throat as she fondled his balls. Her tongue darting along the bottom of his shaft while she swallowed him again and again. The occasional humming pushing the sensation from amazing to ecstasy. Kiera clearly what she was about. Alex found himself climbing to orgasm rather quickly. He moaned and panted as Kiera quickened the pace for him.

         “I’m close.” Alex grunted as he loosed his hold on her hair. He wanted to give Kiera time to pull away if she wanted to. He felt her smile around his cock before she tightened her lips and tossed a twisting motion into the pattern. “So fucking close, oh god.” he moaned loudly. Alex felt his balls tense and buried himself in her hot mouth as he shot his load of cum down her throat, a muted scream echoing in the store. She sputtered slightly before swallowing every drop of his hot jizz. A few seconds passed and she pulled away, licking the length of him. She gave the head another little kiss and looked up at her lover.


         “I do think you enjoyed yourself there,” she smirked at him. She rubbed her cheek against his erection. “But I believe you need a bit more than that. You’re still rock hard Alex.” She wasn’t wrong. His level of attention had relaxed some but not his aching hardness.

         “I see that.” Alex panted at Kiera. He relaxed his hold on her vibrant tresses and leaned heavily against the counter. “You are very very good at that. Have you ever considered teaching classes?” He managed to sputter the words as he came down from the heights of orgasm.

Kiera chuckled and shook her head. “I give free pointers to anyone who asks,” she responded with a shrug. “ So...what’s next, Master Alex?” Her eyes gleamed mischievously as she overemphasized the word Master.

         “Ummm….well… what other items were you wanting for your box? I have a couple ideas but if you wanted playtesting then some specific direction would help.” He replied, tugging his clothing back in place.

         Kiera’s eyes darted around the store. “A butt plug and new dildo for sure. I had debated some light restraints but those managed to sell out. What sort of things were you wanting for yourself? We could try out some of those, if you wanted to…” her words trailed off.

         Alex mulled that over a moment. “Did you know exactly which dildo or butt plug you were wanting?” His mind whirled just thinking of the possibilities. He had this ridiculously impractical fantasy more suited to porn than reality, but maybe he’d luck out.

         She blushed. “No actually. I was thinking I needed to find a dildo a bit thicker than my current one, same for the butt plug.”

         A cheshire cat grin crept across Alex’s face. “Well then my dear, I know exactly what to do with you.”

         He tugged Kiera to her feet, pulled her close and kissed her deeply before tugging her toward the large bondage equipment in the center of the room. “Stay right here for me, you sexy minx.” He commanded as he flitted about the room collecting various toys. “This is your current dildo right?” he chimed as he held up a package before adding it to the heap of things he was carrying about.

         “Yes?” she uttered before he skipped on to do the same with a butt plug. It briefly passed through her mind that it was odd her boss would know that, but he was the person who had rang out her purchases. He didn’t give her long to think it over before he ceremoniously settled the pile of toys on a foam bench.

         “I think I know how to help you pick out some toys for you while helping me try some toys for me. Bend over the head of that Liberator Lounge chaise for me, legs shoulder width apart.” Alex instructed as he fished a blindfold and spreader bar from the pile of toys. “Oh, you might want to lose the panties and the boots,” he added as an afterthought.

         Kiera smiled coyly. She was intrigued, but decided not to ask. She slipped her brightly lacquered fingertips into the sides of her panties, edging them down to flash a little hip before pushing them slowly and seductively to the floor, revealing her neatly shaved pussy to Alex’s lust filled gaze. She put a hand on the chaise to steady herself as she pulled the wet gray fabric over her boots, then held up the panties triumphantly. They fell to the floor and she did a half turn, showing off her toned ass. Kiera peeked over her shoulder to make sure Alex was still paying attention. It appeared as if she had mesmerized him, so she leisurely folded at the waist, planting her feet a bit apart as she untied one boot and then the other. She could feel Alex’s eyes watching her, it was more arousing than she had imagined. She felt her pussy throb as it gushed wantonly. Cool air tickled her swollen exposed flesh and she shivered slightly as she straightened up. She slipped her feet from the boots and quickly pushed them to the side before turning in a neat pirouette to lean over the lounger as he had instructed.

         Alex stood frozen in place as he watched Kiera’s little show. God, she was gorgeous. Her skin was smooth and fairly glowing from her arousal. Most of all he loved how her pink pussy lips peeked out as she untied her boots. They almost glistened she was so wet. He took a breath and stepped forward.

         “So, you were interested in restraints and I have always been curious about the spreader bar. I figured we could give that a try.” He stated as he nudged her legs a little further apart with his knee. “Shoulder width. These latch around your ankles, so make sure you have some balance.” Alex warned as he knelt to buckle the leather cuffs around Kiera’s cotton clad ankles, forcing them apart and in place. He glanced up between her legs to check that she was steady, before deciding to treat himself.

Alex leaned forward slightly, letting his warm moist breath tickle Kiera’s exposed pussy. She squirmed a bit before arching her hips, allowing him more access; inviting him closer. He took the invitation with a rushed urgent motion. His hand gripped her ass, spreading her further, as he slashed his tongue roughly along the length of her slit. He buried his hot tongue deep into her cunt, spearing her again and again. Kiera sank her head into her folded arms, moaning and rocking into his oral assault. Alex pushed her forward, pinning her hips between the lounger and his face, forcing his tongue as deeply into her as he could. She thrashed futilely, seeking the orgasm he was holding just out of her reach. He eased his frantic motions to leisurely lap from her swollen clit to her tight asshole; teasing her. A strangled yelp escaped his captive as he nipped her puffy labia and allowed the momentary pain bring her away from the edge of orgasm. He spared a moment to gently kiss the tattooed die on her inner thigh before pulling away from his panting companion.

         “I think you get the gist of the bar now.” Alex muttered as he wiped the wetness from his face. “Now we are going to play a game. Alright Goldilocks?” The question came out half jest and half threat.


         Kiera peeked under her arms to see Alex pull a bottle of lube from the items he had collected, before he opened a couple of the packages. He strolled back behind her, taking a moment to admire the view. The lube bottle rolled back and forth in his hands, warming it, before he drizzled a generous quantity over her asshole and into her pussy. Kiera hummed in appreciation as Alex’s rough fingers smeared the slick liquid into every crease of her wanting pussy, pushing her back toward orgasm, before gently massaging it into her ass. A low moan escaped her throat as he pressed a single finger knuckle deep into the puckered opening.

         “Well Gorgeous, I get the distinct impression you really enjoy anal. We can start with finding you just the right plug to fill and stretch your tight little ass.” Alex declared as he worked his finger in and out. He held her still, hand on one hip, as he used the other to gently fuck her ass with his long fingers. One finger, then two, pressing deeper and twisting as he set a pace similar to the one his tongue had used to torment her aching pussy.

         Kiera winced slightly from the cool as he drizzled more lube over her puckering hole. She panted and pressed back against his probing fingers. “More, please Alex, I need more.” She begged with aroused abandon. “More.”

         Alex smiled to himself. He reached over with his free hand to select her current butt plug. A quick twist and dip with his embedded fingers forced a low moan from Kiera before replaced his digits with her butt plug. Her breath caught as he eased the bulbous toy in and out, then settled it deep in her ass. It fit neatly, without any resistance. Alex took a moment to admire the view as he tidied up with a paper towel.

         Kiera whimpered in her acute need. “Please Alex. I really want to come. I need something more than this. Touch me, lick me, FUCK ME!” She half begged and half demanded, her back arched as she pushed her ass toward him: inviting him, begging him.

         Alex clicked his tongue at her. “I couldn’t fuck you now Kiera. Inviting though your pink pussy and tight ass are. It would be impossible to find a toy to compare to the things I plan on doing to you. Play test first.” He monologue as he eased the first plug out of her ass. More cool lube, and the gentle stretching pressure of a larger blue butt plug. This one fit as neatly as the last one; sliding in her wanting ass and settling deeply with no resistance. He eased it in and out a time of two.

         “So my unwitting Goldilocks, is this one too small, too large, or does it fit just right?” He taunted Kiera as he slowly fucked her ass with the toy.

         Kiera groaned. “Too small. Please, I need more Alex. I want to cum. Please, please, please….” her litany faded into another low moan.

         Alex slid the blue plug out, added a bit more lube, and began to ease a pink glass one into place. The toy went in with only a little resistance, Kiera panting the entire time, fitting as neatly as the other two had. Alex fucked her ass with the toy a moment, pushing his beautiful playmate to a higher high. “So Goldilocks, how about this one…” he began to ask still teasing her.

         “I.. I… I don’t know. Too much, not enough.” She managed to stutter as she arched into the motion. “P-please. I need...I need… Please.”

         “I don’t think this one is quite right.” Alex stated before sliding the short pink glass plug from her. He promptly replaced it with a black rose plug. The glass was cool and slick with more lube; it slid in deeply without resistance. Kiera let out a strangled scream as she convulsed in orgasm.

         Alex smirked. “Just right this time?”

         “Uh-huh.” Kiera half moaned, leaning heavily against the lounger. She was slick with sweat and her hair was a mess from her thrashing.

         “Good. Next up, finding you just the right dildo.” Alex announced, promptly sliding her current model into her swollen, wet pussy. Kiera convulsed in another orgasm, gripping the edge of the lounger in front of her. “ I will give you a moment to… compose.. yourself.” He taunted before stepping away from her flushed body.

         Kiera leaned down heavily. Her head was spinning; she couldn’t tell up from down. Her body ached from the standing while her ass throbbed warmly and her pussy gushed stickily around the dildo. She felt weak in the knees but the spreader bar prevented her from closing her stance. She focused on the pleasant sensation radiating from her wanton center. Her breathing started to slow and up differentiated itself from down.

         Alex leaned against a display, letting her find her way back from the edge of ecstasy while watching her legs shake. He eyed the pile of toys they had set to the side before picking up a rigid realistic dildo, about a half inch larger than the one jutting from Kiera’s pussy. He noted her breathing evening before stepping forward, settling his feet on the insides of hers as he offered her a little more stability. His fingers stroked up her back, forcing into an arch as the residual feelings of pleasure sizzled along her nerve endings. His hard cock pressed against her ass, eliciting a low moan.

         “That was rather beautiful Kiera. I think we should do it again,” he whispered as his fingers tangled into her long messy hair. A handful of vividly colored hair in his fist, he pulled her head back. She gasped as the nipple clamps yanked on her increasingly tender flesh. Her hips shoved back against his as she scrambled to support herself with her shaky arms. Alex shifted to press his knee between her naked thighs, pushing the rigid dildo deeper into her. Her whole body shook with the pleasure of it. Alex smiled. His grasp on her long tresses eased then his fingers trailed down her lithe form, ending in a sharp slap to her sweet ass as he stepped away. A red handprint vividly colored her fair skin.

         Alex reached between Kiera’s sweat slicked thighs to grip the embedded dildo; he gave it a quarter twist before sliding it free of its sheath. Another gasp escaped his playmate. He set the used toy aside and returned to softly stroke her swollen clit. Slow, lazy circles with the rough pad of his finger tip. Teasing her and preparing her for the next round. She began to move against his hand as her pussy flushed warm stickiness across his hand.

         “Feeling good?” He whispered against her silky skin before placing a gentle kiss on her lower back. She sighed deeply while struggling to spread her legs a bit wider for him. “I take that as a yes.” He whispered again before lightly sinking his teeth the place he had just kissed.

         Alex eased away from her hot flesh and pressed the head of the dildo to her tender clit; more slow teasing circles as he smeared the shaft with her wetness. She shifted again and again, trying to gain greater contact as he reveled in her desperation. The head dragged against her flesh and pressed into her pussy. Alex took his time, letting each inch take an endless moment to sink into her eager body. He savored her frustration, watching in build as she sought satisfaction. She begged for more, and he would take an inch away to give half an inch back.

         “I don’t think this one is just right Goldie.” Alex remarked after a few moments. “I think perhaps you need girth as well as length.”

         He pressed the dildo deep, filling her as he choose the next toy; another realistic shape but thicker and a bit more pliant than the last. He poured a small amount of lube onto the new toy, ever mindful of his playmate’s comfort. The longer toy slipped from her easily as a sad, anguished moan escaped her lips. Alex smiled, the twisted the glass plug buried in her ass, and pressed the lubed tip of the dildo hard against her clit. He dragged the textured toy back from her clit until it nudged the rose base of her butt plug, forcing her to jump from the intensity, before easing into her wet pussy. A deep moan erupted from Kiera and he rotated the toy in a circle, gently stretching her opening before pressing the thick shaft completely into her body. Kiera arched and winced again. Alex grinned and set to fucking her with the toy, building up pace until she was panting, moaning, screaming her pleasure.

         “Oh god. Alex…. I.. so close. Please…” Her words tumbled out in a frenzied mess.

         “Please? Please what Kiera?” Alex demanded with a touch of sadism, slowing his motions to an infuriating pace.

         “P-please… p-please let me… let.. let me cum.” Kiera managed to beg him.

         “Well, I just don’t know that this one is just right.” He quipped. “What if I can find something you like better?” He pressed his hard cock against her ass.

         “I-I don’t care. P-p-please. I… I..I just want to… to cum. So close!” She whimpered in aroused agony. “Fuck me? Fuck me.”

         Alex grinned. “As the lady wishes.” He groaned, setting aside the thicker toy before pulling a foil packet from his pocket. He slid his pants down his hips and stripped his shirt off, throwing it out of the way.

         Alex smoothed the latex sheath down his shaft and positioned himself between Kiera’s restrained legs. “Hold onto the lounger.” He commanded as he pressed the head of his rock hard cock to her pussy.

         Kiera glanced over her shoulder, tossing her hair out of her face. She gripped the foam edges of the lounger while steadying herself for the pounding she so desperately sought. She could feel the heat of him against her aching labia. She panted and pushed back against him, begging in the most basic way for what she so desperately desired of her playmate.

         Alex obliged the wanton woman before him. He grasped her hips, careful not to bruise the fair skin, before driving his cock into her pussy. A satisfied gasp escaped them both. He set a fast, hard pace, pushing her over the edge into oblivion while he sought his own orgasm. His fingernails scored the soft flesh of her back with angry red lines, a sharp contrast to her beautiful tattoos. He filled his fist again with her purple locks, pulling her head back and forcing himself deeper. Kiera moaned in masochistic ecstasy, thrashing underneath him as the nipple clamps dislodged to dangle from her collar. Her knuckles were white where she clung to the lounger as he had ordered, another intense orgasm ripping through her supple form. His grip on her hair eased as he neared his own orgasm, choosing instead to grasp her hips, thrusting harder yet. She screamed incoherently, a gibberish language of pleasure in her continued orgasm; the convulsing of which pushed Alex to the edge. He groaned and came hard inside the pulsing warmth of her momentarily sated body.

         Kiera collapsed underneath him, sinking to her knees with the spreader bar behind her as she slumped over the lounger. She folded her head into her arms, gasping for air and convulsing from the intensity of her multiple orgasms. The purple strands of her hair tangled down her naked back, still red with his scratch marks, and the black rose base of her new butt plug visible between her spread legs.

Alex caught his own weight with his hands on either side on the lounger next to her own. He panted, enjoying the feel of her skin where it touched his own. He closed his eyes, savoring every sensation as he caught his breath and tried not to trip over his own pants.


         Alex reached down to unbuckle Kiera’s ankles. He set the bar aside and eased the well used plug from her ass, before allowing his playmate a moment to stretch. Meanwhile, he redressed and went to the office. Upon his return, Alex leaned down, picking the spent woman from the floor, before he reclined onto the lounger with her in his lap. Kiera cuddled into Alex’s arms allowing him to wrap her in his spare jacket.

         “That was awesome.” She whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

         Alex smiled down at her. “Anytime. Although, maybe a date first or at least a bed.” He replied as she nodded off against his chest. He eyed the pile of toys they had selected. “Next time, the riding crop and wartenburg pinwheel,” he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes.

© Copyright 2018 DMGreisl (dmgreisl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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