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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Paranormal · #2169120
Do you have what it takes to solve the world's greatest mysteries?

Do you have what it takes to solve the world's greatest mysteries?

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Welcome to a world of great mystery and paranormal activity, where danger could lurk in any corner and thrills at every turn. Jump in as a mystery solver, either going in solo or as part of a team, to solve the mysteries and crack the cases that plague the world. The cases can range from just petty crooks in costumes to aliens planning to invade earth, it all depends on the choices you make.

This story will focus more on mysteries you find in cartoon shows (Scooby Doo, Archie's Weird Mysteries, etc.) There will also be five categories of mysteries to choose from, that will determine the cases your character/s will receive. Play out the mystery and solve the case before moving on to the next one, evil never sleeps and neither will our characters.

Now for the rules! They're pretty much the same as my other interactives but read them anyway to refresh yourself.

This is a 13+ story: I'm sure you can read up on the specifics of what that means but essentially make it appropriate for young teens and older to be reading.

The categories will define the type of mystery you'll find there but this isn't law, if you really like a character or set of characters in the Hoax category there's nothing stopping you from giving them a case with a real monster, as long as it only happens a few times (Afterall, sometimes in Scooby Doo the monsters are real)

Nice long chapters: No one likes one-liners, they waste chapters, there's no point asking people if they want the character to be called Fred or Mike, just pick the name you like and if someone doesn't like the name, they can always make a different storyline with their own characters.

Allow multiple characters: When starting a story, make sure to leave an option for someone to create a different character, not everyone wants to play the same character as you do, and hey, with more characters being made you could even have them appear in another character's story as friends or something.

Go Wild! As long as you stick to the 13+ get a crazy as you want with the stories, these are your stories and you can shape them in any way you want. You want your character to have a 50-foot one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people-eater as a pet? then go right ahead (Though maybe teach it to eat pork instead) I'm not going to delete chapters for being too crazy, as long as the other rules are followed you have free reign.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2169120-Mystery-Central