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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2170664
This one takes an incestual turn. More smut scenes and detail from here own out too.
Samantha wound up back home after that strange, strange day of school. She was back in her own body too, safe in the confines of her fortress of solitude. As for what she did with Cindy's body, she went about the rest of the day as her, doing her best to not ruin Cindy's reputation and everything she had worked so hard for. Samantha would definitely rough up Cindy and the school with her newfound powers but not now, she needed to figure out how she had these, why she had these and if anyone else in her family possessed the same abilities or at least something similar to her's. "Alright, Sammy! You can possess people! How and why!" She said to herself, pacing around her room upstairs with her hands clapped together, skipping some thoughts and stumbling due to her deep thought process. "Does this have anything to due with why I have naturally purple hair and eyes...? Probably! Well, most likely not! Wait, what if I ask my mother...? MOOOOOOooo...om..." Samantha started off shouting for her mother but then she realized, would it really be such a good idea to expose herself to her mother? Expose herself to anyone, for that matter? She spent a few minutes, awkwardly standing about, reaching back and forth for the doorknob, slapping her hand to stop herself.

After enough of that, Samantha decided she wouldn't tell her mother. The tiny girl pranced about her room only for a little while longer, until she heard her mother's calming, loving tone call out to her, "Sam, honey! Dinner is ready!~ Come downstairs and have a bite! Don't forget to change your clothes too!" Samantha froze, turning towards her walk-in closet like a rusted machine, a sweat drop falling down the side of her head. "A-A-A...Yes, mother!" She rushed into her closet and stripped herself of all clothing, rummaging through the heaps and clumps of clothing she had in her closet. Why isn't this all organized?! Did one of her siblings go through her stuff again?! She'd definitely need to make them pay for this but for now, she grabbed a black sweater and her small yellow pajama shorts to wear. Slipping into those with much ease because of her size, she smiled and thanked god for moments like these, a nice, warm and comfy sweater to cover almost too much of her body, her pajama shorts barely visible. She kept on the same thigh high socks, deciding it'd be a pain to take them off and find another pain when she already looked good.

On her way downstairs out of her room, in the reflection of the railway she held onto, she saw a tiny, purple demon. An imp, basically. Blinking a few times and shaking her head, Samantha was shook with what she just imagined or hallucinated. On the rail was now her reflection anyway, so I guess it didn't matter. Yawning as she stepped into the kitchen, her nostrils were met the breathtaking fragrance of a yummy dinner, roast beef with half baked potato and some peas on the platter that was her's. "What would you like to drink...?~" Samantha's mother, Amelia, asked her shining student of a daughter. Amelia was a sight for sore eyes, carrying a massive pair of E-cup breasts, wide hips and a huge rump contained by a single pair of panties at the moment. Though with every step, her panties would be swallowed up by the cheeks of her rear and turned into a thong, not even by choice. Amelia's hair went down to her back, a nightshade-ish dark blue color, her eyes the same color as well. "Uhm...Just some water. I'll get it myself, just pass me the cup." Amelia bat her eyelashes at her daughter, tossing back a cup from the sink to Samantha, the tiny girl catching it with much haste. "Hello there!~" The purple imp from before had made itself known again but this time, in the reflection of the cup.
Samantha had shouted so loud, her mother turned on the hot water of the sink faucet off and turned around to check on her daughter in alarm. She was wide-eyed looking at this glass, the imp looking back at her with a cute smile on its face and dancing around the surface, through the various reflections of the glass. "Samantha, honey, are you alright?!" Her breath was gone, she was so fearful at what was happening in front of her. "Mom! Look!" She turned the glass to her mother and Amelia looked at it hesitantly for a few moments in silence, inspecting the glass until she concluded. There was nothing wrong with it. "...That's a normal glass, hun." "No, it's not! Do you not see the-" Her words were stolen from her. Samantha's eyes shout to the glass and she found that the imp held its fist in a tight, clenched form. She couldn't talk anymore! The imp shook its head left and right, shushing her then opening it's fist. "Listen. You're not going to like me at first, but rest assured! I'm here to explain somethings and help you give into the devious desires that will follow with what has been bestowed upon you~ I'm Robin, the imp!"

Nope. That's all Samantha thought when she first heard this imp and it's decided goal. Nope. She was not having it. She wouldn't even talk back to it. She's just going to ignore it and hope that it goes away. "I know you're curious about how and why you have these powers, Sammy...I can tell you! You just have to talk to me and acknowledge my existence!" Samantha went over to the fridge with the glass in hand, opening it then pouring herself some sweet, delicious and icy cold coconut milk. Putting that glass down firmly on the table, she took her seat and observed the many empty plates at the table. Seems her siblings had already eaten and went back to their business, be it going outside, video games, or just texting friends. Starting to eat dinner in silence and ignoring the imp. "You know...There's one thing us imps are really known for...Compelling souls like yours into doing things they shouldn't like I said...~ Just take a moment and hear what I have to say, okay?" Samantha zoned it out, but Robin was loud and clear in her thoughts. Compel her? To do what? Without noticing it, Robin had come out of the glass and was standing right next to her in the form of a succubus that was completely identical to Samantha.

"Like yeah, right now you're eating food but there's something much more tasty in the room that isn't on your plate...Look up for me~" Robin grabbed Samantha's head, picking it up to stop her from focusing so much on eating and ignoring her, rubbing her head to soothe her mind. Food that isn't on her plate, what is this freaking thing talking about? The only thing in her line of sight from looking up from her plate was her mother's nice, fat and plump butt, in those revealing panties that weren't working well to cover her butt. In all honesty, she had to admit that it did look rather scrumptious and pleasing to her eyes, the nerdy girl taking her glasses off to stare at it with her naked eyes. Her vision was clear, 20/20 once more. While staring at her mother's rump, her eyes had started to glow, a sadistic smile spread across her face. "...Wait, hold on a second, what are you getting at?!" Samantha shook her head, putting her glasses back on and wiping the rampant drool from her lips, angry at the imp's actual ability to get at her. All Robin did now was take hold of her head again, panning it back to Amelia's massive mounds of flesh, Amelia blissfully unaware to her daughter checking her out. "Look. You know what I'm getting at. Just come here, let me show you...~" Robin took Samantha's glasses from her face, grabbing her by the hand and taking her out of her seat.
Samantha was allowing herself to be pulled along by the imp, Robin deviously smiling and giggling underneath breath while she guided the blinded girl to her mother, making sure to be as gentle as possible. With every step taken, the scenery around Samantha had changed, the entire house demolishing itself and being replaced with a holy field of pink, white, and yellow flowers with a bright hue to simulate a 'high' effect. Soon, a goofy smile fell onto Samantha's face and she was being led by a rope by Robin, Robin jumping in joy for her successful compelling. Positioned right behind Amelia who was doing the dishes thoroughly, Robin helped Samantha down into a crouched state and on her knees, Samantha face to face with that derriere that hypnotized her. "Smell her...~" Samantha took a few whiffs, gathering her mother's sweet, sultry strawberry and banana scent into her noises, cooing from the unexpectedly good odor. Pleasing to her nose, Samantha continued to smell until Robin's next order, "Feel her...~" Amelia started to a sing a song, swaying her hips from side to side with a large smile on her face, enjoying the presence of at least one of her children around her. She closed her eyes and sung a high note, although interrupted by a sudden grab at her rear. Jumping in surprise, she stood on her toes and leaned forward against the counter, Samantha's fingers sinking into the flesh of her mother's gigantic moons. It was so nice, so squishy, warm and welcoming. "S-S-Samantha, honey?! What are you doing?!"

"Ignore her pleas, focus on feeling..." She felt and felt at the command of Robin's voice, despite her mother's protests and movements to try and stop her. Robin decided it was time for the final course, Samantha deep in the hazy illusion of the flower field and what she thought was hugging her mother. Robin's lips came dangerously close to Samantha's ear, whispering the final deadly command in a deep, feminine tone. "Become her...~" "Yes, Mistress..." Samantha said, grabbing the cheeks of Amelia's rear with much more force than before, pulling them apart to reveal that tight, puckered hole, clenching. Amelia looked back and down at Samantha, whose head was starting to near her hole, clenching all of her muscles to keep it closed. Her futile effort to stop her daughter was thwarted when the top of Samantha's head pressed against her hole, Amelia's face suddenly contorting and shifting in pleasure yet extreme discomfort at the feeling of a massive shove, Samantha's head sunken into her butt. Shoving herself and joining the assisting contracting, the girl found herself being taken in much faster than when she struggled against Cindy, already stomach deep in her mother. Pressing off her socked clad feet in a hop like motion, her hips shot into Amelia's butt, Amelia letting out a sharp, loud moan at being penetrated so deeply and roughly. "She's got the rest from here, don't rush it...~" Robing added, watching the process with a thirsty look on her face, clapping her hands.

And so Samantha did, Amelia's flexing her muscles to accidentally and unwillingly slowly but surely slurp her own daughter's butt inside. Working over her sock covered thighs, legs and calves with much ease, her feet and wiggling toes slid inside, her panties fixing themselves with the assistance of the invisible imp, Robin. Robin was taken off guard by Samantha's raw ability and show of her abilities, the process of taking over Amelia's body was already underway. Amelia slumped against the counter, holding her head while gasping out with drawn breaths, Samantha steadily assuming control of her mother's body. The purple of Samantha's eye had begun to spill into Amelia's dark blue ones, the color corroding and replacing the old one. By the time the purple had successfully filled out the dark blue and Amelia possessed purple eyes, Samantha was now in control of her mother. Robin sat in awe, this was the first person she ever overshadowed that had done it so fast and gotten the hang of their abilities! Well, Samantha was compelled and mind controlled some but she still did it so fast! Samantha got up and blinked once, Amelia's natural dark blue color back, rubbing her mother's form and body. "...You honestly disgust me, Robin..." She said in her mother's soft, cute voice, Robin laughing at her. "Oh, come on! This is the start of a beautiful relationship between you and I, sweetie...~ Just embrace me, I'm not going anywhere soon. Oh yeah, uh...You know how to do that thing, right...?" Samantha scratched her cheek, annoyed but curious as to what Robin meant so she went through her own memories for the list of things she could do. Winging it, Samantha's face had merged out of Amelia's, her face now on her mother's body. "You mean this?" Robin took an actual step back in fear. Who was this girl and how was she already so used to using her gifts, Robin thought?! "Y-...yeah, that...Say, uh-" Interrupted, the soft tapping sounds of bare feet had come into the kitchen, Samantha's short, silver haired sister, Rose came into the kitchen with a bothered, tired expression. Bearing assets that didn't rival Amelia's, she was still impressive with a nice, hefty chest but smaller butt.

Robin looked at Rose then back to Samantha. "Yes, honey?~" Samantha said, her face merged back in so Amelia's was on display once more. "What was all that noise..." Rose kicked the ground, walking over to Samantha's plate of half eaten food and half drunk glass of milk to inspect, the girl yawning out to the ceiling with her arms stretched now. "It was nothing, I just slipped some...I spilled a ton of water onto the floor from washing the dishes as usual..." Samantha said apologetically in Amelia's voice, dragging her foot across the ground when Rose's eyes shot open and she wandered over to her. "Is that so? Ah, well. You must be feeling overworked then, mother...I'll finish up here, you go relax." Rose said, nudging Samantha aside to continue doing the dishes, careful of the actually soaked floor. "Thank you, honey!~" Samantha said, hugging her sister Rose, like she would never actually do, throwing the apron off of Amelia's tight, green tank top clad chest. Leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs into Amelia's bedroom, the first thing Samantha immediately did was close the door, lock it and toss herself onto the bed. She grabbed a pillow and held it tight to her head, moaning out softly to the sudden waves of heat her mother felt from Samantha entering. It wasn't very hidden due to the little covered by the panties Amelia decided to wear, but Samantha's tongue and fingers had phased out of her mother's body, just above her stolen nether region.

Spreading those pretty, pink wet lips with the majority of the fingers, the disembodied tongue attached just above would sink inside, submerging itself in the tasty, already wet fleshy insides of Amelia's womanhood. The other fingers at play would rub the clitoris and rapidly dive in and out, fingering her. Moaning and moaning through the pleasure she was applying to her body, Samantha bit her lip, even more turned on by the fact that it wasn't her own voice, it was someone else's! She could even taste the oddly, sweet insides with the tongue that belonged to her, sheathed in the scabbard of her mother's nether region. Robin would slowly fade into existence, lying next to Samantha with a cheeky grin on her face, the succubus taking her own form of an orange haired beauty.
"Alright...I think I have some explaining to do...~" She said, eyes locked with the baited breathing, in heat Samantha.

To Be Continued.

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