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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2171593
A thing I decided to write. I swear these get longer with every new piece uploaded.
"...Where in the..." Raven said as she lie up from the tiled rooftop, a hand to her head at the loud, throbbing and pulsating sensation of her head pounding in pain. She didn't know why it was hurting so much and how it started hurting but the last few hours have become a blur. Literally though, her vision like a terribly, dirty camera lens, only beginning to focus when the pain in her head started to subside. She was on top of what looked to be a building? "...No shit.", she told herself in retaliation to first, obvious dumb thought in her calming head. Before she would even more, she self assessed her body, everything on her person, the chemical, and biological happenings inside of her too. Her eyes caught wind of what she decided to wear this morning, a nice red tee shirt with a three claw mark design on it, possibly to symbolize what an animal she was at heart. The short sleeves were rolled back some, showing off a little more arm than usual but she couldn't remember why she did such. On her lower half were a pair of black capris, tight but that's how she usually wore her pants so nothing seemed off and on her feet were black ankle boots, her favorite pair with the skull on it. Just barely visible were her red socks too but that wasn't quite in sight for her poor vision that was rapidly gaining its normal state.

Inside of herself, the inner workings were in tip top shape. Raven's body functioned on thousands upon millions of processes happening at once, the slime and goo of her body working on self-cleaning, controlling her strength, preparing to change form and send itself out too. Thankful for this, she crossed her heart and closed her daggered eyes, smiling for God in gratitude. When she finally decided to stand up and walk over to the railing, she noticed below that there was...a school yard? She's on top of a school? The Hell? This definitely wasn't where she was last and this school is definitely unfamiliar to where she lived before. Taking the initiative and jumping the railing without a care, she thought it'd be a good idea to have a closer look below and see if she was looking from the front or back. Her timing was bad though. Her sense of smell coming back hard, she could smell sweat, body wash and shampoo, also the flesh of the many human beings! "Shit!" Raven thought to herself before she can tumbling to the ground and rolling until she faced the direction of the humans, taking up a battle stance. There before stood girls, harshly familiar girls. "What...What is this..." Awestruck by the people in her vision and vicinity, she widened her crimson eyes and stared at the startled girls who stared back.

Asuka, the lead shinobi of Hanzo academy, Katsuragi, the pervert of the school, Ikaruga, the representative of the school, Yagyu, the quiet one of the bunch and Hibari, the cutest one of their group. Huh. Eh? What? What was she doing here?! This was a video game and anime, how did she end up here?! Raven took a quick stand and stood on both of her feet with confidence, a single sweat drop falling down the side of her head in fear of her situation. The girls all took up battle stances too, Ikaruga the first to break the silence, "Who are you and where did you just come from?! Are you here to attack Hanzo academy?!" Raven didn't have a good answer to that question. Coming to on top of their school wasn't exactly an excuse to anything, so she did something else, in spite of the tense situation that could go wrong. She moved her hands and unballed her fists, slipping her hands gingerly into her pockets. "I don't know. I'm out of here." The shinobis suddenly felt a giant wave of intimidation spewing from Raven. Her casual stance, the dead look in her eyes and the lifeless, icy tone of voice coming from those lips all struck fear into them; so much so that Hibari actually fell back onto her butt. "Wh-What is this...trembling?" "How come we can't...move...?" Asuka and Yagyu would both say, the visible shaking of their entire bodies conveying the instilled fear in the girls almost too well. There was one thing Raven preyed on the most and it was fear. Showing any to her would make her jump like a carnivore to food. Just as she was about to act, the strong impact and force of something would collide with her face, the only thing she could make out was a fist in how fast it was.

Raven would fly off from where she was standing, blown off by whoever just hit her and sent her throw walls, tumbling through the forest while knocking down trees until she finally deployed some of her substance. A web of goo spun behind her and some trees, neutralizing the rest of her flight so she could catch onto it safely. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." The pain became known when she focused on it, her body massaging the nerves and revealing them of the tension to nullify the pain. "Who had the bal-" Just then, the clacking of wood to the ground was made known, someone walking with geta on, presumably. Raven made some more slime shoot from the sweat glands in her hands, covering the forest floor with it to give herself the advantage of tentacles and moving to the painted areas at will for dodging just in case. It's time to think while her opponent was taking their time. She's in Senran Kagura. There are lots of strong characters in this universe. Her attacker fights with their hands. That rules out a lot of people. Only two come to mind when specifically talking about hand to hand combat. One of those individuals though, Raven had countless fantasies of. All of which contained either dominating her, taking her body, mind controlling her or just sensual cuddling with her. Lulled in thought, she was thrown out of it when out of the bushes, stepped the character of her dreams when it came to pondering Senran Kagura.

It was her in the flesh. That cap with gold symbols on it, just about covering her forehead only. Her wild, black hair that resembled a super saiyan three from Dragon Ball Z. The beauty mark just below her left eye. Those pale red eyes. The wrappings on her marvelous, huge breasts and the coat with golden writing on it's back. Her fabled ragged pants and chiseled abs. The Daidouji, herself, was standing in front of the lounging Raven with a scowl on her face, looking as if she was about to kill her. "Who are you and what were you doing in my school yard, threatening the students?" Daidouji went on and on after this but Raven was drowning it out, everything Daidouji had to say was white noise. What was truly important to the gooth was the fact that her waifu, her favorite character was right in front of her, in her grasps, she could feel her, touch her, smell and take her, if she so desired. How was she supposed to react to this?! She couldn't comprehend it but she was so overjoyed and happy, she froze and gazed at Daidouji unintentionally. However, Daidouji was annoyed by this, knowing that the unfamiliar individual before her was uninterested in everything she was saying from the distant look in their eyes. "Are you even listening?!" She finished with, which was just enough break something in Raven's brain.

"...Yeah, yeah, yeah. I was listening the whole time...Not really though. You see, I know who you are but you don't know me. That makes this all the more better." Daidouji raised an eyebrow at this, Raven knows her? She never met Raven before in her life, how could she know of her without them having spoken to each other? This could be bad for Daidouji. Her opposer knows of her but she doesn't know anything about the foe before her, aside from the weird, icky black webbing and the goo dripping from the treetops, plus on the bedded grass. Her eyes widened at this glow in Raven's eyes, life coming to the crimson orbs as a wicked smile quickly spread across her face due to the uncontainable amounts of excitement bursting free from her person. "Oh, screw the introductions!~ I'm your number one fan and I need to have you!~" The gooth screwed as her pearly white fangs replaced her normal set of teeth, a beastial roar following the annoucement. Daidouji took a stance and jumped back; bad move on her part. Raven launched herself, commanding two of the sludge puddles to form a slick pathway to slide along for her, the goth quickly approaching her choice of host. Noticing the own flaw in her first move, she decided to correct it and stomp into the ground, launching toward Raven.

The pathways changed, the slick trail becoming adhesive for Raven to cling on as it twisted upside-down. Daidouji looked above herself with surprise at the sudden change of trajectory, how could Raven react to something so fast and still be without a true calm conscience?! The truth was, the half sentient capabilities of her substance had come into play and aided Raven to achieve her goal. Out of focus came stubbed, hardened trail of goo, slamming Daidouji in the side while Raven dropped, commanding all of her inner workings in the muscle department to strengthen her. Feeling the increase in power, speed, other categories necessary to beating Daidouji, Raven nodded at her new crazed resolve while she drove her fist clean into the side of Daidouji's head, sending the supposedly stronger girl flying as she did to Raven. Much more prepared to steele herself, Daidouji caught herself before she could gain too much distance and charged head on at a speed too fast for human eyes to register. Raven just barely managed to jump and perform a stylish flip over Daidouji's extended arm, the air current and sonic boom sent from Daidouji's fist was enough to blow down some more trees. Good thing, she dodged that.

"Toying with my prey is the best...~" Daidouji was becoming a little shaken. Raven was obviously not focused on having a real battle with her but more or less focused on something else that she couldn't put her finger on just yet. She was being handled by this mysterious warrior and that wasn't settling with her. But this is just what she needed. An opponent was strong, strong just like her or even stronger, so she wouldn't be able to hold back. Holding back would mean death, especially against what Raven sounded like she was planning for her. "Oi. What's your name?" Daidouji suddenly asked Raven, who was being placed gently on the grass by a strong tendril of sludge. "Raven. Raven Da...~" The thirsty gooth replied, breathing heavily enough at Daidouji with hearts in her eyes, the crazed look even creepier than before. "I see...Raven. I challenge you! With this next one, we're both going to give it all we've got! Whoever overpowers the other wins!" Daidouji actually said her name! Raven squealed and hopped around while the hidden patches of slime made themselves known, coming to her feet then surrounding Raven as a toxic puddle. "You said my name!!! YESSSSSSS!!! I'll do anything for you!!!" Raven shouted as hardened, huge pillars of slime shot up from the puddle. Soon, Daidouji took up a different stance, this one with her fists at her sides. A battle of gatling punches, huh? A test to see who would overwhelm the other with their power. Raven had the perfect idea for Daidouji due to this dumb challenge that would be the downfall of Daidouji.

"Ready. Set. Onslaught." Raven would say, the pillars of slime starting to act as pistons in Daidouji's direction, Daidouji rapidly punching much faster and harder than when she first hit Raven. Raven could feel just how strong Daidouji was, due to the fact that she was destroying her pillars with one punch and making her form new pillars each time to combatant her. Poor Daidouji though. On one of the pillars, a small blade had formed, thrusting forward and cutting into Daidouji's finger. She won. It was decided. Now to act as if she was overpowered. Raven significantly decreased the density of the pillars, making them mush and slowing the rate at which they were created, to seem like Daidouji was getting stronger and faster than her. When Daidouji's first punch contacted Raven, the point of contact, Raven's stomach, burst into slime and with every other area hit, it did the same. That slime and the slime puddle below her would become one, thin and impossibly narrow torrent. Raven compacted herself so much, she reached a point of being invisible yet still there. The aforementioned torrent began to slip into the cut of Daidouji's wounded finger, Raven pouring herself into the tough waifu.

When all was said and done, the last of Raven slipped inside of Daidouji's cut, the damaged skin repairing itself and sealing due to the regenerative capabilities of Raven. She stopped throwing punches, sweat beading and trailing down her form from how long she actually had to keep it up. But it seems her opponent was really no match for in the end. She blew her to smithereens. "...Looks like I went a little overboard...", Daidouji would say, unbeknownst to the deadly, slick threat swimming throwing her bloodstream at this very moment in time. After waiting around for some time to confirm that Raven was dead and gone, no sign of Raven really did appear. It was safe for her to go back to Hanzo and tell the girls that it was safe. Compacting herself into a singular droplet of crimson life fluid, she swam up and upstream until she officially made it to the control center; Daidouji's brain. As that droplet was sucked inside and absorbed, Daidouji immediately felt something was off. "...What...What the..." Her body was getting heavy. Her clothing wasn't weighted today. Did she stress her body too much? No, that couldn't be it.

That reprieve and wait should've been enough rest for her body to keep going. So, just what was happening to her?! "It was all too easy, to be honest...~" Daidouji would hear those words in Raven's voice, inside of her own thoughts. "You truly are the mightest, just as I know...But a little too much so for your own good...~" "How did you get in...there?!" The warrior heroine would shout in almost interruption to Raven, angry with how she hadn't beaten her. "Oh, I'm not just in here...I'm in you. I'm actually going to become you quite soon so! Man, I've always dreamed of this too! You're my favorite girl-" A harsh wail of agony sounded in the forest, the birds finally taking to the sky to avoid the conflict and potentially being in harm's way. Daidouji's breathing accelerated, her hands flung to her head to hold and shake it in a futile attempt of wanting Raven out. "Get! Out! Of! M-My! Body! It's mine!" She started to violently shake with each movement, her muscles starting to argue with the commands being sent through her. Losing the fight, her arms slowly curled downward to the sides of her body and her legs were forced to press together in spite of what she wanted, her mouth closing to muffle her screams and yells. The most she could muster was to move her twitching lips upward, showing her clenched teeth in protest to what was happening inside of her body.

It took a lot longer to take over Daidouji because Raven wanted to make sure she couldn't be kicked out by the threat of her weaknesses or water. She was merging their beings and trying to attain control over the final product. In this merge though, Daidouji would attain some new looks , first with her butt beginning to become more plump, resembling Raven's huge, plump behind in looks. She wanted to become Daidouji, that's how bad Raven wanted her waifu. Slamming herself into trees, tossing herself to the ground and punching things was the only way she could slow the process of Raven's merging, the tightening of her muscles somehow restricting Raven's ability to merge fast. The only thing Raven had to merge with now was Daidouji's head. Soft clicking began to play, like the turning of a music box's handle, some singing accompanying the clicking. Her arms came back to her sides and her legs were once again, forced together. The sea of Raven's lighter, crimson eyes poured into Daidouji's open, pale red ones, her eye color no more. The tips of her black hair changed color, white and red tips showing through, as well as two red and white curls on top of her head. Her hips burst out, becoming wider and the final touch was thicker thighs.

Daidouji's face curled into a forced, curled smile and from her lips came Raven's voice, "You've lost...I'm just gonna...~" "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Daidouji would let out one last, ground shaking scream at the top of her lungs. In this scream, you could hear both her own and Raven's voice coming through, attracting the attention of the girls' back at Hanzo academy. "Shinobi! Transform!" They'd say in unison, their clothes exploding and all of them whipping out those scrolls, their iconic shinobi outfits forming on their bodies. Darting through the woods to the exact position of the scream, they found no one there. "It sounded this deep..." Katsuragi would say, having looked through a bush. "They are probably deeper." Yagyu would mention a theory, Ikaruga agreeing with a head nod. "But what if Daidouji..." "No. There's no way she could've lost!" Asuka would yell at Hibari. Daidouji was strong, stronger than all of them, if they were intimidated by Raven and Daidouji just hit her with no remorse, Daidouji had this in the bag! But there was the horrifying feel of 'what if she did?' in the air?

Just in the treetops, Daidouji sat on a branch, swinging her new, much more, plump legs with a wide smile spread across her face and cherry red blush on her cheeks. She smiled so wide, her fangs were clearly in view for all to see. She undressed herself out of her outfit, cancelling the shinobi transformation so that her hair fell down, back to it's perfect straight, black form with red and white strands, frosted white, plus red tips too! On her body was now Raven's clothing, the red shirt, capris, ankles boots set to the side on the branch and red socks on her feet. Daidouji stared down at her own feet, wiggling her socked toes and clenching them for a bit, onlooking the girls in her peripheral vision. "Yare yare daze...~" Daidouji would say, taking the boots up from her side. Slipping them on and zipping them up so they didn't just come off, she stands on the branch. "Look at all this attention you had to attract...I should deal with them...Nah."

Raven would say in Daidouji's body, her fist clenched on her chin. "I'll just leave them to search for you...~ I've got to go enjoy being you, my wonderful waifu!~" The gooth shouted in her new host's body, prancing and twirling off from branch to branch like Daidouji never would.

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