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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2173108
Just a thing I decided to write while I was bored. Yes, that bored. Bleh.
Today was quite literally the bomb at Jefferson High, Molly Thomas, the average everyday girl with blonde hair, a modest A cup breast size and a decently sized butt. Though, her efforts of working out and exercising in class did delete the thigh gap, one of her prized achievements. Her story begins as she shows up to Chemistry class, wearing a black tank top and black sweats with adidas sandals on her socked feet. There was a bit of commotion in the class when she walked in, Molly striking quite the confused face as she forgot what day it is today. It's literally the only reason some people took Chemistry at Jefferson. It was Interactive, Hands-on learning day, where they get to learn with chemicals and the various animals, plus insects in the room. Though, the snake and powerful acids were off limits, the weaker substances were still a ton of fun to toy around with. That being said, Molly just shrugged and walked to her seat, sitting herself down at her desk then awaiting further instruction. One of her friends, Stacy, the well-known red headed cheerleader wandered up to Molly, tapping her desk to grasp her attention. "Oh, what's up?" Molly said sweetly as her eyes thoroughly scanned Stacy. Stacy decided to come to class in white leggings and a blue pullover, her feet snug in some black sneakers to complete the look.
"Oh, nothing much. Want to be my partner for today?" Stacy replied with a cheerful grin on her face, fingers crossed as well. "Part...ner? Wait, it's Hands-on learning day?!" "You didn't know? Hell yeah, it is." Molly look struck for a bit. But then an evil look crossed her face, the blonde rubbing her hands together. She was notorious for lab accidents at Jefferson but more or so, accidents that were successful in landing her a good grade and a conversation with the principal. "...Let's fucking do this. Get me some gloves, goggles, beaker and one of those...burner thingies." Suiting up in class, both girls stylishly put their gloves on and slapped the brim against their skin, like a surgeon or doctor would do during the checkups. Finally, their goggles were on last and Stacy ran over to their assigned, famous desk with a beaker and bunsen burner already stationed there. "Hand me...uhh...What do we have to work with today?" Molly asked, unsureness on her face. Stacy looked to the chalkboard, squinting and rubbing her head. "Doesn't say...Oh, I remembered, the teacher explained before you walked in!" Stacy ran to the back, jumping and twirling past students to get to the storage room, grabbing some vials randomly. Greens, reds, purples, yellows, pinks, all kinds of chemicals in different colors existed back there but there was one color to not be touched at all times. White.

Every year, the chemistry teacher explicitly has a specific day during each quarter of the school year, explaining the consequences of what would happen to a student if the chemical was used and what could happen to the school if the chemical was used. Some dumb jokesters out to make Stacy and Molly looked back had moved the white chemical in it's respected vial to a place within Stacy's ravenous reach, her hand taking up the vial and not even inspecting. Feeling she had enough her hand, Stacy ran back and dipped through the crowd once more, back to her friend, Molly, who was jumping and clapping for joy, ready to experiment and do sciency things! "Green. Yellow. Pink. Not purple. Not red. Fuck pink, that'd ruin the whole compound." Molly would say as she called out to Stacy, Stacy handing her the according colors as requested. "Now, the final touch...! Give me the white!"
Stacy excitedly handed Molly the white vial before she realized her fatal, life threatening error. That was the white vial and Molly was about to pour it into the bubbling, unstable concoction! "Molly, wait, that's the-" The contents of the vial was already being poured into the compound, the white vial now clear with no substance inside. Stacy's face paled, if this were a cartoon, her jaw would've hit the floor and she'd jump out of her skin. Molly was too excited to realize what she had just done and the other students gasped aloud, the teacher turning to look over to the compound over the bunsen burner, the beaker already shaking with cracks forming at the sides. "Girls! Girls! Get away from that beaker!" The teacher's voice was failing deaf on Molly's ears and Stacy's petrified one, the sound distracting their drums from gathering the noise was a sizzling one like, that of a stick of dynamite waning thin. That sound was getting louder and louder, a light forming in the beaker, blinding at that. Molly looked down to the beaker, the light growing faster and by the time she opened her mouth to scream, the room was engulfed in a bright flash! BOOM. The entire building shook with that single sound and force of the explosion in the Chemistry class.

"...Awuh...Ooh...Uhh...Where...Where am I?" Molly would say, rubbing her head as she now sat in a rather fancy room, decorated with plants, some paintings and lots of file cabinets. The desk before her had a desktop computer on it, along with a plaque that read, "Mr. Stevens-" Oh god, she was in the principal's office. What the Hell happened to bring her here?! Scared and confused, Molly began to lose her very focus, shaking her in chair like animal afraid to be put down. Unbeknownst to her, her being was beginning to break down and mold to the chair, a more powerful adhesive than most super glues. "Calm down, calm down! You know what, no one's here right now, I can just walk out and go to..." She looked to the clock, noticing that the time was around eleven, it was her gym hour. Her heart rate slowed and slowed, her being becoming to return to normal, just in time with her standing up and walking out of the principal's office, past the secretary who sighed of relief thanks to seeing that Molly was okay. To her misfortunate, the principal was having a conversation with Mr. Stevens, who seemed to be still in shocked by stammering in utter confusion to recollect what had happened. "Mr. Addaway, you are by here given the rest of the day off to rest your mind and body. I've already had a sub called down to take your place for the remainder of this school day." Mr. Stevens, the hunk in a suit would say to him, patting him on the back while motioning to the secretary a special hand sign that was teacher code for, 'We need a substitute teacher for this one.'

Thinking, she could sneak by, Molly dipped around the corner of the door until her sandal squeaked and skid across the floor, making a loud screech sound due to the smooth floor and smooth, new sandal coming in contact with one another. "Ms. Thomas." He said sternly, causing the blonde to stop dead in her tracks but move no further or move backward. Gasping as to say something, he was jostled by the secretary calling out to him for his assistance. "...Ms. Thomas, you are free to go back to class. Only for the remainder of your next subject." It seemed there really was a God who shining a ray of light down on Molly, the girl jumping once for joy and to readjust the adidas sandal on her foot before she ran off as fast as she could. Retreating to the locker room, which she found locked, she stood outside and banged on the door in hope that a stowaway student would open the door so she could change into her uniform and hurry to class.
With no luck on that, her head fell downward and she grimaced at having to receive a zero for the day while she dragged herself to the gym, pushing the door open to hear lots of screams of joy, anger and laughter at the many sports going on. Basketball at the front, soccer at the side, volleyball on the other side and tossing the football through the giant gymnasium in the center. "Molly! You're late!" The blonde jumped and started shivering in fear for her life, the gym teacher had laid eyes on her. The infamous, praised and often fantasized about, Ms. Butler wandered over to the blonde girl, who in her eyes, was trying to ditch class. Ms. Butler was a fine lady, huge breasts on her chests, nice thighs with an existing gap and tone when flexed, squishy ass. Hair of natural fiery red, no dye applied and red eyes that could pierce darkness. The scary part about her was her muscles though! It was clear that Ms. Butler continued to work out and exercise after her job here, the abs and jagged, firm structure of her arms making that clear for all to see. Before Molly knew it, Ms. Butler was standing before her, wearing her usual attire that she taught in.

An orange crop top for her upper body, some fitting exercise leggings and running sneakers for feet. All of it was perfectly sized for her body, so her assets weren't that hard to contain for the clothing but her lower half seemed oddly bigger in the leggings she wore. "Follow me. Now. I'm giving you a teaser for what you'll be doing for tomorrow." Shit... Molly thought to herself. It wasn't long before the two of them were standing in the lone, smaller gym with one another, Ms. Butler showing Molly how to do the exercises and warm up for them. Molly followed Ms. Butler's examples but only briefly, to avoid tiring herself out. She needed the energy anyway, she wasn't going to participate in gym after this, she was going to sit on the bleachers. When it came to jumping jacks, Molly decided to half-ass them for Ms. Butler to see, a forehead vein becoming visible on the teacher's head to display her anger. "Not like that! You know what, let me help you." Help her? Wait, what? She didn't have much time to comprehend as Ms. Butler took her place behind Molly, her hands grasping the sides of the blonde girl to slide upwards until her pits. It almost felt like a massage, getting felt up and straightened out by Ms. Butler.

Molly made the mistake of closing her eyes and relaxing, losing her focus again. It was much more easy for her to fall asleep now and she could feel that but she needed to stay awake or else, Ms. Butler would ragdoll her around the place. This time though, something even more strange happened when the blonde girl lost her focus. "There. Now, try to...What the..." Ms. Butler would say to herself as she found that while trying to move back from Molly, Molly followed with her. But she wasn't holding her anyway. Upon further investigation, Ms. Butler looked the most horrified she had ever been in her life. Molly's legs were stuck, as in attached to her lower half and legs. Molly's clothes fell to the ground because she phased out of them to attach to her, the naked girl looking sewed on her if anything. "Molly, if you don't wake up, I will send you to detention in a heartbeeeeeeEEEEK!" The teacher shouted as Molly's lower half had fused with her's and her top half jumped onto her as well. The the only thing left outside belonging to Molly was her head and neck, which were starting to get pulled inside of Ms. Butler's body.

"M-M-Ms. Thomas, open your eyes and stop this at once! I'll do anything, I'll even change your grades to anything you want if you just get out of- MMMPH!" That was the last thing she was able to utter before Molly's head had begun to merge with her's, the blonde girl just now sensing that something is off. "I've been feeling cold, did you take my clothes off-JESUS CHRIST, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Ms. Butler's screams and panic filled noises were muffled by the merging head, the process stopped due to Molly's awakening. Her arms had shot up and hands grabbed Molly's head, grabbing, pulling, and yanking on it to get it out so she could see again. "Hey, hey, hey! Wait a second, calm down, let's just try to figure this out before we panic! Whoa!" Molly had gained unexpected control over Ms. Butler's lower half and with that, she took some steps forward and steered them to a wall, facing away from away it. Control of the body was slipping from the teacher and being given to Molly, her stronger resolve and desire to just figure out what was happening overpowering the teacher's unwanting of this. With control of the arms given to Molly shortly after, she used them to actually aid in the process of pushing her head inside of Ms. Butler's. The grunting and groaning sounds, struggling and wails of pain all paid off in the end as soon, Ms. Butler's hands fell to her own head and she was breathing heavily.

"...Okay, now, let's figure this out, Ms. Butler!" The teacher had said to herself, prancing around in place. "...Ms. Butler...Hello? Where did you..." It had taken some time but she realized that Ms. Butler was nowhere to be found and the voice coming from her lips wasn't what she was quite used to. Ms. Butler blinked a few times then looked down to her stomach, rubbing it to feel the abs, hard and sturdy. When she grabbed a handful of her messy hair and pulled it to herself, that's when she released. "Oh my god, I'm in Ms. Butler's body." She said calmly at first. "OH MY GOD, I'M IN MS. BUTLER'S BODY?!" Her hands aimlessly wandered around now, groping the breasts, feeling the butt and grabbing her thighs. While, also kicking the running sneakers off and removing her cutesy blue, cloud patterned socks to look at her toenails, which were painted black and white. Putting the socks and shoes back on now, she started to want to scream but instead, she put her mouth on her arm and blew hot air on it.

Too distraught to think about earlier, Molly would have easily been able to put it together that the explosion, the science experiment in class earlier, was the source of this.

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