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by DM
Rated: GC · Fiction · Drama · #2173215
The next part.
Chapter 11 Anger
A month goes by and now its October. Things have cooled down some, after the engagement ball. Zero hasn't seen or heard from Yuki at all. He never let on. How he was really feeling that night with Elena. She doesn't know. That Zero was thinking of Yuki every time, he made love to her that night. Trying to get it out of his system. Working through his own feelings. She stayed in the dark. Zero treats her very well though. Not trying to hurt her. Trying to move on and make a life for himself without Yuki in it. He still can't help thinking about her and what it would have been like. If he never left her leave Cross. He regrets not stopping her and the words he said to her. Knowing he can't take either back. Trying not to do the same thing with Elena. He has come to have strong feelings for her. Still not as strong as the ones for Yuki. He knows they will always be there. He just now tries to hide them from her.

One day while working Yagari comes into his office. "Well, did you hear?" Yagari asks."Hear what?" Zero remarks. "About the wedding of the century, that took place on Saturday?" Yagari answers. "No. I Have no time for weddings." Zero states. "Well, Yuki and Kaname are now hitched."Yagari states. "Well good for them. She wanted the bastard. Now she has him." Zero replies. Trying not to even show Yagari how he truly feels. "Yep. Happy together. Just thought I would let you know."Yagari announces as he walks out the door. Zero grabs everything on his desk and throws it to the floor. "Son Of a Bitch!" Zero shouts. "Mother fucker." Zero shouts louder as the papers and books hit the floor. Pure anger raging through him. "Fuck them both!" He snaps. Slamming the door of his office and walking down the hall to the vending machine. Grabbing a cup of coffee, to try to calm his nerves. His pale face now flushed with red. You can see the steam coming out of his head from his anger. He takes a seat in the lobby drinking the coffee and trying to cool down. Getting back up with rage still in his blood, giving the vending machine a large kick. A nearby hunter just staring. "What did the machine do to you?" He laughs. "Everything! The fucker did everything!" Zero replies. Walking back to his office.

Yagari sitting in his own office. "I Think Zero took that better than I expected," Yagari says sarcastically. "I figured the break room would have caught fire or a person's head would of went through a wall." Yagari adds. "I thought his desk would of went out of the window. "Kaien remarks. "At least now, he knows its over. Maybe he can move on. Its the only reason I told him." Yagari replies. "I hope so. It's really a sin for Elena." Kaien states.

Zero goes back to his office grabbing his jacket. He heads to Cross to sit under his tree. Needing time to think. To process what happened. "She gave herself to him. How could she?" Zero says to himself. Hurt in his heart. Zero knows he needs to pull himself together before its time to go home. He can't let Elena see him like this. It would kill her to know. How he truly feels. He needs to show no emotion. What he is known best for. Just this time he doesn't know if, he could do it. The pain he feels is overwhelming. It feels as if his heart is broken into many pieces.

Zero spends the rest of the afternoon under the tree. Thinking about everything. How Yuki just gave up and went with Kaname. How she is supposed to love him, yet married another man. He knew now more than ever. He needed to move on. Needed to be the man that Elena needed. She stood by him through all of this. Never complaining. Just taking the shit as it flew. Just because she cared so much for him. Zero knew he wanted his own family. He had none of his real one left. It was time to move on and rebuild. He knew he could do that with Elena.

One the way home Zero stops at a Jewelry store, picking out a pretty good size engagement ring. Feeling it was time for this to happen. To show Elena how grateful he was for her being here with him. It was the least he could do. For all the damage and hurt he has put her through.

Once home Elena is in the kitchen like always getting dinner together. Zero walks up behind her. Putting his arms around her and holding her close to him. "Hey. How was your day?" Elena asks. Putting her head on his shoulder as she stirs the pot of rice on the stove. "It was ok. How was yours?" Zero asks. "Pretty good. I think. I am really getting through to the students. I just love being a teacher." Elena replies. "Good. I am glad to see you happy. You really do deserve it. You are such a good woman." Zero states. Elena looking up at him, still in his arms. Her back on his firm chest. "I love you Zero." She responds. "I know you do. That's why I want to ask you something." Zero says. Turning Elena around to face him. Getting on one knee and pulling out the ring. "Will you marry me?" Zero asks. Elena gasps at the site of the ring, putting both hands up to her mouth. Tears streaming down her face. "YES! Oh My God! YES!" She screams. Jumping into his arms. Kissing him everywhere. From his forehead down his nose to his mouth. The happiness just radiating from her. Zero just holds her knowing if nothing else. He had someone good by his side. She would never hurt him as Yuki has. Never run off with someone else. She wasn't the type. She really was a good woman. He knew in a way too good for him. She deserved someone better. Someone who really loved her and only her. He just wasn't able to give her that.

Elena wanted to get married and fast. Wasting no time. Not wanting anything big. Something simple and special. They get married under the tree, That they first made love under. Yagari saying the vows. Making it even more special. Elena never knowing the real reason of why this is even taking place. That the one he really wanted married someone else. Elena never knowing what also happened that day in Zero's office. Zero kept a lot of his own secrets from her. Yagari never telling what he witnessed. Hoping deep down that Zero would let go of the past and move on. To be happy with a woman that truly cared and loved him. It was Yagari's only wish.

Chapter 12 Marriage.

Its been two years since Zero and Elena have gotten married. They have a regular marriage. Things were quiet and nice. Kaname kept his end of the bargain. Doing his best that Zero and Yuki don't see each other. Which keeps things happy on both ends. Zero still thinks about her. Just now he is happy and content with his regular life. He knows that Elena is always there. He is happy to go home from work. Eat his dinner and watch tv. Then going to bed and making love. He has no complaints about his life with Elena. She treats him very well. She works two jobs and he has one. She really doesn't need to work. But she likes to. She just loves being a teacher. It gives her great pleasure to help the children. Zero is now the president of the association. Which also gives him a pay increase. They still live in the same apartment. Which both of them like very much. Elena keeps the apartment spotless. Everything is in its place. His suits look brand new from her taking good care of them for him. Even though there are times he just throws them on the floor. When he comes home from work. She picks them up and keeps them for him. Zero even gained a few pounds from all the good food she cooks him. Yagari calls him the Contented Old Husband. Which Zelyinghappy with.

One night after dinner lying in bed watching tv. Zero slides himself over to Elena's side of the bed. She is reading her book. And he slides his arm around her kissing her neck. Which doesn't take much for him to get her attention. She puts the book down and slides over to him. Kissing him back. Pushing her body up against his. As they continue like always, Zero goes to his nightstand to get his condom. "Zero, I want to have your baby." Elena states. Zero looking at her tenderly."Are you sure?" He replies. "Yes. I think its about time. I want a baby with you. " Elena responds. "Then We shall make one. " Zero says pulling her body close to him and laying the condom on the table. He goes back to kiss her and rub her body. Spreading her legs and entering her. Forgetting how it felt to be raw inside her. It only takes him a few thrusts before he is a goner. Letting his warm seed fill her. He lays his head on top her of her chest. Trying to catch his breath. Her arms still wrapped around him. Falling asleep.

A few weeks later Elena is at school not feeling so well. Her stomach is upset. She does her best to get through the school day. Heading home as soon as she could. One the way home she picks up a pregnancy test from the drug store. So excited to take it. She rushes home, straight to the bathroom and takes the test. A few hours later Zero comes home. They sit down at dinner like always. Zero taking his napkin into his hand. Finding a pregnancy test under it. In a ziplock bag. He just looks at it. "Really?" Zero asks. Elena getting up and going over to him." Yes. We did it. "She responds sitting on his lap. Zero pushing her closer to him. Kissing her deeply. "I am so happy Zero. I wanted this so badly. I knew I wanted to have a family with you. From the moment I saw you." Elena comments. "I am glad. I can give that to you. I have to say I am pretty excited too. The thought of a little one running around here. Makes me happy." Zero remarks. Patting her flat tummy. "I want you to be careful this time. I don't want anything happening to you or the child." Zero remarks. "I can promise you. It won't. I won't let anything or one. Mess this up this time." Elena answers. "Good."
A few months go by, their marriage is wonderful. Zero extremely happy about the child. Him and Elena fix the child's room and get things here and there. To be ready for it. Enjoying every moment. Zero actually happier then he has ever been. Truly wanting this baby. Feeling he will finally be able to make up for what happened the last time. That always stuck with him. He wished that things would have happened differently with that. Just now he got a second chance.

Elena is extremely happy finally feeling, she is getting everything she ever wanted. Zero has turned into a great husband. She also feels he will be a great father. She continues to work throughout the pregnancy. Feeling pretty good just tired.

When Elena is around eight months pregnant, Zero goes to work. Sitting at his desk. Doing his daily routine. Yagari walking in like he does every morning to shoot the shit. Or tell him what is up for the day. "Hey, how is my boy?" Yagari asks "I'm great. We set up more for the baby last night. We can't wait for him to be here." Zero answers. "I am so happy for the both of you. I do have to tell you. That Friday night we have another ball to attend. They might be there." Yagari comments. "Whatever. Its just part of the job. I don't want you telling Elena anything about it. She is eight months pregnant. I don't want her worrying. I want nothing happening to her or the child. They mean a lot to me." Zero remarks. "You will get nothing out of me Zero. I don't want her hurt either. I think its best she stays home. We can just say we need to go out to a work dinner or something. Don't tell her about a ball. She will know they will be there. ITs there freaking ball. Something about Yuki wanting to through a party. It seems that Kaname couldn't say no. No matter how much he truly wanted to. We all know he hates those things." Yagari states. "That's his problem. And his wife. He wanted her." Zero snaps. "Will you be ok there?" Yagari asks. "Yea. Why not. She made her choice. She has Mr. Snobby Pants. I have my own family now." Zero replies. "I hope so. Please don't do anything to screw up what you have." Yagari states. Zero doesn't answer, Hoping the same thing. Knowing deep down seeing Yuki again. Could screw everything he has built out the window. No matter how hard he tries to act like he doesn't care anymore. He still does.

Chapter 13 Lost in emotion.

The rest of the week Zero acts normal in front of Elena, not letting her know a thing. Each night they will do something new to get ready for there child. Tonight they put the crib together. He just sees. How happy Elena is. How in love she is with him. How she just glows. "Friday I will be coming home late." Zero says as they work in the babies room. "Ok. How late? Should I wait to eat dinner?" Elena asks innocently." No. Please eat and do whatever you need to. There will be a late meeting at work. I am not sure. What time I will be getting home. I just know. It will be later than normal." Zero states. "I will leave your plate in the microwave then for you. Just in case you're hungry when you come home." Elena says. "Thank you. You're always thinking about me." Zero remarks. "Of course. I love you more than anything." Elena comments. Zero just smiles at her. Knowing its true.

Friday comes Zero taking his tux and putting it in his car. Getting everything ready for tonight. Wanting to look his best. He kisses Elena goodbye, then he is off to work. Spending most of the day feeling jitters. Thinking about seeing Yuki tonight. Its been two years and eight months. The longest so far they ever spent away from each other. Yet, it felt like yesterday that she walked away with Kaname. Yagari sees that Zero isn't his normal self. That something isn't right. He just hopes that nothing takes place tonight, that will ruin his life forever. Yagari knows when it comes to Yuki. Zero doesn't think straight.

Later that day, Zero goes into his office bathroom, to get ready for tonight. Washing up and putting on his black tux. Combing his hair and smelling delicious. He wants Yuki to see, what she missed out on. Trying to rub it in her face. At the same time not able to wait to get a glimpse of her. He finishes getting ready. Heading out to the car waiting for him outside. It takes and drops him off at the ballroom. His heart pounding deep within. He walks in and goes to his spot. Leaning up against a post. Yagari on the other side. Stealing a champagne as the waiter goes by. They now see the party is for a charity. Yuki wanting to give back. Its why Kaname couldn't hold her back. It was something, she held dear. So Kaname had to let the party take place. Even though deep down, he didn't want any part of this. He wanted to keep these two far away from each other.

Kaname and Yuki walk in, all eyes on them. Yuki wearing a long beaded Red halter dress. Looking stunning. Her hair up in a twist. She looked mature and beautiful. Her eyes dart around the room. Looking for Zero. She finds him within minutes. Seeing his eyes are on her as well. Kaname looks around also, noticing that Elena kept her word and didn't appear at this ball. In a way, he wished she would have came. To watch over Zero. There was no one there to hold him back tonight. Which in a way worried Kaname. He could watch, but there were many people here tonight. Wanting his attention. Keeping him very busy. He couldn't watch everything Zero did. Which Zero knew.

After about an hour of the ball going, people all over. Asking Kaname all kinds of questions. Yuki heads upstairs telling Kaname, she needs the lady's room. Zero sees her leave the ballroom and follows. As much as he knows he shouldn't. He can't resist. Meeting her on the top of the stairs near the restroom. "So how do you like married life?" Zero asks. "I could ask the same."Yuki replies. "It's pretty good." Zero answers. Moving closer to her. Her hand extends to his. His pulling her close to him. Yuki gives him a passionate kiss, Throwing him into an upstairs bedroom and locking the door. Kissing his mouth, their hands roam each other. Neither of them a virgin anymore. They both knew what to do and were not scared to. She went straight for his jacket and threw it on the floor next his tie and then his white shirt. Zero wasted no time unzipping her red dress tossing it to the side. Staring at her in her red lace panties and matching bra. His desires at there peek. Not seeing anything but this slender beautiful woman in front of him. Yuki throws him onto the bed. Getting on top of him and kissing down his chest. He licks and kisses her neck, waiting to bite. Knowing if he did so now. Everyone at the party would smell it. He had to be careful. He had to curb the bloodlust. He was feeling that only she could make him feel. The deep want of her blood and body. He turns her over so he is on top of her. Kissing and licking her breasts. Rubbing her mound and feeling her wetness. He growls, as he kisses down her tummy and licks her womanhood. Sending her over the edge. He works his way back up, sliding his manhood deep inside her. She screams out his name and wraps her legs around him. Clawing at his back. Pushing herself up against him. Her hips meeting his thrusts. He pounds into her hard and deep with each one. Just like he always dreamed. Giving it to her good and hard. Making her pant and moan. His mind in overdrive. Just thinking of the woman that is below him. Finally Yuki. Moaning her name as he pounds away. Not letting up, going faster and faster till them both climax.

He then kisses her deeply and starts all over again. Not letting her leave the bed or even get a chance to regain her composer. Knowing that once she gets up, who knows if this will ever happen again. He Takes her again for the second time. Turning her over and entering her through the back. Yuki on all fours, pushing herself fiercely into him. Slamming each other till they climax again. Zero's scent all over her. In every single way. Yet he isn't done with her. He holds her close kissing her everywhere. Making sure every dream he had, Is coming true. He makes love to her for the third time, This time with her on top of him. Their vampire desires keeping them going. They know that time is running out. So they both get up and get dressed. Once Zero is fully dressed. He grabs her licking her neck and sinking his fangs into her. She does the same. Both taking everything they need from the other. Holding on for dear life. "I love you Zero." Yuki says. "I love you too. I will always love you." Zero replies. As they both go back to the ballroom.

Kaname's eyes glow a deep red, Soon as he sees Yuki. He knows. He smells it. He knows its too late. The scent of there blood also in the air. Just both of them now are healed. So there are no bite marks. Kaname still knows what took place. Just growling under his breathe. "I hope it was worth it." Kaname says. "More than you will ever know." Yuki responds. Kaname taken back with her boldness. Never thinking his Yuki would do this. He knows He can't let them see each other again. Elena was right.

Zero goes back standing next to Yagari. Gloating. High of Yuki's blood and sex. Sated in every way you could imagine. He never felt like this before. The feeling was better than any drug. "Whatever you did I hope it was worth it?" Yagari says. "Oh Hell yes. That was amazing." Zero answers. "Did you forget the woman you left at home. That is eight months pregnant with your child?"Yagari answers. "Shit!" Zero replies. The thought of Elena, well there wasn't any. He was so overtaken with Yuki. He thought of nothing else. Not what this could bring if she ever found out. He was too happy and high to care at that moment.

Instead of going straight home, Zero goes back to his office to clean up. He takes off his tux which reaks of Yuki. Not that Elena would know. She isn't a vampire. She can't smell what Vampires do. He did know Kaname could. And just that alone made him higher than ever. He just smirks to himself. Saying Fuck you Kaname. As he washes himself up and puts his day clothes back on. He gets back into his car driving home.

Once home it's pretty late around one in the morning. There is a small light left on for him. Dinner in the microwave. With a little note. "I hope you had a great day. I missed you. Love, always Elena." Zero just closes his eyes coming back to reality. He puts the plate into the refrigerator as he isn't very hungry. He walks to the bedroom to find his sleeping eight month pregnant wife sleeping. Peacefully in their bed. Leaving a small light on. So he could see his way around. His heart drops at the sight. Knowing what he just did. Was awful. He broke their marriage vows. Even more so he would break her heart. Here she was at home, alone sleeping while he was out screwing someone else. He just climbs into bed and shuts the light. Elena sees he is home and just moves close to him. Snuggling. Which only makes Zero feel worse.

Chapter 14 Revealed. {r-ep:137}

For the next month, Zero does his best to be extra nice to Elena. He feels terrible about what he did. Yet loved every second of it. It goes through his mind over and over again. Just how Yuki really made him feel. That it was even better than his dreams. Just wishing it could happen again and again. Yet knowing, who knows when if ever they saw each other again. Not to mention Elena would be having their child any minute now. Which still brought him joy. He knew Yagari wouldn't ever tell Elena what happened. He was a good friend and would never want to hurt her like that. So Zero felt safe. He also knew that Elena was so happy. He wasn't ever telling her either. It was just another secret he would hold dear.

At the end of the month, Elena goes into labor, Zero right there to hold her hand. Taking her to the hospital. Elena thinking, she had the greatest husband ever. That finally they were happy. After a long ten hours, Elena finally gave birth to their son. 8 pounds 20 inches long. White silver hair with lavender eyes. Just like his father. There was no denying this child was Zero's. Which only made him happier. He loved that Elena was pure and never slept around. That she was his and only his. It was another reason. He married her. Why he consented to have a child with her. He knew no matter what. She would stay. Rai was the apple of his mother's eye. She would hold him for hours just staring at him. Rocking him back and forth. Zero knew he had picked the right person to have children with.

The next couple of months go without a hitch. Elena stays home with the child and takes care of him. Like its nothing. She was born to be a mother. She takes care of him and still has dinner on the table when Zero comes home from work. They sit down and tell each other what took place. Enjoying the others company. After dinner and the dishes, they put Rai to bed and head there themselves. Getting more and more comfy with married life. Its now three years of marriage and they both settled in.

After another month goes by, Elena wants to go back to her teaching job. Missing it. Even though she knows she will miss staying at home with the baby as well. Zero said it's her choice. If she wanted to, she could stay home. He made plenty of money to support them. Not to mention they had no rent. The association took care of that. Yet Elena felt it was best to go back. She missed her other children as well.

After a few days back to school, She sees Kaname walking the halls. Just getting done a meeting with Kaien. "Good morning Kaname." Elena says. "Morning Elena. You're looking lovely."Kaname says. "I want to thank you for keeping them apart. I think. We both should have a great life now." Elena states. "I want to say I am sorry for the mishap a few months ago."Kaname answers. "What do you mean?" Elena asks. "At the Charity ball, I knew. I shouldn't have given into her. She just wouldn't take no for answer. I see it was just to see him again."Kaname states. Elena taking a seat in the bench up against the wall. "It was on a Friday wasn't it?" Elena asks. "Yes. She told me everything that happened. She was very honest. It has taken a lot for me to even try to forgive her."Kaname states. "What did they do? What happened?" Elena asks. Staring up at Kaname. "You don't know?" Kaname asks. "NO! He didn't even tell me there was any kind of ball. It was supposed to be a work meeting." Elana shouts. "It was a meeting alright. I am sorry to have to tell you this. But they made love." Kaname remarks coldly. Elena getting up and beating Kaname's chest with her fists. "I told you! Not to let them see each other Ever!"She shouts as she pounds his chest. No one ever doing that to the pureblood. Yet he liked her boldness. He knew how she felt and let her go. Seeing the rage in her eyes."I know but like I said there was no getting out of it. I am sorry. It hurt me just as much. I will make sure it doesn't happen again. She is trying to make it work with me now anyway. We are having a child."Kaname states. "IS it yours?" Elena asks bluntly. "Yes, it was something we planned." Kaname comments. "Keep that whore away from my husband. If you don't I will go after her. I do know how to use the bloody rose. I lived with him long enough to know how."Elena hisses. "It wasn't only her Elena. You need to see that. He was there as well." Kaname remarks. "Don't remind me!" She Shouts. Walking to her office. Sobbing.

"How could He? is the only thing she could say over and over again. Just sitting in her desk chair. Not even answering the phone that keeps ringing off the hook. Not even noticing the time or how dark it's getting outside. Its like she is in a cloud seeing nothing but gloam. What she thought was over, was still there the whole while. He just lied. He kept it from her. She could do two things. Stay quiet and pretend it didn't happen. Or go home and kill him. What good would the latter do? That would only mean Yuki won. She remembers Kaname saying that Yuki was trying and even pregnant now. She would do the first. Just right now she couldn't go anywhere. She could barely move. Little less pretend.

While she is sitting there thinking Yagari comes by. "Hey, Zero said he has been calling you all night. He is worried that your hurt or something. It's 8. And you're not home yet." Yagari says. Looking at her falling apart. He knows. "Please tell him, I am not feeling good and I am sleeping in the girl's dorm. I don't want to get the baby sick." Elena answers. "Are you ok?" Yagari asks. "I will be. I just need some time." Elena replies. "If you need anyone to talk to. I am here."Yagari answers. "Thank you."

Elena spends the night in the girl's dorm just thinking and trying to get herself together. Knowing if she saw him now. She would beat the shit out of him. Her rage just roaring inside of her. How could Kaname the suppose King be so stupid. To let them see each other again. To screw right under his nose. If she would ever get her hands of Yuki, she would ring her neck.

The next morning she just goes to work and acts like its a regular day. Missing her son. Missing her home. Still terribly upset. The thought of seeing Zero only made her sick to her stomach. She stayed a bit later knowing that sooner or later she would have to go home. She wiped her tears and fixed herself getting into her car. Driving home. A Home built on lies and deceit. How the man she once thought was so truthful, A man of honor. She now saw him as nothing more than a cheater and a liar.

Elena walks in to see Zero laying on the sofa with Rai laying on top of him. Watching Tv. A site that would bring happiness now just brings pain. "Elena your home. How are you feeling?" Zero asks. Getting up from the sofa."A little better. Sorry, I didn't call last night. I fell asleep in the girl's dorm."Elena says. "No problem. I am just glad your home now. Don't worry about dinner. I picked some up on the way home from work."Zero states. "Great, thank you." Elena answers taking her son. Holding him close. She spends time with the little boy before they both put him to bed. Then taking her shower and heading to bed herself. Zero moving close to her, to hold her near. What she used to crave now just makes her sick. Yet she closes her eyes and doesn't say a word. Not letting on what she truly feels towards him right now. The hatred, the loss of respect. Nothing he would do now would really fix this. Elena was hurt to the core. She just knew she wanted her child to have a father. She wanted things to go back to what they were before. To do that she would have to let go of what she was feeling. It would just take time.

Chapter 15 Affair

It's been twelve years that Zero and Elena, have been married. Little Rai is now going on ten years old. Elena has worked through her feelings. Doing her best to put everything in the past. Kaname has done his part in the last ten years to keep them apart. Even going as far as not letting Zero be at any of the balls. If they had them. Kaname knew. He couldn't keep Yuki away from them. They were having a child and would have to have a few just to announce that. Kaname talked to the Association. Asking that Yagari guarded the ball himself or would bring another hunter with him. Not Zero. Even going far enough behind Zero's back. Not to even let him know. So he didn't know that the balls were taking place. Until they were over. Leaving him nowhere. Zero has done his best to be a good husband and father. Truly loving to spend as much time with his son as he could. Nothing made him happier. He still thought of Yuki here and there and the night they shared. Nothing ever comparing to it. There were times his body would just burn with desire for Yuki. For her blood and her body. He would just fight through it the best he could. Never finding out that Elena knew. What took place that night. He feels that he hid it well. He did find it a little weird that Elena wanted children, but after Rai was born never asked to have another. He just never asked her why. Feeling that was her choice and if she changed her mind. She would let him no. He was happy with the son they had. It was more than he could have ever excepted.

One day while out on errands Zero bumps into Kaien. Picking up some last minute things. "Zero. My son. It's so great to see you." Kaien says. "Yea yea. What are you doing at this supermarket? Isn't this out of your way?" Zero asks. "Why yes, it is. But its the only one that has Yuki's favorite cake. So I thought since she is coming over tonight. I would pick some up." Kaien says. Not realizing what he just said. "So she will be there tonight? IS Kaname coming?" Zero asks. "No, he is away on business. She thought she would come to see her father. I am so glad to be able to spend some time with her. I miss her." Kaien states. "Yea. I bet." Zero replies. "You have a good night." Zero adds. Walking away.

Zero knows he should stay away. That it would lead to bad things. But all he could think about all day is seeing Yuki. That Kaname wouldn't be there. They would have time alone. To talk. To be together. Like old times. He just needed to get out of the house. Without making it suspicious. Its been ten years. Would she feel the same? Would she still want him? So much has happened yet he still wanted her. Still craved her.

Zero went home, putting the groceries away. While he does Elena walks in. "So glad you picked those up for me. Saved me so much time." Elena says. "No problem. I have some files to look through for work. I will be home later tonight. I want to get them done. So Monday I won't have some much to do." Zero says. "Ok. Skipping dinner then?" Elena asks. "Yes, You don't need to cook. Get a pizza or something for you and Rai. I will eat while I am at work." Zero replies. "Ok, that sounds good. Me and Rai will have a night together. I am sure I won't get too many of them. He is getting older. He isn't going to want to hang out with his mother." Elena says. "Well that's fine, I will."Zero responds. Kissing her head. She just smiles at him. Going back to what she was doing.

Zero makes sure he puts on a clean pair of pants and a nice top. Smelling good before he leaves. Wanting to make a good impression. Still worried if Yuki will want him or not. Even though he knows he has a family now. His desire for her still burns.

He gets into his car heading to Cross. Feeling like a high school boy on his first date. Getting to Cross and going in. Knockin on headmasters door. "Zero what are you doing here?" Kaien asks. "You said you were having dinner with Yuki. I thought. I would come. We could share a dinner like old times."Zero says. Playing the old man. "Ohh, My boy. I would so love that. What a nice gesture. Come in. Yuki, Guess who is here?" Kaien says. Yuki looks up, staring straight at Zero. Her heart beats fast. "Zero, it's so nice to see you." Yuki says. As Zero sits down at the table they use to eat at as kids. Just looking at her. "Same here. I thought it would be nice to share a dinner together." Zero replies. They just smile at each other.

During the dinner, they do here best to both keep their composer. Not letting Kaien see anything out of the ordinary. Talking about there family and how the kids are growing. How they can't believe how the time just flew. Telling stories of the past and present. Making Kaien the happiest ever. To have both his children at his table again. It was something that hasn't happened in a long time.

After dinner, Yuki stays for a short while, Then getting up and saying she has to leave. Zero doing the same. They both walk out together. Acting like they are going there separate ways. Once out of the site of Headmaster. They head to the Boys dorm where Zero uses to stay. Going to the extra room at the top. That no one stays at. Only Zero did since he was a vampire. They can barely keep their hands off of each other. Little less there mouths. As soon as they enter the room. They lick and bite each other's neck. Taking the blood they need. Taking them to new heights. Zero not wasting any time, taking Yuki out of her jeans and sweater. Making her naked on the bed in front of him. The first time he had to go fast. Now there was no one there to stop either of them. They could take there time and do whatever they wanted to each other. And they both were going to. They enjoyed each other's bodies. roaming it with fingers, mouths, and tounges. Doing things to each other, they never did with there partners. Making love over and over again. Not able to get enough of each other. Zero even calls Elena telling her something came up. He will be home in a few days. Elena doesn't know what to think and just lets it go. Yuki and Zero stay held up in that room for days. Feasting on blood and sex. Finally, they were alone together. Able to get there fill with each other. Which the more, they did the more they wanted.

After a few days, Zero knows he needs to go home. That as much as he loved spending time with Yuki. He had obligations to take care of. So did she. "I love you Yuki. I always will. I think about you all the time. I just have a family to think about. " Zero says. "I know. I have a family a well. Our children are still young. It would tear them apart if we left." Yuki says. "My wife is human. She will get old and die. She won't be with me forever. While she is here I want to do right by her. I will stay till she is gone. Then I will come to get you." Zero says. Yuki nods. Knowing that will be a while but its better than nothing. The days they spent together was incredible. It was something neither of them would forget. Something to keep them going in the meantime.

Zero goes home acting as if nothing has taken place. Elena none the wiser. Believing that Zero was away for work. Never imaging the truth. Zero now knowing that he needs to be here and do the right thing. He wasn't going to leave his son. Nor was he going to leave Elena. She was always there. He would do the same.

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