Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2175080-LOVE-IS-NOT-BLIND
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #2175080
There is no Love that is blind except the one allowed to be blind.


Love was never blind, Love is never blind and Love will never be blind. Its seemingly blindness has created and still creating tragedy in many relationship even in Marriages.

This Love is forgiving, is an act to sincerely cherish and nurture a person, looking away from his/her inadequacies.
When your emotion is the driver of this Love, regret will not be far fetched and blindness will be total.

What does it take to be in this True Love? Communication and Understanding.When proper Open Communication is missing Constantly, Understanding can never be attained, thereby causing frequent frictions. Trust can only be built, if Communication and Understanding are in place. Love is a seed,it must be nurtured.

For this Love;

I have seen people in Love.
I have heard stories of people in Love.
I have observed people in Love.
I have talked with people in Love.
I have Listened to Songs on Love.
I have worked with people in Love.
I have dined and wined with people in Love.
I have been in Love!
But the greatest tragedy of this Love is its seemingly blindness.

QUOTES from my Love Bank:

Love is never Blind it only looks away from Imperfections.

True Love makes Imperfections Irrelevant.

Love is stronger than death but there is a thin line between Love and Hate.

Love is not just a feeling but a decision.

The spirituality of a woman does not automatically make her a wife material.

Never ASSUME anything when you are in a relationship with a woman.NEVER!

The Heart of a woman is deeper than an ocean!

Never rely on a woman for ANYTHING in times of Adversities, l mean ANYTHING!For they are vulnerable to almost EVERYTHING!

Love is a decision of the heart not the head.

Love is not a burden but a beautiful thing when it is decided not demanded.

Every and Any Woman is beautiful, just appreciate Everyone and Anyone of them. A Woman is what you make of her.

NEVER Marry a Woman you can not TRUST, If you do, your heart may develop irrecoverable holes.

A Woman who can steal or tell lies is not far from Prostitution/Infidelity.

The whole creation is Embedded in one word, "LOVE" but the destruction of man is in this four letter word, "SELF".

When Love is Blind right thinking may be Lost.

Love is Sweet but True Love is the Sweetest.

When Love is allowed to be Blind regret is inevitable.

Understanding and Accepting your imperfection is what makes True Love real.But the one who claims to be perfect, looking for Mr/Miss Right is a deceit and failure to his/her Conscience.

True Love is Real!True Love is Patient!True Love is Understanding! True Love is Commitment!True Love is Constant!True Love is Communicating! True Love is True Love, No Mix!

True Love exists in sincere and imperfect Hearts.

It takes a Single Mind to be in True Love.

When True Love hits you, you feel no pain.

The crisis in Marriage can be traceable to the Ignorance of understanding the differences of each others as Couples.

You don't plant Love and Leave it!Fertilise it- Communication!

Every Woman needs Love and Every Man needs Patience. You can't have a perfect          Relationship but you can build a perfect Relationship.

True Love is real. You might have been Heartbroken and jilted by a Woman/Man but when you meet True Love it sticks and stays for Life. Its Patient,Enduring, Sharing, and Understanding. There is True Love!There is True Love!!There is True Love!!!

In Relationship never assume anything if you do, Confusion and Frustration will be your Companions.

Class is not determined by the amount of Money, Level of Education nor Exposure but is determined by the Value you place on Yourself.

Love without Corresponding and Consistency of Progressive actions can go Bang!

The only negative alternative to True Love is Hate.

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