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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #2175423
Oh god, my fingers.



The sound of the warden's baton echoed throughout the silent, cold corridor as it banged up against the bars of the many aligned cells on both sides of himself. As it made contact with each cell, the resident's eyes inside would take on a vicious, dark piercing red glow, their pearly white smiles only telling faint tales of the devilish deeds they had committed to end up in Hell. Walking with the warden was someone already well known in Hell, not the strongest demon but definitely not the weakest. It was Raven, the gooth, seemingly more different an appearance than what she looks like normally. On break too, lucky for her! Raven around this day and age had a slick black hair that was all parted to the side of her head, for her left eyebrow, a ring piercing. Her eyes were also deeper, not as light as the usual crimson, but deeper like fresh blood. Sporting a white coat with a black tank top underneath on her body, she donned a pair of black jeans ripped around her thighs to help out with her look, a pair of black and white sneakers on her feet also.

"So...What brings you here? I mean, for your break, you're really just doing the same thing, you could've gone and just lounged about..." The measly warden would ask to Raven, so thrown off by the fact that the goth had decided to watch and check up on prisoners with him. Raven dawned an inquisitive look, her hand coming to her chin while she paused and tapped her foot on the ground. To be honest, she couldn't tell him why she was here. But she could tell him what she would be doing here. "Ah...I know it seems dumb but I'm here to uhm...inquiry with one of the prisoners about a matter regarding myself..." Raven's innocent, high pitched voice of innocence came to the warden's ears almost deaf but he did hear that she needed to speak with someone. She even smiled at him with her hands together at her wide hips as to say, 'pretty please' without verbally saying it. "...Fine. Who is it?" He looked back at her and found that Raven was already making eye contact with a particular prisoner who was staring directly back at her. This wasn't just the normal kind of eye contact. It was the intense kind, where two people were communicating without even using their voices, just moving their eyelids and eyeballs in specific patterns.

"....Yeah, uh...I'll keep going just...catch up to me when you're done." The warden said, grabbing his cap and shaking his head while he continued on his way down the corridor. Raven looked to the side, seeing if he walked off completely. It took a while but when she could no longer hear his footsteps that well, she went back to focusing on the prisoner. She took up a straight body posture and shook in place, not out of temperature, but out of fear. The person in the cell wasn't really a prisoner and she knew this when she came in due to the note she received during break to come here. As the 'prisoner' walked out of the darkness and stepped into the light, it was a particularly built individual, one wearing a suit with red skin and horns atop of his messy hair. Raven took a single step back and made one fatal error because of that step. She blinked. As her eyes found themselves reopening after that blink, she found herself in what seemed to be an office, a fancy one adorned with gold, paintings and bones hung about the place to give it that dead, spooky feel. There was one thing that was really getting at her about this transportation and it was what was on this man's desk. It was a lamp. A simple lamp filled with souls flying about on the insides with their faces contorting and swirling endlessly in pain, tiny screams audible whenever her eyes locked on to it.

"Oh, I think I'm going to be sick-" The man walked up from behind her and pointed his finger down, Raven's body dropping into the seat that was luckily there when he made the motion. He continued and continued over to what was assumably his desk, taking a seat in the velvet swivel chair and crossing one leg over another. "Coffee? Tea? Perhaps, whiskey?" He spoke, a deep voice filled with power and righteous leaving his lips. This man before Raven was none other than the Devil, himself. It took some time but that note-that was issued to her was written by Lucifer and he called her council for whatever reason. Her heart was pounding and she was hyperventilating, although not aloud as to not disturb and make him angry. What did a goo like her deserve to do to meet the devil, had she broken a cosmic law while summoned and she was about to be sent to limbo?! "I know, I know. You're very scared. More scared than most...Strange. Anyway, disregard your fear, I'm not punishing you or damning your soul. I'm giving you a task." His reassurance melted to her heart in butter, the rush of emotions constantly kicking her ass almost made her pass out to be honest. She put her finger up and interrupted him, as to say, 'Give me a second.' When she caught her breath and took in her surroundings, she put her finger down.

"Good. Now then...This task. I need you to take care of someone. How you go about getting this done, I don't care. Just get it done and I'll reward you, dearly." A hit and run? The devil wanted her to do a hit and run on someone? Raven was honestly pretty sure that he had better people for this task, Hell, she was even friends with a few of his "agents" per say. So, why her for this task? "Uhm...Why am I the one being...given this...mission, sir?" She asked, the fear in her voice gone and replaced with all confusion. He laughed and he stood up, wiping his face with his hand while walking away from his desk, buttoning his blazer back up. As he walked away from her, he went over to behind his chair to stare out the glass, looking down on Hell and everything he's built so far. "You...You aren't going to like the sound of this...~" He said in a joking tone, almost prepared to burst into laughter. His noticeable chuckling made Raven even more dismayed and apprehensive about who he'd be having her kill. With his back turned to her, he happily said to her, "I am giving you this mission because...Well, you're the best one to do this. I want you to kill the Queen Goo, Catherine." Raven's facial expression dropped from curious to absolute fear, her face drained of all compliance to doing this said task given to her.

"Catherine, Catherine, Catherine...I've known her for quite a while. She's always been such a good girl, in the palm of my hand and doing as I say...She's a fool for thinking that she can go behind my back and align with angels to try and overthrow me...So I need you to set an example for me. No one is to think inferior of me. My name does not simply roll off the tongue, it sticks. It stays in there, with recognition and fear dawned upon all that utter it.With that being said, all of the other monarchs have been dealt with...Catherine is the only one left. Upon completion of this task, I will grant you one wish. You have until the fifth sun falls." Raven opened her mouth to say something but Lucifer used the same trick that got them there, the entire place warping and distorting vigorously, spiraling while she tried to shout out to him about specifics and the best way to go about it and if she should even do this! But by the time reality had finished malfunctioning at his hand, she was at Catherine's palace, rather inside of her palace in the dining area. Raven's eyes looked tired and out of it. "I guess I'm being forced to do this...Alright, Queenie...T-T-Time to...put you down. Hehehe..." She said, beginning to roam the halls that she ran around in as a child, where all demon goos come to partake in various activities and mingle with Catherine. While searching and scouring the place, Raven had brought herself into deep thought. One wish from Lucifer...What should she do with it...She could use it to bring back her best friend stowed away inside of her, (a story for another time) or she could do many other things.

"Hm..." There weren't many things that she wanted, to be fair. Her life was alright down here and if she ever wanted to visit the real word, she could just have herself summoned which was fairly easy. "Ah, I can't think of anything!" Raven shouted, silencing herself immediately after when she heard the clicking and clinking of many heels against the brimstone floor. She took on her black sludge form and stuck to the wall, camouflaging to go unseen as the people passing would come by. But she almost screamed when she saw who one of those people were, Catherine's human appearance, in all of her glory. Pale skin tone on her body and locks of golden drooled down the side of her head, a perfect bun at the back of her head. A body that most demons would dream to amount up to, huge voluptuous breasts with wide hips and an enormous rear to finish it all off. Her facial features were quite defined, womanly and that of someone who was still young, despite her being thousands of years old. Her voice was soft and came to the ears like butter, much like a mother whispering sweet nothings to soothe her crying child down. On her body, she wore a qipao of black and gold, the dress not quite big enough to hide her thick thighs and hips, though just enough to conceal her nethers. Thigh high boots of gold and intricate design, like a slutty knight would wear on her legs and feet. Last but not least, her head accessories, black steel earrings in the shape of daggers, her prized crown of black steel, gold and silver appearance.

Raven was so struck by her queen's appearance that she was frozen, unable to move and paused in awe. By the time she had come to her senses and stopped eating away at just how good she looked, they were gone to the throne room. She slid along the walls at an insane speed and followed the scent trail, not wanting to lose them and to get this over with as fast as possible to the large throne room, where she burst out. The camouflage faded and Raven was a mass of goo flying to the center of the throne room until she transformed back to her human appearance. "Catherine-!" She paused, noticing that the assailants following had their weapons drawn in Raven's direction, knowing of her presence. Specifically, one fallen angel and two angels of Heaven at Catherine's side. The angels began to march forward, Raven beginning to release some black slime from her back to form thick, hardened tentacles of steel in texture for combat. "Lucifer, my darling, is one of the most predictable individuals known to man...~ Sending one of my own after me in an attempt to put me down...Useless, useless, useless. He practically sent you to your death, to be honest. If you had declined the mission, I'd have saved you..." Catherine spoke to Raven, almost as if serenading her with a sweet voice to send her into the nothingness. The Queen made her way over to her throne and hopped up into it, sitting on it much like a child would to enjoy the show about to be put on before her.

"You openly admit to treacherous acts?!" Raven shouted, the angels charging toward her. The battle of the four was quite intense from the get go, Raven able to fend all of them all and avoid taking damage. Though, they angels didn't go down easy at all. They healed and returned to the fight, even multiplying as Catherine waved her hands to try and make Raven waver in the slightest. "Why, yes. I do. Hell has been run by the old sack of beelzebub for forever. This place needs a new ruler. A queen. One that will properly lead the battle that is the apocalypse and deliver the win to us demons." Raven did her best to listen while dodging and retaliating, sending angels flying left and right. All except for the fallen angel, who was just about as strong and experience as her. The fallen angel held an emotionless face while attacking, eyes dead and devoid of life. The way she fought also seemed controlled. "I can feel what you're thinking, honey. What is wrong with this damn fallen angel? Well. They aren't exactly themselves, hun...~"

Huh? What did she mean by that? That fraction of confusion was all that was needed to throw Raven off balance, an angel successfully stabbing her thigh with a spear, another one following suit to stab her through the stomach with a greatsword. "Ahhhh-" Her wail of pain was cut short by the fallen angel taking hold of her head and sweeping her legs, shoving Raven's face into the ground, destroying the floor and making a tiny crater where she once stood. "Ooh...I thought she'd actually be able to kill you all and fight me, where she'd inevitably lose." Catherine looked up to the ceiling and started to hum the national anthem of the demonic slimes for Raven who seemed to be deceased just from the three attacks. "...Y-...You know, I didn't want to...do this but...I guess...I have to." Raven began to stand up without struggle, the many enemies before her beginning to back away. Her eyes also became devoid of life, the muscular structure of Raven's body beginning to make themselves known while she pulled the spear out of her thigh and greatsword out of her stomach. That's when Raven truly caught Catherine's interest. This was how Catherine grew in power and stayed in power. She absorbed slime's like Raven, who showed high resilience and exude massive amounts of power to stay atop, wielding the crown as her own.

Except, this time around something was off about Raven. Something new that she had never seen before. Raven planted both of her feet onto the ground, grit her teeth and released steam from her mouth. Soon, she arched back and faced the ceiling, letting out a glass shattering roar at the top of her lungs. This roar had waves of sound and vibration coated in what seemed like energy, so as it reached the ears of the angels, they all collapsed, unconscious. The fallen angel attempted to stop Raven from doing whatever she was doing but the goth caught her by the arm, spinning in a circle and tossing her out of the castle itself. This created two problems for Raven. Not only did she just let every demon goo outside that there was a problem inside the castle, she also just sent the fallen angel on her way for what could be reinforcements. She had to wrap this up and fast. From the looks of things, Catherine wanted to do the same, standing up from her throne and walking down the royal aisle to smirk at Raven. Raven walked up the aisle to meet face to face with her target, although it was more of face to chest. Catherine was taller. "Mm. I like that ability of yours. Would you be willing to hand yourself over to me so I could take it for myself, foolish peasant?" Catherine tried asking in a motherly tone, her attempt at making peace. The candles in the aisle all went out at the same time, the chandeliers above the only thing providing light, though dim. Catherine looked up for a quick second to see what was happening if anything but when she looked back down, Raven vanished. "The hard way it is then, insufferable worm!" Catherine shouted, vanishing into the darkness as well.

About an hour later, the two were still fighting but Raven was significantly more weaker than Catherine, who sustained no damage at all. "...S-Sent to my.....death...I can see...and feel that...Now..." Raven dropped to the floor, the entirety of the throne room drenched in thick, dark goo and destroyed. Catherine nudged her with her foot a few times, yawning while patting her mouth with her hand. She even kicked Raven over and planted her foot down onto her chest, feeling for her heart at first. Nothing. Then she moved her booted foot to her head to feel for her brain. Nothing there either. "Foolish, foolish girl...If you sided me with me and shown me that power of yours, I'd have let you live on as a part of me. You will now...The only thing history will remember of you will be that ability and just who died here...~" Catherine murmured, lifting Raven's lifeless body with a spike of goo. "Farewell thee, ignorant warrior." Just as Catherine's hand rest on top of Raven's head, she felt her mistake and there was no going back. "Nng!" She said, an indestructible dome of slime forming around Raven and Catherine. Raven's body disintegrated into slime and joined the dome in surrounding the Queen who desperately trying to break her way out of the way, slamming her fist against the walls and jumping to punch the ceiling.

"What is the meaning of this?! You're dead, worthless mortal! You're supposed to vanish from existence now-" Catherine was interrupted by the low humming of the dome, the sound of it growing wider and thicker at the same time. Her tilted to the side and back, unknowing of what was happening. Until she took a battle stance at the sound of Raven's voice heard everywhere in the dome. "You know...While I was battling those angels and that one fallen angel...You said something. Oh, that the fallen angel wasn't themselves...You gave me an idea. A really, really good but dumb one..." Inquisitive and curious of what this futile clinging to whatever life Raven had in her left, Catherine wanted to see what this idea was. Just so she could dash her hopes of surviving within a second and proceed with dismantling the poor girl as an example to show Lucifer, to send an actual professional. "Alright. I'll bit-OMMNF!" Interrupted mid sentence, a tentacle shot into her mouth, Catherine reaching around and up to grab it, attempting to stop it from invading her body. The tentacle kept going and going despite the Queen's best interest, pouring the contents of Raven's being into her mouth to fill her body. Catherine fell to her knees, holding her throat while she swallowed and swallowed the incoming mass.

It was too much for her to take all at once in that one hole so Raven made a move to try and stop any from pouring out of her, Raven in human appearance stepping out of the wall to drag another tentacle out of the wall and shove it into Catherine's move to quicken the flow of goo. The size of the dome was beginning to drastically increase, caving in on both of them and Raven needed to get herself into Catherine so she could join the goo before Catherine could have the chance to convert it to her own mass. That's when another idea dawned onto her, she lifted Catherine and began to slowly bring over struggling, wiggling form over to the gooey wall pressing her up against it forcefully. Raven crouched when she got her there and used her hands to start move the qipao aside, as well her panties. Without further ado, she prayed to whatever God there was and Lucifer that she wouldn't get squeezed to death. Using the Queen's own easily stretchable tendency, that all goos have on command when in human appearance, against her, Raven started to shove herself head first into the Queen's massive derriere. Catherine's face lit up with a blush as Raven was almost effortlessly devoured up by her rear, the goo pouring in starting to contact with its original owner. At the same time, she had come to realize that the walls were practically constricting her and absorbing themselves into her body.

After all was said and done, Catherine fell to the floor, a gigantic belly now swaying with her midsection. Gasping and catching her own breath, she looked down to notice the constantly shrinking bulge, along with the mass crawling up her skin then invading her neck, choking her for a second to get inside of her head. The mass, assumably Raven, began to pour into her head, pouring and pouring to dive into her brain, merging with it. The Queen screamed at the top of her lungs, caught off guard by the sudden throbbing headache that happened upon her. Catherine cursed and swore at Raven, feeling full well of what was happening to herself. Raven was trying to steal her body! The Queen was unaware but any fight that she put up now was useless, Raven was already coursing through her being, merged with her brain and all. Raven's eye color started to pour into the Queen's golden ones, over taking and drowning out the original color. Catherine held her head and let out one final shout in defeat, "G-Go...God...Damn you, Lucifer!!!"

Dozens and dozens of slime guards, assassins, agents, demons of all kinds and types began to infiltrate the throne room to check on the Queen who was just sitting, resting on the floor with a new eye color, crimson. A permanently surprised face that started to change as she got off the floor, looking down at her hands in inspection. "My Queen, are you alright?" The fallen angel from earlier had asked her with genuine concern. Meanwhile, the Queen Catherine, wasn't exactly who she was on the inside as she looked on the outside. Raven did it. She had taken Catherine's, the only remaining monarch and Queen of all slimes, body. She couldn't say anything. This was honestly her first time stealing anyone's body, let alone someone so powerful! Raven could feel just how powerful she was in, using this body and just being Catherine. She felt like a threat to all that existence itself in this body. That wasn't quite the only thing happening on the inside though, the two's bodily chemistry began to mix. Or rather, Raven started unknowingly absorbing and fusing the Queen's mass to it that of her own. She only felt that she was doing this when the process was just about done, attempting to remove herself from the Queen's body only ended in failure. "..." Raven had nothing to say, still.

That was when the fallen angel had taken notice of the Queen's new eye color, drawing their weapon and holding it up to Raven's/Catherine's neck. In Raven's eyes, this was played in slow motion, her reaction time significantly increased. Upon delving into the obtained Queen's memories, she could see what the sword was made of and where it came from. The strongest material in all of Hell, black steel, just like her earrings in fact. Cautious, yet unphased by the sword, Raven reached out and wrapped Catherine's fingers around the very middle of the blade, holding the sword carefully. Her grip began to tighten, only for a second and the sword split in two, the other end shattering and popping off into shards that clattered to the ground. Everyone in the throne room was taken aback at this moment. A sword of black steel, shattered by what was the Queen not even gripping it firmly. "Who are you and what've you done with the Queen?!" The fallen angel leapt forward to combat Raven/Catherine once more but with their fists in anger as to what happened to the Queen while she was tossed out by Raven. Raven dodged every hit, every move with such ease, it looked like she was dancing and just catching the punches, the kicks, everything.

At this point, Raven knew what her wish was. She saw the angry looks of the demons, the slimes and everyone so she thought really hard to grasp Lucifer's attention. To his surprise when he started to spectate, he could see and already feel that Catherine was taken care of do to the fact that she was fighting one of her own subordinates. "I see that you were successful in...completing the task. I told you to use whatever method you so desired and...It seemed that you stole her body and wiped her from existence. You're beings have become one, except there was more of you left over than her. I must say...I'm impressed. What is your wish?" Lucifer asked in sincerity. "Hell's gone to shit and I don't want to to be here anymore, god damn it! I wish..." Raven took one last look through the throne room, memories of her childhood flushing in. During her reminiscing, she caught the angel's arm, broke it with one a single punch then kicked them away, piling through the crowd of demons. With her own voice, not Catherine's, Raven shouted. "Send me to a different dimension, so that I may exist and roam with the living of that lifetime! I wish to carry my old identity and being into this life as well!"

A beam of light shot through the palace, crumbling the exterior as it came down on Raven.


All is blinding light...The Queen Goo, Catherine, had been overthrown and killed. Her body and all of her power taken by a weaker being of the same race...What an eventful day in the nether realm...~

A mother and child wander into a huge grocery store, there to pick up essentials, buy them and bring them home so that they may not starve for a while. The child, a boy, bothers his mother endlessly for what sweets and other things that they would cause them to grow overweight, get out of shape and such. She ends up picking up a few of the things for him but not all. Overall, they seem happy. From the distance, Raven using Catherine's body is also shopping amongst the humans, using her superior sense of smell and goo to taste the many products without actually having to purchase them. It's been at least 10 since years in this life since all of that went down. Taken out of thought, she looks to her right to meet eyes with her mother, Aseemi. A thick, meaty woman in her 40s who still looks very young. Her eyes were a beautiful blue color, long wavy black hair and big bouncing breasts on her chest with a fat ass to follow her wide hips. Although, the only difference between Catherine's body and Aseemi's body, was that Aseemi's held fat in some areas, Catherine's body mostly built with muscle while attaining her similar, slutty assets. Aseemi looked at her daughter's choice of clothing. A simple black shirt with outlines of guns as a design on it. A pair of blue jeans, hugging her rear. To top it all off, a pair of wedge heels with white socks on her feet.

Aseemi bumped into Raven on purpose, making the goth look over. She giggled and put up a playful tone, "O-Oopsie...~ My bad! I just wanted to knock that raining cloud over your head away, sweetheart!" Her arms came around Raven and hugged her against her body, smiling widely while in hopes that she wasn't embarrassing her daughter as well. "Y-yeah...Sorry. Just thinking about...things. I'm okay now." Raven said, some of Catherine's voice slipping out then her own.

"Well! We'll just have to go do something more fun than this to get your mind off of the past! Sound good, hun?~"

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