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Rated: E · Poetry · Educational · #2185380
what is the reality of life
Humans are now no less than monkeys
How you may say;
Our reaction towards serious
Joyful and fun loving times
Are all the same
All we do is laugh and laugh
And make fun of our lives

Like how justice is blind so are we
We don't even realize the value of our lives
We spend our life wasting money in useless things
Smoking, drinking, gambling are some examples

We spend all our lives
Showing off
Being jealous
Fighting each other
Judging everyone around us
Wearing a mask on our faces
Making our heart darker and darker.
Why are we like this?
What do we get out of this?
Our heart remains submerged in evil.
And our thoughts reflect the lonely night.

This is in reality the Dark Age
In Front of our eyes;
Girls are being molested
Various crimes are happening
People are being killed
People are dying because of
Not reaching to the hospital on time
Young kids are begging on roads
And the list goes on.

We keep fake friends near us and true ones far away
We try to change so that others like us
We are busy impressing the world
We forget everything else in the process
We forget ourselves to such extent
That we forget what happiness means to us

We forgot that happiness also lies
In good works
In serving others
In being honest

We all want the truth
But no one wants to be honest
We all want our kids to live in good surrounding
But no one wants to teach their sons
To value women; to treat them equally

We all want our lives to be easier
But no one wants to experience the adventures life takes us to
We all want to live a peaceful life
But no one wants to stop violence and wars

We are the most confusing species ever
When we care for others
We forget our self also
We can't see them in pain
We can't see their tears
But when it comes to us
We are okay
Even when we have a heavy heart while saying it
Even when we are facing huge problems in our lives

On the other side;
When we care about our self
We only think about us and our happiness
What makes us happy?
And we forget that
There are more people in this world
Except us also
We don't care if someone
If dying or is alive
If they are getting basic necessities or not
If their lives are secure or not
If they have a family or not
If they get to study in good schools like us or not.

We can't maintain the balance
It's too simple
Care for others but don't forget your own self in it
It's hard to follow,
We are humans made for making mistakes and learning from them but
Hence make mistakes but don't forget to learn something from them.

God resides in the heaven
He teaches us right and wrong
Through his presence
Our minds become illuminated
We interpret his wisdom in many ways
But god always knows the best
Many of us curse him in our trying times
For he has forsaken us in the critical moment
Our prayers are in vain
And our pleas merely eco
Our struggles unseen.
What we forget
Is the Lord knows the best
And has unique ways
Of communicating with us
Of showing that he cares for us.

As its best said
He may answer late
But he does answer.
He may have a different
Approach to make you strong
But he puts you through All hardships so that
You come out as gold from iron.

The one that learns this reality
Masters everything in life.
Is always happy no matter what the situation.
Now to learn this reality of life
One may take a few days, months or years!
It's up to us to open our eyes
And understand the symbols given to us by god.

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