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If you have not read my previous short story please read "The 'Un'Realistic Engineer's Path - C1" before reading this. https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2184069-The-UnRealistic-Engineers... Finally the day comes where the people gets offer in hand,gets the joining date to join some of the reputated IT sector with some decent package. The dilemma starts with the joining location of the company, very few lucky one's gets the home based locations, few of them with very minimal distance to their native and rest has to vacate the base city and work in other location else all the hardwork goes in vain and need to start the process from scratch. Few thinks of the distance from home, few think of freedom, few think of enjoyment as no one will be there to question, few take as a challenge, majority of the home sick one's will be in kind of dilemma whether to vacate or not. With all the chances taken and its a high time to take risks, all the mindsets will arrive into a conclusion and decide to join as per the norms. The fresher journey into IT will start just before the joining date when they get kind of farewell before the start of journey to different city with all the mixed emotions, temporary or permanent targets, all the rigid thinking, focus on a thing with in the time limit to get back soon, few on the different kind of swings all set to start the journey for the prescribed joining location and wait for the day to enter the IT. With all the due respects and blessing in dis-guise few gonna get the company provided accomodation and on a rare note few doesn't get it though. To enjoy all the facilities given by company for a shorter duration of the time which they can't get back the same sort of facilities outside even if wished to be. The joining day will be very special always and very auspicious to few of them with holding all the mixed emotions in mind and it changed as soon as they enter may be just because of the excitement or just because of the atmosphere few feel as soon as they enter. Similar kind of excitement will be there to everyone in terms of what technology they will get trained, how the trainer would be, what all facilities the company might provide for the initial days and to roam in and around the city in the initial days of arrival with all the new friends they got during the joining and the training days. In between there will be some tension to take care of, the most important one to search a accomodation so called PG or a flat to live before the company accomodation ends, it will be a daily routine to go a bit early from the company and search for the better ones to stay. Later, after seeing all the PG's outside,there will be a thought process in mind such that we are ready to spend or pay more, that they need to continue the company accomodation,which doesn't happen! 😅 After all the settlements, few focus on the trainings, few start enjoying and rest will adapt to the routine that they board the morning shuttle services and board the evening one just to complete the prescribed hours. Few of them gets attracted to something ,which eventually most of them likely to have and wishes to be part of a relationship. 😉 Everything has to been in balance if someone wishes to have and it should not mess up and trouble the others. Its fine to tease and have some kind of enjoyment for the moment,but it should not exceed the limit. The most important parts comes in the middle of the training period where the trainer adds some extra pressure to learn things and humiliates everyone in the batch on a good note. This makes all the trainees who are interested to do a bit of research on a bigger topic of which technology to choose and which path to choose among the developement, testing or the production support and the working location too for the matter of the fact. Majority approaches the trainers, in their contacts or the know seniors among for the path to choose and to get rid of their confusion. On a serious note the decision to take on the path to choose will be never ending till the training ends and till they get allocated. How much ever they get the accurate answers for their confusions, the actual answers are always volatile and most of them will accumulate the collective answers which they get from the rest of the world and continously fight in their mind, which never resolves soon. Ideally they come to a solution just to work what ever they have got that they got on a random basis and only very few get what they expect. Eventually where ever they land up to the confusion which never ends in this IT. P.S. : This story is just the imaginary, if its having any similarity in anyone's life, the author is not held any responsibility. |