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The sixth day: Shopping day |
: Elly I didn't sleep as well as the past days. First, I was completely tied up and second I didn't want to go walking and shopping naked. So I was awake long before Deirdre was. I loved her face when she was sleeping; just like an angel. She opened her eyes at about a quarter to eight. She looked at me, smiled and gave me a kiss. She rolled over and squeezed my breasts a bit. "Today is your day to fame," she said grinning. "Are you really taking me out naked? At least, can't I wear something? Like undies?" I begged "Nope, no clothes for you! In fact, you'll have to drive, while I tell you where to drive. It'll be great fun!" "I can't see the fun of it," I told her, "I'm going to be the one that's naked." "Exactly!" she laughed, "That's the point!" She got up and loosened the cuffs and the ropes. We went to the bathroom to take a shower and then downstairs to have breakfast. While we cleaned up. I still didn't like the idea of going outside naked. Until now it had been fun. I really had a great time, but no one else had seen us, except my friends. But that was different, we all ended up naked. So I was going to make one more try to convince her of giving me something to cover. But when Deirdre returned, she carried a towel . "We can put this on your seat, when we drive of. Now where are the car keys?" Arguing wouldn't be of any use. So I shut up, sighed and fetched the car keys. Deirdre looked happy. You could see she was planning something. She opened the garage door before I got in the car. "Come on, Elly, you're already naked in public!" I saw several people in the street and some had heard Deirdre, so I quickly jumped in the car. Deirdre checked if she had the keys of the house in her purse and then she closed the garage. This was the point of no return. While she guided me to our destination, she told me what we were going to do. "This morning, we're off for a long walk. I discovered this trail in spring and it's beautiful. I wanted to do this walk with - a completely naked - you on Saturday. But you got the best of me there. Now it's my turn to make you do what I want. ... And then we'll have lunch in a cosy bar in the neighbourhood. In the afternoon, I know a shop a bit further, you're going to like. I swear!" I felt embarrassed and strange, driving nude. But since there was no law against it, I didn't feel any fear any more. Deirdre was smug on the road to wherever we were going. She leered the whole time, and her eyes told the whole story. Suddenly she fondled my right tit. And then she stroked my belly and got down to my pussy. Anger just vanished, and desire came in the place. I opened my legs a bit more and lifted my left foot on my seat, so she could better reach my pussy. I took her hand with my right hand and put her fingers inside my vagina. She leaned over to kiss me in the neck and on my cheek. I breathed heavier and heavier and couldn't help moaning. "Be careful, baby. If we have an accident, you'll have to go naked to the hospital!" We both smiled. It didn't prevent her from sliding her fingers in my vagina and massaging it. In the meanwhile she kept on guiding until we reached a big parking area. There we stopped. We didn't get out immediately. We were both to hot, so we had a quickie. Deirdre took the car key and she opened her door. "Come on girl! Time for a challenge!" And she stepped out. She came over to my side, took my hand and pulled me out. Locking the doors, she showed me a path. "Over there is the beginning," and turning around "And there is the end!" She had the Nikon, and we were of for a two hours humiliation. As we started, I kept on covering myself with my hands. But soon I stopped covering: there was nobody on the trail. In the meantime Deirdre took pictures of me walking or crouching, on all fours - front and back - on a bench and even in a tree. We were approaching a small lake and my confidence was melting away. And for sure, suddenly three young women appeared. We hadn't seen them before. Suddenly they were there. They stopped at once. You could see they were stunned. They looked at me.... Well they devoured me with their eyes. "Wow, hello girls! ... And especially the nude one... Lost your clothes on the way?" "Doing a dare?" "Lost a bet?" And then the one sentence I didn't want to hear "Lets take some pictures!" They all grabbed their smartphones and started to make pics, as I tried to cover up. Deirdre was making pictures of them taking pictures of me. When they stopped, she came over, took my hands and lifted them up above my head. "Now ladies, if you want better pics, it's now or never!" she laughed. I screamed... Off course it started all over again, except this time there was no covering anymore. I screeched and I turned, but to no avail. After a while, they stopped and they started talking to us. We started the presentations. They told us their names: Tam, Liz and Deedie. They were in their mid twenties. We told them about our week and they laughed a bit about it, but you could tell they were slightly envious. They all had a holiday and they just came over here for a walk, because they knew it would be quiet. But they sure hadn't expected this. As we parted, they asked if they could do something for us. My little devil popped up and I had a wicked thought. Deirdre Everything went smooth. We had a bit of woos in the car and I took lots of pics. And then we met Tam, Liz and Deedie. Just as they were leaving they asked if they could do something for us. Elly looked at them, before I could say anything. "Yes, as a matter of fact there is. If you feel like it you could strip Deirdre naked and give her clothes to me. Not the purse and the camera, just her clothes!" "Volunteer!" they all cried and they ran up to me. I tried to escape, but it was no use. They caught me and they pulled me on the ground. I tried to fight them of, but again it was no use. I could feel how they took of my shoes and socks, grabbed my arms and lifted them over my head. I could hear Elly laughing. I clenched my teeth, but it was all too futile. I felt my t-shirt slide over my head, I felt how they unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and pulled it down. I had wiggled myself on my belly and tried to escape crouching. But it made it all the more easy to unclasp my bra and pull down my panties. And that left me stark naked too... I was scarlet, deep scarlet. I was mad on Elly and the women, I was ashamed and humiliated, and I was hot of the fight. Elly couldn't stop laughing. Off course, she loved it. Elly took her Nikon. The three women stood up and grabbed their smartphones once again. "My God, what a body. I need to take a picture of you!" I was crouching away on all fours, but that gave them a good look at my butt and my privates, so I stopped and turning over I tried to cover myself with my arms. But Elly came over and pulled my arms up. "Ladies, if you want fantastic pictures of Deirdre, it's now or never!" I tried to wriggle out, I closed my legs, I looked away, but it didn't help. On top of it all, Deedie came over to help Elly. She opened my legs so they all had a good view on my privates. I gave up, I didn't resist anymore. I was almost crying. I didn't mind being naked - in fact, I loved it - but my whole scheme was ruined. They were all still laughing, but Deedie looked at me and she came over to comfort me. At first I pushed her away, but as she embraced me, tears were coming in my eyes. "Look at it from the bright side: you're both nude," she said, "A joy shared is a joy doubled." I couldn't help it, but I smiled and I dried my tears. Elly came over and put her arms around me. When Lizzie, Deedie and Tam were getting ready to leave, Elly asked if she could have my clothes. Tam smiled "We are keeping the clothes," she told Elly, "Since you both love nudity, we think you should both share a nice, nude stroll. But we could bring them over to your place, if you want them." Elly knew these were my favourite clothes so she gave them the address and invited them to come over in the evening if they had time. "But please, bring Deirdres' clothes along. She might need them!" "We'll be there at about six!" They answered "And we'll have them with us. Take care of Deirdre, she needs it!" I grinned. Elly looked at me. "And what are we going to do now?" She asked when they were gone. "Walk on," I answered, "I'm starting to like it. In fact, I like it very much. You didn't think I would give up, did you? Now we're both nude in public. Besides, a naked lunch and shopping. Who could ask for more? And close your mouth, I can see what you have eaten." She was stupefied. She probably thought I would give up. But I meant what I said, I started to like the idea of people seeing me naked. I knew she still cringed at the idea of being naked in public, so I cherished the idea even more. She really wanted to go back. "Lets go on!" I encouraged her "You can take your Nikon and I'll take my purse!" "But ... but ... if some police officer sees us ... or anyone else?" she stammered. "There's no police coming round here, unless you call them. And now get on, or I give you a sound spanking and a big tickle round. You deserve it!" Elly felt guilty, so she kept silent and started walking. Seeing her like this, I felt so bad I reached for her hand. We looked at each other and we smiled. "You can take all the pictures you want. You're the photographer round here. I'm sorry I was so mean." I whispered in a hoarse voice. She stopped and she turned to me. After a while she took both my hands and kissed me. When we walked on she laid her arm round my waist. And I did the same. We were nude and happy. Elly Deirdre was really mad at me, the moment Deedie opened her legs. I hadn't expected the three would do all this, so I was taken by surprise. But she didn't want to give up now and we went on walking. I wasn't in for public nudity, as she obviously was. She began to like it. I guess she saw it more as an adventure. In her case showing of her body was easy: she's lovely. But I wasn't sure about mine. Until she grabbed my hand I was still trying to cover up more or less. From then on we just walked as two lovers, holding each other close. "I know a spot - it must be around here - where nobody comes." She whispered and I knew she was inviting me. I went along and she took me to a very small open space, where nobody could see us. We rested and cuddled a bit. And then we walked on. Now and then, we would meet someone, but most of the time we succeeded to hide between the trees and the bushes. A few times we couldn't hide, and people made pics of us. In the end Deirdre embraced me or pulled me behind her so people would see less of me. Which was in fact very ... thoughtful of her. She could be a wench, but she was still a cute one. As we came back to the parking lot, it was past noon. I rushed to the car as fast as I could, forgetting that Deirdre had the car keys. She sauntered to the car, swinging the keys teasingly. She looked grand, magnificent, even being naked. "Oh, come on, Deirdre, .... coome ooon ...." I muttered to myself. The moment she opened the car I jumped in. Calmly she sat on the passenger seat. "You know something," she said, "I'm hungry! It's time to have a lunch in that little restaurant I mentioned." I couldn't believe my ears. "You don't mean it! ..... You can't do this ..... Everybody will see us there ...." She looked at me and smiled "I've brought a spare t-shirt with me. I was thinking, you couldn't step in a restaurant naked. But now my clothes are gone, I decided we both will step in naked. We'll see if the owner will let us in. Start the engine!" She gave me the key and we drove of. Normally, I would have been charmed by the place, it was very nice. But the at the perspective of entering naked without a place to cover, I shivered. When we parked, I saw several other cars. I panicked. "Please Deirdre! Can't we go home?" I begged. She looked at me, smiled wickedly and went inside. The owners' eyes popped out when he saw us coming in. Deirdre went straight to the bar. She didn't cover herself and she smiled friendly to the guests. My smile was a bit more embarrassed, in fact it was more a grimace of total loss. In contrast to Deirdre I tried to cover up, but I had too little hands. If I covered my tits and my butt, my privates were free for all to see, if I covered my privates and my butt my tits were free. In the end - that was when I reached the bar - I had decided to cover my front bits and tried as much as possible to hide my butt to tables, chairs, the bar, .... anything I could use. As I arrived at the bar the owner was just saying "Yeah it's alright, if I don't get any trouble over it, you can have lunch here. In fact," he grinned "it's good publicity." So she went over to a table in a corner. I followed her. When we sat down she smiled at me. "You know something: you look more ridiculous trying to cover up, than I am just walking around. Let me give you a little word of advice: if you want to cover something, cover your pussy and maybe your tits. And act a bit more naturally." "Easy for you to say, you love it. I'm the one feeling embarrassed!" I hissed, while looking around, feeling thoroughly flustered. When the waiter reached our table, we ordered steamed broccoli and stir-fried mushrooms with peppers for me and Sushi burritos for Deirdre. While we were waiting, it happened. Two young women came over to our table. "Sorry, miss," they said to Deirdre, "but we've been watching you and we were asking ourselves if we could make a picture of you and your friend?" Oh no, I was thinking to myself. Oh no! And very convincing I shook my head . Deirdre put on a very innocent face. "It's not a problem to me, but as you can see it is a problem to my girlfriend. So if you wanna take pics you'll have to be satisfied with me only." The two were happy enough with one model and they agreed. "Could you sit on our lap? ... Can your friend take a picture of us? .... Can you stand beside me? ...." And so on. It took a while before they had finished. But instead of being left alone, others took courage and came asking for pictures. Deirdre never said no. You could see she loved being naked. She even sat on a mans' lap with her legs wide open, while his wife was taking a picture. I couldn't have been more ashamed. Somebody had to be ashamed. When the lunch arrived they finally left us alone. As I wanted to get out I hogged my broccoli without taste. Deirdre was harassing me by eating real slow and enjoying her lunch. Finally we went to the counter to pay. Deirdre was paying as she had the purse on her. Bending over the owner asked if he could have a picture of both of us. As I didn't want to be on a picture, Deirdre let him take a picture of her. "Make sure it's hanging somewhere around here when I return!" she laughed as she left the restaurant. I followed, still trying to cover up all my bits. I was as red as a beet, when I jumped in the car. "Where are we going now?" I shouted. By now I was really mad. "Relax, you will feel yourself at ease where we are heading now," she hushed. She gave me the instructions and we stopped in front of a .... Sex shop! She jumped out. "Come on, Elly. Here they sell everything for sex. From movies to toys. I don't think they will notice if we're naked." But off course they did. Like in the restaurant, everyone wanted to take pictures of the both of us. No one was disappointed with the pics of Deirdre alone. "Lets go on shopping," she said, "No more pics from now on!" I don't think anyone of you has ever had the opportunity of shopping naked in a sexshop. Well, let me tell you it sucks. All the people over there came asking if we could test one of the toys they wanted to buy. Off course we couldn't. The woman at the counter wouldn't let us. They knew off course, but they all thought it funny. Once in a while one of us or both would get a slap on the bum. One women even tried to pinch one of Deirdres' nipples. "You can pinch it if you give me a kiss. And I don't mean just touching my lips!" The woman pulled back. I couldn't believe what I heard and saw. Deirdre was behaving like a real slut and I told her so. She just winked and smiled. In the end she bought nothing, but she had a great time. Going back to the car she told me so. I didn't run anymore, I just covered up - a bit that is. "And you know something, it's all your fault. I was going to do a stroll with you, me dressed and you naked. But then Deedie and her friends came along and they stripped me. That moment I was mad at you, because you had ruined my scheme. But talking to Deedie made me realise I loved being naked in public. It's hard to confess, but I really do love it. Like you enjoy being tortured a bit," and she smiled "Yes, I noticed yesterday. That's why I love you so much, I can tickle you, give you a bit of a spanking - not to hard - and you love it. And from now on, you can strip me anywhere you like, I will love it. ... Strange, isn't it? .... And to think if you wouldn't have stripped me, I would never have found out......" She smiled and she kissed me "So, it's your own fault, you are running around naked." She grabbed in her purse. "Pull over!" she said and she gave me the t-shirt she had been talking about. "You need it more than I do. I wanna stay naked as long as possible." I quickly put on the T-shirt. It barely covered my crotch, but at least no one on the road would notice I was driving naked. "You look sexy this way!" she whispered and I blushed. Suddenly I could feel her hand between my thighs and I couldn't help but spreading my legs again and putting my left foot on the seat. Like I did this morning. It must have been around 5.30 pm when we arrived home. I wanted to open the garage door, but Deirdre was faster. She stepped out naked, when there were people on the street. She was really enjoying this. My niece was a real exhibitionist. She opened the door while smiling at our neighbours. I knew I had to tell my mother this, before the neighbours did. After parking the car in the garage, Deirdre told me to take of the T-shirt again. "I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I want to enjoy it together with you ... totally and utterly ..... naked" She was laughing and she kissed me. She was happy. Deirdre When we arrived home I stepped out to open the garage door. I didn't care about my nudity, but then I saw the neighbours and I thought "Too late." So I waved at them. Once inside I told Elly to take of the T-shirt. She was sexy with, but even sexier without it. We went in the garden and started kissing and hugging and nibbling an ear and pinching a nipple ... You know all the things that lovers do. When suddenly the bell rang. We waited, but it rang a second time, so I went to the door. "You can't go like this!" Elly begged. But I grinned "I'm dressed for the occasion" I heard a few women voices outside the door. I frowned "Who could that be?" I was curious. Opening the door one of them almost fell on me. It was Deedie. "Oh ... mmh ..." she stammered and she held up my clothes "We brought your clothes along. And something to eat. It's almost 6.30!" I was surprised, but then I started laughing. "You know, I hadn't thought of it anymore. But thanks and come in. You can leave your clothes here!" What I meant was to leave their jackets behind, but Tam and Liz stripped immediately 'til they were stark naked, without problems. Deedie however was shy and just went in fully clothed. I grinned; time for revenge. I sneered at Deedie: "Deedie, you weren't that shy when you opened my legs this morning!" Tam and Liz started laughing, but Deedie went red. "I think it's revenge time for me!" I menaced her and she backed down. As she wasn't looking behind her, she didn't notice the chair. She tripped over the leg. Immediately I was towering above her. I grabbed her legs and pulled of her shoes. She didn't wear any socks or stockings, so I could use my fingernails on her soles, without delay. She shrieked and everybody in the room started laughing. "My little redhaired baby, I'm gonna tickle you out of your clothes!" I said and the others gathered around us to help me. Immediately they succeeded in taking of her shirt and her bra. And since she tried to cover her tits, while she was extremely hard shrieking and laughing, it didn't take much to relieve her of her pants and panties. Now she was naked I couldn't stop tickling her. Her whole body was there for me to ravage with my finger nails. Tam and Liz were talking to Elly and then the three of them ran upstairs. What were they doing? When they returned, I could see Elly had brought the dungeonbag. Sneeky rascall. Tam and Liz were carrying something, but I couldn't see clearly what it was. I didn't wait for them to plant my nails in Deedies' sides and tummy. As the others came sitting around Deedie, I put my finger on my lips. They all hushed and the only person to make a noise was Deedie coming back to her senses. When she had almost recovered, I put my nails in her belly button. That made her cry out loud. "Pleeaaaassssssssseee ..... Stooooooop!........Ooooohhhh hahhaaahahahihihhihihihi ....... IIEIEIEIEIEIEIEI ......" As the others went along tickling her, she screeched more and more... Suddenly I saw Elly from the corner of my eye taking the ball gag and putting it in Deedies' mouth. "IEIEIEIEIEImmmmphhphphphp..... ooohhhh .... mphphph ......MMmmmmm .......ieieei...." It was almost silent and we could continue our devious works in relative peace. "Elly, give me the cuffs!" I said. Elly grinned, while the other two stared at us with question marks in their eyes. Deedie heard me asking the cuffs and her eyes opened wide and she started shaking her head from left to right. "Mnoooo .....mmmpppphphhhhhh ..... MMMMnnnOOOO ...." "Turn her around!" I said and when she laid on her belly I took her wrists and cuffed them on her back. When we turned her back, she had given up. She didn't wriggle anymore, she was just looking at all of us. But that wasn't what I had planned and this time my scheme was going to work. Poor Deedie! I had noticed that Tam and Liz each brought a hairbrush. I put Deedies head and back on my lap. All at once my lap was covered with beautiful red hair, Irish red. And in the middle a cute, freckled face. I smiled at her and she smiled back with fear in her eyes. "Elly take your camera. Tam and Liz, take a hairbrush and pull her legs up.....Open them..." And then the verdict, the real punishment: "Use the brushes on her feet!" Deedies' eyes opened wide in complete, utter panic. "MMMMnooooooooo ..... IEIEIieieieieie...... Hahahhihhihiieieieieihihihieieieieieiei..." Tears came in her eyes, she squirmed to get out of our grasp. She snorted, she cried. I had seen Elly wriggle, but this was two levels higher. My! God! We all looked at each other and decided to stop it. This was terrible. Anyway, I told you I was a bad Domme .... I respect and love my slaves .... The others let her loose, but I hadn't finished yet. I asked Elly for the bag. The other three were obvious curious. They were all older than me. Deedie lying under me must have been about seven years older than me. But they were all waiting for me to act. I had the power ..... and I loved it. Elly OMG, I thought I was ticklish, but this was ....aaaah. So we looked at each other and we stopped. However, I could see Deirdre wasn't going to stop. She had that mean, wicked look in her eyes. And yes, she took some things out of the bag. I couldn't believe my eyes: the tail and the magic wand. She took of the ball gag, so Deedie could breath freely. A bit, because all of a sudden, Deirdre took Deedies' calves and pushed them under her armpits. Deedie gave a little squeal. Deirdre opened her legs and sat on Deedies' face. Well a bit above it. She had a look at Deedies' vagina and muttered to herself, "Well, well, you're wet allready. This makes it easier." She took the wand and very slowly and carefully she pushed it inside Deedies' vagina. We could see Deedie opened her eyes wide in surprise and then she arched in delight. She surely liked what Deirdre was doing: you could her a soft moan. Deirdre pushed the wand deeper and the moaning increased. And then she turned on the wand. Suddenly there was a cry and the moaning became groaning. Deirdre lowered her pussy on Deedies' face. "Lick it," she ordered and she started to pinch Deedies clit. I watched in amazement. She had been doing almost the same with me two days ago. My God, my niece was learning fast. As I was watching Deirdre I heard some muffled noises beside me. Tam and Liz were getting hot. They were playing with themselves, but I couldn't have that. Not in my house. I crawled to the spot where they were lying and I started kissing and fingering Tam and with the other hand I treated Liz. They both came closer to me and started moaning also. They were both at least five years older than me and I could do anything with them. I loved it and I was certain Deirdre had the same feeling. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't go away," I whispered. I got the butt plug and the vibe in the bag. When I returned, the two were pleasuring each other, but I started to use the vibe on both of them. The moans increased and got harder. I couldn't help smiling. I put my hands on my pussy and started fingering myself, but Tam noticed. She took my hand and put her fingers in my pussy. She licked my fingers.... and kissed Liz... I started moaning, I was aroused. Not only by the fingers in my vagina, but I got a kick of seeing these twens agitated and kissing each other. Suddenly Tam started wailing so hard, I had to put my hand on her mouth. She went on wailing, started to redden and fell back, exhausted. I took Lizzes' hand to replace Tams' and I kept on massaging Liz. It took only a few minutes for her to fall back. I looked at Tam and she came to eat me. God, this felt good. A bit later Liz came helping. She licked my tits and nipples, she caressed my thighs and she licked my face. I didn't take long fore me to come. And then I realised the two D's were still working. Deirdre "Lick it," I told her and I could feel her tongue in my slit. She was really doing what I told her to do! I heard her moaning and suddenly I heard sounds from the other side of the room. Looking up, I saw Elly busy with Tam and Liz. Whoaw, she was working hard. I returned to Deedie. I took of the cuffs. "Are you ready for more, baby?" I whispered. "Oaaeeess..." I took it for a yes and went on. I spit on her ass and started massaging her little hole. The moaning came in louder. I started to lick out her buttcrack, and the moans increased a bit more. I put in one finger and she squealed. I couldn't see her face, but I could imagine it. "This is what we call stretching, honey." I spit a lot of saliva on her butt and smeared it around. "We're in for the final, baby!" I took the tail and lubed it. Then I slid it carefully in her asshole. By now she really started to groan. I push it in and slid it out again, and again in and out, and again in and out. And each time she groaned harder, until she whined of pleasure. While whining harder and harder, the convulsions came. A few to start with, but becoming more and more frequent until she lost control and started shuddering over her entire body and gave a cry of gratification and humiliation. And then she unclenched. "Eat my clit" I ordered her, while I put her legs carefully back on the floor, not to hurt her. She was red all over, not only her cheeks but almost her complete body. Seeing her vagina and the wand, I bend over and took out the wand. She sighed relieved, until I started eating her clit. She gasped. "Keep eating my clit!" I hissed. So she did and she did more. She put her both hands on my buttcrack and opened my asshole. She put her fingers in and it was my turn to gasp. She put three fingers in and then she used her fist. I cried out from pleasure and pain. I was going to fall, I could feel it, but I didn't care. The only thing I cared about was my ass and her clit. ....OMG! And ... I collapsed. I cried and then I collapsed. Everything that happened that day came out in three minutes of utter tension. I fell down on Deedie as she kept on eating me. Elly We all stared in amazement as Deirdre collapsed on Deedie. Deedie went on, but Liz next to me stood up. "Have you got a microwave? Dinner will be cold by now." She explained. Tam and me started laughing. The two D's looked at us. "Why are you laughing?" Deedie asked. Tam explained. Deedie smiled "Liz, always practical!" She pushed Deirdre of. "Oh hell, Jezus, where did you learn this? There was one moment I thought I wouldn't survive. You were pushing me to the limits of what I could bare. I never experienced something like this. It's a pity it's over so fast, I loved it all: the gratification and the pain." She was looking at Deirdre. "Well, we could try it again." answered Deirdre. Deedie turned and took Deirdres' face between her hands; "Not today, thank you!" And she gave her a kiss. Deirdre grabbed her bum and squeezed it in her hands. Then she pressed Deedie against her and answered her kiss thoroughly and extensively. "I would love to torture you a bit more!" she teased. I felt a jealous sting as I saw those two busy with each other. Then Deirdre got up, came to me and gave me a kiss. And I knew there was nothing to fear. I pulled her over and started playing with her, caressing her cheeks, kissing her face, her eyeballs, her neck, stroking her breasts, pinching her nipples .... And enjoyed her playing along .... Suddenly Tam called "Ladies, dinner is served!" We went in to the kitchen and ate our dinner. There was much chit-chatting and laughing. At about eight Liz stood up. "I think it's time we leave you lovenests alone. We should go home, although I loved your company and I loved being naked. I think we all did." The others confirmed. "Well, why don't you stay for the night then? You could leave tomorrow afternoon or evening. It would give you a day longer to streak!" I said "And we don't mind, Do we?" Deirdre confirmed with a happy nod. They looked at each other. "You' re sure?" they asked. We nodded "Off course, we are!" They sat down again and they looked relieved. "In fact, we were afraid to ask" Tam said. We blathered a bit longer and then showed them to the bedroom of my mother. It had a huge bed where the three of them would fit in easily. "If you never slept together this is going to be fun," Deirdre told them "Watch out, you'll get lost in this bed." We all laughed. "And now, who's in for a nightly skinny dip? In the pool, I mean.." Everybody loved my idea. We went to the pool making fun, laughing, teasing,... All in the nude. I was happy the neighbours couldn't see us. Just before we went to bed, Tam, Liz and Deedie had a little private talk. When we stood up to go to our rooms, Deedie came to us. "Well ....ehm.... I don't know how to put it ..... In fact I would like ...." she stuttered. Deirdre sent her a wicked smile: "You want to sleep with us!" "Well yes, with ... Ehmm ... If you don't mind." She looked down. You could tell she was really ashamed. "Wait a minute." Deirdre told her. She took me apart and we started to talk about it. I wasn't very enthousiastic, but Deirdre said we could try some toys on her and still have fun together. And in the end, I gave in. "Alright," said Deirdre, "You can sleep with us, but you're in for a rough night!" Deedie smiled "I hope so!" Going upstairs, I notice the other two chatting up. They were off for the rest of the night. Deirdre came a bit behind carrying several toys. "Just in case!" she reassured us. We all went in our bedrooms. Deirdre gave Deedie a slap on the bum. "Get in!", she hissed, "You're in for a wild night!" She squeezed Deedies' bum, which made her squeal and hop inside. "Lay down in the middle and open your legs!" Deedie did as she was told. Deirdre started kissing her and caressing her all over. She encouraged me to join in. "My little, Irish, fairy redhead with the million freckles," I never heard Deirdre talking like this, "This night you're our property. You're gonna live a night beyond your dreams. But we want our share of your dreams. I love your Brazilian wax. I can feel my tongue will follow your little red landingstrip into the place where it belongs." I could hear her, whispering in Deedies ear, with a hoarse voice. I saw how Deedie was getting excited from the hoarse whispers in her ear. And I knew we were in for a tough, sleepeless night.... I wandered what tomorrow would bring .....And then I joined the double D's world. |