Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2193299-Pokemon-Above-All
by ath2
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2193299
A rogue Pokemon with the ability to dynamax wants all Pokemon to be the supreme beings.
The teenage Laura is walking home with her Arcanine while sporting her green knit-cap with a cotton ball on top. It's a long walk, but the 16-year-old doesn't mind. "Autumn in the Galar region!", says Laura. "The air is refreshing and everything looks so lovely as the leaves change color. On top of that, it's Fall Break! That means no school for a while and all the festivals will be going on. Most importantly, I get to spend more time with you, Archibald, my dear Arcanine. Same for our other beloved Pokemon as well."

Jane spots Laura on the path and comes up to her. "Hi, Laura. Hey, Arcanine. You two walking home? I wanna join if you don't mind." "The more the merrier," replies Laura. Jane says, "I was gonna catch a ride home, but I wanted to walk and clear my head. My boyfriend went missing. Nobody knows where he's at and I just want some air." Laura responds, "Oh dear. I hope he turns up soon. Sergio wanted to celebrate the Great Harvest Festival with you and me."

A little later, the two friends are still walking through town. They are getting close to Laura's house which sits near the edge of the woods. They had changed the subject, but then Laura remembered something. "Um... Jane?. Sergio liked to go searching for dynamax Pokemon in the woods. Has anyone checked there?" Jane responds, "We checked all the usual places near town where the red beams shoot up from the Pokemon dens in the ground. Galar's Wild Area stretches across the entire region. There's no telling where he is." They arrive at the sidewalk leading into Laura's house. Attached to the property is a large, fenced area where some of her Pokemon stay, such as her Tauros.

Laura asks Jane, "Would you like to come in for a little while?" "Sure, I guess I can hang out before it gets too late," replies Jane. They head inside and sit down at the kitchen table. The mother is in the laundry room and the father is at his job processing cargo from ships. Jane says, "So Laura, when are you gonna get yourself a boyfr... Oh. Your Arcanine just farted." Laura blushes, then says, "He just does that as he pleases. It's just natural." "Doesn't smell like it," responds Jane. Laura stands up and says, "Let's go out back for some fresh air, shall we?" Jane, Laura, and her Arcanine head out to the back patio. The girls pull up a chair to the table and gaze out at the field enclosed by a chain-link fence. In the enclosure are one Tauros, several Rapidash, and a few other Pokemon.

Jane says, "'Fresh air' is right. It smells like manure out here. Hey, here comes your Tauros." The healthy Tauros approaches while swishing his three tails. Laura says, "Hello, my sweet Tauros. You remember Jane, don't you? Would you like to tell her hello?" The Tauros starts to defecate. Then Jane says, "Now there's a warm welcome. Oh, hey. What's that blue glow in the distance?" Beyond the field and into the woods, an enormous blue glow is visible. Tauros looks around nervously. Laura says, "Look, Jane. My Pokemon seem worried." All the Rapidash start sprinting in all directions. Then, a loud impact is heard as if a meteor had struck nearby.

The girls look to the horizon and see a giant Lucario. He's looking around. Jane says, "Oh man. A dynamax Lucario! I haven't seen one in a long time. What's he doing around here?" Laura responds, "He looks like he's planning something. Oh dear, I hope our Pokemon aren't in danger." The giant Lucario turns his gaze towards Laura's house. He positions his hands and starts charging up a ball of energy. But unusually for Lucario, it is red energy instead of blue. The girls are alarmed. Laura's mother peeks out the door and says, "What's going on out here?" She then gasps when she sees the Lucario. A warmth is felt from the energy. It causes a light tremor as it continues charging. Laura says, "Oh, I'm really worried Mother!"

Next, Lucario unleashes the massive ball of red energy. It crashes into the field. The enclosure, Laura's house, and nearby houses become engulfed in bright light and gale-force winds. Everyone is screaming. After a few seconds, the red energy is gone and the wind is calm. A couple car alarms are going off. The Lucario is not present. Jane gets out from under the table. She's breathing heavily. "Oh man. Oh wow, that was nuts. Are you guys alright?" Laura takes a moment to catch her bearings, then says, "We're fine, I think. Oh, I hope our Pokemon are okay." The Pokemon in the enclosure have stopped running around but are still making confused noises. There is minimal damage visible other than some stuff blown around the field.

Laura says, "The Pokemon seem aright, just frightened. How about you, my little Archibald?" Her Arcanine stares blankly towards the field. Jane says, "Hey, Arcanine. Snap out of it!" The mother pets the Arcanine and says, "He'll be alright. I'm sure it's nothing a trip to the Pokemon Center won't cure." Jane looks out at the field and says, "I think your Tauros is giving us the stink eye." Laura responds, "I'm sure they're all stressed out and don't know what to think." In the setting sun, Laura's mother says, "I'll get a hold of your father to make sure things are alright where he is. Jane, you might want to hurry home. Your mother might worry." Jane says goodbye and heads home as Laura's mother heads inside. Laura gazes out at the field with a look of concern.

Over night, the family had some trouble sleeping. Shortly after sun up, Laura is stirring in her sleep. A tremor vibrates the house and she wakes up. She yawns and says, "Good morning to you, my Archibald. Archibald? Where are you? And what is the commotion?" She looks around for her Arcanine. "Hmm... Perhaps he was let out the back door." She heads that way. Another tremor is felt. "I hope that Lucario isn't back to disturb us." She nervously opens the door. "Are you out here, my..." She gasps when she sees that her Arcanine is now giant sized. He is looking down at her with a look of disapproval. "Archibald! You've been dynamaxed! But how?" She steps out onto the patio. "None of our Pokemon are the dynamax sort."

Laura's parents come out to the patio as well. The father says, "What is happening here? How did he get so big, Laura?" The mother looks up at the imposing Arcanine with fear and fascination. Archibald is pleased to have the whole family right where he wants them. He is prepared for his act of defiance. He turns around so that his rump is facing the family. His belly rumbles. He raises his tail. Laura gasps again as the family backs away. Archibald concentrates for a moment. He then unleashes a fart which is heard and felt at nearby homes.

Laura's frightened and disgusted parents hurry inside to wash off while Laura remains on the patio. Archibald shrinks back down to normal size and runs off somewhere. Laura sits silently as she tries to process what happened. A few minutes pass. The image of her Arcanine's supernatural rump remains in her mind. Her feelings for him have only grown stronger. She sniffs at the air.

A little up the road at Jane's house, Jane was awakened by the Arcanine's powerful fart. "That smell," she says. "There's no mistaking it. Laura has some explaining to do." She goes out to the backyard as she likes to do in the morning. "It smells even worse out here. I'd go eat breakfast, but it might taste like..." Something catches her attention. She sees a normal-size Lucario. "What is it doing in our yard?" The Lucario and Jane stare at each other. Jane then asks herself, "Is it the one from yesterday?" The Lucario starts walking up to her. Jane is a little nervous at first. As Lucario comes closer, Jane says, "Hey there. I have a pokéball right here. Why don't you just hop right in?" Lucario stops in front of her. Jane then asks, "What's with the serious look? Anyway, you're just standing there, so this normal pokéball should work just fine." She tosses the pokéball at him, but he swats it away. He then turns around and bends over. Jane says, "You're mooning me now? How's about I kick you right in the..." He starts defecating. "Ugh. Seriously?!" When Lucario finishes up, he walks away. Jane looks down at Lucario's dung. "Gross. I'm gonna have my ultra ball ready next time." She then gasps loudly. Lying in the dung is a tiny human skeleton. It has a jacket on, the same jacket that her missing boyfriend wore. "Sergio's jacket. No. Oh man. I'm gonna pass out."

A couple minutes later, Jane regains consciousness as her mother pulls her up from the ground. "Mom. Lucario ate my boyfriend." The mom replies, "Oh, Jane, I'm sure it's just your imagination." Jane shows her the tiny skeleton in the dung. The mother gasps, but then says, "This must be some kind of prank. How would he get so tiny?" Then Jane, trying to keep her composure, says, "Sergio probably went into the dangerous part of the Wild Area. That insane Lucario ate him while dynamaxed and wanted me to know it. Why would he kill my boyfriend? How does he even know me?"

A while later, Laura and Jane are walking into town. Laura had explained what she could about Archibald. Jane had informed her about Sergio. They approach a sandwich shop. Jane says, "I love their sandwiches. They won't make me forget about Sergio, but maybe we can relax a little in there." Laura agrees and they go into the sandwich shop. Jane orders a roast beef sandwich and Laura orders something vegan. They take their sandwiches to a table by a big window that faces the street. As they eat their sandwiches, they chat about Pokemon species. They avoid going into detail about the current circumstances.

They finish their meal. While getting up from the table, something shakes the building. Then another shake. They see people running up the street and yelling. Next, some buildings on the other side of the street are reduced to rubble as screams are heard. People are running away from the destruction, some covered in blood. Many in the sandwich shop are panicking. Laura and Jane continue looking through the big windows as the dust from the destruction clears. Beyond where those buildings were standing, the girls see a giant Tauros walking around and trampling more buildings. Laura recognizes his distinctive markings and realizes that he is her own Tauros. She screams and covers her mouth.

The Tauros finally stops trampling buildings. He stands for a moment, then turns to look at the sandwich shop. The girls gasp. Jane asks, "Does he see us?" The giant Tauros comes closer as the girls consider running out of the building. He grunts, then turns around so that his rump is facing the sandwich shop. His tail raises. Jane simply says, "Uh..." Then, a giant pile of Tauros' dung lands in front of the entrance. Another pile follows. He then walks away as the building shakes. Laura seems unusually drawn to the pile.

Hours later after nightfall, Laura and Jane are sitting at the back patio of Laura's house. They're listening to a radio. It reports that the local government has declared a state of emergency. More giant rampaging Pokemon have appeared throughout the day, each one leaving many casualties. There were reports of neighborhoods being wiped out, people being eaten, and even sexual acts involving infrastructure or people. Jane looks at Laura. "You're smiling. Are you enjoying this?" Laura nervously responds, "Why no. I was just thinking about all the good times I had with Archibald, my loving Arcanine. Sigh... and the way his tail gracefully swishes along his hindquarters." Jane stares puzzled by the sexual statement. Laura continues, "All Pokemon need respect. They deserve better than to be our slaves. Maybe they have the right to um..."

Jane turns off the radio and says, "Tell me you're not serious. Innocent people are being murdered by dynamax Pokemon and you're saying they deserve to be?" Laura is silent. Jane then says, "I think you just need some sleep. It's been a stressful day for everyone in Galar. I'm going home." On her way out, she mutters, "Sergio didn't deserve it." Laura remains seated at the patio and facing the field as fireflies glow. She speaks into the air. "Beloved Pokemon, you understand me better than people. You always listen to what I have to say. You cheer me up. Oh Archibald, please do return." Overnight, not much happens in town, but there are a couple minor incidents elsewhere in Galar.

The next morning, Laura's father is at the kitchen table listening to the radio. A news report starts. "Good morning Galar. It is 7AM. Local and regional governments continue to encourage citizens to exercise caution when traveling and to beware of all giant Pokemon. The dynamax Pokemon are unpredictable and may wreak havoc wherever they go." The father notices Laura standing in the hallway. He figures that she is stressed out by all that has happened. He's a bit stressed as well. He invites her to go with him to where he works.

Later, they arrive at the docks where ships drop off their cargo. They walk and talk for a bit before his shift begins. For most of the conversation, Laura speaks of her fondness for dynamax Pokemon. Soon, the father starts his job processing cargo as Laura continues roaming the docks. She comes to the edge of a dock and observes the fish. As she turns to walk away, something squirts her in the back. She turns back around and sees a Sobble looking at her with a nervous smile on his face. Laura says, "You're a friendly Sobble, aren't you?" She approaches him, but he backs away. She crouches down and gestures for him to come to closer. He quivers and fidgets with his fingers. Eventually, he smiles and climbs up to her shoulder. She walks around the docks with him and they quickly become attached. She tells him of her personal feelings about Pokemon, especially dynamax.

Later in the day, her father's shift ends and they head home with her new friend, Sobble. On their way home, they talk about water-type Pokemon. As they approach the heart of town, they become stuck in a traffic jam. They see something disturbing and their conversation goes silent. Standing in the heart of town is the giant Lucario from before. He's even bigger this time. Laura, her father, and Sobble look on nervously and realize that Lucario is standing over the town hall. Laura asks, "Is he gigantamaxed?" Sobble hides in the back seat. The Lucario stands proudly and looks down at the town hall. He bends down and brings his hand towards the building. All around the area, horns are honking and people are shouting. Lucario plucks the roof off of the building. Inside, he sees panicked officials scrambling to exit the top floor. He becomes delighted when he sees the mayor, Mrs. Welshton. She trips in a panicked attempt to escape. She has hurt her leg and rolls over on her back. As she screams, Lucario hooks her with his fingernail. He lifts her to his lips. The helpless mayor cries out, but it's hopeless. Lucario puts his lips over the mayor and sucks her into his mouth. Without hesitation, he swallows the insignificant morsel whole.

Laura's father is shocked. When Lucario turns to walk away, Laura takes in the view of his backside and smiles. His footfalls can still be felt from the car. Laura's father says, "We'll be alright. We'll just turn over here and we'll be home in a little while. I'm sure you're as shocked as I am by all this, but we can talk about it." The detour still had some heavy traffic. They made it home as the sun was going down. The parents listen to the radio until late at night. Laura is optimistic for the future status of the world's Pokemon. She sleeps soundly with Sobble on her belly.

The next morning, Laura is at the breakfast table with her parents. The mother says, "Laura, you haven't touched your bacon. Is it too crunchy?" Laura responds, "I don't eat animals anymore. I'm vegan." Her father says, "Vegan? Bring your new Sobble friend in here and show him how much we love meat in this family." Laura is displeased at the comment. The radio quietly speaks. A breaking news alert is heard, so the father turns it up. It reports, "Moments ago, a celebrity Scorbunny was being filmed in front of his owner's house for a children's television program. After being scolded for not doing tricks, the Scorbunny grew giant in size and stomped the owner's house flat. He then proceeded to urinate on the press and the TV crew. He has his owner in his hand. All travel to the area should be avoided at this time." Laura and her parents are friends of that Scorbunny and his trainer, Kevin the Astounding. Laura's father says, "Kevin's in trouble. I'm going up there." He leaves the house and drives off before his wife could question him.

Soon, Laura's father approaches the street that Kevin lives on. He is alarmed to see an enormous pellet of rabbit poo rolling towards him. He swerves out of the way. Shaken, he parks his car on the curb in front of Kevin's house and gets out. The giant Scorbunny has an upset expression. He is still clutching Kevin who is immobilized with shock and confusion. A few members of the press are the only ones who dared to stay. The Scorbunny grows a smirk. He turns his back to the crowd and bends over. He then maneuvers Kevin beneath his rear. As the crowd watches in horror, the Scorbunny inserts Kevin into his anus, leaving him to suffocate. Laura's father decides that hanging around here is not worth it, so he heads home in anger and grief. He leaves just in time as the Scorbunny grabs another hostage.

When Laura's father comes into the house, he informs the mother about Kevin's fate. The mother then tells him that Laura and Sobble are missing. She says, "I called Jane's house. They haven't seen her." They then feel a light tremor and hear a commotion from outside. They go out to the back patio to investigate. A heavier tremor is felt and they see the cause. A dynamax Sobble is approaching from the distance. It is Laura's Sobble. She is riding on his shoulder. Animals scatter as he gets closer. He comes to rest and sits upright, then looks down at Laura's parents. She hollers down, "I told Sobble how much you like to eat meat. You have convinced him to try more meat." Sobble snatches up the father and tosses him in his mouth. He quickly swallows him. The mother screams and runs for the door, but Sobble squirts her and knocks her over. He leans in, then licks her off the ground and into his mouth. He pulverizes her in his jaw, then swallows her mutilated body, bones and all.

Late that night, Laura is lying awake in bed. She smells a stench. She looks down at the floor and sees Sobble defecating on her carpet. She doesn't mind at all. A feeling of pleasure hits her when she realizes that her parents are a part of Sobble's dung. She doesn't bother to clean it up. She drifts off to sleep as Sobble climbs on top of her.

The next morning, over at Jane's house, Jane goes out to the backyard. She goes up to the old well that has been there for generations. She looks down into the pitch dark hole and sighs. She says, "You're not a wishing well, but I wish something could bring Sergio back... or at least get him off my mind." She hears something that startles her. It's a squeaking sound. "Is something down there?" She then hears a knocking sound. It is followed by more squeaking. It sounds distressed. "No way. Are you a Grookey?! Hold on!" She starts turning the crank to lower the bucket. It's a bit hard to turn since the family hasn't used it much in recent years. "Oh man. This hurts a little, but I'm going to save you." Finally, the bucket reaches the bottom. The squeaks come again. After a moment, she hears more knocks, perhaps on the bucket. She thinks the creature is in the bucket. "Oh man. It was hard enough lowering it. This might take a while." She turns the crank with all her energy. The grueling task takes a lot out of her. Eventually, the bucket arrives at the top. Inside is a Grookey and his stick. He looks dirty and exhausted. "You poor thing." She lifts him out of the bucket and kisses him. "Let's go get you cleaned up." Grookey squeaks feebly.

Jane takes him to the bathroom. She makes a little bubble bath in the sink. Grookey is gently placed within it. He feels safe and relaxed. After Jane helps him bathe, she dries him off, then wraps him in a hand towel. "You should probably eat something already." She takes him to the kitchen and soon presents him with a big bowl of berries and sunflower seeds. "Eat up, cutey." She brings him a bowl of water as he eats on the table. She watches him intently and listens to his munching noises. Jane looks forward to a future with Grookey, her new partner Pokemon.

Later that day, Jane meets up with Laura as they set off for another long walk into town together. Jane has Grookey on her shoulder and Laura has Sobble on hers. Jane asks Laura, "So where are your parents? Are they out for their anniversary already?" Laura is silent at first, then grows a smile. "Why, yes they are! They went down Sobble Tunnel and now they're in a very special place." Jane responds, "Sobble Tunnel? Never heard of it. Sounds cool though." They walk for a while, then Jane suggests a different route. "Let's head down to the big pond. Maybe that scenery will help take our minds off of all the crazy stuff going on."

The two girls eventually reach a small picnic shelter along the trail that goes around the pond. Sobble and Grookey play in the grass while the two girls watch from the picnic table. Jane says, "Bummer. We're at a picnic, but we don't have any food. Maybe we'll hit up the snack machine after a bit. I don't guess Grookey likes beef jerky." Laura then stares quietly at Sobble. Jane asks, "Is something wrong?"

Laura pulls out a blood red pokéball. Jane looks at it and asks, "What kind of pokéball is that?" Laura tosses the Pokeball into the grass. Jane is then surprised to see what emerges from it. It is a Lucario. Jane asks, "Where did you get a Lucario?" The Lucario stares at the two girls. He then growls as his blue aura briefly turns red. Jane's heart sinks when she realizes that this could be the same Lucario that ate her boyfriend. "Laura? Why did you bring him here?" Laura walks over to Lucario and faces Jane, then puts a hand on his crotch. "Jane? Did my boyfriend eat your boyfriend?" She then rubs his belly and whispers, "You have such a big appetite. I bet you're still hungry." Jane doesn't know how to react. She just says, "I think I'm gonna be sick." Grookey is happily beating on a rock with his stick when Jane picks him up. "Let's go, Grookey. I think we should um... find somewhere safe."

A red aura envelops Lucario. Laura moves to a safe distance. Jane backs away as she sees Lucario growing right before her eyes. He quickly grows taller than the trees and keeps growing. When he finally stops, the girls are dwarfed by his toes. He gazes out towards the town with a look of disgust. He brings his hands together and points his palms towards the town. Laura smiles as Jane considers making a run for it. Lucario charges up a blue beam. He then unleashes it upon the town, surely causing loss of life. He looks down at Jane and Grookey. Grookey starts to feel heavy and Jane puts him down. She is stunned to see him growing too. Grookey looks scared as he continues to grow against his will. Sobble had run off somewhere. As Grookey stops growing, Jane barely escapes being crushed by his rump. He doesn't feel like himself now. In fact, he feels a strong bond with Lucario and shares his emotions. Grookey holds his now giant sized stick up high and slams it down, pulvarizing the picnic shelter and creating a strong wind. Jane starts to run, but Grookey snatches her up. He holds her at eye level and growls at her. Laura hollers up, "Offer yourself to Grookey, your master! We must nourish the Pokemon! That is humanity's purpose!" Grookey holds Jane up to his mouth and opens wide. Jane is ready to pass out. But then Grookey, who had developed a strong bond with his rescuer, forms a teardrop. He closes his mouth. He feels confused. Lucario gives him an angry look. Grookey continues to pause. He then slams his stick across Lucario's head. Laura hollers, "No! Punish her, Lucario! Punish everyone!" Lucario has trouble standing. He loses consciousness and falls onto Laura, killing her. Lucario then shrinks back to normal size and remains unconscious. The giant Grookey feels normal again and regains his respect for Jane. He coos at her and sits her on top of his head, though she is nervous to be up there. Grookey snatches up Lucario. He considers eating him, but it's all a bit too much, so he flings him into the forest. Jane says, "Maybe you should've just ate him." Grookey places Jane on the ground and shrinks back down.

The next day around noon, Jane is in the kitchen preparing lunch. Grookey sits on one shoulder. Sobble sits on the other. Jane's mother walks in. "Jane? I haven't heard from Laura or her parents lately, have you?" Jane looks at Sobble on her shoulder and pats him on the head. "Well as for Laura... Last I checked, she was heading down Sobble Tunnel." The mother responds, "Sobble Tunnel? I wonder where that could be?" The mother exits the kitchen. Jane says to Sobble, "That was your call, not mine. Apparently some Pokemon can do more than just dynamax... or you can, at least. Don't use that on me though. I wouldn't want you or Grookey to mistake me for a tasty bug. Hmm... I wonder if Sonia knows anything about this."
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