Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2199443-The-magic
by mike
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2199443
fantasy with a twist
Grandpa loved to tell his young granddaughter the story of the magic. Mary Elizabeth would sit on her grandfathers knee as he smoked his pipe, wisps of vapor flowed into the air engulfing them both in a gray mist.
"Grandpa I love you, and I love your stories, please tell me another one... Please!" Mary Elizabeth said, jumping up and down on her grandfathers knee.
"Well, let me see now; my memories starting to go Lizzy, but I'll tell you as much as I can remember."
"I was just a teenager, barely eighteen years old when my adventure began, oh it was a long, long time ago." He emphasized these words, and Mary Elizabeth's eyes took on a glow that reflected off of her grandfathers pipe as she listened intently.
" There was a spiritual, magical, fantastical feeling in the air, and everyone at the gathering could feel it and relish in it's glow.
Dragons and wizards seemed to be everywhere, casting their aura over us all, and although it was breathtaking, and almost frightening , none of us wanted it to end." A long drag, and a small hacking cough followed these words.
"There was music everywhere, it seemed to come up from the ground, or even down from heaven. And it went on for day's"
"Did you know where you were, and what was happening to you" Mary Elizabeth asked her grandfather.
"It seems so long ago now, But I can still remember how long it took to arrive at the place where the magic happened
The people that were enticed by the magic came from miles around, through hidden passageways, over mountaintops, down dusty roads, why it seemed like some even came down from Valhalla itself."
"Just like the children of the Pied Piper, everyone followed the music, we couldn't resist the power that drew us together."
"There were colors everywhere, the people all looked like beings from another realm, from another time. Dressed in bright colors of red and blue, of green and gold."
"Like gods our hero's came to enlighten us, to lift our spirits, and to change our lives." "One after another they came, some alone, others in groups, and it seemed to go on forever. I remember some of the gods were gentle, they eased our minds with hope and joy. While others screamed of how our lives could be, of what we needed to do to change not only ourselves but the world in which we lived."
" You seem tired Lizzy" grandpa said as he tenderly patted her on the head. "Time for bed I think." Grandpa said smiling down at Lizzy who"s eyes were starting to close.
"Ok, grandpa, just tell me a little more, please finish your story and then I promise to be a good girl and go right to bed."
"Oh Lizzy you're a wonder." grandpa said. "Ok listen, closely now, and try to stay awake.
"The true magic came on the last day, The ground was saturated, for the monsoons had churned up so much mud it seemed to drown us in it's wake. As we stared in wonder the most magical, wonderful magician of all appeared, and filled us to overflowing with his magic wand. This truly was a wizard the world had never seen the likes of before.. He electrified all who were there with his sword of peace. He wielded it in ways we had never seen before. Rainbows of the magical realms appeared before us as he lifted his scepter and sprinkled us all from above."
"Yes it truly was a magic time, and I truly believe the world will never see the likes of it again."
After his story had finished, Grandpa looked down at his Lizzy and smiled to find her fast asleep.
gently picking her up, he carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in for the night.
"Sleep tight Lizzy, and I will tell you more stories of my trip to Woodstock as long as you want to hear them, the magic will never die."

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