Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2204040-Tricks-and-Treats
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2204040
Three girls spend their last halloween together, with surprising consequences.
Tammy was playing with her friends from college, Jean and Hannah. They had just celebrated their 18th birthdays earlier in the year and were looking forward to spending Halloween together in their hometown for the last time.

“Hey you gonna go trick or treating tonight?” Tammy asked.

“Ahh don’t know. Don’t you think we're getting too old for that now?” Jean asked.

Tammy wasn’t discouraged. She said she was going to go trick treating. If they wanted to come that was cool. But she was gonna go anyways.

Jean and Hannah said they weren’t interested. That they were gonna hang out at Jean's older brother’s house tonight. They said Tammy could come by if she decided to change her mind.

The three girls walked home. Living nearby, they walked together.

As they walked, Tammy thought she saw something up ahead. Squinting in the sunlight she saw an older lady,, smoking a cigarette, looking at them.

“Hey check it out.”

Jean and Hannah who were busy talking among themselves asked Tammy what she was talking about. Tammy said to look up ahead saying they were being watched.

The two girls looked up the street. They didn’t see anything except the usual hedges, lawns and houses.

“Hey she’s gone!” Tammy said.

Tammy raced up ahead and looked around. “I swear she was right here!”

The other two weren’t impressed. They told Tammy “Sure she was! She vanished into thin air...”

Tammy made a face as they continued walking...

“I swear she was right there...”

As the girls walked off, they didn’t notice the lady in black standing behind them watching them, smoke curling around her and flaring out of her nostrils...

Watching her friends walk off, Tammy said goodbye to them and went inside her house. She lived at home with her Dad who was interstate on business. It was just her and Dad living here since her Mom died years back.

Entering the house, Tammy went to her room and put on some music.

The phone rang.

There was just one phone in the house, located in the lounge room.

Racing into the room, Tammy picked up the phone.


“Hello, anyone there?”

The line was silent.

Tammy hung up and was about to walk out of the room when the phone rang again.


Tammy heard deep breathing.


The deep breathing continued.

Tammy was about to slam the phone down when she heard a giggle. It was her friend Jean on the other end of the phone. “Bet I had you scared!”

Tammy laughed. “Yeah, you got me, I admit.”

They talked a bit. Jean said she was heading out in an hour or so. She reminded Tammy to join her and Hannah later at her brother’s place if she tired of trick or treating. Tammy said okay and went to shower.

As she stripped off and got underneath the nozzle and closed the door, Tammy failed to notice there was a lady in the backyard watching her through the window, puffing away on her cigarette, biding her time.

Night descended upon the town. It was a moonless night. The town's streets were illuminated by only the stars above and the occasional street light and Jack O'Lantern.

Standing before a mirror, Tammy looked at her reflection, checking out her costume.

She was dressed like a cowgirl, with chaps, boots, western shirt and hat. A toy gun completed the outfit, which hung in its holster.

Tammy got a bite to eat and then headed out. She carried a small bag, which she hoped to fill with candy. She had been trick or treating since she was a little girl. Just because she was 18 didn’t make any difference to her. Candy was candy.

As she locked up, Tammy noticed some parents and kids walk past. The kids dressed like goblins and ghosts. She remembered how she used to wear the same kind of outfit as a kid and laughed remembering.

Walking down the street, Tammy heard some commotion and paused. It sounded like something was behind the hedge. She waited and then yelled as a black cat jumped out.

“Whoa! Guess everyone's entitled to one good scare...” Tammy laughed as she headed into the night.

Walking around the neighborhood, Tammy collected candy. She was doing pretty well too. Her bag was half filled already.

Walking down a street without any working lights, she knocked on a door. A large older lady matted in fur, smoking a cigarette answered.

Tammy smiled. “Happy Halloween.”

The older lady puffed on her cigarette looking at the grinning girl standing before her. Dressed like a cowgirl, how cute, she thought to herself. She could see the smooth expanse of the girl's tanned chest visible through her shirt which hung open.

“Do you have any candy for me Ma’am?” Tammy asked.

The lady stood there smoking her cigarette harder.

She told the girl she had some treats and invited the girl into her house.

Tammy smiled and entered the house. She was so happy and excited. Wondering what kinds of treats the lady had for her?

Inside the house, the lady said she did have some candy, special candy. She asked Tammy if she wanted some and the girl smiled a big grin.

“Sure!” Tammy beamed.

The lady filled her bag with several treats and gave Tammy a great big lollipop. Tammy started sucking on it saying it was deee-licious as she started noticing all the cigarettes in the lady’s house.

“Sure is an interesting house you got.”

The lady asked Tammy if she smoked cigarettes.

Tammy shook her head no.


“No, never, ever,” Tammy replied.

The lady said she could show Tammy if she wanted?

Tammy kept licking and sucking the lollipop. Her body was itching and tingling all over. She noticed everything was getting brighter and beginning to spin, as a kaleidoscope of colors burst in her mind.

The lady pulled out a cigarette and steadied the swaying girl who kept sucking on the lollipop harder and harder.

“You want your first cigarette don’t you?”

Tammy shook her head up and down. “Yes please.”

“That’s a good girl.”

The lady grabbed her pack of Pall Malls and lighter.

“You got other friends trick or treating girl?”

Tammy said “No”. She told her she was the only one out tonight. Her friends were staying across the street in a house watching videos, scary videos.

“Do they like to be scared?” asked the lady, as she removed a cigarette.


“Well, won’t they be in for a treat tonight then.”

Across the street, Jean and Hannah were making popcorn in their pajamas. They had the whole house to themselves as Jean’s older brother, Ken, had gone out with her buddy Philip for the night.

“Hey you want to watch a scary movie?” Jean asked her friend.

“Um, how scary?” Hannah asked.

“Real scary!” Jean grinned.

“Groovy!” Hannah answered back as she said she would grab the popcorn and butter.

The two girls settled down on the floor after turning off the lights, plunging the entire house into darkness.

An hour later, the two girls sat there watching the movie spellbound. Little did they realize they weren’t alone. For over near the lawn hedge someone was watching them through a window.


The girls senses, heightened to the movie, heard the sound straight away.

“What was that?” Jean asked.

“Probably nothing, ignore it.”

Then they heard a creak on the stairs.

“Um, what was that?”

Hannah said she didn’t know. “Why don’t you go find out?”

Jean made a face and said there was no way she was going down there alone.
Hannah said okay and tried to concentrate on watching the movie.

Then Jean spoke, “Because you’re coming with me!”

Hannah looked back at her friend, “WHAT!?”

Hannah said there was no way she was getting up to check on the sound.

Jean wasn’t impressed

Hannah said she wasn’t budging. “If it bothers you so much, YOU go check it out.”

“You wuss!” Jean said as she got up and walked off.

Going down the stairs, Jean heard this heart thumping wildly in her chest. “I shouldn’t have watched that scary movie,” she thought to herself. “They always scare me…”

Walking down onto the landing, Jean’s heart stopped. The back door was open. Going up to it she peered out nervously and stood in the doorway listening to the wind blow.

Not seeing anything Jean shut the door and backed away into the darkness when a figure emerged from the shadows from behind and grabbed her.

Jean yelled and turned around.

Tammy spoke up “Sorry if I scared you.”

“Shit Tammy! Don’t scare me like that! What ya doing here anyways?”

Tammy reminded her that she said she come over after treat or treating.

Jean remembering nodded her head “Right, right. Ahh sorry...”

Tammy looked at her friend. Saw how nervous she was. “You alright? You seem on edge...”

Jean said she and Hannah had been watching a horror movie when they heard a noise. “Guess it got to me a bit.”

Then Tammy moved forward into the light. Jean screamed!!

In the living room, Hannah was getting scared watching the film listening to all the screaming. Not realizing that one scream she was hearing was all too real.

Back in the kitchen, Jean was shaking, “T-T-T-Tammy, is that really you?”

“Of course it is Jean, who else would it be?”

“But you look so different…”

“Oh no, this is the real me - I’m a smoker!! Now it’s your turn!!” and gave an evil laugh that chilled Jean to the bone.

Jean looked at Tammy in shock. Her friend now had long hair past her shoulders, her blouse hung open showing her bra and she was puffing on a cigarette.

Realizing she had to try and escape, Jean tried to get past Tammy but it was useless. Tammy grabbed her, forcing a cigarette in her mouth, blowing smoke directly into her face.

The world screeched to a halt for Jean. She had no choice but to breathe in the smoke. She found her eyes were focused on the smoke pouring out of Tammy’s cigarette and her own.

Inside she wanted to scream. To move her legs and run back and warn Hannah. Instead she stood there overpowered and overwhelmed.

Tammy leaned in and filled her friend’s body with thick smoke, laughing as tears fell from Jean’s eyes.

“Breathe it in girl. You live for smoke. Your new body needs it.”

A moan fell from Jean’s lips as she felt Tammy taking a fistful of her hair and curling it in her fingers. She felt Tammy press against her smooth face. Her tongue pushing into her mouth as she pumped nose jets of smoke repeatedly at Jean.

Cigarettes. Smoke.
It was a crescendo of different emotions and experiences for Jean.

And then Jean, mindless and a tool for the cigarette, kissed Tammy back. She needed more smoke. She wanted it so bad.

She looked at Tammy. She felt good. Really good. She wanted to be the same.

Pulling back, Tammy just said, “Welcome!”

“Where have you been?” Hannah asked as she heard Jean walk back in. “Looking for your ghost if you remember” and gave a deep laugh which Hannah failed to realize wasn’t normal for Jean.

“Just trying to spook you,” Hannah said as she laughed.

“Well there was someone there actually,” Jean replied. “Tammy came over and brought the candy she had collected,” Jean said as she handed Hannah a lollipop.

Hannah took the lollipop and placed it in her mouth.

A short time later, Hannah sat there sniffing the air, “Is something burning? I can smell smoke.”

“It’s just Tammy’s and my cigarettes. Nothing to worry about,” Jean answered.

“Oh ok then,” Hannah answered. Then suddenly realized what Jean had said and turned round to see her two friends looking very different. Both stood in front of her, with cigarettes dangling from their lips.

She managed a “What the f…” before the effects of the smoke took over and she fell back feeling dizzy and disorientated.

“What have you done with Tammy and Jean? Where are my friends?” Hannah said confused.

“We ARE your friends and very soon you’ll understand everything,” Tammy said, “I’m sure you feel different yourself already...”

Hannah thinking fast got up and rushed for the door, pushing past Jean and Tammy. She had just opened it when she collided with someone. Looking up Hannah gulped. Standing in front of her was a woman, all in black. The lady wore black latex and had a smoldering cigarette between her lips.

“You must be Hannah?” the lady grinned as she came in and locked the door behind her.

Hannah backed away and fell to the floor.

“Let me go please! I haven’t done anything to hurt anyone, please let me go,” and began crying.

The mysterious woman picked Hannah up, forced a cigarette between her lips and lit her up.

Hannah stood there with a look of horror etched on her face. This can’t be happening she screamed inside. But it was. Hannah stood there and in frustration took her first puff on the cigarette.

There seemed to be an explosion of light surrounding Hannah as she took the first mouthful of smoke. Her fear caused the effects to act very quickly and soon she too was proudly standing there puffing on her cigarette and rubbing her chest and face.

Hannah looked back at the lady who was grinning back at her.

“Enjoying yourself girl? Look at this,” as she leaned over and smoke-fed Tammy and Jean.

Hannah changed fully, Tammy and Jean went up and hugged Hannah and all three girls sat and finished watching the film, smoking their cigarettes and cuddled up together.

As the girls enjoyed their new shared habit, the woman disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
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